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Hyper-V 2012 R2 Network Architectures Series (Part 5 of 7) – Converged Networks using Dynamic QoS


Part 4 of this series covered the scenario where the Backend QoS had to be Static. Now let’s take a look to what is becoming more common nowadays with Dynamic QoS. Take a look to the following picture…


Today, most of the vendors already offer Dynamic QoS based on weights or minimum reservations. This allows us to use the entire bandwidth on each of the Multiplexed NICs presented to Windows. This is good because it means that each of the NICs on the Hyper-V Host will be able to reach 10GB if needed while prioritizing traffics in case of conflict.

This backend solutions enables us to have the best from both worlds. We can provide QoS and we can also take benefit from all the Hyper-V Network optimization like RSS and dVMQ. Of course is important how many Multiplexed NICs we present to Windows and the weight assigned to each them, but remember that same rules from the Non-Converged network configurations will apply from Windows perspective.

There are three major things with this configuration to have in mind.

  1. LACP is not exposed to Windows, so Link Aggregation on the Multiplexed NICs will not be possible.
  2. QoS in the Backend and QoS from SCVMM 2012R2 on the vSwitch ports may be in conflict if policies are not properly planned and configured.
  3. Windows does not know what these backend QoS and Multiplexed NICs are. Support and troubleshooting should be provided by the vendor.

Besides these three caveats, this architecture is one of the best option we have if your hardware supports it. MGMT, CSV and LM networks will be able to reach 10GB throughput when needed enhancing the Host performance while keeping HA and reliability.

Of course, again we are assuming that you storage connections are over FC using HBAs.

What’s new in Server 2012 R2 Part 5 Network improvements


Στο πέμπτο μέρος της σειράς θα ασχοληθούμε με το Networking στον Server 2012 R2.  Οι αναβαθμίσεις στον τομέα της δικτύωσης είναι πάρα πολλές μα θα ασχοληθούμε μόνο με αυτές που αφορούν τον Windows Server 2012 R2 και θα αφήσουμε τα τμήματα που αφορούν το System Center για κάποιο επόμενο blogpost.

Ας ξεκινήσουμε με το Nic Teaming. Το Nic teaming είναι η δυνατότητα να συνδέσουμε δυο ή περισσότερες κάρτες δικτύου για λόγους failover και ταχύτητας. Η δυνατότητα του NIC Teaming έρχεται από τον Windows Server 2012.

Η έλευση του NICTeamingως χαρακτηριστικού στον WindowsServer 2012 πραγματικά έδωσε τη δυνατότητα στους διαχειριστές να παραμετροποιήσουν τους Serversστο δίκτυο με όποιον τρόπο θέλουν. Η υποστήριξη της Microsoftαφαίρεσε όλα τα προαπαιτούμενα όπως οι οδηγοί των κατασκευαστών καρτών δικτύου που κάποιες φορές δημιουργούσαν ασυμβατότητες με τον υπόλοιπο εξοπλισμό δικτύου και το λογισμικό.  Δημιουργώντας μια ομάδα από κάρτες δικτύου μπορούμε να αυξήσουμε την αξιοπιστία της σύνδεσης καθώς και της ταχύτητας. Ο WindowsServerμας δίνει δύο τύπους Teaming,ο πρώτος είναι ο SwitchDependentστον οποίο για να λειτουργήσει σωστά χρειάζεται υποστήριξη από το ίδιο το switchτης υποδομής μας. Στην περίπτωση που έχουμε περισσότερα του ενός switchτότε θα πρέπει αυτά τα switchνα επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους με κάποιο stackmodule. Το πλεονέκτημα της σύνδεσης αυτής είναι η αξιοποίηση όλης της ταχύτητας δικτύου από τις κάρτες καθώς και στην περίπτωση πολλαπλών switch,η σιγουριά πως αν χαλάσει ένα από τα switchο Serverθα συνεχίσει να δουλεύει κανονικά. Μειονέκτημα είναι το υψηλό κόστος κτήσης των switchμε δυνατότητα stack.

Ο οικονομικότερος τρόπος σύνδεσης είναι ο SwitchIndependent. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση μπορούμε να συνδέσουμε δύο ή περισσότερες κάρτες σε ένα ή και περισσότερα switch, χωρίς την απαίτηση αυτά τα switchνα γνωρίζουν την κατάσταση των υπολοίπων. Πλεονέκτημα σε αυτήν την περίπτωση είναι φυσικά το πολύ χαμηλό κόστος και μειονέκτημα η δυνατότητα χρήσης της ταχύτητας μόνο μιας κάρτας ανά σύνδεση. Πρακτικά αυτό σημαίνει πως αν έχω δυο κάρτες του ενός Gigabitτότε αν αντιγράφω ένα αρχείο θα αξιοποιώ την ταχύτητα της μιας κάρτας ανά σύνδεση. Αν ξεκινήσω και μια δεύτερη μεταφορά δεδομένων τότε θα περάσω στη δεύτερη κάρτα.

Ο αλγόριθμος που έχουμε επιλέξει στο teamingκαθορίζει την διανομή των πακέτων στο δίκτυο. Υπάρχουν τρεις τρόποι. Ο πρώτος ονομάζεται AddressHashκαι αντλεί τις πληροφορίες της σύνδεσης από τη MACaddressτης κάρτας. Ο δεύτερος είναι το HyperVPort, το οποίο χρησιμοποιούμε όταν έχουμε υποδομή με VirtualMachinesκαι αναλαμβάνει να στέλνει τα πακέτα του δικτύου σε μια συγκεκριμένη κάρτα ανά VirtualMachine. Ο τρίτος τρόπος είναι το Dynamicο οποίος καθορίζει δυναμικά την διανομή.

Φυσικά, όπως αναφέρθηκε πιο πάνω αν χαθεί η σύνδεση μιας φυσικής κάρτας ο αλγόριθμος θα φροντίσει να στείλει τα πακέτα από μια άλλη κάρτα έτσι ώστε να συνεχίσει η δικτυακή επικοινωνία.

Μέχρι σήμερα όμως υπάρχει η απαίτηση για ξεχωριστές κάρτες δικτύου. Η απαίτηση αυτή έχει να κάνει είτε με τον περιορισμό σε VLANή απλά ανάγκη για ξεχωριστά δίκτυα επικοινωνίας , για παράδειγμα στο FailoverClustering. Όταν θα δημιουργούσαμε το Teamingθα είχαμε μόνο μια κάρτα. Εδώ έρχεται να μας βοηθήσει το HyperV. Με το HyperVμπορώ να δημιουργήσω ένα νέο Switchκαι να φτιάξω εικονικές κάρτες δικτύου. Η διαδικασία γίνεται μέσα από το Powershell. Καταρχήν φτιάχνω ένα VirtualSwitchμε την εντολή new-vmswitchκαι έπειτα προσθέτω κάρτες με την εντολή Add-VMNetworkAdapterκαι την παράμετρο –managementosστον φυσικό εξυπηρετητή. Φυσικά αν χρειάζεται να συνδεθεί αυτή η κάρτα σε κάποιο συγκεκριμένο VLANή αν χρειαστεί να έχει μόνο κάποιο συγκεκριμένο Bandwidthτότε με την εντολή Set-VMNetworkAdapterμπορώ να περάσω το απαραίτητο Configuration.

Το πρόβλημα με τη φυσική σύνδεση λύθηκε. Ας ανέβουμε ένα Stack, πάμε στο VirtualStack.

Όλη αυτή η δύναμη στο Hardwareθα ήταν ιδανικά να μπορούσε να αξιοποιηθεί και στο virtualstack. Εδώ έχουμε τρεις τεχνολογίες που θα μας βοηθήσουν.


Το Dynamicvirtualmachinequeueαναλαμβάνει να μεταφέρει την επεξεργασία του δικτύου σε όλους τους επεξεργαστές και ουσιαστικά βελτιώνει την ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας των πακέτων του δικτύου.

