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Indonesia’s Change Agent: Esther K. Sianipar


This is part of a series of articles highlighting the valuable work that Microsoft’s Citizenship Managers are doing in Asia.

As a child, Esther K. Sianipar would chat with her father into the late night about Indonesia’s possible pathways for democratisation. At other times, she would watch the deep discussions between her father and other politicians and activists on the latest events.

Microsoft Indonesia’s Citizenship Manager, Esther, traces her passion for social justice to this influence from her father, Mr Binsar Sianipar. A member of one of Indonesia’s most prominent political parties as well as Indonesia Christian Students’ Movement or Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia (GMKI), he has spent all his life campaigning for an inclusive democracy in the country. 

In 1988, Esther's family moved to the United States to accompany her father in his pursuit of higher studies. While observing Indonesia's evolution through crucial periods in the ‘90s, Esther decided to pursue a rigorous exploration of political science and international relations herself, subsequently obtaining a Masters in International Affairs from Ohio University. Since then, she has been working on Indonesia’s development in different capacities. Before joining Microsoft, she worked in the Parliament, as well as with an international organisation and a community-based organisation. 

Poverty eradication has always been at the heart of my work,” said Esther as she summarised her career. “I’m most concerned about children and youth. Now, I want to use technology to help them. I’ve seen how the transfer of skills, knowledge and attitudes can help them break free of an intergenerational cycle of poverty. 

Esther (far left) with CEOs of prominent nonprofits in Indonesia, after the CEO-Executive Directors Roundtable for NGOs in December 2013.

For the past 1.5 years at Microsoft, Esther has been engaging with civil society organisations through strategic partnerships on issues such as the health and well-being of children, youth entrepreneurship, as well as education and vocational trainings. Her portfolio sprawls across the archipelago of islands, from Sumatra to Sulawesi. One project that left the deepest impression was coordinating Microsoft’s resource donation to three large organisations: the ASEAN Foundation, Palang Merah Indonesia (Red Cross Indonesia) and Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB). With Microsoft’s donations, including that of technical expertise, the organisations have managed to enhance their core work.

There are more opportunities for public-private partnerships, Esther said. “According to a McKinsey report, Indonesia is an important hub in Asia. It is currently the 16th largest economy in the world, and is predicted to become the 7th largest economy by 2030. Indonesia’s promising future translates into more opportunities for the transnationals moving into the country to contribute back to the local community.”

She emphasises the key to a successful partnership lies in local understanding, and has been instrumental in gathering multi-sectoral support, including that of the government. Last year, she helped to launch the YouthSpark initiative, with one launch event having a whopping attendance of 50,000 people.

“Corporations have to understand the economic, social and political perspectives of the people, and then decide on the causes that are aligned with the company’s mission. Corporations should be well-prepared and have an idea of what they can contribute, even before engaging with local communities. This way, engagement can achieve focused high-impact that’s meaningful for both parties. Partnering is not networking, but working with each other’s mission and strengths to find sustainable solutions for the community.”

Power BI : Mise à jour de la passerelle



Power BI est maintenant en version finale depuis début février, et certains composants ont évolués, dont la passerelle. Cet article vous présente la nouvelle version de cette dernière.

La passerelle permet de rafraichir des données à partir de nombreuses sources externes dont :

  • Power BI Cloud Service
  • Windows Azure SQL Database
  • SQL Server dans une machine virtuelle Azure
  • OData
  • Basic authentication
  • Anonymous authentication
  • SP Lists
  • ProjectOnline feeds
  • On-premises
  • SQL Server 2005 and above
  • Oracle 10g, 11g and 11gR2

Pour illustrer cet article, j’ai publié un rapport puis j’ai paramétré une passerelle avec des sources de données. Enfin,  j’ai activé la passerelle pour mon rapport.

Mise en place de la passerelle

Ci-dessous voici le rapport qui a été publié sur le site Power BI :


Afin de pouvoir mettre à jour les rapports publiés, il est nécessaire, à partir du centre d’administration de Power BI, de créer une passerelle et une ou plusieurs sources de données associées à la passerelle.

Dans le centre d’administration de Power BI, cliquez sur « passerelles» puis sur « nouvelle passerelle». Ensuite suivez les instructions et, dans le cas d’une première installation, téléchargez et installez la passerelle sur votre serveur.

