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Big Data: Vortrag von Victor Mayer-Schönberger


„Big Data“ –immer häufiger hört man davon, aber nur wenige können sich darunter konkret etwas vorstellen. Der Unternehmer und Forscher am Oxford Internet Institute, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, hat einen Beststeller zum Thema geschrieben: „Big Data: Die Revolution, die unser Leben verändern wird“. Bei einem Vortrag bei Microsoft Berlin erläuterte der Autor den Begriff Big Data und machte an zahlreichen Beispielen deutlich, wie sehr unser Alltag bereits heute von der Analyse großer Datenmengen beeinflusst wird. Durch die Auswertung einer großen Zahl von Daten können wir bessere Entscheidungen treffen, weil wir dadurch die Wirklichkeit besser verstehen können, so Viktor Mayer-Schönberger.

Die Muster und Korrelationen, die man aus den Daten gewinnt, liefern neuartige Erkenntnisse – sagen uns aber nicht, warum etwas geschieht, sondern nur, dass etwas geschieht. Beispielsweise kann die Software Farecast durch die schiere Datenmasse vorhersagen, wann Flugtickets am günstigsten sein werden. Warum das so ist, dazu kann Big Data keine Aussage treffen.

Mayer-Schönberger ging auch auf die Schattenseiten der Datensammlung ein. „George Orwell lässt grüßen: immer mehr Informationen über uns werden gespeichert und ausgewertet“, so der Autor. Big Data-Algorithmen können voraussagen, was jemand tun wird. Diese Auswertungen könnten beispielsweise die Verbrechensbekämpfung stark beeinflussen.

Mayer-Schönberger forderte, dass Unternehmen, aber auch Nutzer verantwortlich mit Daten umgehen. Ebenso bedürfe es Algorithmiker, also Experten, die fähig sind, die immer komplexeren Korrelationen aus Big Data auszuwerten. Er warnte zudem vor einer Konzentration von Daten und einer Monopolisierung von Dateninfrastrukturen. 

Staaten sind beim Datenschutz gefordert

Der Autor führte aus, dass Staaten eine Bringschuld bei der Regulierung von Big Data hätten, da Nutzer sich nicht immer selbst schützen können. In Bereichen wie der Lebensmittelkontrolle oder der Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr könnten sich Bürger wie selbstverständlich darauf verlassen, dass der Staat sich kümmere. Beim komplexen Thema Datenschutz könne dem Nutzer nicht zu viel zugemutet werden, zumal er schon heute immer weniger Kontrolle über seine Daten habe.

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger schloss mit der Forderung, dass bei aller Technologie Raum für Irrationales, Kreativität und Entscheidungen gegen den Strom bleiben müsse. Denn auch Daten würden teilweise unvollständig bleiben. Deshalb müsse immer der Mensch Herr über die Technologie bleiben.

Mit seinem mitreißenden Vortrag hat Viktor Mayer-Schönberger das Publikum in den Bann gezogen, wie auch die anschließende vom rbb-Moderator Sven Oswald geleitete Diskussion gezeigt hat. In weiteren Veranstaltungen unserer Lesereihe bei Microsoft Berlin wollen wir künftig weitere spannende Themen mit Ihnen diskutieren.

Posted by Henrik Tesch
Direktor Politik und gesellschaftliches Engagement, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

OneDrive er offisielt lansert!


    Nå er OneDrive offisielt lansert! Oppdateringen inkluderer automatisk kameraopplasting fra Android-enheter, nye måter å kjøpe og oppnå gratis lagring, enklere å se og dele videoer, og full støtte for samhandling og sanntidsredigering i Office Online.

    Vi har OneDrive apper for alle plattformer, så dette er en tjeneste alle og enhver kan bruke til å lagre alt de måtte ønske uavhengig av hvilke dingser de foretrekker å bruke. Mer informasjon om endringene kan dere lese om i den offisielle bloggposten her.


    Microsoft Action Pack-Abonnement (MAPS) reloaded!




    Lange haben wir drauf gewartet, jetzt ist es da: das neue Microsoft Action Pack-Abonnement! Dieses vereint gewohnte on premise Software mit zukunftsweisender Cloud-Technologie. Das neue MAPS ist eine Verschmelzung aus den ehemaligen MAPS-Versionen Development & Design und Solution Provider mit dem Cloud Essentials-Programm.