Το SR-IOvμεταφέρει την κίνηση του δικτύου απευθείας στην κάρτα , παρακάμπτοντας το Hyper-VExtensibleswitchκαι ενεργοποιείται κατά βούληση.

Αυτά τα δυο χαρακτηριστικά υπάρχουν και στον WindowsServer 2012. ΣτονWindows Server 2012 R2 προστέθηκεκαιτοvRSS.

ToVirtualReceiveSideScalingείναι η αντίστοιχη δυνατότητα των φυσικών καρτών δικτύου να επεξεργαστούν δεδομένα με τη χρήση πολλαπλών πυρήνων του επεξεργαστή. Η τεχνολογία αυτή έχει μεγάλη σχέση και με το VirtualMachineQueuesκαι απαιτεί κάρτες 10Gbitπου όμως έχουν αρχίσει να παίρνουν θέση στα Datacentersως κάτι το συνηθισμένο.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Το DHCPστον Server 2012 μας έφερε τη δυνατότητα του Failover. Με το Failoverμπορώ να έχω δυο DHCPServersείτε σε Active-ActiveModeγια Load-sharingείτε σε hotstandbyγια να αναλάβει κάποιος άλλος DHCPServerτη λειτουργία σε περίπτωση βλάβης του πρώτου. Στον WindowsServer 2012 R2 υπάρχει μια νέα αλλά σημαντική βελτίωση. ODHCPServerέχει τη δυνατότητα να εγγράφει τα ονόματα των υπολογιστών στο DNS. Συνήθως ενεργοποιούμε αυτή την επιλογή για να μπορούμε να έχουμε σωστή επίλυση ονομάτων στους υπολογιστές που βρίσκονται στο Domainμας για μεγαλύτερη ασφάλεια. Με την αυξανόμενη χρήση των φορητών συσκευών και την ανάγκη για σωστή επίλυση ονομάτων πολλές εταιρείες χρειάζονται την εγγραφή στο DNSτων συσκευών που δεν βρίσκονται στο Domain. Το αποτέλεσμα της εγγραφής των συσκευών στο DNSδημιουργεί προβλήματα και σίγουρα δεν είναι το καλύτερο από πλευράς ασφάλειας. Ο DHCPλοιπόν στον WindowsServer 2012 R2 έρχεται με τη δυνατότητα δημιουργίας πολιτικών για εγγραφή των συσκευών σε μια άλλη ζώνη DNS. Μπορώ να ορίσω μια πολιτική που όταν εντοπίσει έναν υπολογιστή που δε βρίσκεται στο Domainμας

Να ακολουθήσει μια άλλη πολιτική για το DNS.

Feature-rich: IPAddressManagement

Tο IPAMίσως είναι μία από τις δυνατότητες που έχουν δει το λιγότερο φως της δημοσιότητας.

Ο ρόλος του IPAMείναι να μεταφέρει τη διαχείριση των διευθύνσεων του δικτύου από τα φύλλα του Excelπου κρατάμε, μέσα στον WindowsServer. Συνδέεται με την υποδομή μας DNSκαι DHCPκαι διαχειρίζεται τις ζώνες τους. Παρέχει δυνατότητα Auditingγια τις υπηρεσίες αυτές και ενιαία κονσόλα διαχείρισης για όλους τους DNSκαι DHCPservers.

Στον WindowsServer 2012 R2 έχει βελτιωθεί για να υποστηρίζει την αποθήκευση των δεδομένων σε SQLServer, παρέχει καλύτερη υποστήριξη για το ActiveDirectoryμε αυτόματη προσθήκη των sitesκαι των subnetsκαθώς και απέκτησε τη λογική του RoleBasedAccessControl. Ακόμη και εάν δεν έτυχε να το συναντήσετε σίγουρα αξίζει πολλά στη νέα εποχή του Datacenter.

Τέλος μια μικρή αναφορά σε ένα νέο χαρακτηριστικό του WindowsServer 2012 R2. Το Windows Server Gateway

Το WindowsServerGatewayείναι το εργαλείο απομακρυσμένης δικτύωσης που έχουμε στη διάθεσή μας στις εγκαταστάσεις. Υποστηρίζει όλα τα δυνατά σενάρια σύνδεσης on-premisesμε Cloudυπηρεσίες και επιτρέπει μέσα από το HyperVNetworkVirtualizationκαι τον SystemCenterVirtualMachineManagerτη δυνατότητα Multi-tenacyακόμη και στο δικό μας PrivateCloud.

PowerTip: Get the Latest PowerShell Help


Summary: Learn how to get the latest Windows PowerShell Help online.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question I do not have Admin rights so I cannot update my local Windows PowerShell Help.
          How can I access the latest updated Help online?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Use the –online switched parameter with the Get-Help cmdlet:

get-help Get-Process -Online

Windows Azure FAQ Resources


Todd Sweetser

Hi Cloud Sellers!

On the heels of my colleague Tim’s excellent post on Microsoft Cloud Trust Center Resources I thought a single place to access the currently available FAQs that cover various aspects of Windows Azure would be helpful.  There are multiple FAQs available on the Windows Azure site that answer many common questions. 

First, the Windows Azure Purchase FAQ.  This page has many pointed questions regarding the various methods that Azure can be acquired.  One example that can be important for partners using their Internal Use Rights:
Can I try Windows Azure for free, without any risk of being charged?

Yes. With our new Spending Limit feature, customers (and partners) who sign up for a Free Trial, MSDN or Cloud Essentials offer can utilize Windows Azure without any fear of getting charged as long as they keep the Spending Limit feature turned on.

Another helpful FAQ is regarding Virtual Machines, called not surprisingly the Virtual Machines LicensingFAQSmile  This covers a variety of licensing scenarios when the Azure IaaS (VM) services are utilized.   A common question I have heard is the following:
Does a customer need Windows Server CALs to connect to a Windows Server image that is running in Windows Azure Virtual Machines?

No. Windows Server CALs are not required for accessing Windows Server running in the Windows Azure environment because the access rights are included in the per-minute charge for the Virtual Machines. Use of Windows Server on-premises (whether in a VHD or otherwise) requires obtaining a separate license and is subject to the normal licensing requirements for use of software on-premises.

Finally, questions about how Support works with Azure are always top of mind.  There is a Windows Azure Support FAQ that helps to answer many of them.  Partners can utilize the variety of support programs that are offered, and this question answers a question I hear about the ability to support their customer subscriptions that are under their tenant:
Does the flat monthly rate cover a single Windows Azure subscription or the entire account? 

The flat monthly cost for Windows Azure Support covers the entire account regardless of how many subscriptions you have under the account or how much usage you have with Windows Azure. All subscriptions under an account share the same support plan.

Finally, while not a FAQ, the Windows Azure Blog is an excellent resource for learning about the latest information on Azure.  Things are moving fast in the Azure space, suggest adding the feed to this blog to your favorite RSS Reader!

Thanks, and good selling!

Microsoft Dynamics Partners Training Schedule for 2014


MS_rgb_Dynamics_Blu288_stackTake advantage of virtual and in-person opportunities to increase your knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and Microsoft Dynamics ERP.

You’ll also find upcoming Microsoft Dynamics training on the US Partner Training Hot Sheet and our @mslearningcurve Twitter feed.

imageLearning paths for the updated competency requirements

    These learning paths include the technical, sales, and presales technical requirements for earning a competency related to Microsoft Dynamics as of February 24:

    Customer Relationship Management competency
    Enterprise Resource Planning competency 





    • May 5–8 in Redmond, Washington – Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Academy Level 300 Retail Training*
    • May 6–8 in Redmond, Washington – Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Academy Level 300 Public Sector Training*
    • May 13–15 in Atlanta, Georgia – Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Academy Level 300 Manufacturing Training*
    • May 13–15 in Atlanta, Georgia – Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Academy Level 300 Service Training*



    *Training is contingent upon partner interest. If your company is interested in any of these courses, please send an email to usaxtrng@microsoft.com with your name, company, phone number, course and number of attendees. You will be notified approximately 8 weeks before the event start date whether or not the training has been officially scheduled.

