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Sábado - Maiores contribuintes da 2ª semana de Março de 2014


Olá comunidade Microsoft.

Bem vindos a mais uma semana de atualização na comunidade Wiki Ninjas Brasil.

Hoje é Sábado, dia de saber quem são os Maiores Contribuintes.

Iniciamos com os atuais líderes.


Esta é a análise das contribuições do Technet Wiki Brasil ao longo da última semana.

Segundo as estatísticas gerais, tivemos 258 usuários que contribuíram 1.861 páginas.

Além disso, obtivemos 8.145 revisões com 5.252 comentários.

Mais detalhes em nossa página: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/pt-br/default.aspx

Este resultado é significativo e, comprova o aumento expressivo no número de contribuições para a comunidade Microsoft.


Se mantendo entre os maiores destaques da semana Durval Ramos e Alan Nascimento Carlos merecem a ótima colocação conquistada na comunidade Microsoft Brasil.

Não podemos deixar de mencionar a contribuição ativa das seguintes pessoas ao longo da semana.

Davut EREN - TAT

Luis Miguel Santos

Peter Geelen - MSFT

Jefferson Castilho

Bruno Lopez


Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil

Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil



Ninja AwardPrêmio Maiores Revisores 
Quem fez mais revisões individuais


#1 Alan Nascimento Carlos com 8 revisões.


#2 Durval Ramos com 5 revisões.


#3 Peter Geelen - MSFT com 3 revisões.



Ninja AwardPrêmio Artigos mais atualizados  
Quem atualizou mais artigos


#1 Durval Ramos com 4 artigos.


#2 Peter Geelen - MSFT com 2 artigos.


#3 Hezequias Vasconcelos com 2 artigos.



Ninja AwardPrêmio maioria dos artigos atualizados  
A maior quantidade de conteúdo atualizado em um único artigo


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi Guia de Sobrevivência: System Center Configuration Manager 2012, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem

O revisor desta semana foi Luis Miguel Santos,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi Versões do Active Directory Schemas, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem

O revisor desta semana foi Fernando Lugão Veltem,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi C?, escrito por JMCF125

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi C?, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi C?, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi C?, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi Guia de Sobrevivência: System Center Configuration Manager 2012, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Luis Miguel Santos,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi Guia de Sobrevivência: System Center Configuration Manager 2012, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Luis Miguel Santos,



Ninja AwardPrêmio Artigo com mais longa atualização 
O artigo mais atualizado desta semana


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi Versões do Active Directory Schemas, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem

O revisor desta semana foi Fernando Lugão Veltem,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi C?, escrito por JMCF125

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi Guia de Sobrevivência: System Center Configuration Manager 2012, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem

O revisor desta semana foi Luis Miguel Santos,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi C?, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi C?, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi C?, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi Guia de Sobrevivência: System Center Configuration Manager 2012, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Luis Miguel Santos,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi Guia de Sobrevivência: System Center Configuration Manager 2012, escrito por

O revisor desta semana foi Luis Miguel Santos,



Ninja AwardPrêmio maioria dos artigos revisados 
Artigo com mais revisões em uma semana


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é ALM - DevOps - System Center Global Service Monitor - Overview, escrito por Alan Nascimento Carlos. Foi revisto 4 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Alan Nascimento Carlos,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é ALM – Dicas – Usando a Team Room do Team Foundation Server, escrito por Alan Nascimento Carlos. Foi revisto 2 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Alan Nascimento Carlos,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Artigos Spotlight, escrito por Durval Ramos. Foi revisto 2 vezes na semana passada.

Os revisores desta semana foram Peter Geelen - MSFT& Durval Ramos


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Caçando Registros Fantasma no SQL Server, escrito por Durval Ramos. Foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Durval Ramos,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Conselho da Comunidade, escrito por Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil. Foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Durval Ramos,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Automatizando a execução de softwares como administrador, escrito por TiagoOliveira.S. Foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Peter Geelen - MSFT,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Office 365 – Ocultando Listas de Distribuição da Global Address List (GAL), escrito por Bruno Lopez. Foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

Os revisores desta semana foram Jefferson Castilho& Bruno Lopez


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Project 2013: Guia de Sobrevivência, escrito por Hezequias Vasconcelos. Foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Hezequias Vasconcelos,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Desenvolvimento, escrito por Jorge Barata [JB]. Foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Lucas_Santos,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é ALM – DevOps – Dashboard do seu Lab do Microsoft Test Manager, escrito por Alan Nascimento Carlos. Foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil,



Ninja AwardPrêmio do artigo mais popular 
Colaboração é o nome do jogo!