    Neben dem Zugriff auf Cloud-IURs, erhalten Sie 5 Advisory Hours nach dem ersten abgeschlossenen Cloud-Deal, können in 10 unternehmenskritischen Vorfällen den Microsoft Support zu Rate ziehen und haben Zugriff auf sechs Ressourcencenter mit den Themenschwerpunkten Reselling, Application Design & Development, Professional Services, Hosting, Managed Services, Devices Design & Deployment  im Partner Portal. Diese sind nach Geschäftsfelder ausgerichtet und bündeln verfügbare Leistungen aus dem MPN, wie Trainings, Marketing- und Vertriebsmaterialien, Pinpoint, IURs, etc. Schauen Sie selbst nach, es lohnt sich! Denn so wissen Sie in Kürze, welche unterstützenden Leistungen Ihr Business nach vorne bringen.

    Damit die Lizenzvergabe im Unternehmen und das Handling der IURs durch MAPs leichter gelingen, haben wir für Sie den Programm Administrator Guide bereitgestellt. Leider kann es im Zuge der Umstellung des Action Pack zu leichten Verzögerungen kommen. Wir bitten dies zu Entschuldigen

    Wenn Sie darüber hinaus weitere Fragen haben, laden wir Sie herzlich zu unserem MAPS-Webinar am 20. März 2014 ein. Dort haben Sie die Chance Ihre Anliegen direkt mit einem Ansprechpartner des Microsoft Partner Network zu klären. Außerdem haben Sie jederzeit die Möglichkeit sich mit individuelle Fragen zu Ihrem Microsoft Action Pack Abonnement telefonisch unter der Nummer 0180 6 302525* an das Regional Service Center (RSC) zu wenden.


    * 0,20 Euro pro Anruf aus dem deutschen Festnetz. Aus den Mobilfunknetzen höchstens 0,60 Euro pro Anruf.



    Interview Wiki Ninja Rodrigo Romano


    Hello community Wiki Ninjas.

    Today is Monday, the day of Interview Wiki Ninja.

    Our interviewee is Rodrigo Romano.

    He is a member of the community since July 23 of 2009.

    Author of the article featured SharePoint 2013: Farm Solutions versus Apps in the home of the Technet Wiki Brazil.

    Forum Moderator from SharePoint MSDN Community.

    Let's meet Rodrigo Romano.

    Who are you?


    My name is Rodrigo A. Romano. I'm from São Caetano do Sul - SP. Manager specialist SharePoint in TOTVS Consulting. Specializing in consulting area of TOTVS.

    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rodrigo-romano/16/1/835

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rodrigo_Romano

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RodrigoAlvesRomano

    Blog: http://rodrigoromano.net

    SharePointers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sharepointers/

    My blog is the place that I update more frequently. I divulge my personal experiences experienced during the projects, troubleshooting tips and information relevant to the community and more. The hint is in the SharePointers group. Group of the biggest influencers of SharePoint. Used to disseminate content and technology-related information. You are welcome to join the group.

    What are the technologies you specialize in?

    I specialize in SharePoint products and technologies.

    For this reason I know other technologies that involve SharePoint, such as:

    SQL Server

    AD - Active Directory


    IIS-Internet Information Service

    Network infrastructure

    How did you learn about TechNet Wiki?

    I knew about the TechNet Wiki as soon as it was released. I noticed several posts of evangelizers and influencers at Microsoft talking about the subject. At the time it generated some curiosity.

    What was your first collaboration on TechNet Wiki?

    If I'm not mistaken, my first contribution was Como lidar com listas grandes no SharePoint 2010 published in (2014/04/16).


     In what other communities do you contribute?

    As I mentioned, the place that contribute is my blog. I am a moderator of the MSDN Forum for SharePoint. It is very common to find me there, exercising moderation activities or answering questions from the community.

    I contribute to the portal Linha de Código and to Stackoverflow.

    It's amazing how to answer the questions of the staff, help in strengthening and consolidation of its knowledge. The feeling of accomplishment when somebody replies: "thanks! My question was answered! "is amazing.

    Keep also projects on Codeplex:



    What are your big projects right now?

    I created a Framework to help bring developers of other technologies for SharePoint. I did some tests with people who neither knew the platform and to the time they start producing efficiently has been reduced drastically.

    Plan to consolidate these methods and create a guide/training to help form these developers more effectively.

     How does the TechNet Wiki fit in your work?

    I use basically the same way that led me to create and maintain my personal blog: publish articles that can help me in the future, in any reference or even in their own content.

    Always consult these articles to help me in any work activity, they are like an extension of my memory.

    What interests you about the TechNet Wiki?

    The scope and mainly the possibility of involving the contribution of others.

