sorry for my silence, I recognized I have not updated MBV for a long time.
In fact I update it frequently for our internal usage at Microsoft or for some specific customers scenarios that I meet during my visits on customer sites, but I did not take the time until now to fix some remaining issues and publish it for public usage.
It is the good time so to publish a new build.
New features:
As for each new version of MBV, this version brings new queries and updated some existing rules to check for latest CUs of BizTalk for example
It provides also now the possibility to compress in a zip the output report and send it automatically by mail if needed (Cf my last post on version 13.662 for more details on this mail notification feature:
The Dashboard section was also improved with additional information reported and provides now a complete view of all the important information of your BizTalk group.
Finally, the main window of MBV (in its UI version so) can now be resized to any size you want to adapt to any resolution of your analyzed server.
You can downbload this latest version here :
Feel free to contact me if you meet some issues or have any questions regarding that version or MBV usage in general