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Deploying a Windows Server 2012 R2 Scale-Out File Server Cluster using Azure VMs


0) Overview

In this document, I am sharing the steps I used to create a Windows Server 2012 R2 Scale-Out File Server Cluster environment using only Azure VMs, for demo, test or development purposes.

This includes a few important tips and tricks to install Active Directory and Windows Server Failover Clustering in an Azure VM environment which are not well known.


Following these steps will probably requires a reasonable amount of work, but it is a great way to experiment with a large set of Microsoft technologies in or related to Windows Server 2012 R2, including:

  • Azure VMs
  • Azure Virtual Networks
  • Domain Name Services (DNS)
  • Active Directory Domain Services (AD-DS)
  • Failover Clustering
  • Scale-Out File Servers
  • PowerShell


You will need the following to perform the steps described here:

  • Any computer with access to the internet that can connect to Azure
  • An active Azure subscription (you can get a free trial from http://azure.com)
  • No server hardware is required. No download of Windows Server 2012 R2 is required.


Notes and disclaimers:

  • A certain familiarity with Windows administration and configuration is assumed.
  • Very little knowledge of Azure is assumed. If you’re already familiar with it, sorry for boring you with all the details.
  • If you are asked a question or required to perform an action that you do not see described in these steps, go with the default option.
  • There are usually several ways to perform a specific configuration or administration task. What I describe here is one of those many ways. It's not necessarily the best way, just the one I personally like best at the moment.
  • Throughout these instructions, I’ll prefix all items with “JOSE-324”. For your specific setup, choose your own unique prefix to avoid naming conflicts with other users in the Azure cloud.
  • The iSCSI Target Server configuration shown here is not highly available. For this reason, this setup should only be used for demo, test or development purposes.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the item above this should *not* be used for Production environments.


1) Get to the portal


Browse to http://azure.com, then click on “portal” in the top bar.

Sign in with your Microsoft account to view the Azure Portal.


2) Create an Azure Virtual Network


Click on the “Virtual Networks” icon (shown above).


Click on the “Create a Virtual Network” link.


Enter the name for the virtual network, the region closest to you and an affinity group name for the new virtual network. Click on the right arrow on the bottom right to continue.

Leave everything blank on the “DNS Servers and VPN Connectivity” page. Click on the right arrow to continue.

Accept the default address space and configure a subnet for Click on the Check icon to finish creating the virtual network. Then wait until the virtual network is created (this will take a moment).

Review the configuration of the virtual network.


3) Create an Azure Storage Account


Click on the “Storage” icon (shown above).

Click on the “Create a Storage Account” link.


Enter the name for the storage account (URL), the affinity group (same you used on the virtual network) and click on “Create Storage Account”. Wait for the storage account to be created (this will take a moment).


Review the configuration of the storage account.


4) Create an Azure Virtual Machine for the domain controller


Click on the “Virtual Machines” icon (shown above).


Click on the “Create a Virtual Machine” link.

Instead of using the “Quick Create” option, click on the “From Gallery” option to bring in the full wizard.

On the “Choose an Image” page, click on “Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter”. Click on the right arrow on the bottom right to continue.


Use the latest release date, enter a virtual machine name for your domain controller, select the small size, enter a user name and type in a password twice. Click on the right arrow on the bottom right to continue.

On this page, keep the default to “create a new cloud service”, keep the cloud service DNS name the same as the virtual machine name, select the virtual name we created previously, select the subnet that we created previously, select the storage account we created previously and keep the availability set to “(None)”. Click on the right arrow on the bottom right to continue.

Keep all the defaults for the virtual machine configuration. Click on the Check icon to finish creating the virtual machine. Then wait until the virtual machine is created (this will take a moment).


Review the configuration of the Virtual Machine.


5) Review the items created so far



Click on the “Virtual Networks” icon (shown above).

Click on the network we created previously, then click on the option to show the “Dashboard”.


Verify that the newly created virtual machine is using the IP address on the subnet specified.



Click on the “Storage” icon (shown above).

Click on the Storage Account we created previously, then click on the option to show the “Containers”.


Click on the container called “vhds”.


Verify that you have the blobs for the virtual machine VHD file and its associated status.



Click on the “Cloud Services” icon (shown above).


Verify you have a cloud service associated with the newly created virtual machine, using the correct availability group.



Click on the “All Items” icon (shown above).


Review all the items we created so far.


6) Connect to the Azure Virtual Machine



Click on the “Virtual Machines” icon (shown above).

On the bar at the bottom of the screen, click on the “Connect” icon to connect to your virtual machine.


You will be offered a link to a Remote Desktop session file. Click on the “Open” button to start the remote desktop session.


On the Remote Desktop Connection dialog (shown above), click “Connect”.

On the Window Security dialog, enter a dot (.), followed by a backslash (\) and the name of the user you specified when creating the virtual machine. The dot means "this computer". Enter the password you specified previously and Click “OK” to continue.


In the final “Remote Desktop Connection” dialog, click “Yes” to accept the certificate. You will be connected to the virtual machine.

NOTE: To avoid this warning (and, more importantly, to be more secure), you can create certificates to use with these RDP connections by checking this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/gg432987.aspx .


7) Install Active Directory in the Azure VM


Inside the virtual machine, bring up a PowerShell command line and use the following two cmdlets to load the Active Directory Domain Services role and promote this machine to a domain controller. This will take a while.

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools
Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "JOSE.TEST"

You will be prompted for a Safe Mode Administrator password twice. You will also be asked to confirm the operation. After this, the configuration will start. This will take a while and you will see a few warnings.

After the script finishes, the virtual machine will reboot and your Remote Desktop session will be disconnected.


8) Review DNS and Active Directory configuration


Reconnect to the Azure VM using the instructions on step 6, this time using the new domain name instead of the dot (.) used in the first logon. You should use the same username, though. Note that the first logon on the freshly installed domain controller will take a little longer than usual.

Use the DNS Manager tool to verify that the DNS was properly configured:

Use the Active Directory Users and Computers tool to verify that the domain was properly configured:



9) Configure the DNS for your Azure Virtual Network


Click on the “Virtual Networks” icon (shown above).

Click on the network we created previously, then click on the option to “Configure”.

Add a DNS Server to the empty list, specifying the name and IP address of the virtual machine you configured (


Click on the “Save” button on the bottom bar (shown above) to save the changes.


Confirm the changes to the virtual network. Wait for the configuration to complete (this will take a moment).


10) Create two additional virtual machines


Click on the “Virtual Machines” icon (shown above).

Use the “+ New” link on the bottom left of the screen to add two virtual machines that we’ll use as file server cluster nodes.

Use steps similar to what you did in item 4, being careful to use the same Image, Storage Account, Virtual Network and Subnet as the first one. Use an FS1 and FS2 suffix for their names.

Here’s what the configuration should look like after you create them:


Make sure the VMs all use the same location.


Click on the “Virtual Networks” icon (shown above).

Click on the network we created previously, then click on the option to show the “Dashboard”.


Make sure the VMs all use the same subnet. Note the IP addresses used by each one.


11) Configure the two file server nodes


Using steps similar to item 6, connect to each of the two new virtual machines. Note that, on the first boot, you must use the computer name when logging in.

The steps are described here just once, but you must perform them for both VMs.

After the first login, verify that the DNS configuration received via DHCP is correct by running this cmdlet from PowerShell inside the virtual machine:

Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet* | FL

Next, configure the roles and features to be used (File Server and Clustering) using these PowerShell cmdlets:

Install-WindowsFeature File-Services, FS-FileServer, Failover-Clustering –IncludeManagementTools

Next, use the following cmdlet to join the domain:

Add-Computer -DomainName JOSE.TEST –Restart

Enter the domain credentials when prompted. The virtual machine will restart after that and you will be disconnected.

Reconnect to the Azure VM using the instructions on step 6, this time using the new domain name instead of the dot (.) used in the first logon. You should use the same username, though.

Note that the first logon after you joined the domain will take a little longer than usual.

Don’t forget to repeat these steps on the other VM.


11) Confirm that the two file server nodes have joined the domain


Reconnect to the Azure VM running the DNS/domain controller using the instructions on step 8.

Use the DNS Manager tool to verify that the DNS is showing all three virtual machines:


Use the Active Directory Users and Computers tool to verify that the two file servers are now part of the domain:



12) Configure the iSCSI Target in the DNS/Domain Controller


Connect to the Azure VM running the DNS/domain controller using the instructions on step 8.

Enable the iSCSI Target Server and configure it using the following PowerShell cmdlets:

Install-WindowsFeature FS-iSCSITarget-Server
New-IscsiServerTarget -TargetName FileCluster -InitiatorID IPAddress:, IPAddress:
New-IscsiVirtualDisk -DevicePath C:\LUN\LUN0.VHDX -Size 1GB
1..2 | % {New-IscsiVirtualDisk -DevicePath C:\LUN\LUN$_.VHDX -Size 20GB}
0..2 | % {Add-iSCSIVirtualDiskTargetMapping -TargetName FileCluster -DevicePath C:\LUN\LUN$_.VHDX}

Verify using Server Manager that the iSCSI Target Server was properly created and that the LUNs are properly associated with it. See sample below:


13) Configure the iSCSI Initiator on the File Server virtual machine


Reconnect to the two File Server virtual machines.