    I think that the main advantage compared to the blog: the text is alive and dynamic.

    The updated content to help a larger number of people.

     What are your favorite articles in the TechNet Wiki Community?

    We always have a special relationship with the first.

    Criar e Importar Thesaurus - SharePoint 2013


    Instalar o SharePoint 2010 no Windows 8


    Farm Solutions x Apps - SharePoint 2013


    Instalar o SharaPoint 2010 Farm Mode no Windows 7


    Entendendo a estrutura de eventos recorrentes no SharePoint


    Who impressed you in the TechNet Wiki Community?

    For me, I believe the major reference is Hezequias Vasconcelos (and it wasn't because he did this interview with me!):)

    All kidding aside, we were involved in other activities, or even by contributions on the blog and it's always good to see people contributing so assiduously to improve or to help in the knowledge of other people.

    In fact, looking at the evolution of his contributions, I was amazed!

     He inspires everyone to be involved with the community.

    I would like to congratulate all the people involved in this project of TW who contribute on a voluntary basis with the entire community.

    I invite the community to offer congratulations to Rodrigo Romano.

    Our objective, which is to help people in the quest for knowledge, is completed by the actions from our vast community.

    Thanks for all your contributions!

    Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos

    Microsofts VD om resan mot molnet på Dustin Expo


    Förutom att ägna sin tid åt att bygga extrema datorer och att göda ett brinnande intresse för datorspel är Jonas Persson VD för Microsoft AB. Microsoft har vunnit utmärkelsen Sveriges bästa arbetsplats tre år i rad och en av nyckelfaktorerna är konceptet med Det Nya Arbetslivet, även kallat DNA. Jonas har bjudits in som talare på Dustin Expo den 27 mars där han berättar om hur DNA har påverkat hans arbete och vardag samt vilka möjligheter som uppstår när ett företag flyttar till modern it:

    • Vad är nyttan för it-avdelningen?
    • Hur kan det öka företagets produktivitet och attraktionskraft?
    • Vilka krav ställs på företagsledningen när arbetet inte längre är en plats, utan något du gör?

    Jonas berättar också om de stora megatrenderna kring it och tar upp några praktiska exempel på hur de har påverkat svenska företag.

    Läs mer om Dustin Expo och anmäl dig på http://expo.dustin.se/sv/foretagsbesokare/nyheter/

    Är du journalist och vill besöka Dustin Expo anmäler du dig här http://expo.dustin.se/sv/press/pressacreditering/ 

    Segunda-Feira - Entrevista com Júlio Battisti

    Olá comunidade Wiki Ninjas Brasil.

    Hoje é Segunda-Feira, dia da nossa Entrevista Wiki Ninjas.

    Nossa entrevista é especial e, vai falar com nada mais, nada menos que Júlio Battisti.

    Ele é um dos profissionais mais respeitados quando o assunto é tecnologia Microsoft.

    Destaque na home page oficial da Microsoft como o MVP Insider: Júlio Battisti.

    Autor de vários artigos de infraestrutura de redes e tecnologias Microsoft para Ecode10: http://www.ecode10.com/autor/853/Julio-Battisti

    Possui várias bibliografias indicadas pelo Microsoft Technet para os profissionais de TI: http://technet.microsoft.com/pt-br/library/dd569831.aspx

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/juliobattisti

    Vamos conhecer um pouco mais sobre Júlio Battisti.

    Quem é você, de onde você é e o que você faz?

    Natural de Boqueirão do Leão/RS, Júlio Battisti é Formado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria(RS). Profissional certificado Microsoft (MCSE 2000 e 2003, MCSA 2000 e 2003, MCSD, MCP, MCP+I, MCSE, MCSE+I, MCDBA), aprovado em 31 exames oficiais de certificação Microsoft. Foi professor substituto no Colégio Técnico da UFSM e em cursos de Informática e preparatórios para concursos, lecionando as disciplinas Matemática e Raciocínio Lógico. Também é instrutor de Informática para turmas de diversas empresas, em assuntos como tecnologia e produtos de infra-estrutura e desenvolvimento Microsoft, SQL Server 2000, ASP.NET e Windows 2000 Server, TCP/IP, Redes, Microsoft Access, VBA e Windows XP. É Técnico da Receita Federal desde 1995. Exerce as seguintes funções: Gerente Local do Ambiente Cliente/Servidor, Administrador Lotus Notes, Gestor Local de Segurança e Webmaster, responsável pela Intranet da Delegacia. Também é responsável pelo treinamento técnico.