Les détails de cette partie sont disponibles ici :



Une fois la passerelle créée, il est nécessaire de lui associer une ou plusieurs sources de données. Dans la partie gauche, cliquez sur « Sources de données» puis « nouvelle source de données»

Les détails de cette partie sont aussi disponibles ici :



Création de la planification pour un rapport

Une fois le rapport publié sur Power BI, lorsque vous cliquez sur les trois petits points en bas à droit de l’image du rapport, un menu contextuel apparaît. Cliquez alors sur « Planifier actualisation des données»


La fenêtre d’actualisation apparaît. A partir de cette fenêtre, vous allez pouvoir planifier la mise à jour du rapport via la passerelle. Il vous sera possible de choisir une ou plusieurs sources données à synchroniser, ainsi que la possibilité de définir une planification de rafraîchissement.


Dans le menu « historique », vous aurez le statu des mises à jour


De plus, dans le centre d’administration de Power BI, il est aussi possible de surveiller l’état des passerelles et voir lorsque des erreurs sont survenues lors des mises à jour. Ci-dessous un exemple après avoir rendu indisponible une de mes bases de données.



Mise à jour du rapport

Pour l’exemple, je modifie une valeur directement dans ma base de données :


En passant une quantité de 6 à 456.


Pour mettre à jour le rapport depuis le site Power BI, cliquez sur « Planifier actualisation des données»


Puis dans la fenêtre de la passerelle cliquez sur le bouton « actualiser le rapport maintenant»


Après une mise à jour de mon rapport depuis mon site Power BI, les nouvelles données sont bien visibles dans mon rapport (modification au niveau des vélos)


La vidéo illustrant cet article arrive bientôt Sourire !!!

Au plaisir de vous voir lors d’un IT Camp SQL 2014/Power BI.

Franck Mercier

Pour tester Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014 CTP2 et Power BI, vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement la version d’évaluation disponible sous la forme :

Windows Server 2012 :

SQL Server 2012 :

Evaluation SQL Server 2014 CTP2 :

Evaluation Power BI :

Testez Azure gratuitement pendant un mois :

Microsoft Advertising launches Skype Connection Hub ads



Microsoft Advertising has launched a brand new ad unit, Connection Hub ads, which increase the scale of the Skype for Windows desktop offering to advertisers by five-fold, and is placed in the “grand central” of Skype for Windows: The Connection Hub. The Connection Hub is the starting point for all Skype users for voice calls, video calls, chat and messaging activity.

Skype Connection Hub ads were tested in emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia and Turkey. As with any new ad unit, Microsoft Advertising is continuing to monitor the user experience closely to make sure it maintains the company’s commitment to quality for both consumers and advertisers in every market.

To learn more, head over to the Microsoft Advertising blog.

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Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

Announcement: February 2014 Downloadable Documentation for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

We’re pleased to announce a new release of the downloadable documentation for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager. The downloadable files contain the product documentation for Configuration Manager with no service pack, Configuration Manager with Service Pack 1, and System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager. You can choose from three different formats: Chm (help file) Docx (Word file) PDF Download link: Technical Documentation Download for System Center 2012 Configuration...(read more)

Cleaning Out the Closet: Why Small Businesses Need Modern Technology


 Upgrading your technology is a lot like buying yourself new clothes. What you wear affects everything from your health to how you feel, and even what people think of you. The same can be said for technology: old technology can seem like tie-dye and bell bottoms to your customers. More than 90 percent of consumers say they would consider taking their business somewhere else rather than work with a company using outdated technology. When it’s up-to-date it can better protect your business, help attract and retain customers and talent, and scale alongside your growing business. Being up-to-date isn’t just cool-looking, it’s critical. Here’s why:

Cover up!

If the lining of your winter coat fell apart or your rain boot had a hole, you’d replace them to help stay healthy. In the same way, technology is the protective layer between sensitive company data and security threats.  Older operating systems can’t protect your business from today’s security threats, so upgrading your company’s technology is a way to prevent exposure and protect your business.

Appearance matters

Beyond the bare essentials (AKA protection), appearances do matter. It’s like interviewing for a job—you can’t show up in dirty or torn clothing. What sort of impression would that make on your interviewer and potential employer? The same goes for technology. Consumers often judge a business by the technology it uses.

Likewise, outdated technology can turn away the best and brightest workers and push them towards your competitors. According to CompTIA, a nonprofit association of IT professionals, two-thirds of millennial workers judge employers by their technological knowledge. On the other hand, technology that’s up-to-date allows your business to recruit from an unbounded pool of talent. With cloud-enabled productivity tools, qualified candidates can access all the business’ documents and systems, in addition to communicate and collaborate with colleagues from anywhere.

