Today I 'am excited to share the new winners of the Microsoft Technical French Contributor Award ! We got three winners !
Actually, Philippe should post this article but here in Europe it's 10 PM and he is from Canada and local time there is 3 PM. All the winners are from Europe; so I'm going to post this but all the credits are to Philippe Levesque!
Jean-Philippe Bay ~ Celegorm – MSFT
- Technical Blog: www.softpratik.fr and www.jeanphilippebay.fr
- TechNet profile: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Profile/celegorm
- The winning article is the following: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/fr-FR/97f45cd1-5004-4911-8f51-8f53ad49a29f/articles-publis-dans-le-cadre-de-l-appel-la-contribution-pour-la-priode-17042013 & http://www.softpratik.fr/mettre-a-jour-les-outils-sysinternals/
- TechNet profile: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Profile/ketata%20ramy
- Technical Blog: http://ramyketatatn.blogspot.ca/
- The winning article is the following: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Guide-Pas-Pas-dinstallation-1000d7d1
- TechNet profile: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Profile/Alexandre%20COURCELLE
- The winning article is the following: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/fr-FR/79807e62-a9bc-436e-b796-01cdbae21add/comment-faire-mise-en-route-gestion-dune-infrastructure-microsoft-vdi
I'm also very proud of everyone that helped to make it happen ! Thanks Gokan, Bruno, Ed and Florin! I was supposed to post an interview with Ed, but in the exchange of email Ed's answered one question and I found that funny, as it was looking the smallest interview I ever saw !! It went that quick !!!
Gokan to me; Please do not forget to interview Ed Price like promised on the previous post .. ( Why Ed helped us to start this award program )
Ed answer right away; "That would be the shortest interview ever! “Because the French community is awesome!” =^)"
I love to see a so good and quick answer! :o)
Thanks everyone! Happy wiki'ing !!