Configure them to use the newly created iSCSI Target using the following PowerShell cmdlets:

Set-Service MSiSCSI -StartupType automatic
Start-Service MSiSCSI
New-iSCSITargetPortal -TargetPortalAddress
Get-iSCSITarget | Connect-iSCSITarget
Get-iSCSISession | Register-iSCSISession

IMPORTANT: The next step should be performed only on first of the File Server VM, not both.

On the first File Server VM, initialize the iSCSI LUNs (disks 2, 3 and 4) using the following PowerShell cmdlets:

2..4 | % {
$d = “--WXY”[$_]
Set-Disk -Number $_ -IsReadOnly 0
Set-Disk -Number $_ -IsOffline 0
Initialize-Disk -Number $_ -PartitionStyle MBR
New-Partition -DiskNumber $_ -DriveLetter $d –UseMaximumSize
Start-Sleep –Seconds 10
Initialize-Volume -DriveLetter $d -FileSystem NTFS -Confirm:$false

Verify using the Disk Management tool that you see the



14) Run Cluster Validation and create the cluster


From one of the two File Server cluster nodes, run cluster validation using the following PowerShell cmdlet:

Test-Cluster JOSE-324-FS1, JOSE-324-FS2

Validation will take a while to complete. Here’s what you should expect as the output of that cmdlet:

Note that you have a warning. If you look into the report, you’ll see that it relates to the fact that you have a single network for the cluster. Since this is a test configuration only, that’s fine.

Now go ahead and create the cluster using the following PowerShell cmdlet:

New-Cluster –Name JOSE-324-CL -Node JOSE-324-FS1, JOSE-324-FS2


15) Fixing the issue with the Cluster IP address


There is one issue you will see in this environment, which is the fact that the DHCP address assigned to the Cluster Name resource is invalid.

The Azure Network will give you the same IP that is already in use by one of the existing nodes, creating an IP Address conflict. I assume this issue is caused by the fact that this Cluster Name resource is not known to Azure.

You can confirm the issue using the Failover Cluster Manager tool to view the Cluster Core Resources:

If you dig deeper in the event log, you will find the message about the duplicate IP address:

There is a workaround, though. You need to:

  • Remove the existing DHCP-based Cluster IP Address Resource
  • Add a new Cluster IP Address Resource with a Static IP
  • Make sure all the dependencies are properly set with the new resource

You can do this via the GUI or you can run the following PowerShell script:

Stop-ClusterResource "Cluster Name"
Get-ClusterResource | ? { (($_.ResourceType -like "*Address*") -and ($_.OwnerGroup -eq "Cluster Group")) } | Remove-ClusterResource –Force
Add-ClusterResource -Name "Cluster IP Address" -Group "Cluster Group" -ResourceType "IP Address"
Get-ClusterResource –Name "Cluster IP Address" | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{ “Network”=”Cluster Network 1”; "Address"=""; ”SubnetMask”=””; "EnableDhcp"=0 }
Get-ClusterResource “Cluster Name” | Add-ClusterResourceDependency –Resource "Cluster IP Address"
Start-ClusterResource "Cluster Name"

After that, you will have the cluster fully functional.


16) Create the File Server Scale-Out Cluster


With the cluster created, you can go ahead and configure it for a Scale-Out File Server and create a few continuously available file shares.

You can do it from either of the two File Server cluster nodes, using the following PowerShell cmdlets:

Get-ClusterResource | ? OwnerGroup -like Available* | Add-ClusterSharedVolume
Add-ClusterScaleOutFileServerRole -Name JOSE-324-FS

MD C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\DATA1
New-SmbShare -Name Share1 -Path C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\DATA1 -FullAccess JOSE.TEST\Jose
Set-SmbPathAcl –ShareName Share1

MD C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\DATA2
New-SmbShare -Name Share2 -Path C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\DATA2 -FullAccess JOSE.TEST\Jose
Set-SmbPathAcl –ShareName Share2

You can check the configuration using the Failover Cluster Manager:

You can also use PowerShell to verify that configuration:

Get-ClusterResource | FT -AutoSize
Get-ClusterSharedVolume | FT -AutoSize
Get-SmbShare | FT -AutoSize



17) Final Notes


  • After you’re done with the demo/test/dev environment, don’t forget shutdown the VMs to save on your Azure resources.
  • I hope you enjoyed these step-by-step instructions. I strongly encourage you to try them out and perform the entire installation yourself. It’s a good learning experience.
  • Let me know how these steps worked for you using the comment section. If you run into any issues or found anything particularly interesting, don’t forget to mention the number of the step.

PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Find Internet Explorer Settings


Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to find Internet Explorer settings.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question How can I use Windows PowerShell to explorer the various settings for Internet Explorer?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Use the Get-Item cmdlet and explore the Internet Explorer main hive for the current user:

get-item 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main'

Top Contributors Awards! Translations translated! World of PowerShell! Gurus and legends!!


Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.

First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...


Unfortunately, many of Daniel's contributions seem to be plagiarised from other sources, so some of his articles will probably be removed, mostly by Peter Geelen, who comes second! So Daniel just making work for Peter :D 


As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


Ninja AwardMost Revisions Award  
Who has made the most individual revisions


#1 Daniel Cristian Sauer with 72 revisions.


#2 Carsten Siemens with 66 revisions.


#3 Recep YUKSEL - TAT with 49 revisions.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Markus Vilcinskas with 48 revisions.


#5 Richard Mueller with 35 revisions.


#6 Ed Price - MSFT with 26 revisions.


#7 Shanky_621 with 24 revisions.


#8 Benoit Jester - MTFC with 23 revisions.


#9 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 21 revisions.


#10 Idan Vexler with 20 revisions.



Ninja AwardMost Articles Updated Award  
Who has updated the most articles


#1 Carsten Siemens with 64 articles.


#2 Recep YUKSEL - TAT with 41 articles.


#3 Daniel Cristian Sauer with 28 articles.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Richard Mueller with 25 articles.


#5 Benoit Jester - MTFC with 18 articles.


#6 Shanky_621 with 13 articles.


#7 Ed Price - MSFT with 12 articles.


#8 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 9 articles.


#9 Tomasso Groenendijk with 8 articles.


#10 Ersin CAN - TAT with 7 articles.



Ninja AwardMost Updated Article Award  
Largest amount of updated content in a single article


The article to have the most change this week was Wiki: How to Translate TechNet Wiki Articles, by Ed Price - MSFT

This week's reviser was Ed Price - MSFT,

Well, rather entertainingly, this wins most content changed award because someone TRANSLATED the translation document it into another language REPLACING the original English version!

So Ed had to revert it. Although it's reverted, the translation adds to the weekly tally and makes this the winner. 



Ninja AwardLongest Article Award  
Biggest article updated this week


This week's largest document to get some attention is Windows Server 2012 R2 - Essentials Experience PowerShell Commands, by RobertPearman

This week's reviser was Carsten Siemens,

What a monstrous list of PowerShell commands!  A must to bookmark!


Ninja AwardMost Revised Article Award  
Article with the most revisions in a week


This week's most fiddled with article is Windows PowerShell Connector for FIM 2010 R2 Flat File Sample Connector, by Markus Vilcinskas. It was revised 28 times last week.

This week's revisers were Brian Desmond& Markus Vilcinskas

PowerShell being the flavour of the week, as this excellent article arrives fresh from the keyboard of Markus.



Ninja AwardMost Popular Article Award  
Collaboration is the name of the game!


The article to be updated by the most people this week is TechNet Guru Contributions for March, by XAML guy

A final flourish of activity as the March techno-march comes to an end.

This week's revisers were João Eduardo Sousa, Ibraheem Osama Mohamed, Ed Price - MSFT, Peter_Lindgren, The Thinker, Jaliya Udagedara, CatfishAndGrits, Shanky_621, Nonki Takahashi, Colin Meade, Matthew Yarlett, Steef-Jan Wiggers& Michael Amadi



Ninja AwardNinja Edit Award  
A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person


Thanks to everyone for their hard work this week, even if some people's work was later removed, it's the taking part that matters! :)


Best regards,
Pete Laker


Sábado - Maiores contribuintes da 5ª semana de Março de 2014


Olá comunidade Microsoft.

Bem vindos a mais uma semana de atualização na comunidade Wiki Ninjas Brasil.

Hoje é Sábado, dia de saber quem são os Maiores Contribuintes.

Iniciamos com os atuais líderes.


Esta é a análise das contribuições do Technet Wiki Brasil ao longo da última semana.

Segundo as estatísticas gerais, tivemos 260 usuários que contribuíram 1.885 páginas.

Além disso, obtivemos 8.225 revisões com 5.307 comentários.

Mais detalhes em nossa página: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/pt-br/default.aspx

Este resultado é significativo e, comprova o aumento expressivo no número de contribuições para a comunidade Microsoft.


Tivemos uma divisão na primeira colocação geral entre Raimundo Oliveira Junior e Durval Ramos. Ele merecem o destaque da semana devido a sua ótima colaboração na comunidade Microsoft Brasil.

Não podemos deixar de mencionar a contribuição ativa das seguintes pessoas ao longo da semana.

