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Sway の機能強化: 最近使った Office ドキュメントへのアクセス、Power BI のサポート、PollEverywhere.com の埋め込み、テキスト編集など


(この記事は 2016 年 2 月 19 日に Office Blogs に投稿された記事 Sway adds access to “Recent” Office documents, support for Power BI and PollEverywhere.com embeds, text editing updates and more!の翻訳です。最新情報については、翻訳元の記事をご参照ください。)


皆様からのフィードバックを参考にして定期的に Sway を改良していく取り組みの一環として、このたび数多くの更新が発表されました。月例の更新は、Office をクラウド サービスとして確立する取り組みの一環でもあります。アイデアやご不明な点がありましたら、ぜひ UserVoice (英語)までお寄せいただき、Sway の改良にご協力いただけますと幸いです。

1 月には、ごみ箱や OneNote 用 Send to Sway アドインなどの機能が追加されました。2 月の更新では、コンテンツがさらに見つけやすくなり、新しい形式のインタラクティブな素材を埋め込む機能や、新しい直観的なテキスト編集機能などが追加されました。それでは、詳細を見てみましょう。

OneDrive の最近使った Office ドキュメントが挿入可能に

OneDrive や PC 上のコンテンツを Sway に埋め込んだりインポートしたりできるようになりました。OneDrive に保存されている Office コンテンツを表示する [Recent] ビューが追加され、最近使ったドキュメントに Sway からアクセスしやすくなりました。このビューでは最近使用した順にドキュメントが表示され、Sway にドラッグ アンド ドロップすることができます。

たとえば、それまで作業していた Excel シートを埋め込む場合や、学校のクラスメイトと共同作成した Word ドキュメントからコンテンツをインポートする場合に、[Insert] タブをタップまたはクリックし、ドロップダウン メニューから [OneDrive] を選択し、[Recent] を選択します。ドキュメントからのコンテンツの埋め込みやインポートとの違いについては、こちらの記事をご参照ください。

[Recent] のドキュメント リストは、Word などの個別の Office アプリケーションや OneDrive でも、画面左側のナビゲーション ウィンドウに表示されます。これらのコンテンツが Sway で使用できるようになったのです (Microsoft アカウントでログインしている場合)。今後は、職場や学校の Office 365 アカウントを使用して Sway にサインインした場合にも、OneDrive for Business を利用できるようになる予定です。ぜひご期待ください。

OneDrive の [Recent] リストから最近使ったドキュメントを探し、コンテンツを Sway に埋め込んだりインポートしたりできます。

Power BI および PollEverywhere.com の埋め込みをサポート

マイクロソフトは、ユーザーが Sway にさまざまなインタラクティブ メディアを埋め込んでアイデアをより的確に伝えられるようにするために、Sway でサポートするサード パーティ製 Web コンテンツの種類を拡充しています。これまでも Sway では、ビデオ、画像、オーディオ クリップ、地図、ドキュメント、Office Mix などのさまざまなサービスの Web コンテンツをサポートしていました。今回の更新では、皆様から多く寄せられていたご要望にお応えして、2 種類のコンテンツのサポートを追加しました。

  • Power BIレポート: Power BI で視覚化したデータや、動的で洗練されたダッシュボードを使用して、社内外向けの Sway のビジネス レポート、プレゼンテーション、ニュースレターなどに説得力のある視覚的かつインタラクティブな分析を埋め込むことができます。この機能は、サポートされるグラフをもっと増やしてほしいというご要望 (英語)にお応えするものです。
  • PollEverywhere.com のリアルタイム投票機能: 特に教師の皆様から多く寄せられたご意見 (英語)にお応えして、授業や壇上でのプレゼンテーションで使用する Sway にリアルタイム投票機能を追加できるようになりました。設問を Sway に埋め込み、Web またはテキスト メッセージで生徒や聴講者に回答を求めると、投票結果が即座に更新され、Sway でリアルタイムに確認できます。

マイクロソフトでは皆様からのフィードバックに基づいて、埋め込み可能なコンテンツの種類をさらに拡充してまいります。サポート対象のサイトの一覧や詳細については、こちらのヘルプ記事をご覧ください。また、次の Sway を横にスワイプすると、埋め込まれた Power BI レポートのサンプルをご覧いただけます。

Power BI の効果的でインタラクティブな視覚化データを Sway に埋め込み、高度な分析情報を織り込みながら企業の見解を伝えることができます (スクロールで次のページに進みます)。

Web への Sway の埋め込みがより簡単に

ブログや商用 Web サイトなどのインターネット上のサイトへの Sway の埋め込みが、これまでよりも簡単になりました。Sway が Embed.ly と oEmbed でサポートされ、リンクを簡単に埋め込みコンテンツに変換できるようになりました。Embed.ly または oEmbed をサポートするサード パーティ サービス (WordPress.com など) で作成した Web ページに Sway を埋め込むには、Sway の URL を貼り付けるだけです。その際、iframe 形式の長い埋め込みコードをコピーして貼り付ける必要はありません。

もちろん、iframe 形式の埋め込みコードも使用可能です。[Share] アイコンをタップまたはクリックして [Get embed code] を選択し、iframe 形式の埋め込みコードをコピーして貼り付けると、この形式での埋め込みをサポートしているサイト、またはこの形式を使用する必要があるサイトに Sway を埋め込むことができます。実際、この記事の Power BI のサンプルの Sway はこの形式で埋め込まれています。

Sway 内の多様なテキスト編集がより簡単に

Sway のデザイン エンジンでは、プロ並みの洗練されたデザインを数分で作成できます。今回の更新では、さらに簡単かつ自然に、また直観的にテキストの書式を意図したとおりに調整できるようになりました。

プレビューモードでテキスト編集の全機能を使用する: これまでもプレビュー モードでの作業中にテキストを編集 (英語)できましたが、さらにこのエクスペリエンスが改良され、Sway のストーリーラインで利用可能なすべてのテキスト編集オプションがサポートされるようになりました。プレビュー中にテキストをタップまたはクリックして [Edit] を選択すると、編集ダイアログ ボックスが表示されます。Sway キャンバスで簡単な微調整を行う場合でも、長文のテキストを編集する場合でも、今回の更新により作業効率が向上します。

プレビュー モードで直接すばやく編集できます。

テキストカード全体を強調: Sway ではこれまでも、テキスト カード内の特定の単語や語句を強調して目立たせることができました。今回の更新では、1 クリックまたは 1 タップでテキスト カード全体を簡単に強調できるようになりました。また、新たに追加された視覚スタイルにより、カード内のすべてのテキストを手動で強調した場合よりもさらに目立たせることができるようになりました。拡大強調アイコン (削除アイコンの隣) を選択するだけで、テキスト カード全体を強調できます。この機能は、テキスト カードに限らずあらゆる種類のカードで使用可能です。

強調スタイルを適用してテキスト カード全体を強調できます。

Sway 全体のテキストサイズを調整: 個々のテキスト カードを相対的に調整する以外に、Sway 全体のテキスト サイズを一括して調整できるようになりました。[Design] タブで [Customize] を選択して [Text size] スライダーを動かすと、テキスト サイズを調整できます。

[Text size] スライダーを使用すると、Sway 全体の
テキスト サイズを一括して調整できます。

Windows 10 PC/タブレット用 Sway の更新を近日中にリリース

現在マイクロソフトは Windows 10 PC/タブレット用 Swayの更新を進めており、近日中に最新の更新版が Windows ストアからダウンロードしていただけるようになります。この最新版では次の点が強化されています。

ごみ箱: 1 月の更新ではごみ箱機能が Web 版 Sway に追加されましたが、Windows 10 用 Sway でも使用できるようになる予定です。削除した Sway はごみ箱に移され、最大 30 日間は復元することができます。

全画面表示を改良: [Play] をクリックして Sway を全画面表示にした場合、デバイスがスリープ モードに移行しないようになります。これは、教室や壇上でプレゼンテーションを行っているときに特に便利です。

テキスト編集機能を強化: Web 版 Sway と同様に、プレビュー モードですべてのテキスト編集オプションを使用したり、テキスト カード全体を強調したり、[Text size] スライダーで Sway 全体のフォント サイズを相対的に調整したりできるようになります。機能の詳細については前述の内容をご覧ください。

その他の更新: このほか、不具合の修正を行っています。

Windows 10 用 Sway には、ごみ箱などの多数の機能が

更新版の Windows 10 PC/タブレット用 Swayにどうぞご期待ください。Web 版 Swayの最新の機能は今すぐお試しいただけます。マイクロソフトでは今後も機能強化を進めてまいります。Sway ブログや下記の SNS アカウントで発信される Sway の情報にご注目ください。また UserVoice (英語)では、いつでもフィードバックをお待ちしています。皆様の Sway の活用方法や、機能に関するご要望をお聞かせください。

Sway チーム (@Sway)

Sway を入手 | Sway の最新情報をフォロー 


※ 本情報の内容(添付文書、リンク先などを含む)は、作成日時点でのものであり、予告なく変更される場合があります。

揮別預覽模式!體驗比以往更好的 Outlook.com


    Outlook 團隊的使命在於帶給您不論在工作、家中,甚至是橫跨所有您喜愛的裝置上,都擁有最佳郵件及行事曆的美好體驗。近幾個月來,我們在桌面及行動裝置的應用程式上做了些許更新,推出了 Outlook 2016 以及持續提供 iOS、Android 與 Windows 10 應用程式上的更新。今天,我們宣布 Outlook.com 立下了重要的里程碑。

    最新版本的 Outlook.com 釋出!我們要感謝所有在預覽期間給我們許多回饋的使用者,使我們可以微調新版 Outlook.com 並完美搭載 Office 365。現在,我們拿掉預覽標籤,正式推出最新 Outlook.com,給世界各地的用戶全新的體驗!


  • 如果您還不是 Outlook.com 的用戶,今天即可申請帳號體驗(目前部分功能只開放北美地區使用,將盡快釋出至其他地區),我們保證您一定會喜歡!

  • 如果您本身為 Outlook.com 的用戶,您將很快就會收到更新。隨著預覽模式的結束,我們正每週推出新功能給百萬名的使用者。您不需要做任何動作以取得更新,所有設定和資料將會自動升級到最新版本。

    現在讓我們更進一步的了解 Outlook.com,他能提供商務級的郵件體驗幫助團隊合作更順利地運行,而且能達成更多以往不曾有的使用經驗。

搭配 Office 365,享有獨特的 Outlook 使用體驗

    新的 Outlook.com 建構於 Office 365 的基礎上,您將體驗的郵件服務是全世界數百萬企業、政府和學校每天所仰賴的工具。在現今這個數位時代,個人資料的安全非常重要,搬移至新的平台,將讓您的郵件、行事曆資料等,獲得更可靠的保護。

    此外,Outlook.com 使用者也能體驗到在原本 Office 365 中許多受使用者喜愛的強大功能。最新的功能包含自動確認航班歷程,讓您的旅行行事曆即時更新,以及更聰明的通訊簿,自動偵測最常通話的對象,這些都可在新版的 Outlook.com 中獲得。

    那些原本從 Windows 或 Mac 中下載的 Outlook apps,搬到新平台後也獲得極大的改善,像是設定自動回覆、切換標誌、同步分類、制定規則和草稿等,在新版本中都具備這些功能。不論您是習慣從 app 或網頁版本登入使用,我們都將提供更好的使用者體驗。Outlook on Windows 現在支援 Outlook.com 郵件的帳戶,同時Outlook for Mac 可以同步行事曆和聯絡人資訊。

    藉由將 Outlook.com 整合進 Office 365 平台,整體一致性和使用者熟悉度將會持續提升。


    我們常會在郵件中收到附加檔案像是待做事項清單、旅遊行程或月預算表等,管理編輯附加檔案是個複雜且困難的過程,特別是在其他與 Office 文件不相容的郵件伺服器中。Outlook.com 深度與 Office 整合,新的對應編輯功能簡化了這個過程,現在您可以在回覆訊息的同時,直接觀看和編輯 Word、PowerPoint、Excel 文件及相片。

    我們常會有在郵件群組對話的經驗,甚至是加入新的成員。如果有張相片或其他文件在原本的對話筐中分享,我們常會忘記附加給新進入的人員。現在 Outlook.com 有最棒的解決方案!當您新增某人進入對話框時,會立即收到訊息,詢問是否需要再次附加最近的相片或檔案至對話群組中。

    此外,一月底曾經發佈消息,新的 Outlook.com 使用者可以從 Dropbox 和 Box right 中直接附加檔案(與現有的 OneDrive 整合),而且他們可以選擇是要透過連結傳遞還是直接附加檔案。


    Outlook.com 的建立是為了幫助大家能獲得更多,這也就是我們為什麼持續在整合其他熱門 apps 和服務。今天,我們將鄭重的宣佈 GIPHY成為我們 Outlook 增益集的夥伴。GIPHY 藉由世界最大的 GIF 資料庫,讓您的郵件增加樂趣。此外,Yelp Wunderlist增益集在今年初也宣布在 Office Store 上架。這些增益集的合作做夥伴們,像是 Uber、PayPal、EvernoteBoomerang,將成為最完善的工具幫助您完成所有需求。

身為一個 Outlook 使用者,讓我們善用這些夥伴提供的協助吧!

  1. 如果你是一個新的 Uber 使用者,在首次使用 Uber Outlook 增益集時,可以獲得20元的折價卷。在取得乘車提醒後,只需要在 Uber 行動 app 內輸入“OutlookLove”折扣碼就可獲得首乘折扣(目前只限在美國使用)。

  2. Boomerang使用者,在前六個月可免費使用精簡行事曆和追蹤郵件回覆的功能。

所有增益集現在都可在 Office Store 中下載,並在 Outlook.com 中結合使用,如同Office 365使用者操作Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016或Outlook網頁版一樣。讓我們立即來體驗這些增益集吧!