    Autor de 31 Livros na Área de TI, sendo o de maior sucesso até hoje o livro: Windows Server 2003 – Curso Completo, 1476 páginas, o qual bateu na casa dos 25.000 Exemplares Vendidos.

    Criador e responsável pelo conteúdo e manutenção dos sites:

    www.juliobattisti.com.br e www.certificacoes.com.br.

    O portal www.juliobattisti.com.br disponibiliza cursos gratuitos e pagos, artigos técnicos, artigos sobre carreira e trabalho, dicas de livros e tutoriais de informática. Atualmente criou sua própria editora (Instituto Alpha), em parceria com o seu colega Sílvio Ferreira, através da qual já tem 10 livros publicados e uma previsão de mais 9 livros a serem publicados em 2014, dentre eles o Windows Server 2012 R2 - Guia Completo de Estudos, o qual terá cerca de 1600 páginas.

    Quais são as tecnologias de sua especialidade?

    Office, Programação VBA e VB.NET, Windows Server, SQL Server, Marketing Digital e de Afiliados.

    Na sua opinião: Qual o valor da comunidade Microsoft TechNet e MSDN para os profissionais de TI?

    Excelente plataforma para troca de informações e disponibiliza conteúdos diferenciados e relevantes. Um diferencial e tanto.

    Qual foi a sua primeira colaboração nas tecnologias Microsoft?

    Publicação de conteúdo gratuito em http://www.juliobattisti.com.br/artigos, sobre Windows Server, TCP/IP, SQL Server, Excel, Access, VBA, etc. Hoje já são mais de 75.000 páginas de conteúdo inteiramente gratuito.

    Em quais locais, costuma contribuir para o conhecimento dos profissionais de TI nas tecnologias Microsoft?

    Facebook, Youtube, Google+ e no meu site.

    Quais são os seus grandes projetos agora?

    9 Novos livros até o final de 2014 ( Access Avançado, A Bíblia do Access, Excel Avançado, A Bíblia do Excel, SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2012, Segurança no Windows 8, Windows 8 Para Usuários Avançados e Gerentes de Redes, Programação VBA no Access 2010, Programação VBA no Excel 2010), criação de assinaturas pagas ao conteúdo produzido pelo Júlio Battisti, novos cursos online, um cluster de vários novos sites/blogs de nicho, plataforma de afiliados do site, etc.

    A base de conhecimento fornecida pela comunidade TechNet e MSDN se encaixa no seu trabalho? Se sim. Porquê?

    Sim, pois acesso a comunidade diariamente para ler artigos, tirar dúvidas e fazer os cursos gratuitos online.

    O que mais lhe interessa na comunidade TechNet Wiki?

    O Excelente conteúdo que é disponibilizado.

    Entre os artigos que escreveu indique seus favoritos?

    Esta é uma questão difícil, pois são mais de 2500 artigos. Gosto muito dos artigos sobre TCP/IP e sobre o Windows Server 2003 (só aí são mais de 250 artigos/lições).

    Quem o impressionou na comunidade Microsoft Technet e MSDN. Porquê?

    Ninguém em especial. O grande destaque é para a comunidade como um todo.

    Convido a comunidade a dar os parabéns a Júlio Battisti.

    Muito obrigado.

    E até a próxima oportunidade.

    Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos

    Die Teilnahme an Premier Workshops zahlt sich aus!


    Bei unseren Microsoft Services Premier Workshops haben Sie die Möglichkeit die neuen Microsoft Technologien live und hands-on kennen zu lernen. Unter Anleitung unserer erfahrenen Experten können Sie in den mehrtägigen, praxisorientiertem Veranstaltungen Ihr Wissen erweitern.

    Schauen Sie auf unsere Website, wo Sie einen Überblick über die geplanten Workshops finden – aber auch nach Technologien suchen können: http://www.microsoft.com/de-at/services/PremierWorkshops.aspx

    Allein in März haben wir 6 verschiedene Workshops für Sie, die Themen von Security, SQL Server 2012, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager über Office 365 und Windows 8 Development abdecken…

    Bei Fragen oder Anregungen wenden Sie sich gerne per Email unter atpremev@microsoft.com an uns.

    Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

    Ihr Microsoft Services Premier Team

    Optimise your work-life balance with the IT Balanced Scorecard!


    Many large successful organisations including Microsoft use the Balanced Scorecard developed by Norton & Kaplan to monitor performance of their businesses, so is there something we can learn from this technique to get better at what we do in the IT industry?