Fernando Lugão Veltem

João Eduardo Sousa

Diogo Molina

Priscila Mayumi Sato

Marcelo Strippoli

Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil

Anderson Anzileiro

Thiago Guirotto

Vamos ao quadro de prêmios da semana.


Ninja AwardPrêmio Maiores Revisores 
Quem fez mais revisões individuais


#1 Raimundo Oliveira Junior com 10 revisões.


#2 Fernando Lugão Veltem com 5 revisões.


#3 João Eduardo Sousa com 5 revisões.



Ninja AwardPrêmio Artigos mais atualizados 
Quem atualizou mais artigos


#1 Durval Ramos com 3 artigos.


#2 Raimundo Oliveira Junior com 3 artigos.


#3 Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil com 3 artigos.


Ninja AwardPrêmio maioria dos artigos revisados 
Artigo com mais revisões em uma semana


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Trabalhando com Mailbox Compartilhada no Exchange Server 2013, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem. Ele foi revisto 4 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Fernando Lugão Veltem,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é ASP.NET WebAPI 2 - Stream Windows Azure blobs, escrito por João Eduardo Sousa. Ele foi revisto 4 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi João Eduardo Sousa,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Replicando o Active Directory do Windows Server 2008 R2 para o Windows Server 2012 R2, escrito por Raimundo Oliveira Junior. Ele foi revisto 3 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Raimundo Oliveira Junior,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Transferindo as funções do AD Server 2008 R2 para Server 2012 R2, escrito por Raimundo Oliveira Junior. Ele foi revisto 2 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Raimundo Oliveira Junior,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Transferindo funções do FSMO do Server 2008 R2 para Server 2012 R2, escrito por Raimundo Oliveira Junior. Ele foi revisto 2 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Raimundo Oliveira Junior,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Agenda de Publicações no Blog Wiki Ninjas Brasil, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem. Ele foi revisto 2 vezes na semana passada.

Os revisores desta semana foram Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil& Hezequias Vasconcelos


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Início. System Center Advisor., escrito por Thiago Guirotto. Ele foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Instalando System Center Advisor Gateway, escrito por Thiago Guirotto. Ele foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Operações Condicionais Ternárias., escrito por Anderson Anzileiro. Ele foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Anderson Anzileiro,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Entrevista com Wiki Ninja Brasil., escrito por Hezequias Vasconcelos. Ele foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Hezequias Vasconcelos,



Ninja AwardPrêmio do artigo mais popular 
colaboração é o nome do jogo!


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Agenda de Publicações no Blog Wiki Ninjas Brasil, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem

Os revisores desta semana foram Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil& Hezequias Vasconcelos


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é ASP.NET WebAPI 2 - Stream Windows Azure blobs, escrito por João Eduardo Sousa

O revisor desta semana foi João Eduardo Sousa,


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Plataformas, escrito por Jorge Barata [JB]

Os revisores desta semana foram WeberCarmo& Marcelo Strippoli


Agradecemos à todos os membros da nossa comunidade Microsoft pelas grandes contribuições realizadas ao longo desta semana.

Vale lembrar, que toda e qualquer ajuda/contribuição para a comunidade é importante e muito bem vinda.

É muito bom ver a nossa comunidade em constante evolução.

Esperamos continuar com esse forte apoio de todos na partilha do conhecimento.

Parabéns a toda comunidade por mais uma ótima semana de contribuições.

Obrigado e até a próxima oportunidade.

Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos

Understanding Streams, Redirection, and Write-Host in PowerShell


Summary: June Blender explains how to understand and use streams in Windows PowerShell.

Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today guest blogger, June Blender, explains how to understand and use streams in Windows PowerShell. To read more from June, see these Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog posts. And now, here's June...

My first introduction to streams in computing was a really positive one. A friend emailed me a short video of my son and his friends helping clear debris from a nearby stream after a flood. I clicked the attachment in the email, and I got the most insightful error I've ever seen:

Error: Cannot render the stream

"Wow," I thought. "That is a really sophisticated error message. I wonder if it can render the trees or just my adorable son."

It turns out that the error referred to a video stream, not the watery one near the school. But that experience prepared me to learn about streams in Windows PowerShell.

Windows PowerShell has multiple message streams. The engine sends different types of messages down each stream. As shown in the following image, the streams are parallel, so they don't interfere with each other.  

Streams are critical in a language that uses piping. When you pipe objects from one cmdlet to another, you don't want the receiving cmdlet to receive errors, warnings, debugging messages, or verbose messages along with the objects that it's designed to process.

So, the pipe operator (|) actually pipes objects down the output stream (stream #1). The receiving cmdlet doesn't see errors, warnings, verbose messages, or debugging messages, because they're sent in other streams.

Windows PowerShell also uses the output stream for assignments, like assigning (or saving) a value in a variable. This explains why you can save an output message in a variable, for example:

PS C:\> $message = Write-Output -Message "Output message"

PS C:\> $message

Output message

 But you can't save a verbose message in a variable:

PS C:\> $message = Write-Verbose -Message "Verbose message" -Verbose

VERBOSE: Verbose message

PS C:\> $message

PS C:\>

To save a verbose message in a variable, you need to redirect the message from the verbose stream (stream #4) to the output stream (stream #1). To do this, you use the "from-4-to-1" (4>&1) redirection operator, as shown here:

PS C:\ps-test> $message = Write-Verbose -Message "Verbose message" -Verbose 4>&1

PS C:\ps-test> $message

VERBOSE: Verbose message

If you haven't yet memorized the redirection operators, you can find them in the about_Redirection Help topic.

I was reminded of this lesson when discussing the infamous Write-Host cmdlet with some colleagues. We all know that you're not supposed to use Write-Host. Windows PowerShell MVP, Don Jones, says that Write-Host kills puppies. Windows PowerShell inventor, Jeffrey Snover, says that Write-Host is harmful. But they both agree that it's fine to use it under very limited conditions.

One of those conditions is when you want to talk to your user, but you don't want the output to interfere with or "pollute" your object stream. If you use the Write-Output cmdlet, the output messages are sent down the output stream (stream #1) along with the objects that you're piping to the next cmdlet. The receiving cmdlet better know how to handle the message strings and how to distinguish them from other strings that you pipe to it.

Write-Host does not pollute the output stream. But which stream does Write-Host use?

To find out, I wrote a little function that writes a host message and a message to each stream:

function Write-Messages

Write-Host "Host message"

Write-Output "Output message"

Write-Verbose "Verbose message"

Write-Warning "Warning message"

Write-Error "Error message"

Write-Debug "Debug message"


When I used the standard redirection operator to write the messages to a file, all of the messages were display on the console, except for the output message, which was written to the output file.

PS C:\> Write-Messages > OutputFile.txt

Host message

Write-Messages : Error message

At line:1 char:1

+ Write-Messages > OutputFile.txt

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Write-Messages


WARNING: Warning message

VERBOSE: Verbose message

DEBUG: Debug message


PS C:\> Get-Content OutputFile.txt

Output message

Then, I ran the same function, but I used the redirection operation that directs all streams to a file (*>). This time, only the host message appeared on the console. All of the other messages (those in message streams) were written to the output file.

PS C:\ps-test> Write-Messages *> .\OutputFile.txt

Host message


PS C:\ps-test> Get-Content OutputFile.txt

Output message

Write-Messages : Error message

At line:1 char:1

+ Write-Messages *> .\OutputFile.txt

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Write-Messages


Warning message

Verbose message

Debug message

This happens because Write-Host is not written to any stream. It's sent to the host program, and the host program decides what to do with it. The Windows PowerShell console and Windows PowerShell ISE display host messages on the console. But other host programs might do something entirely different. The behavior can vary with the program that is hosting Windows PowerShell.

You cannot redirect a Write-Host message or assign it to a variable, even if you're very clever with redirection operators.

So, how do you talk to the user in a way that doesn't pollute the output stream but can be run in background without interaction?

The best way to talk to the user is by using Write-Verbose. Verbose messages go to the verbose stream (stream #4), but the user can redirect them. Of course, users see verbose messages only if they run your script with the Verbose common parameter or when they change VerbosePreference to Continue. But that's a much better alternative than writing to the output stream (which can mess up your piping), and it is better than writing messages to the host program (which can't be suppressed or redirected).

My first impression of streams was that they're very useful and sophisticated. That's my current impression, too!


function Write-Messages




    Write-Host "Host message"

    Write-Output "Output message"

    Write-Verbose "Verbose message"

    Write-Warning "Warning message"

    Write-Error "Error message"

    Write-Debug "Debug message"



# Writes all messages to console.

Write-Messages -Verbose -Debug

# Writes output to the file

# Writes all other messages to console.

Write-Messages -Verbose -Debug > .\OutputFile.txt

# Writes all output except Host messages to file

Write-Messages -Verbose -Debug *> .\OutputFile.txt

# Writes all output (except Host messages) to output stream, then saves them in a file.

Write-Messages -Verbose -Debug *>&1 | Out-File -FilePath .\OutputFile.txt

# Writes all messages to console and then saves all but host messages in a file.

Write-Messages -Verbose -Debug *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath .\OutputFile.txt


Thanks, June!