    US Partner News Online for Friday, February 21, 2014


    imageWelcome to this week’s issue of the US Partner News Online! Each week, we’ll bring you the latest news and information for Microsoft partners. You can read previous weeks’ issues at http://aka.ms/uspnewsletter. If you’d like to see the next post in your email inbox, go to http://aka.ms/uspblog and enter your email address under “Subscribe and follow” on the right hand side.

    To stay in touch with me and connect with other partners and Microsoft sales, marketing, and product experts, join our US Partner Community on Yammer and choose how you want to stay informed.

    Top stories

    FebreleaseguidanceGuidance for the MPN Changes That Take Effect on Monday, February 24
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    March 4: Microsoft Virtual Federal Forum
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    • Office 2003 support also ends on April 8. Use the Get Modern campaign from Ready-to-Go Marketing and Countdown2Modern page to find sales, marketing, and technical content.
    • Exchange Server 2003 support also ends on April 8. Technical guidance for upgrading to a supported version is on TechNet. Exchange Online may be an option for many customers—use the materials in the Exchange campaign from Ready-to-Go Marketing to help them understand this option.

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    WPC14_withdate_orangeWPC 2014 Updates: Awards, Content, Sponsorship, and More

    • Nominate your company for a Partner of the Year award in one or more of many available categories that cover application development, cloud, competency, citizenship, public sector, and sales excellence.
    • Find out about the plans for the Leadership Track, one of five tracks in our streamlined approach to conference sessions that will focus on helping you be more profitable.
    • Build your partner to partner connections as a WPC 2014 Sponsor and Exhibitor. Showcase your solutions in front of more than 14,000 of the best and most committed partners in the Microsoft ecosystem. Exhibiting at WPC 2014 is a great way promote your business and build strategic alliances with the right Microsoft partners.
    • Activities for US partners at WPC 2014 include the US Partner Celebration on Tuesday, July 15. Last year, we loved hosting our partners at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. This year’s venue is just as amazing. We’ll reveal the location soon—stay tuned for our next WPC US blog post.

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    SMB Advantage: Cloud Easy Offer Extended Through February 28
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    Engage with Microsoft and Other Partners on the US Partner Community Yammer Network
    Join the conversation on Yammer in groups like MPN 101, SMB Partner Center, Cloud Partner, Device Guy, Lync Partners, and more. Request your invitation for the network.

    Training and Certification

    Stay informed about training opportunities that align to your business, role, and Microsoft Partner Network membership.

    March Hot Sheet: Find and Register for Upcoming Training and Partner Calls
    The Hot Sheet is a frequently updated schedule of live virtual and in-person training and informational calls that are coming in the next few weeks. Subscribe to the US Partner Learning blog to receive the Hot Sheet as soon as it's published each month.

    Microsoft Dynamics Training Schedule for 2014
    Take advantage of virtual and in-person opportunities for sales and technical training that will increase your product knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and ERP solutions.

    Virtual Data Center Immersion Training and Sweepstakes
    Learn how to take the big, complicated, heterogeneous infrastructure of today and bring it forward into the new world of cloud with Microsoft System Center, Windows Server, and Windows Azure. You will be entered to win Dr. Dre Beats wireless speaker for each module assessment you complete and a Surface Pro 2 tablet when you complete all assessments.

    Sweepstakes ends March 31. Open only to authorized representatives of companies enrolled in the Microsoft Partner Network with a valid MPN ID who are legal residents of the United States, age 18 and older. Limit 20 entries per person. Official rules.


    Data Insights Immersion Training and Sweepstakes
    Get hands-on experience with components of the Microsoft data platform, such as SQL Server relational databases, Windows Azure SQL Database, Azure HD Insight, and Microsoft Power BI tools within Excel. You will be entered to win Dr. Dre Beats wireless speaker for each module assessment you complete and a Surface Pro 2 tablet when you complete all assessments.

    Sweepstakes ends March 31. Open only to authorized representatives of companies enrolled in the Microsoft Partner Network with a valid MPN ID who are legal residents of the United States, age 18 and older. Limit 20 entries per person. Official rules.

    March 24–April 11: Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Academy: Fast TrAX Consultant Training
    This course provides an end to end training program to focus not only on helping new individuals prepare for certification and providing them an opportunity to learn from Certified Trainers with real world experience, Microsoft Support Organization and insights from R&D.

    April 1–3 in Denver, Colorado: Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Academy L200 Industry Foundational Trainings
    ​Step 2 in your Microsoft Dynamics AX ramp up, attendees at this training get a deeper understanding of Manufacturing, Public Sector, Retail, and Services. Learn key features and processes necessary to provide customers with a robust experience that is specific to their industry-related needs. This training is the successor to Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Academy/Fast TrAX Foundational attended class or the equivalent real world experience.

    April 8–10 in Downers Grove, Illinois: Microsoft Dynamics ERP SMB Integrated Marketing and Sales Workshop
    This workshop was rescheduled from January 7. This 2.5 day workshop  is an immersive experience in building a marketing and sales approach for reaching and engaging customers in SMB markets. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the buying psychology motivating today’s prospective buyers, and how—by offering high-value prospective customer experiences and aligned sales engagement—they can accelerate sales results.

    imageCalendar Through March 7

    This list is a sampling of upcoming partner calls, training, and events. Refer to the March Hot Sheet for a comprehensive list for the next several weeks that's frequently updated.

    Note that courses on the Partner Learning Center may not be accessible on February 22–23, as updates to support the February 24 MPN release are being made.

    Featured Video

    Watch this short video about how Microsoft partner Nimbo helped a customer gain an additional $8M each year with Windows Azure BizTalk Services.


    Sábado - Maiores contribuintes da 3ª semana de Fevereiro de 2014


    Olá comunidade Wiki Brasil.

    Hoje é Sábado, dia de saber quem são os Maiores Contribuintes da Semana em nossa comunidade.

    Iniciamos com os atuais líderes.


    Esta é a análise das contribuições do TechNet Wiki Brasil ao longo da última semana.

    Segundo as estatísticas gerais, tivemos 256 usuários que contribuíram 1.848 páginas.

    Além disso, obtivemos 8.078 revisões com 5.208 comentários.

    Mais detalhes em nossa página: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/pt-br/default.aspx

    Este resultado é significativo e, comprova o aumento expressivo no número de contribuições da comunidade para o Technet Wiki.


    Está faltando adjetivos para descrever o fantástico trabalho de Alan Nascimento Carlos, mais uma vez ele foi o top líder imbatível pela quarta semana seguida.

    Ele teve a companhia de Fernando Lugão Veltem e Vinícius Mozart posto de maior contribuinte da semana, faltou pouco, talvez na próxima semana.

    Não podemos deixar de mencionar a contribuição das seguintes pessoas ao longo da semana.

    Durval Ramos


    Tiago Menegon

    zezinho coimbra

    Demétrio Silva

    Peter Geelen - MSFT




    Ninja AwardPrêmio Maiores Revisores 
    Quem fez mais revisões individuais


    #1 Durval Ramos com 14 revisões.


    #2 Peter Geelen - MSFT com 6 revisões.


    #3 zezinho coimbra com 5 revisões.



    Ninja AwardPrêmio Artigos mais atualizados 
    Quem atualizou mais artigos


    #1 Durval Ramos com 7 artigos.


    #2 zezinho coimbra com 5 artigos.


    #3 Fernando Lugão Veltem com 4 artigos.