    現在不需要離開 Outlook 收件夾,就可使用全球最大的 GIPHY GIFs圖庫幫你的郵件添加樂趣。您可以將GIFs用於生日、紀念日或慶祝活動上,以傳達對朋友和家人的感謝。





    我們往往收到的信件內容都是任務多過對話,像是「可以幫我買塊蛋糕嗎?」或「你今天可以去學校接艾咪嗎?」如果能將這些任務列成待做事項清單,便於追蹤,不是很好嗎?別擔心,您的願望已由Wunderlist增益集幫您完成。他會幫您搬移任務為主的信件至代辦事項清單,所以您就在能在 Outlook 內輕鬆計畫一整天的任務。此外,您可以將待辦事項清單透過郵件分享給其他人,不論是您的度假計畫或購物清單。讓我們更深入的了解 Wunderlist Outlook 增益集吧!(點這裡)

    根據之前使用者的意見回饋,為了讓大家能更簡單尋找到喜愛的增益集,我們在螢幕的最上方增加了增益集指令的窗格,讓您可以快速的尋找到想要的標的物。簡單點擊就可操作對應的增益集標誌,如 Uber、PayPal、Boomerang、Yelp、Evernote 和 Wunderlist。您也可以透過 Office Store 取得額外的增益集。Outlook.com 中,新的增益集指令窗格將在幾個禮拜後於北美洲上市,之後也將推行到其他地區。



    現今社會常使用郵件和即時訊息做溝通。進階的 Skype 整合,包含聊天、影片和電話對談,已結合進 Outlook.com。您可以更方便地在郵件和訊息間轉換,而不用離開收件夾。很快地,您將能夠透過 Outlook.com 管理 Skype 通話。





    你也可以在寫信時使用 @Mentions 的方式快速標記某人,將他加入挑論列並提醒他要回覆訊息。@Mentions 的方式不僅可在郵件中使用,也可操作於行事曆邀請函中。


    表情符號是一個讓郵件變生動的方式,我們新增了一個更快速簡單的方式,幫助您在 Outlook.com 的郵件中插入表情符號。現在搜尋表情符號,只需要在視窗中搜尋關鍵字,像是“開心”或“蛋糕”等,相關的符號就會呈現在眼前以供選擇。




    電子郵件一直到現在仍然是全球數位通訊的重要媒介,我們致力於讓您無論在工作、家中或是任何您喜愛的裝置上,創造出最佳 Outlook,給您絕美體驗。今日Outlook 的里程碑為我們的目標跨出一大步,同時您也可以期待在未來的幾個月,我們將有更多的改善與提高產品品質,我們期待在推出這些更新的同時,也聽到您的回饋,請將回饋寄至 Outlook.UserVoice.com

—Javier Soltero, 副總裁, Outlook 團隊



Q: 請問我可以立即更新我的 Outlook.com 帳號嗎?

A: 我們會竭盡所能地加快速度,讓每個禮拜都有百萬名帳號升級成功。所有 Outlook 的使用者即將可以升級,且不必執行任何步驟。

Q: 請問什麼時候才提供北美以外地區的用戶註冊並擁有最新 Outlook.com 的體驗?


Q: 請問當升級至最新版後,需要更換電子郵件帳號嗎?


Q: 我使用 Outlook for Mac 連接到我的 Outlook.com帳戶,請問我該如何做到文中提及的同步個人行事曆及聯絡人?

A:一旦您升級至最新版 Outlook.com,您必須先刪除在 Outlook for Mac 裏的舊賬號,再重新新增一次帳號。您可以在這裡知道如何新增您的帳號。

Q: 請問升級至 Outlook.com 最新版之後會需要更改或更新我的手機,以確保可以正常接收郵件嗎?

A:您的手機在升級至 Outlook.com 最新版之後,依然會連接至 Outlook.com 帳戶,不必要做任何改變以保持正常接收郵件。

Q: 如何開始使用新的增益集?

A:您可以在 Office store 找到 Uber、PayPal、Yelp、Boomerang、GIPHY、Evernote 及 Wunderlist,也在最新版 Outlook.com、Outlook 2013、 Outlook 2016 及網頁版 Office365 上的 Outlook 提供使用者使用。

    對於 Outlook.com 的用戶,我們將新增增益集至螢幕最上方幫助您可以快速找到,輕鬆點選螢幕上方相關 logo 啟動增益集:Uber、PayPal、Yelp、Boomerang、GIPHY、Evernote 及 Wunderlist,我們正與更多夥伴合作新增益集並擁有更好的體驗,這些增益集功能在未來幾週將位於北美地區推出,接著至全世界。在此期間,用戶可以在 Office Store 內下載增益集。

Q: 哪裡可以提供關於 Outlook.com 的意見及建議新功能?

A:我們渴望聽到使用者的聲音,請造訪 Outlook UserVoice 網站登入帳戶並留下回饋或意見。

Testování v PowerShellu

DevOps, Continuous Integration, Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management, BDD, TDD, … Také se vám po shlédnutí těchto zkratek otevírá nůž v kapse? Lid administrátorský je občas resistentní ke změnám, jenže vzhledem k tomu, že IT se mění velice rychle, musíme si na nové techniky a postupz zvykat. Stejně jako před lety nás uráželo slovo cloud, dnes jsme alergičtí na DevOps...(read more)

[Script Of Mar. 08] How to check if a string exists in the stored procedures of a SQL instance


Script Download:  
The script is available for download from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/How-to-check-if-a-string-d8b92b4a. You can also use  Microsoft Script Browser for Windows PowerShell ISE to download the sample with one button click from within your scripting environment. 

This T-SQL script will demonstrate how to check if a string exists in the stored procedures of a SQL Server instance. 

You can find more All-In-One Script Framework script samples at http://aka.ms/onescriptingallery

Exchange Management Shell Scripts and Update Rollup installations start failing in Exchange 2010


Throughout the last few months, we had several customer support cases and escalations on failing Update Rollup (UR) installations and failing DAG maintenance scripts (or other scripts) in Exchange 2010. Several Exchange 2010 PowerShell scripts, including scripts that are contained within the UR installer, stopped working as expected. Customers started to see errors like:


[PS] D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\scripts>.\RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1 -DagName DAG1 -BalanceDbsByActivationPreference -ShowFinalDatabaseDistribution -Confirm:$false

At C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\scripts\RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1:1928 char:3

+         return $moveSuccessful

+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Control cannot leave a finally block.

At C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\scripts\RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1:2538 char:5

+                 return $success

+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Control cannot leave a finally block.

    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ControlLeavingFinally



or an Update Rollup installation might fail with EventID 1024, Source: MSIInstaller, Error Code 1603


Product: Microsoft Exchange Server - Update 'Update Rollup 8-v2 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 (KB2986475)' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Windows Installer can create logs to help troubleshoot issues with installing software packages. Use the following link for instructions on turning on logging support: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=23127


It turned out that these errors appear when the Exchange scripts (either run by the administrator or run automatically in the background by the UR Installer) were run with Version 4.0 of the PowerShell Engine, instead of Version 2.0.

You can check what version of PowerShell is running in the Exchange Management Shell by running:


PowerShell Version 4.0 is included in the Windows Management Framework 4.0 (WMF4.0), which is supported on an Exchange 2010 Server, however: Windows Management Framework 4.0 can be used to perform operating system-related management tasks on a computer that's running Exchange 2010 SP3 RU5 or later. However, Exchange 2010 cmdlets and Exchange 2010 scripts require Windows PowerShell 2.0. Using Exchange 2010 cmdlets and scripts with Windows Management Framework 4.0 isn't supported.

Reference: Exchange Server Supportability Matrix


But why is the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) running on PowerShell 4.0?

Checking the shortcut for the EMS, we can see that we want to use Powershell Version 2.0 explicitly:

-version 2.0 -noexit -command ". 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto"


Using Process Monitor we found out that there is another file involved during EMS startup:

11:38:20.5522502 AM powershell.exe 140 QueryDirectory C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\NetApp\powershell.exe.activation_config SUCCESS Filter: powershell.exe.activation_config, 1: powershell.exe.activation_config

It turned out that this is an XML file and part of NetApp’s “SnapDrive for Windows 7.x” and “SnapManager for Exchange 7.x”. Once these products are deployed in version7.x on your Exchange Server, every PowerShell session is forced to start in version 4.0. That’s the root cause of your failing scripts and Update Rollup installations.
If you are affected or if you are using the product versions mentioned above to backup Exchange 2010, please check the NetApp KB-article 2026403 for a solution:

Exchange 2010 PowerShell scripts fail to run after installing SnapManager for Exchange 7.1

Ralf Leistner (MSFT)

#DigitalesWirtschaftswunder: wie sich Unternehmen und Institutionen neu erfinden können


Mitte Februar hat die Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) der Kanzlerin ihr jährliches Gutachten überreicht. Bei dem Termin mit Angela Merkel fand der Kommissionsvorsitzende Dietmar Harhoff deutliche Worte. Deutsche Unternehmen seien in ihren Digitalisierungsaktivitäten im internationalen Vergleich allenfalls Mittelmaß, der Mittelstand hinke in punkto digitale Innovation weit hinterher, und auch die eGovernment-Vorhaben deutscher Behörden kämen nicht recht voran.

Für mich gibt es keinen Zweifel, dass sich Unternehmen und Institutionen neu erfinden müssen, wenn sie die Chancen der Digitalisierung nutzen wollen. Im vergangenen Jahr hat Microsoft das Memorandum für ein Digitales Wirtschaftswunder vorgelegt. In der Folge wurden die Rahmenbedingungen der digitalen Transformation in Deutschland auf vielen Ebenen diskutiert. Nun ist es Zeit zum Handeln. Auf der CeBIT 2016 werden wir zeigen, wie Organisationen die notwendige Transformation konkret angehen können. Dafür haben wir sieben Faktoren definiert, die den Wandel beschleunigen und in ihrer Gesamtheit ein Digitales Wirtschaftswunder in Deutschland möglich machen.

Wie schaffen wir lebendige Organisationen ohne starre Hierarchien?
Technologische Disruption und die Volatilität global verzahnter Märkte machen langfristige Planungen obsolet. Um Entscheidungen zu beschleunigen, Innovationen schneller auf den Markt zu bringen und mit dem voll vernetzten Kunden Schritt zu halten, müssen Unternehmen beweglicher und anpassungsfähiger werden. Laut „Forum Gute Führung“ sind selbst organisierende Netzwerke ohne hierarchisch steuerndes Management das favorisierte Zukunftsmodell. Der notwendige Umbau impliziert zwei Großbaustellen: erstens kulturellen Wandel, also das Etablieren einer neuen Führungskultur. Zweitens technologischen Wandel, also die Einführung von Technologien, die eine Netzwerk-Organisation erst funktionsfähig machen. Vor allem, wenn es darum geht, Teams und Mitarbeiter so zu vernetzen, dass sie produktiv zusammenarbeiten können.

Wie werden Teams autonomer und flexibler?
Komplexität und Geschwindigkeit der digitalen Welt können nur in flexiblen und autonomen  Teamkonstellationen bewältigt werden. Tatsächlich sehen 70 Prozent der Entscheider eine steigende Relevanz von Teams für den langfristigen Geschäftserfolg ihres Unternehmens.

Teams verbinden schon heute die Arbeitswelt: Pro Woche verbringen wir mehr als 35 Prozent unserer Arbeitszeit in teamübergreifenden Projekten und nehmen rund 21 Stunden an Meetings teil. In diesem Jahr eröffnen wir unsere Unternehmenszentrale in Schwabing – und schaffen ideale Bedingungen für zeitgemäße Formen der Zusammenarbeit.

Wie können Mitarbeiter ihre persönlichen Stärken optimal einbringen?
In der digitalen Wirtschaftswelt sind vernetztes Denken, Kreativität und Selbstmanagement entscheidend für die Innovationskraft von Unternehmen. Doch der neue Typus des hoch qualifizierten Wissensarbeiters braucht Freiräume und Flexibilität. Laut Zukunftsinstitut sind für 89 Prozent der „Generation Y“ die Werte Unabhängigkeit und Selbstbestimmung besonders wichtig. Manager müssen in Zukunft mehr coachen als kontrollieren, Führungs-Persönlichkeit wird wichtiger als Expertentum. Organisationen müssen Mitarbeiter auch emotional an sich binden. Laut Gallup Engagement Index bringen Mitarbeiter mit einer hohen emotionalen Bindung 45 Prozent mehr eigene Ideen ein. Für mehr Engagement brauchen wir mehr Wertschätzung für den Einzelnen und eine neue Vertrauenskultur, viel Fehlertoleranz und Führungskräfte, die „Out-of-the-box“ Denken unterstützen. 

Wie machen wir Wissen transparent und verfügbar?
In der digitalen Wirtschaft wird Wissen zum wichtigsten Produktionsfaktor. Das bedeutet:  Silodenken und Herrschaftswissen haben ausgedient. Wir müssen neue Formen der Vernetzung organisatorisch und technologisch fördern; Mitarbeiter, Kunden, Lieferanten und externe Experten als wertvolle Know-how-Träger betrachten und in Innovationsprozesse einbeziehen; ein stringentes Wissensmanagement aufbauen und die Möglichkeiten von Big Data konsequent nutzen. Das Internet der Dinge wird uns ganz neue Wissensquellen erschließen. Laut einer Studie von Forrester und Microsoft glauben mehr als 80 Prozent der europäischen Führungskräfte, dass IoT-Technologien wertvolle Einblicke in das Kundenverhalten liefern werden – die sollten wir konsequent anzapfen!  

Wie wird unsere Infrastruktur sicherer und agiler?
IT-Abteilungen stehen unter doppeltem Druck: bei der Digitalisierung müssen sie „liefern“, gleichzeitig wandert immer mehr IT-Kompetenz in Fachabteilungen. Sie müssen zu allererst ihren eigenen Bereich im Sinne einer Two-Speed-IT-Logik umstrukturieren: Hier das solide und sichere Fundament, das klassischerweise von IT-Pros und Administratoren aufgesetzt und gewartet wird. Dort die schnelle, kreative Eingreiftruppe aus Entwicklern und Datenanalysten, die Apps programmieren, Datenintelligenz nutzbar machen und Geschäftsprozesse gestalten. Fakt ist: Ohne Cloud Services geht ab sofort nichts mehr. Laut IDC-Prognosen wird bis 2018 mindestens die Hälfte der IT-Ausgaben in cloudbasierte Lösungen fließen. Auch beim Thema Sicherheit geht der Trend hin zu „Security as a Service“. Firmeneigene IT-Infrastrukturen können kaum mehr dieselbe Sicherheit gegen Datenmissbrauch und Datenverlust leisten wie die Cloud. In diesem Jahr startet Microsoft mit einem neuen Cloud-Angebot (Microsoft Cloud Deutschland), das speziell auf die Bedürfnisse deutscher Kunden zugeschnitten ist, um das Vertrauen in neue Technologien zu stärken. 