Growing pains

Technology could be the best way to grow your business without growing your expenses. New software can improve workflow inefficiencies and reduce administrative work while saving time and cutting costs. “If you’re going to grow, one of the best ways to grow is without additional staff. Software can allow you to do more with less,” says Anita Campbell, founder and CEO of Small Business Trends.

Whether your business is still growing or fully mature, it’s important that your technology is up-to-date. Check out this free e-guide to find out what it takes to update your technology and why it matters. 

Find the right picture faster with Bing’s Image Match



Searching for images can be tough, especially when you’re trying to nail down one with high resolution and the right dimensions. Bing has introduced a new feature that can match an image in a few clicks – without having to go back and scroll through the results pages.

Now when you’re browsing images, you’ll see a button at the bottom of the page that reads “Image Match.” When you click on the button, Bing will give you a list of different images you can narrow down by size.

Head over to the Bing Search Blog to find out more about the process and other ways you can use “Image Match” when you find an image online or already have one you want to match.

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Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff

Personal trainer has Surface by his side for outdoor classes to help clients


Personal trainer and fitness expert Gabe Aguilar-Gamez uses his Surface device to help him teach outdoor classes, train with his clients one-on-one, and to be mobile and productive from anywhere.

In a Q-and-A on the Surface Blog, Aguilar-Gamez says he uses the Surface video camera to let clients “see themselves workout much like if they were to work out in front of a mirror” to make sure they’re doing their exercises correctly. “This allows me and the client to analyze their video so we can work together to find the appropriate solution for a better overall experience,” he says.

Among his favorite fitness apps, for himself and clients? Gym Guide, Fitness Programs and Daily Workouts. The three apps let him find different workouts or exercises quickly “while still pinpointing the muscle groups that are being focused on. What separates the apps from each other is the environment where you will be exercising.”

Read the entire Q-and-A with Aguilar-Gamez by heading over to the Surface Blog.

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Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

Buck(y) up with these new ‘Captain America’ emoticons for Skype



You can now be the “captain” of your Skype emoticons – “Captain America,” that is, as well as four other limited-edition emoticons: the mysterious Winter Soldier, Nick Fury, Black Widow and Bucky, all featured in the upcoming film, “Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”

While you can find most emoticons in Skype’s gallery, these emoticons are “hiding” within Skype, like the spies of SHIELD. To find out how to activate them, visit the Hero Hub.

Skype’s limited edition “hidden hero” emoticons are available on Windows Phone and Windows platforms, as well as on Xbox and Android. They’ll be coming to Max OS X users in the near future.

To learn more, visit Skype’s Big Blog.

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Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

Office 365 Personal: uusi tapa käyttää Office 365 -palvelua!


Office 365 -palvelua käyttäville 3,5 miljoonalle kuluttajalle on hyviä uutisia. Tänä keväänä lanseeraamme yksittäiselle käyttäjälle suunnatun Office 365 Personalin. Siihen voi yhdistää yhden PC- tai Mac-tietokoneen sekä yhden tabletin. Office 365 Personalin arvioidut vähittäismyyntihinnat ovat 69 euroa vuodessa tai 7 euroa kuukaudessa.

Office 365 Home Premium on jatkossakin kotitalouksien saatavilla, mutta sen nimi tulee muuttumaan Office 365 Home:ksi. Muutos tulee näkyviin, kun Office 365 Personal on saatavilla. Kaikki Office 365 -tilaajat saavat 60 minuuttia puheaikaa kuukaudessa sisältävän Skypen puhelupaketin, 20 Gt lisätallennustilaa OneDrive:ssa sekä uusimmat, päivittyvät versiot Office-sovelluksista.

Lisätietoja Office 365 Personalista seuraa lähempänä sen saataville tuloa. Lue lisää jo saatavilla olevasta Office 365 Home Premiumista.

Demonstrating Commitment Through Action

By Karen Bergin, director, Citizenship and Public Affairs To speak with any credibility, companies must demonstrate their commitment to human rights through actions – not just words, says Dan Bross, Senior Director, Corporate Citizenship, Microsoft on the London School of Economics and Political Science's blog . As outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, companies have a responsibility to analyze their human rights impacts and have processes in place to minimize...(read more)

PowerShell and Poetry


Some of the best scripts I've seen often remind me of my favourite poems.

There's a structure, flow and precision manifest in both disciplines.

I suspect this says a lot about the pleasure I derive from detailed patterns.