    Ninja AwardPrêmio maioria dos artigos atualizados 
    A maior quantidade de conteúdo atualizado em um único artigo


    O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi ASP.NET MVC - Início, Meio e Fim - Parte 1, escrito por Fabrício Sanchez

    O revisor desta semana foi Jeferson Ribeiro Gomes,



    Ninja AwardPrêmio Artigo com mais longa atualização 
    O artigo mais atualizado desta semana


    O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi ASP.NET MVC - Início, Meio e Fim - Parte 1, escrito por Fabrício Sanchez

    O revisor desta semana foi Jeferson Ribeiro Gomes,



    Ninja AwardPrêmio maioria dos artigos revisados 
    Artigo com mais revisões em uma semana


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é SQL 2012: Contained Database, escrito por Ozimar Henrique. Foi revisto 5 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é O que devo fazer se minhas curadorias ou minha conta no Curah! forem suspensas, escrito por Yelenah_. Foi revisto 4 vezes na semana passada.

    Os revisores desta semana foram Durval Ramos& Yelenah_


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é O que faz uma boa curadoria, escrito por Yelenah_. Foi revisto 4 vezes na semana passada.

    Os revisores desta semana foram Durval Ramos& Yelenah_


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é System Center – Dicas - Hyper-V – Segurança de Rede, escrito por Alan Nascimento Carlos. Foi revisto 2 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi Alan Nascimento Carlos,


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Agenda de Publicações no Blog Wiki Ninjas Brasil, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem. Foi revisto 1 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi Hezequias Vasconcelos,


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é SharePoint 2013: Acessando dados da lista com PowerPivot, escrito por Demétrio Silva. Foi revisto 1 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi Demétrio Silva,


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é SharePoint 2013: Exportando dados da lista para Excel, escrito por Demétrio Silva. Foi revisto 1 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi Demétrio Silva,


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Artigos Spotlight, escrito por Durval Ramos. Foi revisto 1 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi Durval Ramos,


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é SharePoint 2013: Guia de Sobrevivência, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem. Foi revisto 1 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi Demétrio Silva,


    Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Como Construir uma Comunidade, escrito por Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil. Foi revisto 1 vezes na semana passada.

    O revisor desta semana foi João Eduardo Sousa,



    Ninja AwardPrêmio do artigo mais popular  
    Colaboração é o nome do jogo!


    O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é O que faz uma boa curadoria, escrito por Yelenah_

    Os revisores desta semana foram Durval Ramos& Yelenah_


    O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é O que devo fazer se minhas curadorias ou minha conta no Curah! forem suspensas, escrito por Yelenah_

    Os revisores desta semana foram Durval Ramos& Yelenah_


    O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Como Fazer uma Boa Curadoria, escrito por Yelenah_

    Os revisores desta semana foram Durval Ramos& Yelenah_


    É impressionante como várias revisões, comentários e novos artigos por todo Technet Wiki só vem aumentando em nossa comunidade.

    Agradecemos a todos os membros da nossa comunidade pelas grandes contribuições desta semana.

    Vale lembrar que toda e qualquer ajuda/contribuição para a comunidade é importante e muito bem vinda.

    A cada dia, vimos a nossa comunidade evoluir, crescer, se desenvolver e esperamos continuar com esse apoio forte na colaboração de todos.

    Parabéns a toda comunidade por mais uma ótima semana de contribuições.

    Obrigado e até o próximo Sábado.

    Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos

    Sunday Surprise The Spartacus, Ed Price


    Merhaba Değerli TechNet Wiki ailesi

                   Bu hafta Pazar sürprizimiz de size Sinemalarda gösterime yeni giren bir filimden bahsetmek istiyorum.  The Spartacus, Ed Price filmin başrolünde Ed Price bulunmakta kendisi yoğun bir iş temposu ile filmin hemen hemen her sahnesinde rol almaktadır. J Tabii ki bugün sizlere Ed Price’den bahsetmek istiyorum. Kendisi bulunduğumuz TechNet Wiki’nin patronu diyebiliriz. Yazdığı makaleler ve blog yazılarıyla dikkatleri her zaman üzerine çekmeyi başarıyor. Bazen Ed anlam veremiyorum. Bu kadar büyük bir portalı bıkmadan usanmadan yönetebilmesi ve her zaman aynı heyecanı koruyabilmesi bana gerçekten çok ilginç geliyor. Bazen onun yaptığı işleri düşünürken bile yorulduğumu hissediyorum. Bazense onun bir insan değil de bir robot olduğunu düşündüğüm zamanlar bile var. J



    Önceden dediğimiz gibi Ed Price TechNet Wiki’nin patronu Bir MSFT bir Microsoft çalışanı bu kadar iş yoğunluğunun arasında bir çok işe kendisi iştirak etmekte bunlardan biri blog yazıları düzenlemesi ve ciddi bir okuyucu kitlesine hitap etmesi harika bir durum.

    Ed Price Profil

    Ed Price TechNet Wiki Ninjas Tüm Blog Posts

    Zaten TechNet Wiki üzerinde gezinmeye başladığınız ilk anlardan itibaren Ed her zaman karşınızda olacaktır. Ona ulaşmak ve onunla tanışmak çok kolay yaptığı işi canı gönülden yaptığı ve TechNet Wiki’ yi bizlere sevdirdiği için kendisini canı gönülden tebrik ediyorum. Ed Price beni anlamayacağını düşünerek çaktırmayın duymasın J aşağıda İngilizcesini paylaşıyorum.

    Ed Congratulations and I wish you success every time.


    Connection Group Case Study: Notepad++


    Notepad++ uses plug-ins that register through a configuration file. This is one of the most common methods used by applications. Too often people run into problems because they order the primary application too high in the packages list inside the connection group. As a result, the configurations conflict with the one from the main package were overriding the one from the plug-in package. So to avoid this problem, and to allow more flexibility of deployment and connection group interaction, I will show you how I recommend you sequence these types of applications. I will be using Notepad++ as an example as it can fall into this same problem. My hope is that you can avoid this problem in the future with Notepad++ (and subsequently those applications that load plug-ins in the same style.)

    For this example, I will be using Notepad ++ version 6.5.3 downloaded (from http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) Please bear in mind that Notepad updates very frequently although I do not think there will be drastic changes forthcoming in how the application manages its plug-ins. For the plug-ins, I will be using the following examples:

    These plug-ins differ as one of them actually requires overlays to the Notepad++ program files.

    The Sequencing Process

    Notepad++ uses a normal installation procedure. The installation is almost straight forward so the only adjustments I will make are:

    1.)    Sequence to a fake PVAD.

    2.)    I will then install Notepad to the %PROGRAMFILES% directory to get a tokenized VFS installation (using the \VFS\ProgramFilesx86 directory.

    3.)    When I get to the “Components” dialog page, I disable updaters and for demonstration purposes, I do not select any plugins except the plug-in manager as I want to do all of this through connection groups.

    4.)    On the next page, I leave everything blank. If you check the box to “Don’t use %APPDATA%” you will run into problems with Notepad as it will try to open immutable assets for modification once virtualized. I will also be converging the main program directories for the plug-ins and I do not want to be loading plug-ins from the %AppData% folder.

    5.)    I will then sequence the application as normal opting to provide advanced customization so I can get to the tabbed, advanced package editor. Here, I will verify that the paths in the registry for Notepad are properly tokenized.

    6.)    Then I will go to the “Package Files” tab to perform two very important tasks.

    7.)    I will be changing the convergence settings for the ProgramFilesx86\Notepad++\plugins directory from “Override Local Directory” to “Merge with Local Directory.” This will change the color to grey.

    8.)    I will then save the package, copy it off, and then revert my sequencing machine. (PLEASE NOTE – I only mentioned particulars here that go outside the norm of sequencing. I am making an assumption that the reader is familiar with the basics of sequencing.)

    Sequencing the Plug-in Package

    Now that the primary application has been virtualized, I will need to reuse this package on the sequencer when it comes time to virtualize the plugins for Notepad++. I will copy the parent package to the reverted clean sequencer. In the case of these plug-ins – since they are DLL’s I have downloaded and extracted them into a staging directory on the sequencer as well.