Was bringt uns eine smarte und vernetzte Produktion?
Laut einer aktuellen Studie von PAC zur Digitalen Transformation erwarten fast 70 Prozent der befragten Manager sehr starke bis deutliche Veränderungen in ihrem Unternehmen. Eine fundamentale Frage lautet: Wie müssen Unternehmen ihre Geschäftsmodelle verändern? Das Jahresgutachten der EFI weist darauf hin, dass Deutschland zu sehr auf die industrielle Produktion fokussiert ist. Die großen Veränderungen spielen sich jedoch in smarten Servicewelten und digital veredelten Produkten ab. Doch in Sachen Digitalisierung ist der deutsche Mittelstand fast schon schizophren veranlagt. Die meisten erkennen die immensen Chancen, doch nur die wenigsten nutzen sie konsequent. Laut Studie von Commerzbank und TNS Infratest glauben zwar 86 Prozent der Führungskräfte im Mittelstand fest an die Chancen der Digitalisierung. Andererseits setzen bisher nur 15 Prozent auf digitale Technologien wie Social Media, Big Data oder Cloud Computing – das muss sich ganz schnell ändern. 

Multifunktionale Straßenlaterne misst Umweltdaten und bringt WLAN und Strom für E-Mobilität. (Quelle: EnBW)

Wie wird der Staat beweglicher und bleibt doch souverän?
Ein Digitales Wirtschaftswunder ist nur möglich, wenn sich die Unternehmen und Bürger auf effiziente und sichere Strukturen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung stützen können. Die aktuelle Flüchtlingskrise zeigt, dass die Leistungsfähigkeit der Verwaltung begrenzt ist. Insbesondere die öffentliche IT-Infrastruktur ist überfordert. Viele Daten werden doppelt erhoben, ein Informationsaustausch findet häufig nicht statt. Die Digitalisierung ist für den öffentlichen Sektor eine Chance, flexibler, effizienter und serviceorientierter zu arbeiten. Wirksames eGovernment spart 34 Prozent des bürokratischen Aufwands. Hochgerechnet auf die wichtigsten 60 Verwaltungsleistungen sind das ungefähr drei Milliarden Euro Einsparpotential. 

Auf der CeBIT 2016 werden wir gemeinsam mit Wirtschaftswundermachern aus Unternehmen, Bildungsorganisationen, Verwaltungen und NGOs anhand von ganz unterschiedlichen Projekten verdeutlichen, was die Faktoren Organisation, Team, Mitarbeiter, Wissen, Produktion, Infrastruktur und Staat konkret dazu beitragen, die digitale Transformation zu meistern. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Halle 4 zu begrüßen. 

Ein Beitrag von Sabine Bendiek (@bendiek)
Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung von Microsoft Deutschland

Exchange 2013/2016 向けの ExMon ツールを公開


(この記事は 2016 年 2 月 16 日に Exchange Team Blog に投稿された記事 Exchange 2013 and 2016 Exmon tool is now availableの翻訳です。最新情報については、翻訳元の記事をご参照ください。)


マイクロソフトはこのたび、Exchange 2013/2016 向けの ExMon ツール (Microsoft Exchange Server ユーザー モニター) を公開しました。

http://aka.ms/exmon2013 (英語)

[Download] ボタンを押すと、今回のバージョン向けに更新されたドキュメントを PDF 形式でダウンロードしていただくこともできます。

今回のリリースに向けて尽力してくれた Jeff Mealiffe と Nasir Ali に感謝します。

Nino Bilic


※ 本情報の内容(添付文書、リンク先などを含む)は、作成日時点でのものであり、予告なく変更される場合があります。

※ ExMonツールはダウンロードページの注意書きにある通り、現状有姿で提供されます。またマイクロソフトのテクニカルサポートの対象外となります。 そのため、インストール時に表示される使用許諾書にご同意いただけない場合はご利用されないことをお勧めします。

Office 365 ハイブリッド構成ウィザードが Exchange 2010 に対応


(この記事は 2016 年 2 月 17 日に Exchange Team Blog に投稿された記事 Office 365 Hybrid Configuration wizard for Exchange 2010の翻訳です。最新情報については、翻訳元の記事をご参照ください。)


このたび Office 365 ハイブリッド構成ウィザード (以降 HCW) が更新され、Exchange 2010に対応しました。この新しいウィザードには、以下の特長があります。

  • ユーザー エクスペリエンスが刷新され、ハイブリッド構成プロセスが簡素化されました。
  • エラー処理のエクスペリエンス向上により、エラーの内容を実際に理解したうえで問題を簡単に修復できるようになりました。
  • HCW の修正プログラムがオンプレミス製品のリリース サイクルとは関係なく迅速に提供されるようになりました。
  • HCW の実行に何時間もかかる原因となっていた非効率的なコードが一から書き直され、数分での実行が可能になりました。
  • 以前のブログ記事では、さらに多くの機能強化についてご説明しています。

今後は、Exchange 2010 の Exchange 管理コンソール (EMC) にバンドルされていた従来の Exchange 2010 向け HCW の代わりに、Office 365 HCW を使用してください。



次のビデオでは、Exchange 2010 対応した新しい Office 365 HCW のエクスペリエンスについてご説明しています。

(Please visit the site to view this video)

Exchange 2010 環境で HCW を実行する方法

新しい Office 365 HCW を実行するうえで、従来と異なる点が 1 つあります。それは、オンプレミスの Exchange 2010 の EMC にアクセスするのではなく、Exchange Online の Exchange 管理センターを開くことです。その手順は次のとおりです。

1. ドメインに参加しているマシンから http://portal.office.comにアクセスし、テナント管理者の資格情報でログインします。

2. ポータルのランディング ページで [Admin] アイコンを選択します。

3. 管理ページの左側にあるツリー メニューで、[ADMIN] を展開してから [Exchange] を選択し、Exchange 管理センターを開きます。

4. Exchange 管理センターの左側にある [Hybrid] ノードを選択してから、[Configure] ボタンを選択してウィザードをダウンロードします。

上記の手順の代わりに、こちらのリンク (http://aka.ms/HybridWizard) をクリックして新しいウィザードを直接ダウンロードすることもできます。

注: Exchange 2010 SP3 RU13 では EMC が更新され、新しい HCW が導入される予定ですが、それまでお待ちいただく必要はありません。実行の準備ができたら HCW へのリンクをクリックしてください。EMC を開く必要もありません。


Exchange 2010 に対応するように Office 365 HCW を更新したのはなぜですか。

数か月前に Exchange 2013/2016 に対応する新しい Office 365 HCW をリリースしたことで、マイクロソフトはハイブリッド構成プロセスを正確に把握できるようになりました。マイクロソフトでは、エラーや処理速度の低下がな いか、何が問題なのかを確認し、フィードバックを収集して対応しています。これらのテレメトリにより、エンジニアリング側では迅速な対処が必要な問題に優 先して対応できるのです。今回、このウィザードが Exchange 2010 にも対応したため、ハイブリッド構成を採用しているすべてのお客様にこうしたメリットを実感していただけるようになりました。

新しい HCW のメリットの詳細については、Office 365 HCW をご紹介した以前のブログ記事をご覧ください。

Exchange 2010 に対して新しいウィザードを使用するには、どの更新プログラムをインストールする必要がありますか。

必要になるのは Exchange 2010 Service Pack 3 のみで、ロールアップがインストールされているかどうかの確認は行われません。ただし、新しいロールアップではコードやセキュリティの面で多くの修正が行 われるため、(HCW の実行に必須ではありませんが) 常に最新の更新プログラムを適用することをお勧めします。各バージョンの Exchange の最新の更新プログラムの一覧については、こちらのページをご確認ください。

現在の環境で従来の HCW を既に実行している場合でも、新しいウィザードを実行できますか。

はい。現在の環境で従来のウィザードを完了したか、部分的に完了している場合でも、新しいウィザードを実行できます。従来の構成を更新する必要がな い場合は、今すぐウィザードを実行しなくてもかまいませんが、次に更新を行う際にはこの新しいウィザードを使用することをお勧めします。

この新しい HCW は、数か月前に発表された Exchange 2013/2016 向けの HCW とは別のものですか。

いいえ、同じウィザードです。ただし、ウィザードは Exchange 2010 ハイブリッド環境に必要な固有の構成をサポートするように更新されています。たとえば、Exchange 2010 のハイブリッド環境では、メール フロー機能用に追加のリモート ドメインの構成が必要になります。Exchange 2010 をサポートするために、こうした固有の構成を追加しました。




ハイブリッド展開の作業時間を短縮したり、環境の安定性を高めたり、ハイブリッド構成の作業を簡素化したりしたい場合は、従来の HCW の代わりに新しい Office 365 HCW をご利用ください。このウィザードに関して問題点やご意見がある場合は、ウィザードのすべてのページに用意されているフィードバック用ボタンからお寄せく ださい。お客様の声に真摯に耳を傾け、対応してまいります。

HCW を実行したか、実行する予定がある他のお客様にも、新しいウィザードのことをお伝えいただけますと幸いです。

Office 365 Hybrid チーム


※ 本情報の内容(添付文書、リンク先などを含む)は、作成日時点でのものであり、予告なく変更される場合があります。

Five inspiring Middle Eastern women in tech


Editorial team 

It is not uncommon in many technology companies for females to be outnumbered by their male counterparts. That said, in the Middle East 35% of tech entrepreneurs are women, compared to the global norm of 10%.

Still, while we are ahead globally, woman remain underrepresented, so it makes sense that closing the gender gap is on the agenda for many governments. At the same time, Microsoft has been driving programs such as Microsoft YouthSpark and DigiGirlz that empower women to step up in the S.T.E.M. fields as well as inspire them to pursue their passions in the field.

On International Women’s Day (8 March 2016), we want to put the spotlight on the leading ladies who are transforming our world through technology. Here is a list of five inspiring women in tech:

  1. Hind Hobeika is the CEO of Beirut-based startup, Instabeat, which was named one of Forbes’ Hottest Global Startups of 2013. The wearable device has been specifically designed for swimmers and is positioned to become a global leader. It is the first waterproof monitor that tracks, stores and displays information about a swimmer’s heart rate in real time to help swimmers optimise their performance. Hind is thought of as a great entrepreneur from the Middle East region who has innovated and designed a product with global potential.
    (Please visit the site to view this video)

  2. Head of Development for Israel’s Arrow 3 missile defence program, Inbal Kreiss, heads the team in the Systems Missiles and Space group of Israel Aerospace Industries that is developing the most advanced missile defence system in the world. The Arrow 3 is an anti-ballistic missile system that serves the Israeli defence concept of intercepting and destroying incoming threats. In 2010 she was awarded the Technological Entrepreneurship Award at the International Aerospace Conference in Israel.

  3. With women only making up 3.1% of the Lebanese parliament, Jessica Obeid was inspired to form a mentorship program paving the way for Lebanese women to get involved in politics. Having spent time in the US Department of State-funded TechWomen Program, Jessica, who is passionate about public diplomacy, used her experience to form MentorSHE. Since its launch in November 2014, mentors and mentees have participated in training on media and communication, advocacy and lobbying, and political economy.

  4. There’s little wonder that Maxine Fassberg was inducted into the Women in Technology International (WITI) Hall of Fame in June 2009. She holds the titles of Vice President of the Technology and Manufacturing Group, General Manager of Intel Israel and Fab 28 Plant Manager for the Intel Corporation. She was awarded the Israel Industry Award from the Manufacturers Association of Israel in 2011, and in 2012 she was awarded the Hugo Ramniceanu Prize in Economics as well as being identified as one of the 10 most powerful women in tech by CNN.

  5. Rana el Kaliouby saw a serious shortcoming when it came to computers: they’re good with information, but oblivious to feelings. The MIT Media Lab scientist decided to close that gap by coming up with technologies that help computers recognise facial expressions and other physical indicators of how someone is feeling. The technology has the potential to become a critical component in advertising, as well to help devices better understand what we want. Now Rana has co-founded a company called Affectiva in Massachusetts to commercialise the facial recognition technology.
    (Please visit the site to view this video)

In order to close the gender gap, we are committed to creating even more opportunities for women to innovate, create, and unlock the best opportunities for their future.

We are therefore excited to unveil our new patent program to empower young women to #MakeWhatsNext. Microsoft will partner with select young inventors, many of whom will be selected through our global Imagine Cup competition to help them secure a patent on their original invention or idea. Not only is this program unique to the industry, it empowers young women to realise their achievements and what’s possible in a future career.

For more inspirational stories of women in technology, watch this video: (Please visit the site to view this video)

Developing girl power through coding


Rehab Moustafa and Sara Elmougy are two young Egyptian graduates who have seen the power of coding and app development to make an impact in people’s lives. They represent the unlimited potential in Africa for great app ideas, which is why they were part of Microsoft’s AppFactory in Egypt, helping them bring their ideas to life.

Sisters doing it for themselves
Both Rehab and Sara are following their passions and breaking into traditionally male-dominated industries. Rehab graduated in Systems and Biomedical Engineering, while Sara has a degree in Computer Science. Sara’s interest in coding began in elementary school where she first learned to code HTML, and Rehab was tasked with using coding to develop projects for medical fields during here studies.

Their achievements are among those of many women being celebrated this International Women’s Day (8 March 206), which focuses on gender parity.

Developing a love for coding
Beyond this, both young women are eager to make a difference and believe that coding is key to doing this. Sara explains, “It makes me really happy to develop an application for people to use. It’s about innovation, design and development – and when you finally get your application right you can be proud of being a helpful and useful person.”

Rehab agrees. She has seen first-hand how mobile technology and applications can enhance her field of Biomedical Engineering. “I can actually use coding to help patients get their treatment right where they are – and that inspired my team’s idea for our graduation project. We developed an application that connects patients with their doctors to get functional electrical stimulation treatment right in their homes with the doctor’s instructions.”