I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy

Nye forretningsapps og devices: Lær at lave din egen Windows 8 app


Af Louise Harders, produktchef for Windows

Du behøver ikke have teknisk indsigt for at udvikle en app til din Windows 8 pc, tablet eller Windows Phone. Microsoft har netop lanceret et værktøj, der gør det nemt selv at udvikle apps. I dette nummer af Essens ser vi nærmere på de nyeste forretningsapps og devices, der kan gavne din virksomhed og gøre dine medarbejdere mere produktive. Mød også Nokias første tablet samt seneste tablets fra Lenovo og Panasonic, der gør arbejde på farten nemmere og sjovere.  


Project Siena: Lav din egen Windows 8 app

Man behøver ikke længere vente uger eller måneder på at få den app, man ønsker. Det er nu muligt at udvikle nye, kreative forretningsapps til pc’er, smartphones og tablets uden krav til teknisk indsigt eller programmering. Med betaversionen af ‘Project Siena’ (kodenavn) kan vidensmedarbejdere, konsulenter og enhver med en app-idé nu selv skabe en ønsket app. Det er  nemt og intuitivt at udvikle en app med skræddersyet indhold i form af billeder, video, voice, tekst og mediefiler. Det er så let som at redigere i et standarddokument i Word eller PowerPoint – man placerer blot nogle visuelle elementer og tekst i en skabelon og kan ligeledes linke til dokumenter og data i skyen. Derefter kan man dele app’en med kunder, medarbejdere og enhver, der har en Windows 8 enhed.  

Læs mere om Project Siena i dette blogindlæg og se evt. introduktionsvideoen, der viser, hvor nemt det er at komme igang.

OneDrive for Business: Gem virksomhedsdokumenter i skyen

OneDrive for Business er efterfølgeren til SkyDrive Pro og giver nem og billig lagring i skyen for medarbejdere, der benytter Office 365 eller SharePoint Online. Med OneDrive Business app’en kan man nemt tilgå lagrede documenter, redigere dem via Office Web Apps og dele dem med andre i skyen fra sin Windows 8 pc, tablet eller Windows Phone. App’en giver overblik over dokumenter, billeder og videoer og kan nemt deles og tilgås fra Windows 8 enheder. Sikkerheden og produktivitetsværktøjer er på lige fod med, når man normalt arbejder fra SharePoint og Office 365.

Læs mere om OneDrive Pro her.

Power BI app: Få adgang til Excel-rapporter fra mobile enheder

I januar lancerede vi Microsoft Power BI, som er en big data-løsning, baseret på Excel og Office 365. Office 365-kunder kan således nemt få direkte adgang til mange slags dataset – store som små, struktureret som ustruktureret. Med Power BI app’en kan man nu tilgå samme dataset direkte fra Windows 8 enheder. Power BI app’en giver nem adgang til at tilgå og redigere rapporter fra Office 365 samt mulighed for at dele indsigt fra dataene med kollegaer.  App’en gør det nemt at søge efter bestemte rapporter og ’tagge’ favoritter, som man hurtigt kan hente frem igen.

Læs mere om Power BI app’en her.   

Devices – tablets og telefoner til mobile medarbejdere

Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 8: Business tablet med fuld pc funktionalitet

Lenovos nye 8.3” tablet indeholder funktioner og design fra Lenovo, Windows 8 platformen fra Microsoft og Intel-processorer. Resultatet er en mobil, sikker og produktiv tablet med lækker grafik, som kan bruges både som tablet, desktop og have telt-position. Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 8 er super mobil og vejer under 2 kilo og har op til 8 timers batteritid. Den har fuld HD-skærm og er fleksibel ift. om man vil bruge den i tablet-form på farten, tilkoble den et keyboard, en USB-enhed eller skærm, så den fungerer som pc. Hvis man skal vise slideshows eller video, er den nem at sætte i telt-position. Tabletten er tilgængelig i Danmark.

Læs mere om funktionerne i Lenovo’s ThinkPad tablet her.

Nokia Lumia 2520: Nokias første Windows tablet

Nokias Lumia 2520 er Nokias første Windows 8 tablet, der viderefører det slanke og stilrene design fra Lumia-serien. Tabletten kommer med wifi og superhurtig 4G, der gør den perfekt til arbejde på farten. Den har en 10,1” fuld HD touchskærm, som giver et klart billede - selv i direkte sollys. På rammen sidder et 3.0 mikro USB-stik, et mikro HDMI-stik og kortholder til mikro SD og simkort. Lumia 2520 har et 6,7 megapixel autofokus kamera, Quad core-processoren Qualcomm og kan tilkøbes et ekstra tastatur, som forøger batterilevetid og fungerer som cover. Tabletten kommer med Windows RT 8.1, Office-pakken og SkyDrive til lagring og deling af filer. I Danmark forhandles den eksklusivt hos Telenor.

Læs mere om Nokia Lumia 2520, priser og abonnementstyper her.

Panasonic FZ-M1: En hårdfør tablet i lommen

Panasonics nye Windows 8.1 Pro tablet er på blot 7” og med beskyttelse til udendørs brug. Toughpad FZ-M1 løfter barren for udendørs tablets, og den er ideel til arbejdere i udfordrende miljøer, der skal kunne gemme tabletten i lommen og samtidig have adgang til vigtige informationer i marken. Den kommer med multi-touch skærm og fleksible konfigurations- og forbindelsesmuligheder, så man eks. kan tilkoble RFID-læser, smartcard-læser, NFC, LAN eller andet forretningsspecifikt modul. Tabletten er vandtæt, støvresistent, kan holde til chok og slag. Den er kompakt, beskyttet og letvægt (540g) og har op til 8 timers batterilevetid.

Læs mere om Panasonic FZ-M1 her.


第三屆 Microsoft Cloud Hero 雲端戰士團,正式全面啟動


前兩年,每次都超過5000人次參加的 Microsoft Virtualization Hero,今年我們將 Virtualization Hero 與SQL Server Hero 兩大活動合併,並加入 Windows Azure , Windows Azure Pack ,涵蓋完整的 Microsoft Cloud OS藍圖。第三屆 Microsoft Cloud Hero 雲端戰士團,正式全面啓動。邀請您加入,一同創造 Microsoft Cloud OS 遠景及實踐 !! http://aka.ms/CloudHero


  • 產品增加除了Windows Server,Hyper V,System Center之外,我們也特別加入即將上市的SQL Server 2014及目前最熱門的 Windows AzureWindows Azure Pack提供客戶及合作夥伴更完整Microsoft Cloud OS Vision。
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Exchange 2013 Maintenance mode



Now that Exchange 2013 service pack 1 is released, I believe it’s a good time to revisit this subject.

Why do I need Exchange 2013 Maintenance mode?

This is to ensure that your end users won’t be effected when performing any type of software/hardware maintenance on your exchange servers or when you are working on troubleshooting Exchange related problems.

To which server role does this procedure apply?

Maintenance mode should be used with Mailbox servers, both standalone mailbox servers and multi-role servers.

Is there a difference in putting a server into Maintenance mode for Database Availability Group Members and non-Database Availability Group Members?

Yes, DAG members will have extra steps involves moving all active databases off the server and blocking active databases from moving to the server. Also we need to ensure that all critical DAG support functionality that may be on the server (for example, the Primary Active Manager (PAM) role) is moved to another server and blocked from moving back to the server.

So what’s the procedure for putting Mailbox Servers that are not Database Availability Group Members into Maintenance mode?

1. Drain active mail queues on the mailbox server

Set-ServerComponentState <ServerName> -Component HubTransport -State Draining -Requester Maintenance

2. To help transport services immediately pick the state change run:

For Mailbox Server role:

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

If the server is a multi-role server(CAS/MBX) you need to run

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

Restart-Service MSExchangeFrontEndTransport

3. To redirect messages pending delivery in the local queues to another Mailbox server run:

Redirect-Message -Server <ServerName> -Target <MailboxServerFQDN>

Note: The target Server value has to be the target server’s FQDN and that the target server shouldn’t be in maintenance mode.

4. Since the server is not a DAG member, the only step left to put the server into maintenance mode is to run:

Set-ServerComponentState <ServerName> -Component ServerWideOffline -State Inactive -Requester Maintenance

Note: Closely monitor the transport queue before running the step above, queues at this stage should be empty or nearly empty, as we are disabling all server components, any mails still pending in the queues will have delay in delivery till the server is taken out from maintenance mode.

Andwhat’s the procedure for putting Mailbox Servers that are Database Availability Group Members into Maintenance mode?

1. Drain active mail queues on the mailbox server

Set-ServerComponentState <ServerName> -Component HubTransport -State Draining -Requester Maintenance

2. To help transport services immediately pick the state change run:

For Mailbox Server role:

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

If the server is a multi-role server(CAS/MBX) you need to run

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

Restart-Service MSExchangeFrontEndTransport

3. To redirect messages pending delivery in the local queues to another Mailbox server run:

Redirect-Message -Server <ServerName> -Target <MailboxServerFQDN>

Note: The target Server value has to be the target server’s FQDN and that the target server shouldn’t be in maintenance mode.