    Sequence as an Add-In

    You will need to use the “Add-in or Plug-in” workflow as it will give you the opportunity to expand the virtualized package (Devirtualize) to the local machine so you can launch the parent application during sequencing to ensure that the plug-ins load and that the configuration will get registered properly and then stored inside the plug-in package.

    In this example, I am pointing to my previous package I just sequenced and will be selecting this package as the primary parent application.

    I then ensure that I do a custom installation so I can name my plugin package properly AND I will also use a fake PVAD to ensure that everything that gets captured goes to a VFS or tokenized path.

    Once all of that is completed, I can proceed to install my plugins while the sequencer is monitoring. When I click the “run” button to proceed with the installation, I choose a command prompt (C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe.)


    Since these plug-ins are DLL’s I use xcopy to copy them over to the C:\Program Files\Notepad++ directory.



    Since I am still in the monitoring phase, I now want to ensure that the plug-ins get loaded and registered to automatically load through Notepad++’s plug-in manager. From that same command prompt, I launch the NOTEPAD++ application and verify the plug-ins are there from the plug-in manager. I see they are there:


    I can now close Notepad, stop the command prompt and stop monitoring by checking that I have finished installing and clicking next. I will then click through and select the customize screens until I get to the final editing tabbed mode. You will notice that this way when you view the advanced editing Files tab the files are already set to merge and they are in the tokenized path. If they are not set to merge, you will want to make that adjustment.

    Then save the Plug-in package and move it to a staging area with the parent application. You can now being testing. First add and publish both packages. Target should not matter so long as the connection group you create and enable matches the target of the packages it contains.

    Once the packages are published you can create the CG XML document. The order in which you do this does not matter. If you wanted to create the document in advance of publishing, that is fine. I just use the published GUID paths in explorer easier for copying and pasting when I test. But your methods may differ according to your preferences.

    In the CG XML document, you will notice that I have my plug-in package at the top of the package order. I then add and enable the connection group.

    Once the connection group is enabled, I then launch Notepad++ and navigate to the plug-in manager where I find my plug-ins loaded properly.

    More case studies to come.

    Top Contributors Awards!! Office 365, Azure BizTalk, Avengers beating Gurus, Project Server 2013 via PowerShell, and CALLING ALL GURUS, your WIKI needs YOU!!!


    Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.

    First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...


    TAT rules the contributions this week, pushing the regular names into the distance, congrats Elguc!!

    And a big glut of new articles by Alan, leading the "created" charts!


    As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


    Ninja AwardMost Revisions Award  
    Who has made the most individual revisions


    #1 Elguc Yusifbeyli-TAT with 182 revisions.


    #2 Richard Mueller with 96 revisions.


    #3 Benoit Jester - MTFC with 86 revisions.


    Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


    #4 Maheshkumar S Tiwari with 55 revisions.


    #5 Carsten Siemens with 43 revisions.


    #6 Ed Price - MSFT with 42 revisions.


    #7 Ugur Demir - TAT with 40 revisions.


    #8 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 35 revisions.


    #9 João Eduardo Sousa with 33 revisions.


    #10 Recep YUKSEL - TAT with 31 revisions.


    Ninja AwardMost Articles Updated Award  
    Who has updated the most articles


    #1 Elguc Yusifbeyli-TAT with 133 articles.


    #2 Richard Mueller with 73 articles.


    #3 Benoit Jester - MTFC with 71 articles.


    Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


    #4 Ugur Demir - TAT with 35 articles.


    #5 Maheshkumar S Tiwari with 33 articles.


    #6 João Eduardo Sousa with 31 articles.


    #7 Ed Price - MSFT with 23 articles.


    #8 Recep YUKSEL - TAT with 17 articles.


    #9 Durval Ramos with 14 articles.


    #10 Jim Dial - MSFT with 14 articles.


    Ninja AwardMost Updated Article Award  
    Largest amount of updated content in a single article


    The article to have the most change this week was Office 365 : Utiliser un domaine personnalisé pour le site web public (fr-FR), by Benoit Jester - MTFC

    This week's reviser was Benoit Jester - MTFC

    This new article from TNWiki legend Benoit shows how to add a custom domain to your Office 365 setup. A great step-by-step Ben, thanks as always for your awesomeness.


    Ninja AwardLongest Article Award  
    Biggest article updated this week


    This week's largest document to get some attention is Windows Azure BizTalk Services - Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), by Rene Brauwers

    This week's reviser was Ed Price - MSFT

    There are longer documents, but they've won before, so I highlight this from Rene.

    As it happens, they also won GOLD in last month's TechNet Guru competition.

    This is a truly sensational BizTalk article from Rene, and well deserved award.


    Ninja AwardMost Revised Article Award  
    Article with the most revisions in a week


    This week's most fiddled with article is Turkish Avengers Team Council Center, by Gokan Ozcifci. It was revised 18 times last week.

    This week's revisers were Hasan Dimdik - TAT, Recep YUKSEL - TAT, Elguc Yusifbeyli-TAT, Ugur Demir - TAT, Davut EREN - TAT& Yavuz Tasci -TAT

    The TAT are a big part of the TechNet community and I'm glad to see them top this week's award, beating the TechNet Guru Contributions for February, by XAML guy (me) into second place, which was revised 17 times last week.

    Last week's revisers were Steef-Jan Wiggers, Geetanjali Arora, Naomi N, Majd Andoni, Ed Price - MSFT, Yagmoth555, Peter Lindgren, Sigma, mcosmin, Steven Andrews, Mohammad Nizamuddin, Nonki Takahashi& Matthew Yarlett


    So I'll highlight this week's third most fiddled with article: PowerShell Steps to Configure Project Server 2013, by Michael Wharton, MVP. It was revised 13 times last week.

    This week's reviser was Michael Wharton, MVP, a well deserved title, as this is another useful snippet from Michael.


    Ninja AwardMost Popular Article Award  
    Collaboration is the name of the game!


    The article to be updated by the most people this week is TechNet Guru Contributions for February, by XAML guy

    This week's revisers were Steef-Jan Wiggers, Geetanjali Arora, Naomi N, Majd Andoni, Ed Price - MSFT, Yagmoth555, Peter Lindgren, Sigma, mcosmin, Steven Andrews, Mohammad Nizamuddin, Nonki Takahashi& Matthew Yarlett

    February is nearly over and we have some amazing articles.

    Also, still some opportunities for some people to win in some categories as long as their contributions meet the minimum bar for quality and content.


    Ninja AwardNinja Edit Award  
    A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


    Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person

    Another awesome week of awesomeness from regular and new awesomes!

    Fingers crossed we get some more contenders in the struggling categories for TechNet Guru.

    If you know anyone with knowledge of the following categories, please give them a poke and point in our direction!

    • SQL BI & Power BI
    • SQL Server General & Database Engine
    • System Center (a new category)
    • Visual Basic (c'mon folks!!)
    • WPF


    Best regards,
    Pete Laker


    Exchange Online Migration Reporting


    Getting requests for reporting while doing migrations is nothing new. While working with a customer, I wrote some Powershell scripts to automate making emailed reports. These looked great when I first passed them around that day to get feedback. I almost put my initial reports (with some very nicely formatted tables) into production, but I looked at them in the evening with my smartphone. These reports were extremely hard to read as they were all formatted for a desktop email client. Given that the customer wanted these as hourly status reports, these reports were more likely to be consumed via smartphone than using the full Outlook client. The tables had to go.

    The next morning, I rebuilt the scripts, with formatting optimized for a smartphone.

    A later optimization I made (tens of thousands of mailboxes later), was to add a section for any mailboxes that got into a queue at the Office 365 tenant’s MRS servers. This rarely happens, but putting this in the report make this really easy to find and explain when it happens. What you would see is a difference between the get-migrationuser and get-moverequest counts. Digging down into the get-moverequeststatics, you’d see a queue length if this is happening. Putting this into the report gives you a great idea of what’s going on at 3AM when you really don’t want to be running Powershell scripts by hand. (Well, maybe scripting guy Ed Wilson does, but nobody else!)