Rehab Moustafa and Sara Elmougy, app developers from Egypt's AppFactory 

Addressing real needs
Between the two of them, Sara and Rehab have developed more than 10 apps during their time at the AppFactory, serving a host of different needs.

Rehab developed two apps by herself and a further three as part of a team. On her own she developed“How can I fix it?” and “Eventopia”, offering simple steps to fix cars and sharing events happening around Egypt respectively. With her teammates, she created “Library” and “Kotobna” for book lovers and aspiring authors, as well as “Recipes Valley”, which is a database of simple recipes suggested depending on what users have in their fridge.

Sara created five apps on her own: Meyaww for children with autism; Hawyany Al-Aleef for pet owners; Research Hub for researchers wanting to publish their papers; a mathematical game called Prof. Bubu; and UX News, which is a hub of information for UX designers. She was also part of a team that created two apps for start-ups. Beliaa is a one-stop instant communication platform between car owners, Road Assistance Service and after sales service providers; while HOPE is a social aggregated mobile platform for blood donation.

The common thread running through each of these apps is that they address a real community need, which is at the heart of these young women’s love for coding.

Coding to change the world
When it comes to encouraging other would-be coders, Rehab says: “Never stop developing yourself, be passionate about what you do, realise your potential and never give up on your dreams.” Sara believes that it takes focus and patience to succeed in this area.

They agree that the AppFactory helped them receive the training they needed, challenged them to prove themselves and built their confidence that they can do anything they set their minds to. We look forward to watching these ladies do their part in changing the world.

Cloud Weekly Digest – Week of February 28 – March 05, 2016


The purpose of this weekly post is to help IT Cloud Admins and IT professionals gain access to the most relevant Microsoft Cloud news that occurred in the previous week(s).

Take a look at last week’s news on Microsoft Cloud and miscellaneous.

Join Microsoft and Early Adopter Customers for the Global Dynamics AX Virtual Launch Event | March 9th, 8:00 am PST
Register for the new Microsoft Dynamics AX Virtual Launch Event. See the technology that enables organizations to make smarter decisions quickly, efficiently redesign business processes and support business growth through the flexibility of the cloud.


YamJam: Sway | March 9, 2016 @ 9:00am PT
We are excited to announce the Sway YamJam! Join the Sway product team on the Office 365 Network for a live hour of Q&A, the opportunity to voice feedback, and a discussion on how to make the most of Sway in your organization.

Microsoft Virtual Security Summit Webcast | March 29th
Cyberattacks cost organizations $400 billion a year. It seems nearly every week a new cyberattack is announced, against a corporation, a government agency, or a nonprofit organization. This has made cybersecurity a top issue for IT, Security, Legal and the board room. On March 29th, hear from top security experts and key Microsoft security professionals for a three-hour event dedicated to better understanding today’s Enterprise Security industry.


LAST REMINDER: Data Driven Summit - NYC | March 10, 10:00 am PST
Get help building the strategy that you need. Learn about the latest SQL Server, Hadoop, and much more at Data Driven!

REMINDER: - Ask The Expert Session - Intro to Azure Machine Learning: Predict Who Survives the Titanic
| March 15th at 9:00 am PST
Interested in doing machine learning in the cloud? In this demo-heavy talk, I will set the stage with some information on the different types of machine learning (clustering, classification, regression, and anomaly detection) supported by Azure Machine Learning and when to use each.

REMINDER: Azure OMS TECH Friday Skype sessions
Please join the OMS team every other Friday for an hour focused on technical information regarding Microsoft’s business continuity and disaster recovery solutions including Azure Site Recovery (ASR), Azure Backup (AB), Operational Insights (OI), Azure Automation (AA), and related technologies. Recordings will be posted here.

LAST REMINDER: Office 365 – FastTrack webinars | Multiple dates
Learn how to do more, together. Ask questions, learn shortcuts and find out how Office 365 can make you and your team more productive. Select one of the webinars available, register, and attend a live presentation with demos and Q&A. Webinar selection range from using Office 365 to working like a network.

LAST REMINDER: SME roundtable on mobility at Microsoft Webinar | March 31st at 10:00 am PST
IT subject matter experts (SMEs) from our Mobility at Microsoft IT Showcase course will answer your questions about how Microsoft IT designs, develops, deploys, and supports mobility at Microsoft. Get candid answers from our experts as they share their insights and best practices.

REMINDER: Drive Business Results with Intelligent Tools Series | All webinars (45 minutes) will take place on Thursdays at 10:00 am PST.
Moving to the cloud is no longer a question of “if,” it’s a question of “when.” In this series you will get to see the exciting innovations enabling best-in-class, cross-platform mobile productivity, intelligent tools that can anticipate your needs to deliver timely solutions, collaboration tools built for the modern workforce and how Microsoft has delivered on its commitment to trustworthy computing across security, privacy and compliance.

  • 3/10: Security is Not a Privilege, It’s a Right
  • 3/17: Reinventing Customer Experience: Create Agent “Superheroes” via the Modern Service/Call Center
  • 3/24: What’s Next in SharePoint 2016
  • 3/31: Reinventing Customer Experience: Field Service and the Modern Dispatch Technician

Azure Active Directory Premium Customer Training Webinars | March
Join us and learn how to get up and running on Azure AD Premium quickly and easily!

  • Getting Ready for Azure AD - March 14, 2016 7:00am, 11:00am, and 7:00pm PST
  • Manage Your Enterprise Applications with Azure AD - March 15, 2016 7:00am, 11:00am, and 7:00pm PST
  • Secure Your Identities with Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - March 16, 2016 7:00am, 11:00am, and 7:00pm PST
  • Streamlining Password Management Using Azure AD - March 17, 2016 7:00am, 11:00am, and 7:00pm PST
  • Accessing Your Organization's Internal Application via Azure AD App Proxy - March 18, 2016 7:00am, 11:00am, and 7:00pm PST
  • Manage Partner and Vendor Access Using Azure B2B Collaboration - March 22, 2016 7:00am, 11:00am, and 7:00pm PST


Yammer YamJam February 2016
The summary for the February, 23, 2016 Yammer YamJam has been posted. Check it out!

Unite your team with Groups
Scenario training is now available on the Office Training Center to help you get started with Office 365 Groups. We have a lot more coming, including localized content, new content, and additional assets on FastTrack to help you drive usage and adoption at your organization.

Updates to Office experiences on Windows tablets and iPad Pro
Last week, Ben Walters returned to give a tour of recent updates to Office experiences spanning Sway, Excel, PowerPoint and Word Mobile apps for Windows 10 tablets and what’s new with Office on the iPad Pro.

Announcing the new Office 365 admin center
Last week, we announced the rollout of the new Office 365 admin center. The new admin center makes it faster, easier and more efficient to manage Office 365.


Sway integration in Microsoft Photos helps you share your memories as interactive stories, Sway supports Living Images
Microsoft is all about empowering you to do more in your personal, professional or academic life. Last week, we announced the integration of Sway with Microsoft Photos app.

Create your very first good-looking Word add-in
DEV | Create your very first good-looking Word add-in by Simon Jaeger.

ngOfficeUiFabric v0.5.0 Released - Two New Directives
DEV | Two New Directives by Andrew Connell.

Sending mails with embedded images via the Microsoft Graph
DEV | Sanding emails with embedded images via the Microsoft Graph by Elio Struyf.

Global networking firm clicks to share collective knowledge in the cloud
Success Story | It takes the whole village at Ixia—all 1,750 talented, global employees—to create great security, test, and visibility products. By deploying Microsoft Office 365 and the modern voice and meeting capabilities of Skype for Business Online, Ixia has made it even easier to share knowledge, find answers fast, and communicate with one another. By standardizing on Skype for Business Online, Ixia can also save about US$100,000 a year and better serve its diverse communications.

Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices (PnP) - Community Survey - Spring 2016
Make your voice heard | The Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices (PnP) is conducting a community survey. Your input truly matters; they want to collect some feedback around the PnP initiative for the future direction. Survey will be open for feedback until Friday 11th of March 2016. Results and details will be shared with the community.

Episode 087 with Todd Baginski on the Property Manager Hero Demo updates—Office 365 Developer Podcast
In this episode, Jeremy Thake and Richard DiZerega with Todd Baginski on the Property Manager Hero Demo.


Proactive notifications on Cloud Service issues with Azure Diagnostics and Application Insights
Application Insights will now send you notifications if your Azure Cloud Services roles experience common issues in addition to providing diagnostic information to help you solve the problem.


Guidance for running Elasticsearch on Azure
The Microsoft Patterns & Practices group has provided guidance on implementing Elasticsearch and illustrates many of the challenges our customers face and how to work through them.

Microsoft first global CSP to receive the Cloud Security Mark (Gold) accreditation
This past week we announced the latest accreditation in our compliance series based on the new ISO/IEC 27017 standard, the accreditation is called the Cloud Security Mark.

Announcing general availability of the StorSimple Virtual Array
Last week, Microsoft announced the general availability of the on-premises StorSimple Virtual Array, for all customers with an Enterprise Agreement for Microsoft Azure.


Azure Search introduces new lower cost tier in preview
Based on customer feedback, we are happy to announce that Azure Search has introduced a new, lower-cost Basic tier into preview which fills the gap between the existing Free and Standard tiers.

Have some Java with your Event Hub
Last week, we announced a brand new, open source Azure Event Hubs client for Oracle’s Java® programming language, and for all other JVM-based languages leveraging Java libraries. The client library is made available under the MIT license.


SQL Server 2005 Upgrade: The Path to Better Database Performance and Security webinar
On-Demand | With extended support for SQL Server 2005 ending on April 12, 2016, it’s a good time to learn more about the benefits of upgrading your database technology and to get your migration plan in place.


Analyze CPU and Memory while Debugging
Make your code run faster, use less memory, or just find out whether your code has a CPU or memory issue.


Microsoft wins awards at Mobile World Congress 2015 with Surface Pro 3, Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL
Microsoft has racked up six awards so far at Mobile World Congress 2015, including Best Mobile Tablet (Surface Pro 3), Best of Mobile World Congress 2015 (Lumia 640) and Top Pick of Mobile World Congress 2015 (Lumia 640 XL).


PowerShell Basics: (Part 2) Real Word Examples for Our Most Common Cmdlets
Lex Thomas and Stephen Mathews are back for Part 2 in their PowerShell Basics series and in this episode they show us some of the most command cmdlets used as well as some real world examples of what to use them with. | Part 1

Linux in Azure– overview
In the first module, we're going to take a look at the Virtual Machines service in Azure and how you can quickly provision a Linux instance running your favorite distribution on it.

Monitor Team Services web extensions with Visual Studio Application Insights
Yes, you can monitor team services web extensions with VS application insights.

Developing Windows 10 applications with C#
On-Demand |Everything you need to know to develop Windows 10 applications with C#.


Data Driven: SQL Server 2016 Virtual Event

Zveme vás ke sledování online akce Data Driven: SQL Server 2016 , která se bude konat již 10. 3. 2016 od 16:00 do 18:00 hodin . Společnosti, které mění data na inteligentní akci válcují svou konkurenci a budou úspěšní i v budoucnosti. Sledujte online akci, kde vám přímo CEO Microsoftu Satya Nadella a další odborníci ( Scott Guthrie , Cloud & Enterprise EVP; Joseph Sirosh...(read more)

TNWiki Article Spotlight - Creating and Deploying Microsoft Azure WebJobs


Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

Have you ever asked yourself how you can implement CRON jobs in Azure? Instead of using a worker role (if it even still exists) what could be an alternative? Over the last couple of months I have worked on a course about that alternative: Azure WebJobs. Azure WebJobs is part of the Azure App Services and helps you to do great things in the background. Mh, do we have something on the wiki which helps you to get started with it? Of course! Chervine created an article, called Creating and Deploying Microsoft Azure WebJobs, which helps you to get started. He explains how to create a WebJob in Visual Studio, which is essentially a simple console application, and how you publish it from VS. After this section, which also covers older versions of Visual Studio, he shows how to start the WebJob from the Azure portal. That is of course not everything you can do with WebJobs. It ships with an SDK to do more with it. At the end Chervine goes through a short example of daily sales. The demo application retrieves the daily sales from a database, sends an email with the results and writes them to Azure Blob Storage.

There is even more you can do with WebJobs. In this post a Blob client is created manually, but you can achieve the same result by using the BlobAttribute. Triggers and Bindings are a good way to communicate with other services in Azure and help to reduce the total lines of code.

If you are working with Azure Web Sites or want to implement something running in the background you should definitively check out WebJobs. It helps you to build amazing things.

- German Ninja Jan (TwitterBlogProfile)

Pozvánka: IoT Hackathon (18.-19.3.)

Vytvořte svůj vlastní IoT projekt pod vedením našich odborníků během mezinárodního hackathonu, který se koná zároveň v 14 zemích. Kde: Microsoft, s.r.o., budova Delta, Vyskočilova 1561/4a, Praha 4 Kdy: 18. 3. 2016 10:30 - 20:00 (přes noc), 19. 3. 2016 8:00 - 18:00 Internet of Things spojuje dohromady moderní zařízení, senzory, cloud, data a vaši představivost. Spojením všeho dohromady...(read more)

WPC 2016 spring sale. Save US$100. Register before 11 March


For only 48 hours* from March 9-10, you can save big on the big benefits that the 2016 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference offers. It’s simple: just register for WPC 2016 during the sale and you’ll automatically receive your discounted All Access pass.

Whether you’re learning at business-building and leadership sessions or networking with the 15,000+ other attendees, you’ll be on the fast track to new business growth when you attend WPC. A conference built for and by partners, WPC brings the right people to the right place for a week jam-packed with opportunities for expanding your personal and professional networks while acquiring the insights and skillsets you need to succeed in your industry.

What makes WPC unique among conferences is how much business starts—and gets accomplished—in only one short week. Watch our video Business gets done to get a taste of what you’ll experience in Toronto and hear directly from both partners and Microsoft executives on the value of the event.

*Offer valid from 12:01am Pacific Time (PT) on March 9, 2016 through 11:59pm PT on March 10, 2016. For new registrants only.