4. To prevents the node from being and becoming the PAM, pause the cluster node by running

Suspend-ClusterNode <ServerName>

5. To move all active databases currently hosted on the DAG member to other DAG members, run

Set-MailboxServer <ServerName> -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $True

6. Get the status of the existing database copy auto activation policy, run the following and note the value of DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy, we will need this when taking the server out of Maintenance in the future

Get-MailboxServer <ServerName> | Select DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy

To prevent the server from hosting active database copies, run

Set-MailboxServer <ServerName> -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked

7. To put the server in maintenance mode run:

Set-ServerComponentState <ServerName> -Component ServerWideOffline -State Inactive -Requester Maintenance

Note: Closely monitor the transport queue before running the step above , queues at this stage should be empty or nearly empty, as we will be disabling all server components, any mails still pending in the queues will have delay in delivery till the server is taken out from maintenance mode.


How can I verify that the server is into Maintenance mode?

To verify the server has been placed into maintenance mode, run:

Get-ServerComponentState <ServerName> | ft Component,State –Autosize

All components should show “Inactive” except for Monitoring and RecoveryActionsEnabled


How do I take the sever Servers out of Maintenance Mode?

For Mailbox Servers that are not Database Availability Group Members

1. Run

Set-ServerComponentState <ServerName> -Component ServerWideOffline -State Active -Requester Maintenance

2. To help transport services immediately pick the state change run:

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

If the server is a multi-role server (CAS/MBX) you need to run

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

Restart-Service MSExchangeFrontEndTransport


For Mailbox Servers that are Database Availability Group Members

1. To designate that the server is out of maintenance mode and be able to resume its previous tasks, run:

A. Set-ServerComponentState <ServerName> -Component ServerWideOffline -State Active -Requester Maintenance

B. Resume-ClusterNode <ServerName>

C. Set-MailboxServer <ServerName> -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $False

D. Set-MailboxServer <ServerName> -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Unrestricted

Note: If the activation policy value was set to blocked before you started Maintenance, you must skip “D”

E. Set-ServerComponentState <ServerName> -Component HubTransport -State Active -Requester Maintenance

2. To help transport services immediately pick the state change run:

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

If the server is a multi-role server (CAS/MBX) you need to run

Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport

Restart-Service MSExchangeFrontEndTransport

How can I verify that the server is out of Maintenancemode?

To verify the server is not maintenance mode, run:

Get-ServerComponentState <ServerName> | ft Component,State –Autosize

All server components should show as “Active”


Can I automate Maintenance mode with a script?

Yes you can, actually Michael van Horenbeeck. Has leady written two scripts that can start and stop Maintenance mode, as mentioned by the script author, these scripts are provided “as-is” and are to be used on your own responsibility. Please use with caution and always test them before use.


Error Logging in Batch Files and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012


Download the attached document which outlines the topic with screenshots.

Fermion: A Side-Project for Administration


NOTICE: Sample programs in this blog are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample program is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the program and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the programs be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the programs or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

To prevent errors on the local system, PMU (Performance Monitor Users group) must be enabled on the local machine
GOTO: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bclteam/archive/2006/09/08/746900.aspx

I wanted to share a program that's been in beta development, for some time now, and - possibly - get feedback about it. Essentially, the program was meant to be a purposeful tool for small to medium size companies that did not use SCOM to monitor the performance of their systems.

An example scenario: An Exchange administrator receives a call from the Helpdesk, saying that users are noticing performance problems on the system (mailflow, access, etc.). The Exchange Administrator can target a specific machine and check the targeted performance counters in a single dashboard layout (in this case, a WPF form).

I, currently, have ambitions to add targeted counters for Exchange 2013 (currently, the counters are incomplete), SQL (all versions), SharePoint (all versions), and Lync (all versions) servers.

Here is a list of the current known issues I'm working on (when I can):

1. Specific objects have borders in Windows 7, only.
2. The checkmark boxes do not stay selected in Windows Server 2008 R2 (without desktop experience enabled).
3. The data pumper does not cease, at first.
4. The DNS method throws an exception in Windows7, despite finding the object in DNS.

So, now that you've read all of this, here's the installer. (Currently, version

Contributing credits - David Herraiz Diaz

PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Save Verbose Messages in Output File


Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to save verbose messages from a script in an output file.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question How can I use Windows PowerShell to save the verbose messages from a script in an output file?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Use the redirection operator that directs verbose messages (stream #4) to a file:

PS C:\> .\MyScript.ps1 -Verbose  4> VerboseMessages.txt

Upcoming Webcasts for Education customers



The Benefits of Office 365 for Education and Exploring the Transition from Google Apps  - April 15, 2pm ET

QuickLaunch Single Sign-On Integration into Microsoft SharePoint and Office 365– April 22, 1pm ET

Teaching Special Needs Kids - Learn effective ways to help kids with disabilities in your classroom. Our experts will walk you through new ideas , tools, tips and tricks. – April 9 10am ET or 8pm ET

Windows Azure: Education Series – Identity Management with Azure AD– April 8 1pm ET

Microsoft IT Academy Monthly Webcast Series - http://aka.ms/ITAWebinar

  • April 10: Countdown to Graduation: Motivating your students to go the last mile
  • May 8: The Road Ahead: Taking technology to the next level
  • June 12: Deploying IT Academy 101: A guide for benefits administrators

On Demand Webcast: Getting Started: Migrating from Windows XP in Education– on demand

Sites I Like : Little Girls are Better at Designing Superheroes than You


[UPDATE: The site name is: http://bettersupes.tumblr.com/, I forgot that when I posted.]

Came upon this site that I want to share with you, where the artist has an ongoing project of described on the site as “This is a mini art project where I draw superheroes based on the costumes worn by little girls. “

My favorite is the villain to the left, inspired by this photo to the right here.

There are several pictures and related images, all of them worth a peek.  Here is one more:


The artist, @eyeburst, is a self-described undergrad student in general biology.

Best regards, Jeff

Chat with Ruth Hedges, Crowdfunding Founder and CEO, Innovation Executive and Entrepreneur


Ruth HedgesRuth Hedges is the cofounder and CEO of CrowdfundingCollege.com and Crowdfundingroadmap,Inc. She is the creator and key architect of the fundingroadmapand crowdfundingroadmap.com. She has been responsible for pioneering a new and innovative virtual system for business planning, crowdfund compliance and due diligence reporting on the cloud. And she taught the first course on equity based crowdfunding at UNLV, the first university in the United States to teach this very important information.http://www.crowdfundingroadmap.com/education

The JOBS act was signed into law on 5 April 2012 and supported by overwhelming bipartisan support. Ms. Hedges has been active in pioneering this new industry and from the beginning of 2010 helping the Startup Exemption team to move the bill's passage through Congress. She has since been building awareness through her global event in Las Vegas, http://www.crowdfundingroadmap.com/bootcamp, and development of best practices, compliant technology and educational material.

As a leader and industry expert Ms. Hedges has been interviewed or quoted in over 35 major publications.

Ms. Hedges was also a Founding board member in 2012 of the Governance committee for the Crowdfunding Professional Association Organizing (CFPA), and also a Founding Board member of the CrowdFund Intermediary Regulatory Advocates (CFIRA).

In 2012 Ms Hedges also launched http://globalcrowdfundingday.com to help spread the word across the globe.

Previously, Ms. Hedges was featured in the Chronicle of Philanthropy as well as the New York Times, the LA Times and People magazine for her work with Oxfam America and the Hollywood Hunger Banquets. She was featured on ABC's Home Show, and the Financial News Network produced a two-part series on Ms. Hedges for their show "American Entrepreneur". She was invited to fill a cabinet seat on the Second Century Campaign board which raised over 16 million dollars to build the new Union Rescue Mission. She is the recipient of the Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles for that work.

To listen to the interview, click on this MP3 file link

Extracts from the Discussion:

Interview Time Index (MM:SS) and Topic

Can you profile your prior top roles and useful lessons from those roles?
"..... I started off very young at 19 years old with what I thought was going to be a small little catering business; it turned out to be quite a successful one for over 18 years....It was during the dot-com days in the late 1990s I lost my kitchen and I wasn't able to cater anymore so I was looking to re-invent myself. I found there was this new industry being developed around the internet. All these dot-com companies needed to set up a business structure around their internet business and didn't know anything about business development, so I decided to open up an incubator....After the dot-com was over I realized that I didn't want to be a service provider anymore so I thought I'm going to invent something but didn't know what it was going to be....I had this idea to reinvent this business plan (that I absolutely hated writing), into more of a product like TurboTax which at the time was very innovative, so I wanted to create a standardized form that everyone could fill out and looked the same each and every time....That essentially is how this all started, where fundingroadmap.com came from and led me down this path...."

That’s a very interesting background that you have. Do you have any additional past experiences that you want to share that led to your work with funding and crowdfunding?
"....In development, this product went through lots of transformations because of the technology....We eventually put it on the Cloud and in 2008 and 2009 there was a great recession and a lot of my customers weren't able to go to a bank (which it was originally intended for), or talk to an angel or VC and present it to them to be able to raise capital. I started to look at the other options out there and realized that if you were not an accredited investor you really could not share your money with these startups. In the United States there is a 80 year old securities law from 1933 that we would have to get removed from the books to be able to allow anybody with any amount of wealth to be able to invest in startups....We went on to write this framework for what would eventually be passed into law in the JOBS Act of April 5, 2012 called Title iii the Crowdfunding Bill. I'm very proud of those efforts and it's going to change the way entrepreneurs raise capital and launch businesses and inspire their fans, followers and friends on the internet who want to do business with them...."