    So, finally, here’s the code:

    #migration-report.ps1 2014-02-22

    $Date = Get-Date


    Import-Module MSOnline

    #Get password value and make it into a securestring – adjust for proper location.

    $newString = gc g:\powershell_scripts\provisioning\encrypted.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString


    $Livecred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "sender@contoso.com",$newString


    Connect-MsolService -Credential $LiveCred


    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

    Import-PSSession $Session


    $Subject = 'Office 365 Migration progress at ' + $Date

    $Subject > $Body

    $Separator = '========================'


    $Separator >> $Body

    $migusers = Get-MigrationUser -Resultsize 'Unlimited'

    $Batchname = 'Office 365 Migration Progress Report'

    $Batchname >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'Completed'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Completed: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'CompletedWithWarning'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Completed with Warning: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'CompletionInProgress'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Completing: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'Synced'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Synced: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'Syncing'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Syncing: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'Queued'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Queued: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'Validating'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Validating: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $mailboxes = ($migusers | ? {$_.Status -eq 'Failed'}).Count

    $mailboxessynced = 'Mailboxes Failed: ' +  $mailboxes

    $mailboxessynced >> $Body

    $separator >> $Body

    echo "Detailed Migration Batch Status:" >> $Body

    Get-MigrationBatch | Select Identity,Status,StoppedCount,SyncedCount,ActiveCount,FinalizedCount,FailedCount,TotalCount | fl >> $Body

    $Separator >> $Body

    #Do we have any move requests that are queued? Let's find these and report on them.

    echo "Detailed Move Request Queue Information:" >> $Body

    Get-MoveRequest -ResultSize 'unlimited' -MoveStatus 'Queued' | Get-MoveRequestStatistics | Sort -Property @{Expression="BatchName";Ascending=$true},@{Expression="DisplayName";Ascending=$true} | Select DisplayName,BatchName,RemoteHostname,TotalQueuedDuration,PositionInQueue >> $Body

    $Separator >> $Body


    #Module to send mail. Need $Date, $Subject, and $Body from above.

    $EmailFrom = "sender@contoso.com"

    $EmailTo = "receiver@contoso.com"


    #No attachments here - this report is optimized for mobile devices

    $Msg = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $EmailFrom,$EmailTo,$Subject,$Body


    #Adjust for your servername and port for relaying email.

    $SMTPServer = "internal.smtp.server"

    $SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587)         


    #Use these if you have to authenticate to relay email on your internal SMTP server.

    #$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true

    #$SMTPClient.Credentials = $Ecreds     


    #Finally. Send the report already!



    Oh, about that encrypted.txt file for the password. There’s another blog posting on how to create that. If you’re even thinking about putting a clear-text password in a script, please stop and read this now!


    As with all scripts, please test this first in your development environment. Scripts shouldn’t just be dropped onto your production systems without testing first.

    Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you have any questions on this or can suggest some enhancements.

    How to install an express deployment of Windows Azure Pack

    Hi Everyone: Long time no see :) . I had just internal transfer to Microsoft Enterprise Services, as an Solution Architect to dedicated to the smart city project in China, MSFT called CityNext. Recently, many of customers very interested in Windows Azure, many people planning to use Windows Azure Pack build a internal IaaS Public Cloud. This blog will introduce how to express deployment Windows Azure Pack. More information please reference : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...(read more)

    Weekend Scripter: Pin PowerShell Script to Start Screen


    Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, talks about pinning a Windows PowerShell script to the Windows 8.1 Start screen.

    Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. The other day, the Scripting Wife and I had a couple of neighbors over for dinner. While munching on snacks, he said that he had recently upgraded his laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 8. His initial impression was that Windows 7 was for work, but Windows 8 was for play, and he needs to use his laptop to accomplish work. He said, “Everything is at least five or six clicks away.”

    I told him he was trying too hard, and I took him to my office to give a short demonstration. With my multiple monitor configuration, I have the Windows 8.1 Start screen on one monitor, my Word documents on another monitor, and the Windows PowerShell ISE on the third monitor. It makes life really easy. I love the Start screen because everything is a single click away, not five or six clicks. The trick is to know how to configure your Start screen, and how to add or take away what you want to use.

    It’s about battery status

    I have a Surface 2 Pro and a Surface RT that take turns following me around the house like little puppy dogs. They are great and helpful, and I do not know how I ever got along without them. But this usefulness comes at a price. There is no device that will run for 18 continuous hours of operation. Therefore, I have two devices, and I swap them out.

    I, of course, use the Surface 2 Pro for things that I need it for, such as using Live Writer to write blog posts, or to upload pictures from my camera into my image editing software program. Yep, it is a great device, but I need to watch my battery life. I can swipe from the right side of the screen, click Properties, and get a battery status. This is shown in the image that follows:

    Image of status

    The icon looks full, but is it really 100% topped off? Or is it 89% left? When exactly, does the icon change?

    PowerShell and CIM give me the information

    I can easily find out how much juice is left by using Windows PowerShell. All I need to do is to use the Get-CimInstance cmdlet and return information from Win32_Battery. Because I only want the information, I use the GCIM alias as shown here:

    gcim win32_battery

    The output is shown in the following image:

    Image of command output

    The output is clear. I have 97% of my battery time left, and an estimated running time of 189 minutes. Cool. I should be able to finish my blog post before the battery goes on holiday. The command is easy enough to type, and I have been doing it consistently for over a year. I absolutely love that I can use Windows PowerShell on the Surface.

    But, it is still a decent amount work to open the Windows PowerShell console and type my command simply to see the output. Wouldn’t it be easier if I could combine my love of the Start screen and my love of Windows PowerShell? Well, as it turns out I can.

    I decided to create a shortcut to my Windows PowerShell script, in which I use the arguments of the PowerShell.exe command to retrieve my battery-life information. I place the shortcut in the Programs special folder, and I create a .lnk file as shown here:

    Function New-Shortcut


     Param($scriptFile = "c:\fso\get-battery.ps1",

           $Description = "Created by script",

           $WorkingDirectory = "C:\")

     $arguments = " -noexit -file $scriptFile -ExecutionPolicy bypass"

     $program = "PowerShell.exe"

     $linkname = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $scriptFile

     $startPage = $wshShell.SpecialFolders.Item("Programs")

     $shortcut = $wshShell.CreateShortcut("$startPage\$linkname.lnk")

     $Shortcut.TargetPath = $program

     $Shortcut.description = $description

     $ShortCut.arguments = $arguments

     $shortcut.IconLocation= $program

     $shortcut.WorkingDirectory = $workingdirectory



    For my purposes, all I need to do is to change the location of the script that I want a shortcut to. My Get-Battery.ps1 script? Well, it is shown here:

    Image of script

    There is no script editor on the Surface RT, but that does not stop me from creating scripts by using Notepad. In fact, I used Notepad for years to write scripts before Windows PowerShell 2.0 came out with an editor. All I need to do is to save the script file, and then I can use my previous function to store a shortcut to the script within the Programs special folder.

    The arguments that I specified for PowerShell.exe include –noexit. I do this so I can see the output from the script. It is sort of the point of the exercise. I also specify the path to the file, and I specify an –executionpolicy of bypass. In this way, I do not need to worry about the script execution policy on my device. When I run the function, the shortcut is placed in the Programs special folder.

    Now, I need to restart my device, so that the Start screen will reload. When this is complete, I can use Windows PowerShell to find the script, as shown here:

    PS C:\Users\ed> Get-StartApps | ? name -like 'g*'


    Name                                         AppID

    ----                                         -----

    get-battery.ps1                              Microsoft.AutoGenerated.{B2CC9256-3AF2-2A...