Azure’s compatibility with OpenCV helps TruMedicines deliver accurate and efficient pharmaceutical identification and information


Efficiently tracking and identifying pharmaceuticals has, historically, been an impossible task for drug manufacturers, health professionals, and patients. However, thanks to a Washington based startup TruMedicines, identifying pharmaceuticals is now quick and easy. TruMedicines is a mobile application and cloud service that uses augmented computer vision technology to track, trace, and authenticate drug tablets. During production of a drug tablet, high speed cameras take photos of each tablet that are stored in TruMedicines secure database. Customers simply take a picture of their drug tablet and send it to the TruMedicines database. When a match is found, all of the information about the drug tablet is displayed in large font, with the option of audible announcements in several languages for the visually impaired.

Applying new FDA track and trace serialization rules to their solution, TruMedicines technology is able to effectively track treatment compliance, improve speed and efficiency of drug recalls, identify tablets, and halt the distribution of counterfeit pills.

Hosted on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform, and developed using Azure and Machine Learning, TruMedicines capitalizes on Azure’s advanced computing platform to deliver the fastest information, at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, TruMedicines leverages Machine Learning to continue to improve their core image recognition software.

Azure’s compatibility with a variety of open source and internet of things technologies was a key reason for TruMedicines decision to run the Microsoft platform, says CEO and Founder David Prokop. “We have developed our own image recognition software, but we knew that it would have to run in aggregation with OpenCV to be most effective. I had heard that Azure worked well with open source and it has allowed our developers to keep everything online and running smoothly. We are looking forward to integrating Power Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics into cool looking, real-time data dashboards for our customers.

Track, trace, and authenticate pharmaceuticals like never before with Microsoft BizSpark member TruMedicines


Microsoft is helping these startups succeed through its BizSpark program. To join or see other startup stories, visit us at our website here. To listen to our startups, check out these podcasts on devradio here

About BizSpark:  Microsoft BizSpark is a global program that helps startups succeed by giving free access to Microsoft Azure cloud services, software and support. BizSpark members receive up to $750 per month of free Microsoft Azure cloud services for 3 years: that’s $150 per month each for up to 5 developers. Azure works with Linux and open-source technologies such as Ruby, Python, Java and PHP. BizSpark is available to startups that are privately held, less than 5-years-old and earn less than $1M in annual revenue.

Investition in intellektuelles Kapital: Was wir nicht wissen über das Wissen


Nichtwissen ist wie dunkle Materie, es ist nicht sichtbar, aber zu beobachten: "Die Erde ist ein Irrenhaus. Dabei könnte das bis heute erreichte Wissen der Menschheit aus ihr ein Paradies machen“, schrieb der Informatiker Joseph Weizenbaum vor seinem Tod in seinem letzten Artikel in der Sueddeutschen Zeitung. Die Geschichte des vergessenen, verlorenen, verdrängten, vernichteten oder veruntreuten Wissens wäre wohl ebenso illuster, wie die Historie der Wissensgesellschaft – doch wo nichts (mehr) ist, darüber will man nicht und darüber lässt sich auch nur schwer sprechen. Dennoch existiert das eine nicht ohne das andere.

Wissen bedeutet in der heutigen digital vernetzten Gesellschaft nicht nur Macht; es ist zu einem wichtigen Produktionsfaktor und zum intellektuellen Kapital von Unternehmen geworden. Eine der größten Sorgen bereitet Entscheidern daher auch der drohende Know-how-Verlust, bedingt durch den demografischen Wandel. Geht unser Know-How etwa in Rente?

Wissen ist ein entscheidender Faktor für den Standort Deutschland
„Der bedeutendste und in der Tat einzigartigste Beitrag des Managements im 20. Jahrhundert war die fünfzigfache Steigerung der Produktivität des Produktionsarbeiters in der Produktion. Der bedeutendste Beitrag, den das Management im 21. Jahrhundert leisten muss ist die gleiche Steigerung der Produktivität in der Wissensarbeit und des Wissensarbeiters. Das wertvollste Vermögen einer Institution im 21. Jahrhundert werden ihre Wissensarbeiter und deren Produktivität sein.“ - so formuliert es der bedeutende Ökonom und Managementpionier Peter Drucker. Keine Frage: Wissen ist ein entscheidender Standortfaktor für Deutschland – und wir liegen im Rückstand. Auch weil wir dazu neigen, die erprobten Prozesse aus den Fabriken ins Büro zu übertragen.

Laut einer HAUFE Studie haben 51 Prozent der deutschen Unternehmen einen erheblichen Nachholbedarf beim erfolgreichen Umgang mit Wissen und nehmen durch eine ungenügende Informationsbasis ihren Mitarbeitern die Möglichkeit, effizient und effektiv tätig zu sein. Mehrarbeit, Fehler, falsche Entscheidungen und mangelnde Motivation sind die Konsequenzen, die sich nicht nur in der Firmenbilanz, sondern auch im Betriebsklima widerspiegeln. Wird Know-How jedoch produktiv genutzt, rechnen 76 Prozent der Befragten mit signifikanten Einsparpotenzialen. 90 Prozent sehen einen Zusammenhang mit einer steigenden Innovations- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.

Transparent und verfügbar
Für ein #DigitalesWirtschaftswunder muss Wissen transparent und verfügbar sein. Denn etwa jeder vierte Entscheider in Deutschland ahnt noch nicht einmal etwas von den Qualifikationen all seiner Mitarbeiter, kaum ein Unternehmen führt Buch über die Talente und Fähigkeiten der Kollegen. Wie lässt sich der Wissenstand der eigenen Organisation erfassen, transparent und nutzbar machen? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen wir schaffen, um Wissen produktiv nutzen zu können? Eins ist klar: Wir benötigen einen Paradigmenwechsel.

Darüber sprechen wir gemeinsam mit Partnern, Kunden und Wirtschaftswundermachern auf der CeBIT 2016 in Hannover. Gerne lade ich Sie heute zu unserem Presse-Roundtable zum „Faktor Wissen“ am 15. März 2016 um 15.00 Uhr ein. Lassen Sie uns in den Wissensaustausch treten!

Ein Beitrag von Ellen Kuder (@ellenkuder)
Product Marketing Manager Office 365 & Skype for Business Lead, Microsoft Deutschland 

Azure Pack Connector - On-prem ou dans le Cloud, pilotez votre VM depuis une seule interface !


Azure Pack Connector (codename Phoenix) est le résultat d'un effort de collaboration entre les équipes Hosting & Cloud Services et Microsoft IT. L'hybride est un enjeu clé pour Microsoft et ses partenaires CSP et COSN. C'est pourquoi l'Azure Pack Connector a été élaboré pour offrir aux partenaires une expérience utilisateur de l'Azure Pack unifiée que ce soit pour délivrer des scenarios IaaS cloud public et/ou des scenarios IaaS cloud privé.

Qu'est-ce que l'Azure Pack Connector ?

L'Azure Pack Connector est plug-in pour le portail Azure Pack qui permet de déployer des VMs aussi bien sur Azure Pack (donc on-premise dans votre datacenter) que dans une souscription Azure public (que vous fournissez en CSP), depuis le portail on-premise.

Vidéo de démonstration disponible dans cet article: http://jeffgraves.me/2016/03/02/azure-pack-connector/

Que faut-il pour intégrer l'Azure Pack Connector ?

1- Il vous faut tout d'abord avoir installer le Windows Azure Pack dans votre datacenter ! Windows Azure Pack est un ensemble de technologies Microsoft Azure accessibles sans frais supplémentaires aux clients Microsoft. Windows Azure Pack s'intègre à Windows Server, System Center et SQL Server pour proposer un portail en libre-service et des services de cloud computing tels que l'hébergement de machines virtuelles (IaaS), les bases de données en tant que services (DBaaS), l'hébergement évolutif d'applications web (Paas), etc.
Plus d'infos sur le Windows Azure Pack sur le site dédié: https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/server-cloud/products/windows-azure-pack/

2- Les partenaires doivent également être partenaires CSP.
3- Le partenaire fournit alors une souscription Azure via le portail CSP et crée un Azure Active Directory Application avec des droits de contributeurs sur la souscription en question. La souscription est ensuite connectée à un plan Azure Pack, et une souscription sur ce plan Azure Pack permet au client de consommer/utiliser une VM Azure.

Comment puis-je utiliser l'Azure Pack Connector ?

L'Azure Pack Connector a été développé en tant que projet Open Source (Open Source Software - OSS) sous licence MIT. Les partenaires peuvent accéder au code via GitHub (aka.ms/azurepackconnector). Les binaires sont disponibles en téléchargement pour les partenaires qui souhaiteraient utiliser cette solution sans avoir à la développer eux-mêmes.

Quel est le niveau de support ?

L'Azure Pack Connector est une solution Open Source. En tant que telle, elle est supportée par la communauté. Les partenaires peuvent soumettre des recommandations et remonter des problèmes sur GitHub.


GitHub Project - http://github.com/Microsoft/Phoenix

Blog Posts:

Five inspiring African women in tech


Editorial team

Women are underrepresented at most technology companies, and closing the gender gap is an important priority.

At Microsoft programs such as Microsoft YouthSpark, and DigiGirlz encourage women to step up in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields and inspire them to pursue their passions.

Diversity and inclusion are a key part of our evolving culture at Microsoft. With today being International Women’s Day, we are celebrating diversity and reiterating our commitment to providing computer science resources and education to close the industry gender gap in STEM fields.

We are excited to unveil our new patent program to empower young women to #MakeWhatsNext. This will see Microsoft partner with select young inventors, many of whom will be selected through our global Imagine Cup competition, to help them secure a patent on their original invention or idea.

As we celebrate women in tech this International Women’s Day, here is a list of five inspiring African women in tech that you should know about

  1. Kenyan-born Juliana Rotich is Co-founder and Executive Director of Ushahidi – a web-based reporting system that uses crowdsourced data, mobile phones and web reporting to formulate real-time visual maps during crises. The system was used during the Kenyan presidential election crisis of 2007-2008, and has since been used in Chile, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Tanzania and Haiti. Juliana is an African Futurist and a TED Senior Fellow, who is known for her commentary on technology in Africa. She was also named Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur of the Year in Africa by the World Economic Forum.

  2. Considered an icon in Egypt’s internet world, Hanan Abdel Meguid started her first technology company, Microlabs, in Cairo 20 years ago, before the Web was publicly available in the area. She is a serial entrepreneur who learned how to raise money from venture capitalists, manage multiple technology platforms and strike deals with international companies before any of this was common practice. Now, while overseeing OTVentures, one of the region’s largest technology companies, she also shares her experience with young entrepreneurs to guide them on how to turn their ideas into commercially viable businesses.

  3. Born in Senegal, Mariéme Jamme is CEO of the London-based SpotOne Global Solutions, as well as a blogger, technologist and social entrepreneur. She is also the Co-founder of African Gathering, which is a global platform that brings together entrepreneurs and experts to exchange ideas about Africa’s development, as well as one of the organisers of the annual Apps4Africa competition. Mariéme spends time mentoring founders and managers of some of Africa’s technology hubs and was referred to by CNN as being at the forefront of the technology revolution that is transforming Africa.

  4. Nigerian-born Titilope Sonuga is an award-winning poet, writer, actor and civil engineer. Along with appearing on a Nigerian hit TV series, she performed at the swearing in of Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015. Most recently, she has been named the first Intel She Will Connect spokesperson in Nigeria. The initiative aims to bridge the internet’s gender gap by connecting five million girls and women to opportunities through technology by 2020. It offers digital literacy training, an online peer network and gender-relevant content for women to expand their technology skill set.

  5. Having made a name for herself in the advertising world, Nunu Ntshingila-Njeke was recently appointed by Facebook to spearhead its first African office in Johannesburg. Nunu holds a string of accolades, including a nomination for Businesswoman of the Year, being named a finalist for the Shoprite Checkers/SABC Woman of the Year Award, becoming Financial Mail’s Advertising Leader of the Year, and winning Business Personality of the Year at the Top Women in Business and Government Awards. Now she is ready to help Facebook penetrate the African market.

In order to close the gender gap, we are committed to creating even more opportunities for women like these to innovate, create, and unlock the best opportunities for their future.

For more inspirational stories of women in technology, watch this video:
(Please visit the site to view this video)

BlogMS Microsoft Team Blogs - New articles from 01-Feb-2016 to 29-Feb-2016


BlogMS Banner

212 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 56 blogs have new articles. 488 new articles found searching from 01-Feb-2016 to 29-Feb-2016

Categories:Dynamics, General, Industry Solutions, Internet, Microsoft Learning, Microsoft Online Services, Office Applications, Partner and Customer Resources, Planning Deployment and Update, Product Support, Research and Labs, Security, Software and Web Development, SQL and Business Intelligence, Systems Center Systems Management, Unified Communications, Virtualization, Windows Desktop and Embedded, Windows Server and Infrastructure, Windows Server Networking and Remote Access, Windows Systems Management, Windows,


Dynamics CRM Website | RSS Feed
Onboarding to Web API for Dynamics CRM 2016 from Web API Preview - 16-Feb-2016
3 easy ways to a better mobile experience with Dynamics CRM 2016 - 16-Feb-2016
What’s New in Dynamics Marketing 2016 Update 0.1 - 09-Feb-2016

Dynamics CRM in the Field Website | RSS Feed
Podcast and Overview: Update Rollup 4 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 - 26-Feb-2016
Podcast and Overview: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Update 0.1 - 23-Feb-2016
Dynamics CRM indexes (missing, redundant, and OOB) - 01-Feb-2016

Microsoft Dynamics AX Support Website | RSS Feed
Announcing new LCS feature – Latest Kernels - 26-Feb-2016
EHF – eInvoice for Norway – DAX 2012 – setup Reviewed 31012016 - 22-Feb-2016
Transportation scenario – Manual rating - 16-Feb-2016
Transportation scenario – Freight not charged to customer - 16-Feb-2016
Timesheet periods have not been created for employee.. - 15-Feb-2016
General Rounding in AX - 12-Feb-2016
DIXF – How to manually add a missing mapping to the DMFASSETENTITY entity - 12-Feb-2016
What does the Post financial inventory option in an Item model group do in relation with Purchase orders - 11-Feb-2016
What does the Post financial inventory option in an Item model group do in relation with Sales orders - 11-Feb-2016
Information to send to support when opening a Management Reporter support case - 11-Feb-2016
Dynamics Online Payment Services – Common errors and troubleshooting steps - 02-Feb-2016