Can you describe the kind of support you had?
"....We had 417 congressmen say yes and 17 said no. We had 2/3 of the Senate. The Bill got passed. It was pretty quick considering from the moment we had this idea to the time the Bill was passed was a little bit more than a year. They understood that banks had been paralyzed, they literally shut down....People were going out of business because of it so we needed to give them some other options to be able to go out and raise capital and what better place than their customers....That's essentially what crowdfunding does, it opens up your ability to raise capital from anybody...."

Please overview globalcrowdfundingday.com, crowdfundingcollege, crowdfundingroadmap and fundingroadmap and why people should get involved?
"....I looked at what I had built in the fundingroadmap and realized that if I made some changes it would be compliant with the JOBS Act and a planning tool in a reporting system for this new type of securities offering. We went back into design programming and created the crowdfundingroadmap which is a crowdfund compliant product to help entrepreneurs prepare the documentation and the reporting of not only their business plan and the due diligence information, but also how you actually prepare a crowdfund campaign....I wanted to create a way that we could all share in this experience and I came up with this idea ofhttp://www.globalcrowdfundingday.com/. For 24 hours we are compelling the public to go to a crowdfunding website and to make a contribution to somebody's campaign. It could be as small as $1 or $2, it doesn't matter the amount, it's the idea that we're all sharing in what I refer to as 'the best of our humanity'. Because the way crowdfunding works today there is really nothing in it for you as much as you sharing your money with an idea that resonates with you, that you feel passionate about supporting. It's every April 5th, for 24 hours for Global Crowdfunding Day....You also asked me about Crowdfundingcollege. Once we saw how complicated the rules were for Title ii and Title iii of the JOBS Act, my business partner Scott Purcell and I decided to put together some curriculum and create a Certified Crowdfunding Professional program here in Las Vegas where people can learn the entire rules and regulations and process to be able to sell securities and be compliant with the JOBS Act....."

Ruth explains the difference between JOBS Act Title ii and Title iii.
"....There are limitations on the amount of money that you can raise when you are dealing with the general public in the United States. There are 300 million Americans and they can invest small amounts of money for stock using the Title iii offering. There's a cap of a million dollars and most Americans who earn less than $100,000 a year can only invest between $2000 and 5% of their income. The Title ii is for accredited investors (those are people who have a net worth of more than a million dollars). Title ii and iii offerings are only open to US citizens in the United States...."

Now let's say that I'm somebody in the UK (of course the UK has its own platforms), but I'm really excited about what Ruth has created here and I want to try to launch something in the US. Can somebody from the UK or Germany (for example) use crowdfundingroadmap?
"....If you are in another country and you want to introduce your idea to US investors you can absolutely use the crowdfundingroadmap. Now what you can't do is launch a Title iii crowdfunding campaign unless you are a US citizen. You can raise capital the old fashioned way using this platform and talk to accredited investors in the United States, but you can't talk to 300 million Americans on a funding portal using Title iii unless you are a US company and you get money from US citizens...."

You already talked about the JOBS Act, but is there anything more that you'd like to add?
"....What people don't understand is that you will eventually have a large group of investors that you then have to network and communicate with and continuously share updates about the progress of your company. Legally in the United States you will be required to provide updates, but just collaboration for example, you will want to share the progress of your company with your investors and the crowdfundingroadmap is an amazing tool to help you do that, because it can continuously update and keep it current....The other thing is that when you are competing during the crowdfunding process you are on a website where there could be thousands of other offerings.....You have to absolutely nail your presentation and you have to be able to go into a chat room and answer their questions about your business and the shares of stock that you're selling. This requires a higher level of understanding and I think the cream will rise and the ones that are really great entrepreneurs and have their act together will be very successful using this....Those are the kind of things that crowdfundingroadmap can help you prepare to do...."

What are your added views for crowdfunding?
"....What most people don't understand is that this has a lot to do with what we call social capital. Social capital is your wealth essentially on the internet. How many friends, fans and followers you have in Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest and all these places where people are socializing; these become the way that you raise money....Crowdfunding is the collective effort of a group of people to either donate or invest in a cause or a business and up until we signed the JOBS Act it was illegal to self-exchange stock, securities for any of that money. As soon as the SEC completes the rules in this country you will be able to exchange stock for those funds. But today you can do what's called Reward's Day crowdfunding and that is where you can make a contribution to somebody (maybe they are artistic and a musician and they are looking to put together a prototype of their music or product and they need some seed capital). You can go on a website (there's over 700 crowdfunding websites in the world) and you can find something that resonates with you that you want to support, and you can make a small contribution as little as a few dollars and they will give you what we call a reward..."

You spoke at the Consumer and Electronics Show (CES) because of your leadership position in this marketplace — crowdfunding was everywhere. Can you comment?
"....Think of all the products that never see the light of day because they can't access capital — think about all the scientific things. We might have cured cancer by now but we don't know the scientist that was out there struggling with some ideas that he could never get the funding for and now we can change all that. I was very excited to be speaking at the Consumer and Electronics Show and talk about crowdfunding because so many people are still unaware of it, and even though it's starting to become much more well-known it hasn't really started to explode. When you look at social media seven years ago and you look at it today, Facebook has over a billion people on it — that is what is going to happen in crowdfunding.... Last year we hit over 5 billion dollars and the year before with 2.7 billion. Considering there is no public advertising (you don't see commercials about crowdfunding yet, billboards yet, buses yet, full-page ads yet), but you will and when you do it's going to be explosive...."

Do you believe crowdfunding will supplement traditional funding approaches or be totally disruptive and significantly replace traditional funding approaches?
"....It's really just disrupting something that wasn't working, it's improving it....Imagine you needed additional capital after you've successfully crowdfunded, and you being able to walk into a bank and say I just presold a 1000 copies of my whatever through crowdfunding. You now have credit, collateral, credibility, proof of concept. You have all kinds of things that you would not have had if you had not experienced crowdfunding, so it's just an added value to every other form of financing — it doesn't take away from those other options that are out there...."

How do you believe your prior skills contribute to your success as an entrepreneur and leader?
"....I am a big believer in self-determination and living to the potential of your own uniqueness. I have this saying, 'act as if you already were there'....I'm in the software business. Let's say I was Bill Gates. What is Bill Gates doing today? Whatever Bill Gates is doing, I need (as CEO of my software company), to act just like I was running a billion dollar software company and reach out and network and do the same kinds of things that anybody else would be doing once they've achieved success...."

What is your global strategy? Do you have global ambitions?
"....To have a product in the world that is multiple-choice, that's educational, that's consistently the same (a standardized planning tool and reporting system), will make it easy in every country around the world to use this product. It's very inexpensive, we priced it extremely well so that anybody on any budget could use this product....When you are building a business and taking on new partners you have to be able to share your vision, your direction with these people and this is a perfect tool to be able to do that. Obviously we have to translate it if we take it to other countries and we have to make sure that it is compliant with rules and the laws of every country that it goes into, but we absolutely welcome the opportunity to partner with people in other countries who want to bring this technology to their country...."

You were one of the instruments of change in the JOBS Act and that helped initiate that whole process. What are some additional investment (government) policy changes you want to see in the US and in the world?
"....I think that there is this fear — I don't believe it is a real fear — that somehow the average person in America (this is not specific to America, but I can speak about it from this vantage point), is not smart enough to make a decision with our own money and we need the government to come in and put cap limitations on how we should be able to invest our money. What's ironic about this is that you can go into a casino and you can put as much money as you want on a craps table or in a slot machine and there's no government regulation whatsoever....But for some reason, the government feels that they need to protect you from using the same exact money that you would gamble with and limit how much of that money you can invest in a startup...."

Because of your position and the leadership you have shown through crowdfunding, your extensive speaking, travels and work experiences, do you have any stories you would like to share (perhaps something amusing, surprising, unexpected, amazing)?
"....I asked a woman if she had ever heard of crowdfunding and she said, 'No I haven't. Why would anyone want to invest in a cloud?'....She didn't quite get how this works. I really haven't had anything amusing happen, but I have had people be absolutely transformed by this idea. People have sat in the audience and come up to me afterwards, their eyes wide open; the idea of this concept that you can go on a website, put up information about your passion, vision, the business or product you are trying to develop and get off the ground, and talk to a world of potentially 7 billion strangers and convince them to give you their money. It's an incredibly powerful thing and it's being done...."

If you were conducting this interview, what question would you ask, and then what would be your answer?
"....'How can we create a higher global awareness to crowdfunding?'....You don't see these kinds of conversations on the front pages of local newspapers or general people magazines. You don't see the exciting things that are happening in crowdfunding in a more mainstream way — I want to create a global awareness to this. I want people all over the world to know about crowdfunding, to share in the experience of it either as a contributor funding or as a launcher of a campaign and get access to the capital they need....The flow of capital doesn't flow without the efforts of entrepreneurs so being creative and creating products and services and putting them out in the marketplace and creating jobs — that's how it all works. If we don't do things in every city and town and country to encourage and support that, we'll never grow....It's all about human capital, it's about encouraging the best of our humanity...."

Ruth, with your demanding schedule, we are indeed fortunate to have you come in to do this interview. Thank you for sharing your deep experiences with our audience.