 I imagine this midnight moment’s forest:

 Something else is alive

 Beside the clock’s loneliness

 And this blank page where my fingers move. 


 Through the window I see no star:

 Something more near

 Though deeper within darkness

 Is entering the loneliness:


 Cold, delicately as the dark snow,

 A fox’s nose touches twig, leaf;

 Two eyes serve a movement, that now

 And again now, and now, and now


 Sets neat prints into the snow

 Between trees, and warily a lame

 Shadow lags by stump and in hollow

 Of a body that is bold to come


 Across clearings, an eye,

 A widening deepening greenness,

 Brilliantly, concentratedly,

 Coming about its own business


 Till, with a sudden sharp hot stink of fox

 It enters the dark hole of the head.

 The window is starless still; the clock ticks,

 The page is printed. 


 Ted Hughes


PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Find SMB Shares


Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to find SMB shares. 

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question How can I use Windows PowerShell to easily find a list of all the SMB shares on my Windows 8.1 laptop?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Use the Get-SMBShare function.

Openness is the Change We Need


Posted by Hans Berndl
Microsoft Austria, Platform Strategy Lead

Our customers deserve the best of both worlds: choice and quality. Today, many enterprises and governments run open source and Microsoft technologies side by side. Rather than replace one technology with another, many customers find that a perfect blend of solutions is best. Our openness is a prerequisite to these customer demands.

I recently had the opportunity to chat about this with Wolfgang Tonninger at Vienna’s Café Sperl. Check out the recording (with English subtitles) and let us know your impressions in the comments.

Verify / Change the Partner of Record (POR) on an Office 365 Subscription


Q: (from Brian)

How do we insure we are the Partner of Record?



Although the basic steps documented in JJ’s post on the same topic (How to Add the Partner of Record (POR) to an Office 365 Beta Account) are essentially accurate, I thought I would provide an example with updated screenshots:

1) From the Office 365 Administrative console, have the customer select “Manage and purchase licenses” link:



2) From the Licenses Subscriptions screen, select one of the active subscription links:



3) From the Subscriptions Details screen, go to the lower right corner to fill in the partner information:



4) Have the customer put in your partner cloud ID and click OK:



SDeming Face  Steve

Use the NCAA March Madness Live app to watch all the tournament action



College basketball fans who want to stay on top of the sport’s biggest show can watch every moment of all 67 games on their Windows 8.1 PC, tablet or Windows Phone device with the NCAA March Madness Live app.

All the live games on CBS are free to watch, while those on TBS, TNT and truTV require a TV subscription login. And everyone can participate in the Capital One NCAA March Madness Bracket Challenge and enjoy Live Tile updates with the latest scores, news and video highlights. You can also read up on team and player stats.

Don’t miss a minute of the Cinderella stories, nail-biters and buzzer beaters, from the first round March 18 to the April 7 championship. Set up live game alerts and notifications for your favorite teams, possible upsets, overtimes and close games.

Install NCAA March Madness Live from the Windows Store and the Windows Phone Store, and read more about the app on the Windows Experience Blog and the Windows Phone Blog.

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Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff

Public Edge Server Certificates Show As Invalid


Ran into an interesting issue while at a customer site, their Lync  Edge servers started reporting LS Protocol Stack Warnings 14397 and LS Protocol Stack Errors 14361 as shown below:

Proceeded to validate that the certificates were present in the correct store as well as that there were still valid certificates with their respective chain.


In running the Lync Deployment Wizard and proceeding to Step 3: Request, Install  or Assign Certificates - the certificate status for the External appeared to be having issues or invalid.

In attempting to assign the certificate via the wizard notice that the Certificate Store does not recognize the external certificate.

Proceeding to the Event Viewer the Application Logs contain the Informational Message with the  Event ID 4109 from CAPI2 as the Source.  In looking at the details of the entry it was evident that there was a change in a few of the of the root certificates.  In this particular case, the concentration was on the Verisign Certificate that was updated as this was the issuer of the certificate.   Using the thumbprint in the details of the Information entry we located the certificate in the Trusted Root Certificate store.

Using the name of the certificates in the log, I looked at the root chain and I noticed that this particular the Intended Purpose for the Root Certificate had Code Signing selected only.

Select the Root Certificate from the Trusted Root Certificate, Go to the Details tab to verify the Thumbprint with the value in the Informational entry in the Event Viewer.  Once verified, click the Edit Properties button.  Add the Certificate purposes required Server Authentication and Client Authentication, Hit Apply then OK.