    Games                                        Microsoft.XboxLIVEGames_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Mic...

    Notice that the shortcut to my script, is autogenerated. Cool stuff.

    Where else can I find my shortcut? It is in the Apps location as shown here:

    Image of menu

    Now, all I need to do is to right-click the shortcut on the App page, and click Pin to Start. This is shown here.

    Image of menu

    After I do that, it shows up on my Start screen, and I can put the shortcut anywhere I want it. Here, I have moved it to a handy location—directly under my games.

    Image of screen

    When I click the shortcut tile, it bounces to the desktop, opens the Windows PowerShell console, and presents the information I want. Because I specified –noprofile, the prompt is a generic black Windows PowerShell prompt—but hey, it works. This is shown here:

    Image of command output

    Well, I am down to 78 percent on my battery now, but that is still 155 minutes remaining. So I am good to go.

    Join me tomorrow, when I have a guest blog post about DHCP written by Microsoft PFE, Ian Farr. It is an excellent two-part series, and you will not want to miss it.

    I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

    Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy 

    Hyper-V 2012 R2 Network Architectures Series (Part 6 of 7) – Converged Network using CNAs


    The last Hyper-V Network Architecture that I want to discuss is when the hardware combines the Ethernet network with the FC Storage connection over Ethernet using Converged Network Adapters (CNAs). The main purposes of this type of adapters is to reduce hardware costs and space on the datacenter. Let’s take a look to the diagram and see the key components of this solution:


    Again, from bottom to top, there are two big purple Uplinks representing the CNAs adapters. As you can see, this time the same uplinks must be shared not only between the different network traffics, but also with the Storage IO. This configuration and partition of the Uplinks is done by the backend software and a common setup is to dedicate 4GB from each Uplink for Storage. Windows will see these two adapters as HBAs and you will have to setup MPIO and the vendor DSM to provide HA.

    As you can imagine, we suddenly sliced the total amount of bandwidth available for Ethernet to 6GB on each uplink, and here is exactly where we need to start planning accurately our Hyper-V Network Architecture.


    • Windows will see the Multiplexed Ethernet adapters as 10GB cards. Of course this is not true at all because 4 of 10GB are already blocked and dedicated exclusively for Storage IO. This shouldn’t be a big issue if you plan accordingly, but I’ve seen some customers complaining about network throughput without taking this factor into account.
    • ·You might want to consider is the number of multiplexed Ethernet NICs presented to the Hyper-V host. We have less available bandwidth for Ethernet and this may change your approach and the number of NICs.
    • ·By definition, is not the best approach to use the same path to send Storage and Network IOs. We are not isolating such traffics and this may lead to some bottleneck if we don’t have a good capacity plan and performance baseline of our hardware. Personally I don’t like to put all the eggs on the same basket unless is really needed.

    This is the last Hyper-V Network Architecture that I wanted to discuss and in my next post I will do a quick summary with the Pros and Cons from each solution. You may noticed that I’ve never considered SR-IOV or RDMA NICs in any of the scenarios, but the main reason was to simplify the pictures.

    Ideally RDMA NICs should be completely dedicated and unless you use a Non-Converged Network approach, the backend solutions does not provide RDMA support today. This probably will change in the near future. Until then RDMA NICs can be considered as FC HBAs and that’s why I didn’t painted them on any scenario.

    Regarding SR-IOV NICs, some vendors expose the SR-IOV VF on the Multiplexed cards presented to Windows. When this is the case, you will have to evaluate if you want to dedicate one or two of these multiplexed cards for the purpose. On the other hand, for the Non-Converged Scenarios, you will probably have to buy some extra adapters to provide this functionality if your environment or Workload requires it.

    Case Study - ConfigMgr 2012: Moved the SUP point with a new WSUS server (new DB) and now the WCM fails to sync.


    Hi Folks,

    Todays’ post is a case study about ConfigMgr 2012 – WSUS sync issue. The issue started after the Software update point was moved to a different server. The WSUS was reinstalled there with a new database.

    Just to revisit the concepts, we generally look into the WSyncMgr log to check the sync but before that we have the categories sync and connection happening from the WCM (WSUS Configuration Manager) component. Any configuration changes that we do in the SUP role (like adding or removing product/classification categories) will be configured by this component which actually changes the same in WSUS. This is the very reason we don’t touch WSUS when we are integrated with WSUS.


    Coming to the issue we were getting the following the WCM.log -


    Category Product:44048288-2aac-b2b5-3730-fc020622ea05 (Firefox) not found on WSUS SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 2/20/2014 2:25:38 PM 11288 (0x2C18)

    Category Product:cc5cb1bb-6b87-94ae-f96a-f758195112a7 (Chrome) not found on WSUS SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 2/20/2014 2:25:38 PM 11288 (0x2C18)

    Subscription contains categories unknown to WSUS. SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 2/20/2014 2:25:38 PM 11288 (0x2C18)

    Failed to set Subscriptions on the WSUS Server. Error:(-2147467259)Unspecified error SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 2/20/2014 2:25:38 PM 11288 (0x2C18)



    This is a known issue with the reinstall of WSUS where the categories which were published from SCUP won’t be found. This is because with the reinstall of the WSUS it will lose all custom published updates and categories. Here it is 'Firefox' and 'Chrome'

    The solution to this being simple to remove the categories from the SUP product categories in the ConfigMgr 2012 console. But the strange thing here is we don’t see that in the categories list. But still we are asking for the same when we look in the WCM.log. One thing is that the customer has uninstalled SCUP. So with this disintegration we might have lost the categories in the console but the information is still present in the Database in the ConfigMgr.

    -Seemed the only solution, we might have to get rid of this from the DB.


    From the source code analysis came to know that we call

    CWSUSConfigManager::GetSubscribedCategoriesmethod which actually iterates through the categories by running the below query


    select CategoryInstance_UniqueID, CategoryInstanceName

    from fn_ListUpdateCategoryInstances(9) cat

    where cat.AllowSubscription=1 and cat.IsSubscribed=1 and cat.IsParentSubscribed=0

    order by cat.CategoryInstance_UniqueID


    We ran the above query to find if we have the 'Firefox' and 'Chrome' listed in the CategoryInstanceName.

    Yes – It was.


    From the above query we were calling the function and hence drilled down further to find the tables.

    Ran the below select queries to verify the information from the tables.


    select * from CI_CategoryInstances where categoryinstanceid in

    (select categoryinstanceid  from CI_LocalizedCategoryInstances where LocaleID = 9 and CategoryInstanceName ='Firefox'or

    CategoryInstanceName = 'Chrome')



    CategoryInstanceID CategoryInstance_UniqueID CategoryTypeName DateLastModified SourceSite ParentCategoryInstanceID IsDeleted rowversion 16777523 Product:cc5cb1bb-6b87-94ae-f96a-f758195112a7 Product 2013-11-27 21:05:23.000 AAR 16777522 0 0x0000000006B08673 16777549 Product:44048288-2aac-b2b5-3730-fc020622ea05 Product 2013-11-27 21:05:23.000 AAR 16777536 0 0x0000000006B08676


    select * from CI_LocalizedCategoryInstances where LocaleID = 9 and CategoryInstanceName = 'Firefox' or

    CategoryInstanceName = 'Chrome'



     CategoryInstanceID LocaleID CategoryInstanceName rowversion 16777523 9 Chrome 0x0000000006B08674 16777549 9 Firefox 0x0000000006B08677


    Match it to be sure if they are the correct records.

    Next thing was to get rid of them.


    * Make sure we have a backup of the DB before we run any delete query. Also, do not delete anything without the recommendation from the Microsoft Premier support.