Dynamics AX in the field Website | RSS Feed
DynamicsPerf 2.0 What’s New in Beta 4 - 20-Feb-2016
DynamicsPerf 2.0 What’s New in Beta 4 - 20-Feb-2016
DynamicsPerf 2.0 Beta 3 What’s new - 13-Feb-2016
DynamicsPerf 2.0 QUERY ALERTS - 06-Feb-2016
DynamicsPerf 2.0 QUERY ALERTS - 06-Feb-2016
Top 10 actions to troubleshoot performance of MRP - 05-Feb-2016
Top 10 actions to troubleshoot performance of MRP - 05-Feb-2016


Accessibility Website | RSS Feed
Making Windows 10 and Office 365 more accessible: Our path forward - 24-Feb-2016
Making Windows 10 and Office 365 more accessible: Our path forward - 24-Feb-2016
Accessibility Update for Windows 10 Mail - 01-Feb-2016
Accessibility Update for Windows 10 Mail - 01-Feb-2016

Environment Software Enabled Earth Website | RSS Feed
Welcoming Jim Hanna as Director of Datacenter Sustainability - 22-Feb-2016

The Data Privacy Imperative Website | RSS Feed
Headed to RSA? Here’s your event guide for trust in cloud services - 16-Feb-2016

The Microsoft Blog Website | RSS Feed
Mobile World Congress, Bing’s Guide to the Academy Awards and Xamarin acquisition — Weekend Reading: Feb. 26 edition - 26-Feb-2016
Progress Report: Enterprise security for our mobile-first, cloud-first world - 25-Feb-2016
Microsoft to acquire Xamarin and empower more developers to build apps on any device - 24-Feb-2016
You’re invited: Participate in Pegasus II, an Internet of Things experiment to the edge of space - 22-Feb-2016
Windows 10 coming to 4 million Department of Defense devices, Skype group video calls and new Microsoft Translator features – Weekend Reading: Feb. 19 edition - 19-Feb-2016
Music, a medical breakthrough and employee generosity – Weekend Reading: Feb. 12 edition - 12-Feb-2016
Microsoft Services are available on more devices than ever before through Agreements with Device Partners - 10-Feb-2016
Microsoft employees raise a record-breaking $125 million for nonprofits in 2015 - 10-Feb-2016
Microsoft hiring program opens more doors to people with autism - 09-Feb-2016
Underwater data, Computer Science for All and the NFL of the future — Weekend Reading: Feb. 5 edition - 05-Feb-2016
Microsoft acquires SwiftKey in support of re-inventing productivity ambition - 03-Feb-2016

Channel9 on MSDN Website | RSS Feed
Part 0 - Introduction and Overview | Practical Performance Tips to Make Your HTML/JavaScript Faster - 26-Feb-2016
How Azure ML Helped Predict the Results of the NCAA "March Madness" Tournament - 26-Feb-2016
Azure Scheduler 101 - Q4 2015 Update | Azure Friday - 26-Feb-2016
Azure Scheduler 102 - Q4 2015 Update | Azure Friday - 26-Feb-2016
Demo of the day: Getting Cortana to obey. By your command. | Demo of the Day - 26-Feb-2016
ASP.NET Core Authentication with Pranav Rastogi - 25-Feb-2016
Protection via Azure Security Center. Detection and threat response overview. | Microsoft Mechanics - 25-Feb-2016
DevIntersection Spring 2016 CountDown Show #4 with Scott Hunter | The DEVintersection Countdown Show - 25-Feb-2016
The Maker Show: Episode 4 - Building and Printing a 3D Model to Fit a Real Component | The Maker Show - 25-Feb-2016
"Gaming for the greater good" - 25-Feb-2016
A Different Kind of Toy Story | Codemash 2016 - 24-Feb-2016
Top 10 Xamarin Videos - 24-Feb-2016
Template 10 for Windows 10 Apps | Visual Studio Toolbox - 24-Feb-2016
The Ops Team #014 - "did we name this one?" | The Ops Team - 24-Feb-2016
Machine Learning for Muggles | Web Hack Wednesday - 24-Feb-2016
Building the VR Web with A-Frame | Just A/VR Show - 23-Feb-2016
Understanding Surface Power Management with Modern Standby in Windows 10 | Microsoft Mechanics - 23-Feb-2016
DevIntersection Spring 2016 CountDown Show #3 with Doug Seven | The DEVintersection Countdown Show - 23-Feb-2016
Episode 9 - What Makes a Controller? | ASP.NET Monsters - 23-Feb-2016
Tuesdays with Corey: RedHat Images, Azure Container Services and Images with Bitnami | Tuesdays With Corey - 23-Feb-2016
Keynote Satya Nadella | .NET Conference 2016 Spain - 22-Feb-2016
Defrag Tools #154 - Memory Footprint and Leaks | Defrag Tools - 22-Feb-2016
Game Templates, Construct 2 - 22-Feb-2016
Last Week on Channel 9: February 15th - February 21st, 2016 - 22-Feb-2016
Get Rolling with Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 in 5 Minutes - 21-Feb-2016
Edge of the Web: Automated Testing in ASP.NET Core 1.0 - 19-Feb-2016
CodeChat 055 - Stealing Some Time with David Crook | CodeChat - 19-Feb-2016
TWC9: Stacking Microsoft, Windows 10 Pi, Bobble Head your Node.js and more... | This Week On Channel 9 - 19-Feb-2016
Steve Lasker on Docker Tools for Visual Studio - 19-Feb-2016
Episode 200: Azure Resource Manager Tooling with Brian Moore | Microsoft Azure Cloud Cover Show - 19-Feb-2016
Beer IoT (need I say more?) - 19-Feb-2016
Using Azure Machine Learning to Predict Who Will Survive the Titanic - Part 1 - 18-Feb-2016
Azure Security Center: Prevent, Detect and Respond to Threats with Increased Visibility and Control | TechNet Radio - 18-Feb-2016
Visual Studio Emulator for Android | Visual Studio Toolbox - 18-Feb-2016
DevIntersection Spring 2016 CountDown Show #2 with Scott Guthrie | The DEVintersection Countdown Show - 18-Feb-2016
The Maker Show: Episode 3 - Arduino and Servos | The Maker Show - 18-Feb-2016
Avateering with the Kinect - 18-Feb-2016
Halo, Minecraft, and More! How Microsoft Studios Processes Gaming Event Data - 17-Feb-2016
The Ops Team #013 - "Missing Matt" | The Ops Team - 17-Feb-2016
Steve Sloka on Docker and Kubernetes | Codemash 2016 - 17-Feb-2016
Office 365 Groups: Quick tour of new user and admin experiences | Microsoft Mechanics - 17-Feb-2016
Office Dev Show - Episode 23 - Getting Started with a Ruby App | Office Dev Show - 17-Feb-2016
Game Dev Show 02 - What does a Universal Application Platform mean for Game Devs? - 17-Feb-2016
Hypermedia APIs: The rest of REST by Chris Marinos - 17-Feb-2016
TechRewards Gives You a Last Chance to Attend Build 2016 in Person! - 16-Feb-2016
Gulp Web Standards Plugin | Web Hack Wednesday - 16-Feb-2016
The Endpoint Zone: Overtime 1 | The Endpoint Zone with Brad Anderson - 16-Feb-2016
Welcome to DevIntersection Spring 2016 CountDown Show #1! | The DEVintersection Countdown Show - 16-Feb-2016
Stop the Solution Explorer's Expansion Madness - 15-Feb-2016
Last Week on Channel 9: February 8th - February 14th, 2016 - 15-Feb-2016
TWC9: Visual Basic gets DICE Award, TechNet Virtual Conference, Bridge to iOS and more... | This Week On Channel 9 - 12-Feb-2016
More XAML Designer Less XAML Typing | Visual Studio Toolbox - 12-Feb-2016
Episode 199: The Barracuda Next Generation Firewall | Microsoft Azure Cloud Cover Show - 12-Feb-2016
Advanced DevOps Practices | DevOps Fundamentals - 12-Feb-2016
The Maker Show: Episode 2 - Blinking LED...Now What? | The Maker Show - 12-Feb-2016
Azure App Services - Azure Resource Manager Tools in Visual Studio | Azure Friday - 12-Feb-2016
Episode 6 - JSON Data and The Options Pattern | ASP.NET Monsters - 11-Feb-2016
May the Kinect be with you... - 11-Feb-2016
Angular 2.0 With Typescript By Bill Wagner - 11-Feb-2016
Yeoman by Dennis Burton - 11-Feb-2016
Intro to Unreal Engine for VR | Just A/VR Show - 10-Feb-2016
MEAN on Azure Episode 6 - A Mean On Azure Project - Chess | Mean On Azure - 10-Feb-2016
IOT Analytics Architecture Whiteboard with David Crook - 10-Feb-2016
Game Dev Show 01 - Which language should I program my game in? - 10-Feb-2016
Exploring Nano Server for Windows Server 2016 with Jeffrey Snover | Microsoft Mechanics - 10-Feb-2016
Application Performance Monitoring and Availability Monitoring | DevOps Fundamentals - 10-Feb-2016
"Beginner's Guide to Designing Video Game Levels" - 10-Feb-2016
Web Performance | Web Hack Wednesday - 09-Feb-2016
Jared Parsons on Building Roslyn in the Open - 09-Feb-2016
Kraig Brockschmidt, Creator of Calc, on the Early Days at Microsoft - 09-Feb-2016
Tuesdays with Corey: What is Azure Active Directory Domain Services? | Tuesdays With Corey - 09-Feb-2016
Tools for Apache Cordova (TACO) - Connect("Live"); // Q&A | Connect Live - 09-Feb-2016
"Kinecting With Orangutans" - 09-Feb-2016
Bits and Bytes: Adding TypeScript Support to an Existing Project - 08-Feb-2016
Configuration Management | DevOps Fundamentals - 08-Feb-2016
Defrag Tools #153 - Media eXperience Analyzer part 5: Audio Glitch Analysis II | Defrag Tools - 08-Feb-2016
Help Creating High-DPI Friendly VS Extensions - 08-Feb-2016
Last Week on Channel 9: February 1st - February 7th, 2016 - 08-Feb-2016
Coffee and Code – Visual Studio for Java Developers! - 07-Feb-2016
Behind the Scenes: Making the 2016 Iowa Caucus App | TechNet Radio - 05-Feb-2016
TWC9: VSCode Insiders, Igniting Ignite, Future Edge, NFL Hololens and more... | This Week On Channel 9 - 05-Feb-2016
Episode 198: Azure Container Service with Ross Gardler | Microsoft Azure Cloud Cover Show - 05-Feb-2016
PowerApps 103 - Creating apps from existing data | Azure Friday - 05-Feb-2016
PowerApps 102 - Creating apps from templates | Azure Friday - 05-Feb-2016
The Maker Show: Episode 1 - Intro to Electronics | The Maker Show - 04-Feb-2016
Office Dev Show - Episode 22 - Add-ins on Word for Mac | Office Dev Show - 04-Feb-2016
Continuous Deployment and Release Management | DevOps Fundamentals - 04-Feb-2016
CodeChat 054 - The Cloud Behind Your IoT Project | CodeChat - 04-Feb-2016
Kinect v2 Finger Tracking - 04-Feb-2016
An early look at Azure Stack and what it means for IT, with Jeffrey Snover | Microsoft Mechanics - 03-Feb-2016
Let's Talk VR - Meet Realities.io | Just A/VR Show - 02-Feb-2016
Office Add-ins | Web Hack Wednesday - 02-Feb-2016
Tuesdays with Corey: Special Guest Jeffrey Snover talks about Azure Stack | Tuesdays With Corey - 02-Feb-2016
Advanced development features in Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition - 02-Feb-2016
Continuous Integration | DevOps Fundamentals - 02-Feb-2016
Building custom Office 365 apps to manage Lotus F1 Team race crew logistics. | Microsoft Mechanics - 02-Feb-2016
Interview with Abel Wang and Steven St. Jean - 01-Feb-2016
Endpoint Zone Episode 12: Market update, Windows 10, MAM without device enrollment | The Endpoint Zone with Brad Anderson - 01-Feb-2016
An Introduction to DocFX - 01-Feb-2016
Automate to Migrate | Automate to Migrate - 01-Feb-2016
Defrag Tools #152 - Media eXperience Analyzer part 4: Video Glitch Analysis | Defrag Tools - 01-Feb-2016
Tips on Creating Templates, a new UWP Template and a Prism Pack too! - 01-Feb-2016
Last Week on Channel 9: January 25rd - January 31st, 2016 - 01-Feb-2016

Industry Solutions

Education UK Higher Education Website | RSS Feed
OneNote in Education eBook – Chapter 2: OneNote Class Notebook - 25-Feb-2016
OneNote in Education eBook – Chapter 1: What is OneNote? - 23-Feb-2016
Windows Insider Program – Preview Builds & Windows 10 Education - 19-Feb-2016
Imagine Cup 2016 – Enter Now! - 17-Feb-2016
Register for our HE webinar - Microsoft Certification and the Microsoft Imagine Academy - 05-Feb-2016
MOS UK Championships 2016 – first finalists announced as second qualification round opens - 03-Feb-2016

Education UK Schools Website | RSS Feed
Get Rolling with Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 in 5 Minutes - 26-Feb-2016
OneNote in Education eBook – Chapter 2: OneNote Class Notebook - 25-Feb-2016
Project collaboration and communication with Sway - 24-Feb-2016
OneNote in Education eBook – Chapter 1: What is OneNote? - 23-Feb-2016
Guest Post – Learning Possibilities: Measuring success on LP+365 at Townhill Junior School - 22-Feb-2016
Windows Insider Program – Preview Builds & Windows 10 Education - 19-Feb-2016
Automate OneNote Class Notebook creation and roster changes with new APIs - 18-Feb-2016
CS50 Computer Science Principles Implementation Training Workshop May 27-29, 2016 London - 16-Feb-2016
Why STEM matters – using Astronauts and ArtSci to redefine learning - 15-Feb-2016
Broadclyst Community Primary School – Transforming the Learning Environment - 12-Feb-2016
‘Towards the Serverless School’ – Gerald Haigh looks at Azure in action at South Lee School - 10-Feb-2016
Make Web searches safer with Bing SafeSearch - 08-Feb-2016
Office 365 in Education Event Hosted by Microsoft and Coretek - 08-Feb-2016
BETT 2016 Guest Blog – HP: Creating meaningful connected learning experiences with Office 365 - 05-Feb-2016
Teachers, invite your students to OneNote Class Notebook and get them free Office 365 - 05-Feb-2016
PowerBI drives more informed decision making at The Whitehaven Academy and across Bright Tribe Trust - 04-Feb-2016
MOS UK Championships 2016 – first finalists announced as second qualification round opens - 03-Feb-2016
Au revoir to the Showcase Classroom… For now! - 02-Feb-2016
Microsoft Partner Village Reflections – by Gerald Haigh - 01-Feb-2016