WikiNinja - TAT Ekibi Web Semineri 29.03.2014


Merhaba Arkadaşlar ;
Pazar günü en sevdiğim gün,hem evdeyim aynı zamanda blogda serbest gün.Tahmin ettiğiniz üzere bugün sizlere Gökan Özcifci hocamızın liderliğinde ve çok değerli hocamız Hakan Uzuner'in Keynote Speaker olarak bize destek sağladığı tüm gün süren Web Seminerimizden bahsetmek istiyorum.Tabiki ilk olarak bizi kırmadan güzel ve güneşli cumartesi sabahını bize ayırdığı için  Hakan Hocamıza teşekkür ederiz. Bildiğiniz gibi kendisi yıllardır bu sektörde sayılı üstadlarımız arasında yer almaktadır ve Çözümpark gibi çok kaliteli portalın kurucusudur. 29.03.2014 tarihi bizim için çok değerli bir tarih, TAT ekibi olarak ilkini düzenlediğimiz web seminerimiz vardı.Umut ediyorum herkes bu seminerden en iyi şekilde yararlanmıştır.Sabah 10'da başlayıp yaklaşık olarak 16.30'da biten seminerimize 32 kişilik katılım vardı .Bütün gününü bizlere ayıran tüm katılım gösteren arkadaşlarımıza  teşekkür ederiz.  Birbirinden değerli hocalarımız uzman oldukları alanlarda bizlere bilgi ve deneyimlerini paylaştılar.Bende bu sebep ile bugünü değerli hocalarımızın webcastlerini sizlere paylaşmaktan gurur ve onur duyorum.


Konu : Office 365 & Sharepoint

(Please visit the site to view this video)

2) Uğur DEMİR

Konu: Exchange Server 2013 Sp1 Yenilikleri


Konu: Hyper-V & VMM

İlk Bölüm : Mehmet PARLAKYİĞİT - Hyper-V Yenilikleri

(Please visit the site to view this video)

İkinci Bölüm : System Center VMM 2012 R2 - Recep YÜKSEL

(Please visit the site to view this video)

4) Asil MUTLU& Davut EREN

Konu:System Center 2012

 (Please visit the site to view this video)

5) Yavuz TAŞÇI & Hasan DİMDİK

Konu : Active Directory Temelleri & Windows Server 2012 Active Directory Yenilikleri

İlk Bölüm : Active Directory Temelleri - Yavuz TAŞÇI

(Please visit the site to view this video)

İkinci Bölüm : Windows Server 2012 Active Directory Yenilikleri - Hasan DİMDİK

(Please visit the site to view this video)


Konu :Failover Clustering

Updated Links on Windows Server 2012 R2 File Server and SMB 3.02


In this post, I'm providing a reference to the most relevant content related to Windows Server 2012 R2 that is related to the File Server, the SMB 3.02 features and its associated scenarios like Hyper-V over SMB and SQL Server over SMB. This is what some like to call a "Survival Guide" for SMB 3.02. t's obviously not a complete reference (there are always new blogs and articles being posted), but hopefully this is a useful collection of links for Windows Server 2012 R2 users.

This post covers only articles that are specific to Windows Server 2012 R2. However, note that there’s also a Windows Server 2012 version of this post. Most concepts, step-by-steps and tools listed there also apply to Windows Server 2012 R2.


TechNet articles on Windows Server 2012 R2 File Server and SMB 3.02 (and related topics)


Blog posts on Windows Server 2012 R2 File Server and SMB 3.02 (and related topics)


Step-by-step instructions for Windows Server 2012 R2 File Server and SMB 3.02 (and related topics)


TechEd 2013 presentations (with video recording) on Windows Server 2012 R2 File Server and SMB 3.0 (and related topics)


Demos, Interviews and other video recordings


Windows Server 2012 R2 download links


Windows Server 2012 R2 – RDMA NIC Drivers


Blog posts by Microsoft MVPs on Windows Server 2012 R2 File Server and SMB 3.02 (and related topics)


Posts on Windows Server 2012 and SMB 3.0 that still apply to Windows Server 2012 R2 and SMB 3.02:


Other relevant links related to Windows Server 2012 R2 SMB features


Knowledge Base - KB Articles

  • KB 2920151 - Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012 R2-based failover clusters


Protocol Documentation




Change tracking:

  • 06/26/2013: Original post
  • 07/11/2013: Added two demos, added Mellanox driver download, updated links
  • 07/18/2013: Added more MVP blog links
  • 07/31/2013: Additional blog links (including main In The Cloud blog, step-by-step guides)
  • 09/23/2013: Additional blog links (SMB PowerShell, Storage Spaces) and links to final protocol documents
  • 10/17/2013: Additional blog links (Networking) and GA Update Rollup link.
  • 11/04/2013: Additional blog link (Rebalancing), Storage Spaces FAQ wiki link
  • 11/10/2013: Additional blog link (Number of nodes), Performance guide link
  • 01/24/2014: Added many new TechNet and blog links. Added two TechNet Radio links. Updated some categories.
  • 03/30/2014: Added a TechNet and blog links.



Dawno dawno temu, w czasach Internet Explorera 4, grupa geniuszy z Inktomi, Microsoft, RealNetworks i Sun wpadła na świetny pomysł, polegający na tym, że administratorom można oszczędzić nieco pracy. Idea oczywiście jest wielce szczytna nawet, jeżeli oszczędność dotyczyła tak drobnego aspektu konfiguracji, jakim jest ustawienie proxy w przeglądarce. Pomysł został spisany, opublikowany jako draft, oznaczony, że wygasa w grudniu 1999 i zaimplementowany w Internet Explorerze 5. Jako, że na rynku istnieje całkiem sporo przeglądarek (a dokładniej User Agentów), idea się rozpełzła po świecie i niestety pokutuje do dzisiaj.

Osoby wyjątkowo bystre, osoby obdarzone dobrą pamięcią oraz osoby z zamiłowaniem do prehistorycznych rozwiązań pewnie wiedzą już, o co chodzi – o Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol, dostępny nadal na stronach IETF.

W największym skrócie, istotna część idei WPAD polega na tym, że przeglądarka po uruchomieniu wysyła serię zapytań czy gdzieś w sieci nie znajduje się przypadkiem host o nazwie WPAD. Bo gdyby się znajdował, to pobierany jest z niego plik wpad.dat, w którym napisane może być między innymi jak komunikować się z siecią Internet przy pomocy http i https.

To teraz pora na prosty scenariusz: jeden z użytkowników firmowej sieci instaluje sobie maszynę, którą nazywa WPAD a następnie (do czego zwykle ma pełne prawo) dodaje ją do Active Directory, powiedzmy corp.contoso.com. W efekcie, w domenowym DNSie pojawia się rekord A dla hosta wpad.corp.contoso.com. To o ten właśnie rekord zapytają praktycznie wszyscy klienci http(s) w firmowej sieci i tym razem serwer DNS zna na to pytanie odpowiedź. Wystarczy wystawić w odpowiednim miejscu plik wpad.dat i skonfigurować działający serwer proxy, żeby mieć pełną (i praktycznie niezauważalną dla użytkowników) kontrolę nad istotną częścią internetowego ruchu z firmowej sieci.

Kuszące? Dla administratorów dbających o bezpieczeństwo, zwykle niekoniecznie. Dla sieciowych łobuzów – całkiem całkiem.

Administrator nie jest jednak całkiem bezbronny i ma parę metod przeciwdziałania takim sytuacjom:

  • Użyć opcji 252 z DHCP, ponieważ draft WPAD określa, że gdy DHCP odpowie, to DNSa klient już nie pyta.
  • Użyć centralnego zarządzania konfiguracją przeglądarek – na przykład zgodnie z dokumentacją na stronach TechNet.
  • Sprawić, że DNS nie zechce odpowiedzieć na zapytanie o rekord o nazwie WPAD i pozwolić odejść muzealnej technologii tam, gdzie jej miejsce.

Ta ostatnia opcja nie jest nowa (obecna w DNSach od Windows Server 2008), często jest domyślnie skonfigurowana poprawnie, ale warto upewnić się, że działa tak, jak tego administrator oczekuje. Najlepiej zrobić to przy pomocy polecenia dnscmd.exe:

  • Sprawdzić czy serwer DNS blokuje odpowiedzi na pewne zapytania - dnscmd /info /enableglobalqueryblocklist
  • Sprawdzić jakie zapytania są blokowane - dnscmd /info /globalqueryblocklist

Pierwsze z poleceń przekłada się na parametry zapisane w kluczu HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters\EnableGlobaQueryBlockList a drugie – w kluczu HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters\GlobalQueryBlockList

W GPO nie ma wprawdzie gotowych ustawień odpowiedzialnych za te parametry, ale samodzielne ich skonfigurowanie przez GPP jest bardzo proste i szybkie.

Pośrednio, funkcjonalność blokowania zapytań o WPAD oznacza również, że jeżeli ktoś koniecznie zapragnie używać w swojej sieci Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol, to może zdarzyć się, że serwery nie będą współpracować. Wtedy trzeba usunąć wpis "wpad" z listy. Warto również wiedzieć, że serwer ignorując istniejące rekordy takie jak WPAD, zapisuje w swoim logu, że to zrobił świadomie i celowo. Służy do tego event 7600:


Serwer DNS robi to tylko raz i dopóki usługa nie zostanie zrestartowana, nowy event na ten temat nie zostanie zarejestrowany. Może to trochę utrudnić diagnostykę nieświadomemu administratorowi, ale alternatywą byłoby zaśmiecenie logu – przecież zapytanie o host WPAD wysyłane jest przez każdy komputer w sieci, próbujący wyszukać ustawienia proxy.