    I think there is but before I get to that, what is it and what makes it different from other techniques?  The key is in the title - it’s all about balance and where some organisations pursue one set of goals to the exclusion of all others, the balance scorecard looks at the wider aspect of what success looks like.  In an imaginary company we might define the following key areas we need to focus on to ensure it’s continued existence:

    • Profit. Enough said
    • Operational Excellence means that we are using the revenue efficiently, even charities have a duty of care to be efficient and pass on as much of the revenue they get to the cause they are supporting.
    • People are the most important resource we have and ensuring that we recruit the best, and retain them is essential.
    • Research and Development. No organisation has a permanent technical edge only a short time before any innovation is coped and maybe even bettered, so without R&D a company will sink into obscurity.

    What is important with this list is that only focusing on one or two of these areas will cause problems, however rather than discuss the workings of big business let’s apply this technique to ourselves. I am not going to pretend I know what’s important for you so I am going to share my goals that I used in a recent internal career discussion:

    1. Earnings and Expenditure.  I do like my gadgets, nice holidays, and I need to ensure I can have a comfortable retirement.

    2. Career. I am on career no 3 at Microsoft, and I have already posted on how to find your happy place at work.

    3. Health. You can’t earn or advance your career if you aren’t well.

    4. Personal Life.  While we all now people who have no life out of work, we are social animals who generally want to support each other.

    You may have a different view on what matters to you and you could sub divide these categories to come up with 5 or six areas not four.  However what matters is maintaining that balance across these for example while working hard will help the bank balance and the career your health may suffer, and you may loose contact with family and friends. Within each of these you will have Key Performance indicators and by key I mean just a few (Microsoft has 32 for it’s entire operation).  If I look at what matters to me then I get something like this:


    Balance over the right time span is important in that , we can probably work flat out on a project for 10-12 weeks with no sleep and surviving on junk food but much longer than this, what will impact our health and actually mean that our work is less effective.  Any good IT manager knows this and will force over stretched staff to take time out.  So If I look at my KPIs over a quarter then I can see where I need to focus going forward and then decide on how to move the dials:

    • If it’s my career that needs attention then I might come up with some cunning plan to delight my boss as we have in this months TechNet newsletter. 
    • We can all get better at managing our finances and I would defer to Alvin Hall where I rely on the fact that my wife is a forensic accountant. 
    • My success criteria for my social life are eccentric as I do rather than watch strictly ballroom and I don’t have any children of my own so your metrics will be very different. 
    • For health I am a firm believer in science and I am ore inclined to trust the New Scientist here rather than TV or the popular press. Top tips are having a month a year off of alcohol, combined with locally sources food and 600 cal fast days.

    As you can see I am not qualified to help you with three of the four quadrants on your scorecard however If you would like help with the career stuff then we are hosting three evenings in London to get you thinking about your next role. 

    Just check out my Careers advice for the IT Professional post for additional career related info and further information on our career evenings.

    Exchange 2003 Support läuft im April 2014 aus


    Nun geht es auch Exchange 2003 an den Kragen. Der Support läuft am 8. April 2014 aus.

    Es wäre daher Zeit auf Exchange 2010 zu migrieren- wie schon lange in diesem Artikel empfohlen: Time to Move from Exchange 2003

    Wie uns das Lifecycle Formular nun auch bekannt gibt, läuft der Support am 8. April 2014 nun aus: Lifecycle

    Ny SCSM erfa-gruppe for it-beslutningstagere


    Vær med fra start, når Coretech, Microsoft og solvo it slår dørene op for en helt ny erfa-gruppe om Microsoft System Center Service Manager (SCSM). Du får inputs til at øge forretningsværdien i din SCSM-løsning, og hører om de sidste nye trends fra oplægsholdere, der brænder for produktet. Du får også mulighed for at udveksle erfaringer om SCSM med andre it-folk, der allerede bruger SCSM - eller overvejer at gøre det.

    Gruppen giver dig ny viden om SCSM
    Formålet med erfa-gruppen er at udbrede viden om SCSM og sikre, at produktet gør mest mulig gavn i praksis. Det faglige program vil veksle mellem relevante oplæg om SCSM og diskussioner af praktiske erfaringer og udfordringer med produktet. Aktuelle fokusområder kunne blandt andet være Asset Management, Knowledge Management, automatisering, tredjepartsprodukter samt erfaringsoplæg.