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Artigos Spotlight, escrito por Durval Ramos

Os revisores desta semana foram Peter Geelen - MSFT& Durval Ramos


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Office 365 – Ocultando Listas de Distribuição da Global Address List (GAL), escrito por Bruno Lopez

Os revisores desta semana foram Jefferson Castilho& Bruno Lopez


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Desenvolvimento, escrito por Jorge Barata [JB]

O revisor desta semana foi Lucas_Santos,


Estamos felizes em ver novos membros em nossa comunidade. Sejam bem vindos ao Technet Wiki Brasil.

Agradecemos a todos os membros da nossa comunidade pelas grandes contribuições realizadas durante esta semana. Vale lembrar, que toda e qualquer ajuda/contribuição para a comunidade é importante e muito bem vinda.

É muito bom ver a nossa comunidade em constante evolução.

Esperamos continuar com esse forte apoio de todos na partilha do conhecimento.

Parabéns a toda comunidade por mais uma ótima semana de contribuições.

Obrigado e até a próxima oportunidade.

Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos

Atualização Internacional da Comunidade - Progresso de cada idioma.

Olá Comunidade Microsoft.

Esta semana tivemos divulgação do progresso de cada idioma na comunidade Internacional.

Este quadro corresponde ao mês de Fevereiro de 2014.

Com muito orgulho mantivemos a comunidade do Brasil na segunda colocação geral.

Porém, a disputa está acirrada com a comunidade Turca e Francesa.

Queremos contar com a comunidade para melhorar ainda mais nossa colocação.


Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos

Sunday Surprise Lütfen Makalemi Düzenlemeyin !


Merhaba TechNet Wiki Ailesi

                Yazımımızın başlığından anlaşılacağı üzere Lütfen makalemi düzenlemeyinşeklinde mailler almaktayız. Haklı olarak kişiler veya şahıslar emek harcayarak yazmış oldukları güzel paylaşımlarının kimse tarafından revizyon edilmemesini istemektedir. Bu durumu çok iyi anlıyorum. Sizler gibi değerli insanların öncelikle TechNet Wiki üzerinde bu paylaşımlarından dolayı tebrik etmek istiyorum.


       TechNet Wiki üzerinde yayınlanan her makalenin düzenleme yetkisini Microsoft hepimize yani Microsoft hesabı ile giriş yapan her kullanıcıya vermiştir. Yani yayınlamış olduğunuz her makaleyi ben veya bir Portekizli veya bir İngiliz düzeltebilir. Hatta makalenizi silerek başka şeylerde yayınlaya bilir. Bu durum tam anlamıyla Microsoft’un bizlere ve hepimize vermiş olduğu bir yetkidir. Örnek vermek gerekirse bir gün içerisinde makalenizi belki 100 kişi revizyon edecektir. Bu durumda 100 kişiye makalemi düzenlemeyin şeklinde bir mail atma şansınızda yoktur. Sebebine gelince her dili bilmeniz imkansız ve 100 kişi ile başa çıkma olasılığınız yok denecek kadar azdır.


                Peki Revizyon yapılan makalelerin sizler için faydası Nedir ? (Makale yayınlayan kişiler) Bir makale yazdınız ve bunu TechNet Wiki üzerinde yayınladınız ve yayınlanan makalenizi 1000 iki okudu bir müddet sonra başkaları başka makaleler yayınlamaya başladı ve 1 sırada olan makaleniz 100 makale sonra gerilere doğru gitti artık TechNet Wiki Üzerinde yayınlanan makaleniz Google sonuçlarından çıkmaya başladı. Ben sizin yayınladığınız makaleyi buldum ve üzerinde herhangi bir revizyon işlemi gerçekleştirdim. Tekrar makaleniz yeniden yayınlanmış gibi 100 sıradan 1 sıraya geldi. Daha önceden 1000 defa okunan makaleniz ilk sıralara geldiği için 1000 kişi tarafından daha okundu. Toplamda makaleniz 2000 kişiye ulaştı. Şimdi burada karlı olan kim tabii ki sizsiniz. Makaleniz daha çok kitlelere ulaşmış oldu.