    We deleted the information from the DB by running the below query –


    deletefrom CI_CategoryInstances where categoryinstanceid in

    (select categoryinstanceid  from CI_LocalizedCategoryInstances where LocaleID = 9 and CategoryInstanceName = 'Firefox' or

    CategoryInstanceName = 'Chrome')


    deletefrom CI_LocalizedCategoryInstances where LocaleID = 9 and CategoryInstanceName ='Firefox' or

    CategoryInstanceName = 'Chrome'


    After this the WCM stopped throwing those errors and the sync completed fine. We can reintegrate SCUP and republish these categories for getting these updates.

    Hope this helps !!

    Umair Khan

    Support Escalation EngineerMicrosoft System Center Configuration Manager  

    Disclaimer:This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

    Hyper-V 2012 R2 Network Architectures Series (Part 7 of 7) – Conclusions and Summary



    Congratulations. You reached the last of these 7 posts covering the most common Hyper-V Network Architectures today. Maybe you don’t remember all the pros/cons and caveats on each case, but don’t worry. I’ve build this table that summarizes the most important factors to consider when deciding what Hyper-V Network Architecture you want to use. As I said from the beginning, there is no one unique best practice but different option for different situations or needs. Each column in the table represents an important factor to consider and each row represent the 5 scenarios covered in the Series. I’ve added a last column to categorize each scenario based on Performance and Throughput. I find it useful to explain the differences and I hope you find it useful as well. I personally prefer the Non-Converged Networks Architecture if possible and affordable but there is no reason to discard the other options if you know how the end-end solution works and how the different pieces in the backend and Windows interact with each other.



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    Mobile World Congress, Microsoft and Nokia


    The following post is from Frank X. Shaw, Corporate Vice President of Communications at Microsoft.

    Mobile World Congress is in full swing in Barcelona this week, one of the biggest events of the year for the mobile industry. I love Barcelona, and am sad to miss MWC this year. There is something about the combination of the history and tradition of Barcelona past and the energy and innovation of Barcelona present, with all the attendees of MWC a punctuation mark. And there is always something new, companies with something to say.

    Microsoft is no exception. On Sunday afternoon, we hosted a press conference where we reinforced the momentum we’re seeing for Windows Phone – the fastest growing mobile OS with 91 percent year-over-year growth. We announced we’re working with nine new Windows Phone hardware partners , including Foxconn, Gionee, Lava (Xolo), Lenovo, LG, Longcheer, JSR, Karbonn and ZTE as well as a collaboration with Qualcomm to help more manufacturers build Windows Phones faster. You can read Joe Belfiore’s blog post from yesterday for more details.

    Nokia held its press conference earlier Monday. They announced a number of new devices from their Mobile Phone division including Nokia X, which will compete with Android devices in the affordable smartphone category and introduce the Microsoft cloud to a new set of customers in growth markets.

    There’s been lots of speculation about what this announcement means for Microsoft and about our pending acquisition of Nokia’s Devices and Services business. Here are a couple of points to put things into context.

    First, our transaction with Nokia has not yet closed. Today, we operate as two independent companies as required by antitrust law, and we will until the acquisition is complete. The anticipated close timeframe for the acquisition remains end of the first quarter of 2014.

    Second, we’re pleased to see Microsoft services like Skype, OneDrive and Outlook.com being introduced on these devices. This provides the opportunity to bring millions of people, particularly in growth markets, into the Microsoft family. The Skype team on Monday announced an offer in select markets for the first customers who purchase a Nokia X, one month of Skype’s Unlimited World Subscription. Read the Skype blog for more details.

    Finally, our primary smartphone strategy remains Windows Phone, and our core device platform for developers is the Windows platform.

    It is a fascinating time in the industry today. The rate of improvements in devices, the breadth of services offered, the way consumers and businesses are using devices of all shapes and sizes to do more – it is a reminder to all of us that what is considered status quo in Barcelona this year has the potential to look very different in the rear view mirror a year from now.

    We’d have it no other way. :)

    Microsoft reinforces Windows Phone momentum at Mobile World Congress


    In a post Monday over on The Official Microsoft Blog, Microsoft Corporate Vice President of Communications Frank X. Shaw reinforced some of the announcements the company made earlier at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

    "On Sunday afternoon, we hosted a press conference where we reinforced the momentum we’re seeing for Windows Phone – the fastest growing mobile OS with 91 percent year-over-year growth. We announced we’re working with nine new Windows Phone hardware partners , including Foxconn, Gionee, Lava (Xolo), Lenovo, LG, Longcheer, JSR, Karbonn and ZTE as well as a collaboration with Qualcomm to help more manufacturers build Windows Phones faster," Shaw wrote.

    Also in the post, Shaw touched upon announcements made by Nokia's Mobile Phone division at Mobile World Congress, including Nokia X, which will compete with Android devices in the affordable smartphone category and introduce Microsoft cloud services to a new breadth of customers.

    "There’s been lots of speculation about what this announcement means for Microsoft and about our pending acquisition of Nokia’s Devices and Services business," wrote Shaw, who went on to note that the acquisition is not yet closed and that Microsoft and Nokia will continue to operate as two separate companies until the acquisition is complete. Shaw closed by reinforcing that Microsoft's primary smartphone strategy remains Windows Phone.

    To read Shaw's full post, head on over to The Official Microsoft Blog.

    Jeff Meisner
    Microsoft News Center Staff

    This Week @ Microsoft - 17/02/2014


    Good Morning Everyone,

    An early posting from me today (and this week I suppose) as I am on the train and making the most of my time.

    Below is the latest compilation of key announcements and blog posts from the four corners of Microsoft. Thanks as always to Pete Roden for his on-going efforts to provide this list.

    Rob York
    Premier Field Engineer
    Microsoft UK

    Recent Releases:

    Important Announcements:

    Windows 8 and Server 2012:

    How to:


    Service Manager 2012 - Creating Workflow Notifications in Change Requests


    The Change Request process in Service Manager can involve a lot of repetitive data entry. This is largely caused because workflow emails for a Review\Manual Activity in a CR by design only take information from themselves and not the parent CR/ For example, if the parent CR for the review activity has been logged as the below CR878 and you want the reviewer in the child RA874 to receive the Description “This is an example description” in the review activity notification, the only option is to send the Title and Description from the child RA which is blank.

    The following blog post avoids the CR owner having to copy the details from the parent CR to the child activities by carrying the CR data properties into MA and RA email templates:


    The exception to this working as expected is when the user creates a parent Parallel Activity that the Review Activity and/or Manual Activity is a child of, the notification will only take the parent details of the MA/RA which is the Parallel Activity in this case not the CR.

    I have created the Runbook below to resolve this issue in tangent with email template workaround in the above link, the process updates any child Parallel Activities in the logged Change Request with the Title and Description from the parent CR to allow the email notification to work as expected. Please see the steps below to recreate.



    Initialize Data:

    This is the input to the Runbook, there is one input string called ActivityID. This will be the Runbook activity which triggers this Runbook from Service Manager.

    Get Activity:

    This is a ‘Get Object’ activity from the Service Manager Integration Pack. The activity gets the Runbook Automation Activity from Service Manager with the ActivityID from Initialize Data.

    Get Related Change Request:

    This is a ‘Get Relationship’ activity from the Service Manager Integration Pack, it finds the Change Request which contains the Runbook Automation Activity from the last step.


    Get Change Request:

    This is a ‘Get Object’ activity from the Service Manager Integration Pack. The previous step found the relationship to the Change Request.  This step gets the actual Change Request from the Service Manager database.



    Get Related Parallel Activity:

    This is a ‘Get Relationship’ activity from the Service Manager Integration Pack. At this point, we have all of the information to update the Parallel Activity. The next thing is to find the relationship between the Change Request and Parallel Activities.

    Get Parallel Activity:

    This is a ‘Get Object’ activity from the Service Manager Integration Pack. Now we have the Parallel activities in the Change Request we need to actually get the Parallel Activities objects we want to update


    Update Activity:

    This is ‘Update Activity’ activity from the Service Manager Integration Pack. The Parallel Activity has now been retrieved and this now updates the Parallel Activity with the Title and Description from the parent Change Request.



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