After making the necessary changes to the Root Certificate to support Server Authentication and Client Authentication the Deployment Wizard recognizes the certificate and allows for assignment.  The Edge Servers no longer report the errors in the Lync Server logs -- Edge Services are working properly.


A special Thanks to Bryon Castillo for providing the screen captures.


Office Web Apps and disabling Word translation service


Office Web Apps has a setting to enable translation services for Word documents.  Reference MSDN blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alimaz/archive/2012/07/26/translating-office-documents-using-office-web-apps-preview-and-microsoft-translator-service.aspx

By default the "TranslationEnabled" setting = False.  Unfortunately, if you do NOT want the Translate option to appear in the Word Web App >> File >> Info options, you need to take an extra step.

How to Disable Translation in Word Web App

There is an .ini file in the root Office Web Apps Server directory (\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\WebWordViewer) called Settings_service.ini.  Open that .ini in Notepad and edit this line:

; The switch to turn the word viewer translation feature on/off in the datacenter

to this instead:


Afterwards, restart the Office Web Apps service via Powershell:  Restart-service wacsm

The Word Web App will no longer provide the option to translate the document.

March 13, 2013 News Thursday: General Availability of Oracle Software on Windows Azure


Microsoft announces general availability of Oracle Software on Windows Azure, additional updates to platform

Today, as an extension to the strategic partnership with Oracle initially announced last June, Microsoft unveiled that Oracle’s mission critical software is now generally available to all Windows Azure customers. Oracle Database, Oracle WebLogic Server and Java on Windows Azure are now generally available with license-included virtual machine images.This delivers on Microsoft’s broader commitment to openness, empowering customers with the flexibility and choice to embrace the cloud on their terms. Additionally, Microsoft announced Windows Azure Traffic Manager support for Windows Azure Web Sites, bringing increased integration to Windows Azure as part of its regular updates. With this update, customers can enjoy the benefits of load balancing or redirection of web traffic across multiple regions using the performance, failover or round-robin Traffic Manager rules.

Go to the Windows Azure blog for more information.

Channel 9 Edge Show - Hybrid Identity

A short chat I had with @simonster on Hybrid Identity earlier this week. This blog is not formatted well for embedded video, so follow the link http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Edge/Edge-Show-94-Hybrid-Identity A....(read more)

Introduksjon til Service Management Automation


I denne artikkelen skal vi se på Service Management Automation (SMA) som er en ny komponent i System Center for automatisering av prosesser.

Før vi ser på de tekniske detaljene, la oss se på hvilke bruksområder et automatiseringsprodukt som SMA har:

  • Automatisere vedlikeholdsoppgaver som patching av clustre, stopp og start av tjenester i riktig rekkefølge samt nedkjøring og oppstart av virtuelle maskiner i riktig rekkefølge i forbindelse med planlagt vedlikehold.
  • Automatisere forretningsprosesser som opprettelse, endring og avvikling av brukere, resetting av passord og automatisering av filoverføringer.
  • Automatisering av oppgaver i tjenestekatalog og endringshåndtering som opprettelse av virtuelle servere og automatisk konfigurasjon av backup.
  • Dynamisk ressurs-allokering basert på for eksempel last eller kalender. Et praktisk eksempel på dette kan være å utvide en webfarm med flere servere før en høysesong som julehandel.
  • Respondere på overvåkingsalarmer fra for eksempel System Center Operations Manager.
  • Integrasjoner på tvers av systemer, eksempelvis at det basert på en hendelse i overvåkingssystemet automatisk genereres en sak i et saksbehandlingssystem.

SMA er ikke en egen komponent i System Center porteføljen på lik linje med de andre produktene, installasjonsfilene er inkludert i installasjonsmediet for System Center Orchestrator:


Som man ser på skjermbildet består SMA av 3 komponenter:

Runbook Worker– Utfører runbook jobber. Disse kan enten være schedulert eller startes manuelt.

PowerShell Module– Cmdlets for å administrere SMA.

Web Service– Web API (REST OData) som blant annet brukes for å kommunisere med Windows Azure Pack, distribuere runbook-jobber til runbook workers og for å delegere tilganger.

I tillegg vil man behøve en SQL-database hvor data lagres (angis under installasjon).

Arktitektur-messig er det likheter mellom System Center Orchstrator (SCO) og Service Management Automation (SMA). Hovedforskjellen i brukeropplevelsen er at definering av runbooks i SCO er grafisk med støtte for drag and drop, mens det i SMA er 100% basert på Windows PowerShell Workflow.