    Du påvirker selv gruppens form og indhold
    Du bidrager selv til at sætte rammen for gruppen på det konstituerende gruppemøde den 13. marts 2014. For at sikre, at alle deltagere får taletid, vil der maksimalt være 20 personer i gruppen. Ved mere end 20 tilmeldinger, etablerer vi flere sideordnede grupper, der fungerer på samme præmisser. Der vil fremover være tre halvdags møder i gruppen om året. De vil blive holdt på både Sjælland og i Jylland.

    Har du spørgsmål til gruppen?
    Kontakt gerne Marie Büchert fra solvo it på tlf. 70 20 55 90 eller mb@solvoit.com.

    Det er gratis at deltage.

    Læs mere og tilmeld dig her.

    Unable to open Office files from SharePoint site



    When trying to open an Office file within the client application from a SharePoint site, nothing happens.

    The file does not open and no error message is presented.


    This issue is seen when an Office 2013 product such as Lync, Project, Visio is installed and Office 2010 is install on the same machine and the SharePoint Foundation Support enabled on both

    SOLUTION 1: 


    • Using Control Panel, Programs and Features window, locate existing instance of Office 2013 application, select it and click on  Change button.
    • In the “Change your installation of …” window, select the “Add or Remove Features” option and click Continue.
    • Expand the “Office Tools”, select “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support” and then select the “Not Available” option, Click  Continue.

    • Once the change process is complete, click the Office 2010 instance and choose “Change”
    • In the “Change your installation of …” window, select the “Repair” option and click Continue.
    • Once Repair complete, Restart your computer

    NOTE:  This solution doesn't apply to scenarios when the following 2013 applications are installed:  SharePoint Designer, OneNote or InfoPath

    To  open an Office file in the client when SharePoint Designer, OneNote or InfoPath is installed, go into the registry by typing regedit from the Run line and rename the SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5 key (ex. SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5.x) under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

    ** This key will be added back to the registry anytime you run a Repair/Update of the Office 2013 program and will be have to renamed/deleted again.

    "To export a list, you must have a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible application."



    You receive message "To export a list, youmusthave a MicrosoftSharePointFoundation-compatible application"  when trying to export a list from SharePoint.


    You have multiple versions of Office installed on your workstation (Office 2013 and Office 2010  or Office 2007).

    SOLUTION 1: 


    • Using Control Panel, Programs and Features window, locate existing instance of Office 2013 application, select it and click on  Change button.
    • In the “Change your installation of …” window, select the “Add or Remove Features” option and click Continue.
    • Expand the “Office Tools”, select “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support” and then select the “Not Available” option, Click  Continue.

    • Once the change process is complete, click the Office 2007 or Office 2010 instance and choose “Change”
    • In the “Change your installation of …” window, select the “Repair” option and click Continue.
    • Once Repair complete, Restart your computer

    NOTE:  This solution doesn't apply to scenarios when the following 2013 applications are installed:  SharePoint Designer, OneNote or InfoPath

    To  export a list from SharePoint when SharePoint Designer, OneNote or InfoPath is installed, go into the registry by typing regedit from the Run line and rename the SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5 key (ex. SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5.old) under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

    ** This key will be added back to the registry anytime you run a Repair/Update of the Office 2013 program and will be have to renamed/deleted again.


    "The Webpage cannot be displayed" when trying to open/edit an Office file from a SharePoint 2013 site





    When opening an Office file from a SharePoint 2013 site, you receive a message “The Webpage cannot be displayed” also in the address bar you will see the following:

    Excel  -  ms-excel:ofv|u|https://abc.sharepoint.com/Shared Documents/Excelfile.xlsx

    Word  -   ms-word:ofe|u|https://abc.sharepoint.com/Shared Documents/Wordfile.docx




    This issue is seen when multiple versions of Office are installed on the same system and the SharePoint Foundation Support is enabled on both:

     Office 2013 including products such as Lync, Project, Visio and Office 2010 or Office 2007

    SOLUTION 1: (When Office 2007 is present)

    • Using Control Panel, Programs and Features window, locate existing instance of Office 2013 application, select it and click on  Change button.
    • In the “Change your installation of …” window, select the “Add or Remove Features” option and click Continue.
    • Expand the “Office Tools”, select “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support” and then select the “Not Available” option, Click  Continue.

    • Once the change process is complete, click the Office 2007 instance and choose “Change”
    • In the “Change your installation of …” window, select the “Repair” option and click Continue.
    • Once Repair complete, Restart your computer

    NOTE:  This solution doesn't apply to scenarios when the following 2013 applications are installed:  SharePoint Designer, OneNote or InfoPath

    To open the Office 2007 files in this scenario, go into the registry by typing regedit from the Run line and rename the SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5 key (ex. SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5.old) under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

    ** This key will be added back to the registry anytime you run a Repair/Update of the Office 2013 program and will be have to renamed/deleted again.