Education UK Teachers K12 Website | RSS Feed
What’s in a name? Learn to code with Minecraft - 25-Feb-2016
CS50 Computer Science Principles Implementation Training Workshop May 27-29, 2016 London - 16-Feb-2016
Kodu with ComputerXplorers - 02-Feb-2016

Microsoft in Education Website | RSS Feed
Microsoft and OpenED.com helping teachers connect with Open Educational Resources - 26-Feb-2016
Introducing E² Online: Your ticket to attending the E² Global Educator Exchange - 25-Feb-2016
5 ways to motivate different kinds of students with digital learning tools - 22-Feb-2016
Project collaboration and communication with Sway - 17-Feb-2016
Microsoft at NCCE 2016, February 24-26 - 11-Feb-2016
Skype inspires literacy in the month of February - 10-Feb-2016
Microsoft Surface Reaches More Students, Offers Education Discount for Surface 3 - 04-Feb-2016


Internet Explorer Website | RSS Feed
Register now for Microsoft Edge Web Summit 2016 - 11-Feb-2016
Looking ahead: Microsoft Edge for developers in 2016 - 03-Feb-2016

Microsoft Learning

Microsoft Press Website | RSS Feed
Free ebook: Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager - 23-Feb-2016
Troubleshooting Windows 10 - 23-Feb-2016
Announcing the Microsoft Press User Group Program - 22-Feb-2016
ebook deal of the week: Enterprise Mobility with App Management, Office 365, and Threat Mitigation: Beyond BYOD - 22-Feb-2016
New book: Microsoft OneNote Step by Step - 17-Feb-2016
Securing Windows 10 devices - 16-Feb-2016
ebook deal of the week: Windows 10 Inside Out - 16-Feb-2016
Flash sale: Save up to 55% on all books & eBooks - 10-Feb-2016
Using Windows 10 - 09-Feb-2016
Free ebook: Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals, Technical Overview - 08-Feb-2016
ebook deal of the week: Windows PowerShell Step by Step, Third Edition - 08-Feb-2016
TechNet Radio mini-series: Windows 10 System Center Configuration Manager vNext - 05-Feb-2016
Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step, 8th Edition: Suggested fix for using the projects - 04-Feb-2016
New book: Microsoft Outlook 2016 Step by Step - 04-Feb-2016
New book: Enterprise Mobility with App Management, Office 365, and Threat Mitigation: Beyond BYOD - 03-Feb-2016
“To the Cloud” series: All episodes now available on TechNet Radio - 03-Feb-2016
Adding sound and movement to PowerPoint slides - 02-Feb-2016
Free ebook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016: Mission-Critical Applications, Deeper Insights, Hyperscale Cloud, Preview 2 - 02-Feb-2016
ebook deal of the week: The Definitive Guide to DAX - 01-Feb-2016

Microsoft Online Services

Office 365 for business Website | RSS Feed
Turbocharge your productivity with CIE webcasts! - 23-Feb-2016
Office 365 news roundup - 19-Feb-2016
Goodyear brings spirit of innovation to every facet of product development and delivery - 11-Feb-2016
The Office Small Business Academy February webcast—”Money Matters: How to Get It, Grow It and Keep It” - 09-Feb-2016
Stay secure with Advanced Threat Protection in Office 365 - 05-Feb-2016
Office 365 news roundup - 05-Feb-2016
Get ready for Yammer! - 02-Feb-2016
Join us for the “Driving Business Results with Intelligent Tools” webcast series - 02-Feb-2016

Office 365 technology Website | RSS Feed
February Office 365 updates - 25-Feb-2016
New security management and transparency capabilities coming to Office 365 - 25-Feb-2016
Be more productive with new Office 365 training - 24-Feb-2016
Accessibility in Office 365—progress in 2015 and plans for 2016 - 22-Feb-2016
Auditing, reporting and storage improvements for SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business - 17-Feb-2016
Updates to Office 365 Groups - 17-Feb-2016
Updated people profile experience coming soon to Office 365 - 16-Feb-2016
Deferred Channel build now available for the Office 365 Client apps - 09-Feb-2016
What’s new—January 2016 - 05-Feb-2016
How to assess security, compliance and privacy capabilities in Office 365 - 03-Feb-2016
Share your Excel insights with Power BI - 02-Feb-2016
Collaborate in Office—Office tools to collaborate in and out of the classroom - 01-Feb-2016
Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery now enables export to third-party review apps - 01-Feb-2016

Office Applications

Deployment Support Website | RSS Feed
Deploying Office 2016, 2013 or 2010 using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit - 18-Feb-2016
Lync 2013 Shortcut Icon doesn’t change to Skype for Business after updating Lync to Skype for Business. - 10-Feb-2016

Office Excel and Excel Services Website | RSS Feed
6 new Excel functions that simplify your formula editing experience - 23-Feb-2016
3 ways to drive business decisions using the new Excel 2016 charts - 04-Feb-2016

Office Outlook Website | RSS Feed
Outlook hopes to fill the hole Mailbox left in your heart - 26-Feb-2016
Collaborating in schools and universities with Office 365 Groups - 23-Feb-2016
Outlook.com—out of preview and better than ever - 17-Feb-2016

Office Project Support Website | RSS Feed
Project Server February Updates and O365 Release channels - 11-Feb-2016

Office Sustained Engineering Website | RSS Feed
February 2016 Office Update Release - 09-Feb-2016

Partner and Customer Resources

Microsoft Valuable Professional MVP Award Program Website | RSS Feed
Here’s to #FridayFive and a Great Weekend! - 26-Feb-2016
Happy #FridayFive! - 19-Feb-2016
Enhancements in Upgrading SharePoint Server 2016 RC - 16-Feb-2016
Community Gathers for TechDays Palestine! - 15-Feb-2016
Biggest IT Event in Palestine with 150+ Attendees - 15-Feb-2016
Happy #FridayFive! - 12-Feb-2016
Row level security in EntityFramework 6 (EF6) - 09-Feb-2016
Have a Great #FridayFive! - 05-Feb-2016
A Hitchhikers Guide to Search - 02-Feb-2016
With Deep SQL Knowledge, These MVPs Do Extensive Good - 01-Feb-2016

Planning Deployment and Update

Windows Server Update Services Support Website | RSS Feed
February 2016 Security Update Release Summary - 09-Feb-2016

Product Support

SysInternals Website | RSS Feed
Update: Sigcheck v2.5, Process Explorer v16.11, Whois v1.13, RAMMap v1.5 - 02-Feb-2016

Ask Premier Field Engineering - PFE Platforms Website | RSS Feed
DSC for the PFE: A Training Montage - 22-Feb-2016
Natively updating Office 365 ProPlus using the new version of System Center Configuration Manager - 15-Feb-2016
Resetting the Local Admin Name and Password for Azure ARM Virtual Machines with PowerShell - 08-Feb-2016
Pre-seeding Hyper-V Backups in DPM - 01-Feb-2016
Pre-seeding Hyper-V Backups in DPM - 01-Feb-2016

Windows Azure Website | RSS Feed
Application Insights: Powershell script available for creating Release Annotations - 25-Feb-2016
OMS TECH Friday Skype sessions - 25-Feb-2016
Azure Security Center adds new partners, detections, and more - 25-Feb-2016
Resize virtual machines - 24-Feb-2016
Execute JavaScript transactions and manage JSON data with Azure DocumentDB - 24-Feb-2016
Introducing the Visual Studio Connected Service for Azure IoT Hub - 24-Feb-2016
Logic Apps Preview Refresh released - 24-Feb-2016
Cloud Foundry on Azure support for Diego and open source service brokers - 22-Feb-2016
Introducing: Elasticsearch with Azure File storage - 18-Feb-2016
SQL Server AlwaysOn Cluster Template updated with internal listeners and optimized performance - 18-Feb-2016
Cloud Backup of Azure China - 18-Feb-2016
Leverage OCR to full text search your images within Azure Search - 18-Feb-2016
Announcing more open options and choice on Microsoft Azure - 17-Feb-2016
Build an Azure App Service to record Raspberry Pi Sensor Data - 16-Feb-2016
Annotations detail blade now available in Application Insights - 16-Feb-2016
Guidance for enterprises looking to take their application portfolio to the cloud - 16-Feb-2016
Monitoring & Managing big data pipelines: ADF M&M App public release - 12-Feb-2016
Announcing SQL Server Express images in the Azure Gallery - 12-Feb-2016
Announcing new Log Analytics (OMS) resource for Azure VMs - 11-Feb-2016
A sample application for pulling data from the web into an Azure Event Hub - 11-Feb-2016
Price reduction for Azure Media Indexer - 10-Feb-2016
Using Machine Learning and Azure Search to improve conversion rates through recommendations - 10-Feb-2016
Azure Search indexer for Azure Blob Storage now in public preview - 09-Feb-2016
Azure Premium Storage available in more regions - 09-Feb-2016
Join Microsoft and Azure Mobile Engagement at Mobile World Congress 2016 - 09-Feb-2016
Azure IoT Hub general availability overview - 08-Feb-2016
Announcing early preview of Azure PaaS services and DevOps tools for Azure Stack - 08-Feb-2016
Data Management Gateway auto-update is available - 08-Feb-2016
Azure SQL Data Warehouse: January 2016 Updates - 08-Feb-2016
The second era of cloud platforms will dwarf the first - 04-Feb-2016
An early look at Azure Stack and what it means for IT - 04-Feb-2016
Load feature is available for Azure CDN - 02-Feb-2016
Is your code ready for the leap year? - 02-Feb-2016
Register now to join the Azure team at Microsoft Ignite 2016 - 02-Feb-2016
Azure Government adds Azure Backup - 01-Feb-2016
Azure Search .NET SDK roadmap - 01-Feb-2016
Azure Site Recovery now available in Azure Government Cloud - 01-Feb-2016
Azure welcomes Parse developers - 01-Feb-2016
Announcing PowerShell v5 support in Azure Automation - 01-Feb-2016
Announcing general availability of Google Widevine license services - 01-Feb-2016
On-premises and cloud hybrid Hadoop data pipelines with Hortonworks and Cortana Analytics - 01-Feb-2016

ConfigMgrDogs Website | RSS Feed
Australian Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) reseller ID’s - 18-Feb-2016
Intune MAM Without Enrollment - 04-Feb-2016

Wei out there - System Center Website | RSS Feed
Wizard to Create PowerShell Workflows in OpsMgr to Collect “Type=Event” Data for OMS - 12-Feb-2016
Wizard to Create PowerShell Workflows in OpsMgr to Collect “Type=Event” Data for OMS - 12-Feb-2016

Research and Labs

Microsoft Research Downloads Website | RSS Feed
MSR IPv6/IPv4 Translator - 19-Feb-2016
MSR IPv6 Tunnel Broker - 19-Feb-2016
MSR IPv6 Binaries - 19-Feb-2016
MSR IPv6 Source Code - 19-Feb-2016
WinMine Toolkit - 19-Feb-2016
MSBNx - 17-Feb-2016
Dual Word Embeddings Trained on Bing Queries - 12-Feb-2016

Microsoft Research News and Headlines Website | RSS Feed
Untangling airports using open source tools on Microsoft Azure - 24-Feb-2016
Yong Rui wins IEEE Computer Society 2016 Technical Achievement Award - 22-Feb-2016
Participate in Pegasus II: Real-time Internet of Things experiment from the edge of space - 22-Feb-2016
Time to retire pen and paper? New Microsoft Garage app Plumbago reimagines digital notetaking - 19-Feb-2016
Optical character recognition and offline translation features added to Microsoft Translator apps - 18-Feb-2016
WorldWide Telescope finds a new home at the American Astronomical Society - 17-Feb-2016
Microsoft researchers smash homomorphic encryption speed barrier - 11-Feb-2016
Fetch! New Microsoft Garage app uses artificial intelligence to name that breed - 11-Feb-2016
How Microsoft and Novartis created Assess MS to more consistently track multiple sclerosis symptoms - 09-Feb-2016
Predicting ocean chemistry using Microsoft Azure - 02-Feb-2016
Microsoft research project puts cloud in ocean for the first time - 01-Feb-2016
Microsoft plumbs ocean’s depths to test underwater data center - 01-Feb-2016

Microsoft Research Machine Translation Website | RSS Feed
Introducing the Multilingual App Toolkit v4.0 - 24-Feb-2016
Powerful AI Techniques Help Microsoft Translator Deliver Online Quality Translations Whether You are Internet Connected or Not - 18-Feb-2016
Microsoft Translator API and Hub Feedback and Support has Moved - 02-Feb-2016