PowerShell Workflow ble introdusert i PowerShell 3.0 og er basert på Windows Workflow Foundation. Med PowerShell Workflow får man mulighet for å orkestrere aktiviteter som kjører over lengre tid som til sammen kan utføre komplekse oppgaver, eksempelvis utrulling av en tjeneste bestående av flere servere. PowerShell Workflow har egenskaper som det å kunne kjøre aktiviteter parallelt, det å kunne fortsette etter en feil (for eksempel brudd på nettverksforbindelse) og fortsette kjøring etter restart av en maskin. Detaljert info og linker til mer informasjon til PowerShell Workflow finner du i artikkelen «When Windows PowerShell Met Workflow» på Windows PowerShell Teamet`s blog.



SMA i seg selv har ingen innebygd portal, den eneste muligheten for å definere runbooks er via PowerShell modulen eller web servicen. Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server er en gratis komponent for Microsoft-kunder som gjør det mulig å tilby selvbetjening for store miljøer og hostingselskaper i en portal som er konsistent med opplevelsen man får i Windows Azure:


En av komponentene i Windows Azure Pack er Automation, som bygger på en kobling til webservicen i SMA. Man kan dermed bruke Automation-komponenten i Windows Azure Pack som en webportal for SMA:


Dashboard gir en samlet oversikt over status på alle runbooks.

Runbooks gir en oversikt over alle definerte runbooks hvor man kan sortere på status, tags eller søke opp en runbook basert på navn:


Går man inn på en valgt runbook får man opp et eget dashboard med status på jobber for den aktuelle runbooken:


Under Author har man mulighet til å se den publiserte utgaven av runbooken:


Under Draft kan man editere og teste koden:


Øverst ser man at keyword for PowerShell Workflow er definert etterfulgt av navnet på runbooken. Deretter kan man valgfritt angi parametre etterfulgt av selve PowerShell koden.

Velger man å angi parametre vil man kunne angi verdier for disse parametrene når man starter runbooken:


Verdier for parametrene kan også angis om man velger å schedulere en runbook. Schedulering legges inn under Schedule:



Under Configure kan man legge inn beskrivelse, tags og aktivere logging:


Logging medfører mye ekstra data i databasen, og bør kun aktiveres i forbindelse med feilsøking.

Det siste valget på en runbook er Jobs hvor man kan se historikk og gå inn og se output fra hver enkelt jobb:


Det siste vi skal se på i Automation portalen i Windows Azure Pack er Assets:


En Asset kan være PowerShell moduler eller en av følgende:


Connections er forbindelser til andre systemer, for eksempel til andre System Center produkter som Virtual Machine Manager og DPM. Credentials kan legges inn globalt for å unngå å hardkode de i runbooks, det samme gjelder variabler. Den siste typen asset er schedules som vi har sett på tidligere.


Når PowerShell Workflow brukes standalone vil status på aktiviteter («persistence») lagres til disk på maskinen workflowen eksekveres fra. Ved hjelp av SMA får man en høytilgjengelig PowerShell Workflow, siden persistence lagres i SQL-databasen.

Det er dermed mulig å konfigurere en høytilgjengelig automatiseringsplattform ved å sette opp en høytilgjengelig SQL-tjeneste (clustering eller AlwaysOn) samt 2 eller flere servere hvor SMA-rollene Runbook Worker og Webservice installeres:


Illustrasjon hentet fra System Center Orchestrator Engineering Team Blog



Siden SMA er basert på PowerShell Workflow er det mulig å automatisere alt som kan utføres med PowerShell. I motsetning til Orchestrator som kan utvides ved å installere såkalte Integration Packs kan SMA utvides ved å legge til PowerShell moduler. Dagens utgave av SMA er første versjon av produktet og mangler en del funksjonalitet man finner i Orchestrator, slik som muligheten til å sette rettigheter på runbooks. Dette er noe som er ønskelig når man vil tilby for eksempel systemeiere muligheten til å kjøre kun de runbooks de er delegert rettigheter til. Det er ikke uttalt noe offisielt i forhold til hva strategien rundt Orchestraor og SMA er for fremtiden, men det er ikke utenkelig at SMA på sikt vil ta over for Orchestrator når flere funksjoner kommer på plass.



Overview of Service Management Automation

Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server

Getting Started with Windows PowerShell Workflow

Intro to SMA

SMA Capabilities in Depth

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