      (When 2010 is present)

    "This file cannot be saved because some properties are missing or invalid"



    "This file cannot be saved because some properties are missing or invalid" message when a user is trying to save a Word document with a Quick part, back to a SharePoint site, when the quick part has line breaks in the multi-line column content type.


    The problem is seen after installing an update to Office 2010 and the version of Office is 14.0.7102.5004 or higher.


    Install hotfix per article 2878228  - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2878228

    The resolution is also included in the February 2014 Cumulative update for MSO.dll.



    Tao Yang’s Self-Maintenance management pack for OpsMgr 2012



    Tao has updated his MP.  This is a really cool concept of taking some of the most common issues, misconfigurations, and errors that occur with SCOM 2012, and creating a management pack to watch for them.

    His most current MP as of this post is http://blog.tyang.org/2014/02/23/opsmgr-2012-self-maintenance-management-pack-update-version-2-3-0-0/

    If you want to better understand what his MP is looking for, check out some of the previous posts:



    There is a link on his blog to download it and it comes with documentation on how to use it.  Very nice community MP that you should consider checking out for your deployments.  Also follow his blog if you don’t already, there is TONS of good stuff there.

    Microsoft julkisti uusia Windows Phone -laitekumppaneita ja tulevia Windows-päivityksiä


    Microsoftin Joe Belfiore ja Nick Parker kertoivat Windows- sekä Windows Phone -käyttöjärjestelmien kasvunäkymistä Mobile World Congress -tapahtumassa Barcelonassa eilen.

    Windows Phonen osalta Microsoft julkisti uusia laitekumppaneita. Samalla esiteltiin uusi Windows-laitekumppaniportaali, joka tarjoaa OEM- ja ODM-kumppaneille työkaluja ja sisältöjä Windows Phone -laitteiden kehittämiseen ja markkinointiin. Microsoft tekee myös yhteistyötä Qualcomm Technologies -yhtiön kanssa auttaakseen valmistajia kehittämään Windows Phone -laitteita Qualcomm Reference Design (QRD) -ohjelman puitteissa.

    Belfiore kertoi myös keväällä tulevasta Windows 8.1 -päivityksestä, joka mahdollistaa kumppaneille edullisempien Windows-laitteiden valmistuksen. Lisäksi päivitys tuo käyttöliittymään parannuksia, jotka luontevasti yhdistävät kosketuksen ja työpöydän erityisesti hiirtä ja näppäimistöä käytettäessä. Yritysasiakkaille suunnattuja tukipalveluita ja ominaisuuksia parannetaan, muun muassa IE8-yhteensopivutta Internet Explorer 11 -verkkoselaimessa.

    Katso Belfioren puheenvuoro ja lue lisää Windows Phone -blogista sekä lehdistötiedotteesta.

    Prompted for Username/Password when Opening Excel files from PeopleSoft or SAP



    When opening Excel files from PeopleSoft or SAP, users are prompted to enter username/password. 

    It is not possible to enter correct credentials because user does not have access to those folders

    If the Cancel button is selected then file is opened as read-only.


    Office cannot determine if the file can be authored on the webserver or not due to invalid responses to the OPTIONS and PROPFIND WebDAV calls made by the Office application and/or the webclient service.

    This does not occur when using Mozilla Firefox, nor did it occur with computers running Office 2003 on Windows XP.


    Configure the server to respond to the OPTIONS and PROPFINDS WebDAV call with a 405 (Not allowed).

    NOTE: Another solution is to disable the WebClient service in its entirety. However, this will be problematic if you use both PeopleSoft and Sharepoint are in the same environment. For Sharepoint, you want the webserver to process the WebDAV HTTP methods issued by Excel. For PeopleSoft, you do not.
    Another solution recommended by Microsoft is to disable the OPTIONS and PROPFIND methods on your webserver if WebDAV is not applicable.

    This is fairly straightforward for IIS. However, it is not so simple when dealing with PeopleSoft (Weblogic or Websphere).

    For these PeopleTools releases, the OPTIONS and PROPFIND requests return a 200 and/or 302 code rather than 405. Despite a valid return code of 200, the response content isn't what Excel is expecting. Thus, it continues to throw an authentication dialog.  

    Partner Practice Enablement: Windows Azure Technical Training - delivered online thoughout the month of March


    Lue lisää liitteestä ja ilmoittaudu mukaan!