Czy to dobre podejście do archaicznej technologii jaką jest WPAD? Może lepiej byłoby całkowicie zerwać z zaszłościami? Ciężko orzec. Ale tak naprawdę administratorzy mają wybór i jeżeli tylko wiedzą jak świadomie używać funkcjonalności DNS, mogą ustawić swoją sieć tak, jak potrzebują.

Autor: Grzegorz Tworek [MVP]

PS Poza WPAD, drugim domyślnie blokowanym rekordem jest ISATAP. Rekord taki używany jest przez Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol, czyli opartą o DNS protezę zapewniającą tunelowanie w mieszanych sieciach IPv4/IPv6. Scenariusze nadużycia mogą być ciekawsze niż w przypadku WPAD, ale są nieco trudniejsze do zrozumienia i dlatego to na WPAD się skupiłem.

IIS adoption is about 6 points to overtake Apache


NETCRAFT - February 2014 Web Server Survey

In the February 2014 survey we received responses from 920,102,079 sites — over 58 million more than last month.

Microsoft gained a staggering 48 million sites this month, increasing its total by 19%— most of this growth is attributable to new sites hosted by Nobis Technology Group. Along with Microsoft, nginx also made a large gain of 14 million sites, whereas Apache fell by 7 million. Unsurprisingly, these changes have had a dramatic effect on the overall market share of each web server vendor, with Microsoft's share growing by 3.38 percentage points to 32.8% (302 million sites) while Apache's has fallen by 3.41 to 38.2% (352 million sites).

Microsoft's market share is now only 5.4 percentage points lower than Apache's, which is the closest it has ever been. If recent trends continue, Microsoft could overtake Apache within the next few months, ending Apache's 17+ year reign as the most common web server. Apache is faring much better in both the active sites and top million sites datasets, however, where it is still dominating with just over half of the market share in both metrics.

Nearly 2% of the top million websites are now being served by CloudFlare's customised version of nginx (cloudflare-nginx), which it uses to serve web content via its globally distributed CDN edge nodes. This month's survey saw more than a thousand of the top million sites migrate to cloudflare-nginx from other web server software, including pizzahut.co.ukpet-supermarket.co.uk, the image server used by the popularCheezburger network of blogs, and the official PRINCE2 website which switched from Microsoft IIS 6.0 running on Windows Server 2003.

Read the complete Netcraft Article in here: http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2014/02/03/february-2014-web-server-survey.html

Domingo - Final de Semana Surpresa: Como ser banido em apenas uma semana!


No último Wiki Life, houve uma boa discussão complementando como criar um artigo confiável. Bem parece que esta semana às bruxas estavam soutas.

Apesar deste post só apresentar desastres, eu juro que não estou sendo influenciado por programas de TV sensacionalistas.

Depois de alguns artigos "sem sentido" e uma tradução um artigo do idioma inglês para outro idioma "sobrescrevendo o todo artigo original", então apareceu o pior.

Eu digo o pior porque este problema, apesar de ser apresentado como um Plágio, na verdade teve todo o conteúdo Pirateado - integralmente.

Como o Conselho da Comunidade aprovou à divulgação, como um exemplo negativo, vou ser breve.

Afinal, apesar de ser um assunto chato é importante que todos saibam que existem pessoas preocupadas em preservar o conteúdo de cada um dos seus membros e a qualidade do TechNet Wiki.

Um dos membros do Conselho viu um grande número de artigos criados por um novo membro da Comunidade TechNet / MSDN. Em três dias, esta pessoa criou nada menos do que 70 artigos.

Logo os membros responsáveis por Spam, Plágio e Exclusão de artigos tentaram o contato com este autor e não houve resposta.

Em pouco tempo, um dos autores do Blog Wiki Ninjas identificou à origem dos artigos copiados, sem autorização do autor.

A farsa acabou com a exclusão de todos os artigos pirateados e com este membro banido de duas das principais Comunidades de Tecnologia no mundo em tempo recorde !

Apenas uma semana.

Tenha em mente, todo local que convivemos precisa de regras e bom senso.

Nós temos um vasto conteúdo de Regras de Conduta e Termos de Uso protegendo nossa Propriedade Intelectual.

Até +,

Wiki Ninja Durval Ramos ( TwitterPerfil )

Configuring Delegation for Lync Users that are not enterprise voice enabled


Problem Overview

Companies that deploy Lync Enterprise Voice (EV) have the ability to easily leverage the "delegate" scheduling feature. However, customers that don't deploy EV do not get to take advantage of the delegate functionality.

A delegate scheduler should be able to schedule a Lync meeting on behalf of their boss/manage even if both users are not enabled for Enterprise Voice.

Detailed Description of the Problem

We will walk through an example of delegation without EV and show how it works without administrative interaction.

In this example we have two users named Player2 (Manager) and Player3 (Delegate). As you can see in Figure 1 below, Player2 has shared his Outlook calendar with Player3.

Figure 1 - Player2 Delegation Configuration


Player3 is now eligible to create meetings on behalf of Player2.

Figure 2 - Player3 schedules a meeting for Player2

So far everything is working as expected.

The issue arises when Player3 attempts to schedule a Lync meeting on behalf of Player2.

Figure 3 - Error message when Player3 tries to schedule a Lync meeting

As you can see in Figure 3 above, Player3 receives an error that they do not have delegate permissions for Player2. These particular delegate permissions are in addition to the mailbox delegate permissions that are needed.

The issue here is that Player2 is not enabled for Enterprise voice and therefore has no ability to alter his delegates list.


Solution Overview

The solution that we will describe in this blog post involves the Lync administrator using the SEFAUtil administrative tool to configure Player 3 as a delegate for Player2. This solution will enable Player3 to be configured as a delegate for Player2 while neither user is enabled for Enterprise Voice. This solution requires some administrative input but it is scalable and allows the configuration to be easily changed after the fact.


Detailed Description of the Solution

This configuration requires that you are running a minimum build of 8308.577 of the SEFAUTIL that is available via the following URL: http://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=36821.

This document will only cover the delegation configuration using SEFAUtil and it will not cover the actual Lync server configuration required to make the SEFAUtil work. For detailed steps on how to enable SEFAUtil please see this blog post (http://blogs.technet.com/b/jenstr/archive/2010/12/07/how-to-get-sefautil-running.aspx).

In this sample configuration we will start with two users named Player2 and Player3 that are not EV users and do not have delegation in Lync configured. At this point we assume that the Exchange delegation has already been completed (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/allow-someone-else-to-manage-your-mail-and-calendar-HA102749417.aspx) and that the EnableExchagneDelegateSync parameter has not been set on any client policies. The reason that we choose not to use this option is that Exchange Delegate sync is a one way sync only in that when someone is removed as an Exchange delegate they are not automatically removed as a Lync delegate.


Figure 4 - Player2 signed in to Lync


Figure 5 - Player3 signed in to Lync


As you can see in Figure 4 and Figure 5 above, both users are not enabled for Enterprise voice and as a result do not have the ability to manage their call forwarding settings and the delegate access feature.

The following steps assume that you have configured the Lync infrastructure (see note earlier in this document) to support the SEFAUtil and are now ready to configure the delegate relationship between these two users.

Open a command prompt and type the following command syntax (in this example pool01.p52.local has already been configured as a trusted application pool to run the SEFAUtil application)

SEFAUtil.exe /server:pool01.p52.local player2@p52.ca /adddelegate:player3@p52.ca


Once the command completes you should see output such as what is shown below.

User Aor: sip:player2@p52.ca

Display Name: Player2

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

Simultaneously Ringing Delegates: sip:player3@p52.ca


You should now see a change in the Lync client for both Player2 and Player3.

Figure 6 - Player2 showing Player3 as a delegate

Figure 7 - Player3 showing as a delegate for Player2

As you can see in Figure 6 above Player2 now has Player3 listed under the "Delegates" group which gets created automatically when you have delegates configured.

In Figure 7 above you can see that Player3 has Player2 listed under the "People I Manage Calls For".

As you can see in Figure 8 below Player3 is now able to schedule a Lync conference on behalf of Player2.

Figure 8 - Player3 schedules a meeting for Player2

If you decide that you want to reverse the changes made earlier you can do that with the SEFAUtil as well.

Open a command prompt and type the following command syntax (in this example pool01.p52.local has already been configured as a trusted application pool to run the SEFAutil application)

SEFAUtil.exe /server:pool01.p52.local player2@p52.ca /removedelegate:player3@p52.ca


Once the command completes you should see output such as what is shown below.

User Aor: sip:player2@p52.ca

Display Name: Player2

UM Enabled: True

Simulring enabled: False

User Ring time: 00:00:20

Call Forward No Answer to: voicemail



This blog post described how a company that has not deploy Lync Enterprise Voice (EV) can use the SEFAUtil tool to configure delegate access and allow their users to leverage the "delegate" scheduling feature.

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