Microsoft Research Publications Website | RSS Feed
Flamingo: Enabling Evolvable HDD-based Near-Line Storage - 22-Feb-2016
Learning Step Size Controllers for Robust Neural Network Training - 12-Feb-2016
Appendix to The Emerging Role of Data Scientists on Software Development Teams - 10-Feb-2016
CryptoNets: Applying Neural Networks to Encrypted Data with High Throughput and Accuracy - 08-Feb-2016
A Dual Embedding Space Model for Document Ranking - 04-Feb-2016
TeleTourist: Immersive Telepresence Tourism for Mobility-Restricted Participants - 01-Feb-2016
Unfolding Temporal Dynamics: Predicting Social Media Popularity Using Multi-scale Temporal Decomposition - 01-Feb-2016
The Crowd is a Collaborative Network - 01-Feb-2016
Remixing as a Pathway to Computational Thinking - 01-Feb-2016
Exploring Multiple Feature Spaces for Novel Entity Discovery - 01-Feb-2016
Storia: Summarizing Social Media Content based on Narrative Theory using Crowdsourcing - 01-Feb-2016
Characterizing Dietary Choices, Nutrition, and Language in Food Deserts via Social Media - 01-Feb-2016
Botivist: Calling Volunteers to Action using Online Bots - 01-Feb-2016
Scaling Relational Inference Using Proofs and Refutations - 01-Feb-2016
Multi-view Machines - 01-Feb-2016
Collective Noise Contrastive Estimation for Policy Transfer Learning - 01-Feb-2016
Industrial Technology Advances: Deep learning --- from speech recognition to language and multimodal processing - 01-Feb-2016
Robust and Efficient Multiple Alignment of Unsynchronized Meeting Recordings - 01-Feb-2016
Uncovering Bugs in Distributed Storage Systems during Testing (not in Production!) - 01-Feb-2016
Parameter Estimation for Generalized Thurstone Choice Models - 01-Feb-2016
Introduction to Special Issue on Body Tracking and Healthcare - 01-Feb-2016
Applying Grover's algorithm to AES: quantum resource estimates - 01-Feb-2016
On the Team Selection Problem - 01-Feb-2016
Towards Database Confidentiality a la Carte with Secure Hardware - 01-Feb-2016
Implicit Distortion and Fertility Models for Attention-based Encoder-Decoder NMT Model - 01-Feb-2016


Microsoft Security Response Center MSRC Website | RSS Feed
February 2016 Security Update Release Summary - 09-Feb-2016

Software and Web Development

Visual C++ Website | RSS Feed
Try out the latest C++ compiler toolset without waiting for the next update of Visual Studio - 16-Feb-2016
Do You Develop Games? - 12-Feb-2016
Natvis for C++/CLI Available to Preview in VS2015 Update 2 - 12-Feb-2016
Compiler improvements in VS 2015 Update 2 - 11-Feb-2016
What’s inside a PDB File? - 08-Feb-2016
Your Version Control Experiences - 01-Feb-2016

Windows App Store Website | RSS Feed
An Update on the Developer Opportunity and Windows 10 - 25-Feb-2016
Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 14267 Released - 24-Feb-2016
Improvements to Windows Store apps and games visibility - 22-Feb-2016
Windows App Studio February 2016 update – agenda layout, searching in apps, and other new features - 22-Feb-2016
Using the iOS Bridge to Bring Storyboards and Auto Layout to Windows 10 - 18-Feb-2016
Building a Great Hosted Web App - 17-Feb-2016
Leveraging existing code for Yahoo Mail with Hosted Web Apps - 16-Feb-2016
UWP Tile Generator Extension for Visual Studio - 15-Feb-2016
Adding App Intelligence Tools: Apteligent for Windows 10 App Development - 11-Feb-2016
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Windows 10 - 08-Feb-2016
What is Windows Remote Arduino and What Can It Do? - 04-Feb-2016
Windows Store Trends – February 2016 - 04-Feb-2016
Help Increase Your Windows App Usage, Retention, and Monetization with Azure Mobile Engagement - 03-Feb-2016

Visual Studio Team Blog Website | RSS Feed
Top news from January 2016 - 25-Feb-2016
Develop ReactNative apps in Visual Studio Code - 22-Feb-2016
10 things you should try on the leap day - 17-Feb-2016
Node.js: From Zero to Bobble with Visual Studio Code - 16-Feb-2016
Analyze CPU and Memory while Debugging - 15-Feb-2016
Find Your Favorite Visual Studio Extension - 11-Feb-2016
Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 CTP - 10-Feb-2016
Write once and deploy to Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Azure Stack from Visual Studio - 08-Feb-2016
Visual Studio Tools for Unity 2.2 - 04-Feb-2016
Free Visual Studio Dev Essentials Program now includes $300 in Azure credits and Exclusive Xamarin University access - 03-Feb-2016

Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server Blog Website | RSS Feed
Running Apache JMeter based load tests in the cloud – how to - 26-Feb-2016
Pull Request integration in IntelliJ and Android Studio - 24-Feb-2016
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild v2.0 released: support for third-party Roslyn analyzers - 18-Feb-2016
Impact of new Release Management orchestration features - 12-Feb-2016
Using the DebuggerNonUserCode Attribute in Visual Studio 2015 - 12-Feb-2016
Quickly navigate with keyboard - 11-Feb-2016
Use SonarQube quality gates to control your Visual Studio Team Services builds - 11-Feb-2016
Monitor Team Services web extensions with Visual Studio Application Insights - 11-Feb-2016
Get your code hosted for free in VSTS - 10-Feb-2016
Parallel and Context Sensitive Test Execution with Visual studio 2015 Update 1 - 08-Feb-2016
Search now available on Visual Studio Marketplace - 06-Feb-2016
Scripts to import and export process templates from TFS - 03-Feb-2016
Join the Java Tools Challenge – Help make Java great with Visual Studio Team Services and win your share of >$80K in prizes - 03-Feb-2016

Premier Support for Developers Website | RSS Feed
US Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – February 2016 Update - 26-Feb-2016
Leveraging Native UI in Apache Cordova Apps Using Project Ace - 18-Feb-2016
Qualcomm Developer of the Month: PSfD Consultant Joe Healy - 17-Feb-2016
Steve St. Jean and Abel Wang talk source control and DevOps on Channel 9 - 11-Feb-2016

SQL and Business Intelligence

Gemini Website | RSS Feed
Try out SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services CTP 3.2 on the TechNet Virtual Lab - 19-Feb-2016
What’s new for SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services in CTP3.3 - 03-Feb-2016

SQL Release Services Website | RSS Feed
Cumulative Update #5 for SQL Server 2014 SP1 - 22-Feb-2016
Cumulative Update #12 for SQL Server 2014 RTM - 22-Feb-2016
Announcing SQL Server Management Studio – January 2016 Release - 03-Feb-2016

SQL Server Reporting Services Website | RSS Feed
Try SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services with new TechNet Virtual Labs - 19-Feb-2016
Mobile Report Publisher Public Preview 2 now available! - 09-Feb-2016
Access your favorite KPIs and reports with SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.3 - 03-Feb-2016

Systems Center Systems Management

System Center Website | RSS Feed
New security capabilities in Operations Management Suite - 25-Feb-2016
How OMS and Azure reduce disaster recovery costs - 24-Feb-2016
An Operations Management Suite tour: Disaster recovery - 18-Feb-2016
Modern management for the cloud world: Jeremy Winter speaks at System Center Universe - 11-Feb-2016
Get in-depth with analytics in Microsoft Operations Management Suite - 09-Feb-2016
Get even more from System Center - 02-Feb-2016
Get even more from System Center - 02-Feb-2016

System Center Configuration Manager Support Website | RSS Feed
Cumulative Update 3 for ConfigMgr 2012 SP2 and ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 is now available - 26-Feb-2016
HOTFIX: Mobile devices aren’t listed in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager - 23-Feb-2016
HOTFIX: Terms and Conditions compliance settings generate errors in System Center Configuration Manager - 19-Feb-2016
HOTFIX: Task sequence with dynamic variable list continues if application installation fails - 04-Feb-2016
HOTFIX: Content can’t be downloaded from cloud based Configuration Manager DPs when BranchCache is enabled - 03-Feb-2016
HOTFIX: Content can’t be downloaded from cloud based Configuration Manager DPs when BranchCache is enabled - 03-Feb-2016
HOTFIX: "Browse Windows App Packages" dialog box is missing from System Center Configuration Manager version 1511 - 02-Feb-2016
HOTFIX: "Browse Windows App Packages" dialog box is missing from System Center Configuration Manager version 1511 - 02-Feb-2016

System Center Data Protection Manager DPM Website | RSS Feed
Backup of Enterprise data made easier with System Center Data Protection Manager - 25-Feb-2016
Getting started with the Recovery Services Backup Vault interface in Microsoft Azure - 09-Feb-2016

Unified Communications

Microsoft Exchange Website | RSS Feed
Important notice about certificate expiration for Exchange 2013 Hybrid customers - 19-Feb-2016
Office 365 Hybrid Configuration wizard for Exchange 2010 - 17-Feb-2016
Exchange 2013 and 2016 Exmon tool is now available - 16-Feb-2016
On .NET Framework 4.6.1 and Exchange compatibility - 10-Feb-2016
Exchange Server Deployment Assistant Updated with New Exchange 2016 Scenarios - 10-Feb-2016
Exchange Public Folder Mailbox Limit Increased from 100 to 1,000 - 01-Feb-2016


Remote Desktop Services formerly Terminal Services Website | RSS Feed
Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 updates available - 23-Feb-2016
Staying current with Windows Server updates for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) - 22-Feb-2016
January updates to Azure RemoteApp - 09-Feb-2016

Windows Virtualization Website | RSS Feed
Setting up Linux Operating System Clusters on Hyper-V (2 of 3) - 22-Feb-2016
Setting up Linux Operating System Clusters on Hyper-V (1 of 3) - 19-Feb-2016
New Hyper-V Survey - 16-Feb-2016

Windows Desktop and Embedded

Kinect for Windows Website | RSS Feed
Kinect helps VR film capture the terrors of war - 22-Feb-2016
A student’s concussion leads to Kinect-enabled diagnostic app - 05-Feb-2016

Windows Server and Infrastructure

Small Business Server SBS Website | RSS Feed
Survey – Windows Server Essentials Features - 23-Feb-2016

Windows Server Division Website | RSS Feed
Clarifying our hardware platform support - 19-Feb-2016
Manage your Windows Server from anywhere - 11-Feb-2016
Exploring Nano Server for Windows Server 2016 - 10-Feb-2016
Zero to SDN in under five minutes - 04-Feb-2016

Windows Server Networking and Remote Access

Windows Server Networking Documentation Website | RSS Feed
5 New DirectAccess Documents for Windows Server 2016 - 17-Feb-2016
Network Monitoring for Software Defined Networking (SDN) - 16-Feb-2016

Windows Systems Management

Scripting Hey Scripting Guys Website | RSS Feed
PowerTip: Use PowerShell to disconnect virtual disk - 28-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Disconnect sessions to ISCSI target with PowerShell - 28-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Enable and disable ODBC performance counter settings with PowerShell - 27-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Enable PerfMon counters for ODBC connection pooling with PowerShell - 27-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Use PowerShell to disable constrained delegation - 26-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Use PowerShell to disable all scheduled tasks in folder - 26-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Use PowerShell to disable scheduled task - 25-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Disable plug and play device with PowerShell - 25-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Find DSC resources with PowerShell - 24-Feb-2016
Find DSC resources that are available in the PowerShell Gallery - 24-Feb-2016
Overview of the PowerShell Get module to find scripts - 23-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Find PowerShell modules that are installed by PowerShell Get command - 22-Feb-2016
PowerShell Spotlight: February 2016 - 22-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Add Hyper-V network switch to network packet capture session - 21-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Learn about PowerShell default parameter values - 02-Feb-2016
Convert a web page into objects for easy scraping with PowerShell - 02-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Get password from PowerShell credential object - 01-Feb-2016
February community PowerShell spotlight - 01-Feb-2016

PowerShell Team Blog Website | RSS Feed
ARM DSC Extension Settings - 26-Feb-2016
The PowerShell Gallery Is Public - 25-Feb-2016
Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5.0 RTM packages has been republished - 24-Feb-2016
PSScriptAnalyzer v1.4.0 release and support on PSv3.0 - 18-Feb-2016
DSC Resource Kit gets even bigger - 11-Feb-2016
platyPS: write External Help files in Markdown - 05-Feb-2016
Azure DSC Extension Data Collection - 02-Feb-2016


Windows Experience Blog Website | RSS Feed
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14257 - 03-Feb-2016
Salesforce Showcases Salesforce Lightning for Continuum on Windows 10 - 02-Feb-2016

Extreme Windows Blog Website | RSS Feed
New Ads Celebrate how Windows 10 Devices, Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 Do More – Just Like You - 28-Feb-2016
Windows Store Weekly: 5 new titles to check out this weekend - 26-Feb-2016
Top Gear: Drift Legends now available for Windows 10 - 25-Feb-2016
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14271 + Mobile Build 14267.1004 - 24-Feb-2016
New Windows 10 Devices Showcased at Mobile World Congress - 22-Feb-2016
Panasonic’s Toughpad FZ-F1Tablet Merges Rugged Design with Ease of Use – for the Toughest of Jobs - 22-Feb-2016
Huawei Announces the HUAWEI MateBook, a 2-in-1 Laptop with Windows 10 - 22-Feb-2016
Lenovo’s New Travel-ready Windows 10 Laptops Shown at Mobile World Congress - 21-Feb-2016
The HP Elite x3 with Windows 10 – Redefining the Mobile Computing Experience for Businesses - 21-Feb-2016
ALCATEL announces their first Windows 10 2-in-1 with 4G Connectivity - 21-Feb-2016
Announcing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 14267 - 19-Feb-2016
Windows Store Weekly: 5 new titles to check out this weekend - 19-Feb-2016
The NASCAR app for Windows 10 gets an update and mobile availability - 19-Feb-2016
New Open Connectivity Foundation Will Further Innovation of the Internet of Things - 19-Feb-2016
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14267 - 18-Feb-2016
The Minecraft Overworld Update begins rolling out today - 18-Feb-2016
Night School Studio’s Oxenfree now available for Windows 10 - 17-Feb-2016
US Department of Defense Commits to Upgrade 4 Million Seats to Windows 10 - 17-Feb-2016
Available today! Hulu on Windows 10 - 15-Feb-2016
Windows Store Weekly: 5 new titles to check out this weekend - 12-Feb-2016
Quantum Break coming to Xbox One and Windows 10 on April 5 - 11-Feb-2016
Announcing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10586.107 - 10-Feb-2016
Minecraft Overworld Update coming later this month - 10-Feb-2016
Let Microsoft play Cupid this Valentine’s Day with apps, games, movies and digital gift cards - 09-Feb-2016
Windows Store Weekly: 5 new titles to check out this weekend - 05-Feb-2016
Minecraft update: Journey to the West skin pack available - 04-Feb-2016
Hand of Fate is here for Windows 10 - 01-Feb-2016
Announcing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10586.71 - 01-Feb-2016
Five Great Ways To Get Super Bowl Savvy This Week - 01-Feb-2016

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