    Microsoft and its partners showcase mobility solutions at HIMSS14 Annual Conference & Exhibition


    The following post is from Dr. Dennis Schmuland, Chief Health Strategy Officer, U.S. Health and Life Sciences, Microsoft.

    This week, we are at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's (HIMSS) 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition in Orlando, Fla., showing off the innovative ways our partners and customers are using technology to transform the healthcare industry. With the use of mobile devices, social apps, cloud services, and big data and analytics, healthcare providers are able to offer patients better care and lower costs.

    Together with some of our partners in the industry, Microsoft on Monday announced new electronic medical record (EMR) apps and solutions on Windows 8.1, Surface and Windows Embedded technology that make better and more streamlined care a reality. This includes our work with leading EMR vendors like Epic’s Hyperspace 2014 app for clinicians. With massive EMR investments and increased EMR adoption now becoming the standard, these new apps on clinical grade devices will enable mobile, multi-disciplinary care teams to more quickly and easily communicate with each other and access their full function EMRs from anywhere at any time. We’re seeing significant uptake of the move to these types of solutions because they help make clinicians more productive on the move. This allows clinicians to spend more time caring for their patients and less time juggling multiple devices and workstations.

    And it’s not only about EMR integration on mobile tablets, as critical as that is. We see true transformation in the remote consultations and care being delivered to patients. For example, alongside AirStrip, we are demonstrating revolutionary point-of-care solutions like the AirStrip ONE Cardiology app, which allows clinicians the ability to read EKG data from an FDA-cleared app for Windows 8.1 tablets, workstations and Windows Phone 8 devices. This powerful tool lets clinicians access AirStrip ONE Cardiology both within and beyond a hospital’s walls, which can have an immediate impact on saving lives and reducing costs.

    The incentives for positively impacting health through technologies like Microsoft have never been greater. Health organizations’ revenues are expected to fall significantly over the next 10 years and organizations are getting paid to keep patients healthy, rather than getting paid for the services they provide. Add to that the fact that consumers are becoming more engaged in their health, seeking new ways to better understand and protect their health, and you have true ingredients for change.

    As we look at the current landscape, it’s safe to say we are seeing some noteworthy themes. From an increase in EMR integration on clinical grade tablets to an improvement in real-time analytics that is driving down costs, readmission rates and unnecessary waste, it’s clear that technology and policy are rapidly aligning to transform both the practice of medicine and the patient experience. There is no better time to be part of this transformation.

    Microsoft remains a committed partner to the healthcare industry, providing critical technology solutions that keep patient data safe and streamline processes to improve the health care experience for all. To that end, Microsoft is committed to carrying out an audacious mission that we cannot accomplish alone:

    To collaborate and innovate with industry, academic and government leaders and consumers to transform healthcare from an economic threat into an advantage.

    We believe that technology can help us achieve this mission with our customers and 28,000 partners in health. That is why we offer a family of devices, cloud services and partner solutions, backed by Microsoft’s industry leading Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Business Associate Agreement (BAA), which empowers everyone at home, at work and on the go to do the things we value the most, especially when that involves our health.

    Come visit us this year in our booth (#4749) at HIMSS to see how these transformative technologies come to life.

    Here are a few other resources to follow:

    Microsoft and its partners show how technology can reduce costs and save lives at HIMSS14 Annual Conference & Exhibition


    The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's (HIMSS) 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition begins Monday in Orlando, Fla., and shows off the innovative ways Microsoft’s partners and customers are using technology to transform the healthcare industry.

    As Dr. Dennis Schmuland, chief health strategy officer, U.S. Health and Life Sciences, Microsoft, explains on The Official Microsoft Blog, healthcare providers can give patients better care and lower costs by using mobile devices, social apps, cloud services and big data and analytics.

    At this conference, Microsoft and its partners unveil new electronic medical record (EMR) apps and solutions on Windows 8.1, Surface and Windows Embedded technology that streamline better patient care. Schmuland says the event will also show the advances in remote consultations, including demonstrating revolutionary point-of-care solutions like the AirStrip ONE Cardiology app, which gives clinicians the ability to read EKG data from an FDA-cleared app for Windows 8.1 tablets, workstations and Windows Phone 8 devices.

    “It’s clear that technology and policy are rapidly aligning to transform both the practice of medicine and the patient experience,” Schmuland says.

    Read the rest of Schmuland’s post on The Official Microsoft Blog to read more about HIMSS.

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    Athima Chansanchai
    Microsoft News Center Staff

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