                Şunu hiçbir zaman unutmayalım. Makalenizde yapılan her revizyon sizin makalenizi güzelleştirir. Daha çok kişiye ulaşmış olur. 1000 kişiden alacağınız taktiri 2000 kişiden almış olursunuz. Hepinizin beni anlayışla karşılamasını umut ediyorum.


Hepinize İyi pazarlar dilerim.

Top Contributors Awards! C# Compiling at runtime! Yammer Portal! SharePoint 2013, BizTalk, Office 365 and oodles of gushy love!


Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.

First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...


Benoit Jester chasing close on the heels of TNWiki big gun, Peter Geelen. Nice work guys!

Ben is also second on the monthly New Articles tally! Congrats to Yelenah for leading the list!


As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


Ninja AwardMost Revisions Award  
Who has made the most individual revisions


#1 Benoit Jester - MTFC with 139 revisions.


#2 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 135 revisions.


#3 Mohammad Nizamuddin with 58 revisions.


Well, there we go! Ben actually wins in my crawl!!
Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Davut EREN - TAT with 41 revisions.


#5 Richard Mueller with 33 revisions.


#6 Durval Ramos with 20 revisions.


#7 Dmitri Plotnikov with 20 revisions.


#8 Mr X with 15 revisions.


#9 Tomasso Groenendijk with 15 revisions.


#10 Ed Price - MSFT with 14 revisions.



Ninja AwardMost Articles Updated Award  
Who has updated the most articles


#1 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 80 articles.


#2 Benoit Jester - MTFC with 74 articles.


#3 Richard Mueller with 24 articles.


And another flip! Showing what a close contest it was this week!

Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Dmitri Plotnikov with 19 articles.


#5 Davut EREN - TAT with 18 articles.


#6 Mohammad Nizamuddin with 14 articles.


#7 Durval Ramos with 12 articles.


#8 Tomasso Groenendijk with 6 articles.


#9 Ed Price - MSFT with 5 articles.


#10 Yavuz Tasci -TAT with 5 articles.



Ninja AwardMost Updated Article Award  
Largest amount of updated content in a single article


The article to have the most change this week was SharePoint 2013 : Guide des articles français du Wiki TechNet (fr-FR), by Benoit Jester - MTFC

This week's reviser was Benoit Jester - MTFC

And here is the fruit of Benoit's toil. This is a new article this week, what we call a portal page, but in this case a list of only French language articles about SharePoint 2013. Great curating Benoit!



Ninja AwardLongest Article Award  
Biggest article updated this week


This week's largest document to get some attention is BizTalk Server: List of Errors and Warnings, Causes, and Solutions, by Sandro Pereira

This week's reviser was Sandro Pereira

Just FEAST your eyes on this "all you can eat" one stop shop for troubleshooting BizTalk Server aches and pains. Sandro is a well deserved MVP. Bookmark, cherish, treasure.



Ninja AwardMost Revised Article Award  
Article with the most revisions in a week


This week's most fiddled with article is TechNet Guru Contributions for March, by XAML guy. It was revised 17 times last week.

This week's revisers were Idan Vexler, chandra sekhar pathivada, Mr X, Raghunathan S, Matthew Yarlett, IshamMohamed, Mahdi Tehrani, XAML guy& Geetanjali Arora

This week's second most fiddled with article is TechNet Guru - Bronze Winner Contributions, by Mohammad Nizamuddin. It was revised 16 times last week.

This week's revisers were Mohammad Nizamuddin& Naomi N 

This week's third most fiddled with article is Turkish Avengers Team Council Center, by Gokan Ozcifci. It was revised 16 times last week.

This week's revisers were Davut EREN - TAT, Mehmet PARLAKYIGIT-TAT, Ersin CAN - TAT, Yavuz Tasci -TAT, Asil MUTLU - TAT& Ugur Demir - TAT

This week's fiorth most fiddled with article is TechNet Guru - Silver Winner Contributions, by Mohammad Nizamuddin. It was revised 15 times last week.

This week's revisers were Mohammad Nizamuddin& Naomi N


TechNet Guru pages dominating the most active pages this week. Momentum is really picking up for this community initiative, and we are building up a list of awesome authors. And the list is getting longer!



Ninja AwardMost Popular Article Award  
Collaboration is the name of the game!


Jumping past the usual suspects listed above,  the article to be updated by the third most people this week is Office 365 Message Encryption, by Eddie Bowers - MSFT

This week's revisers were Peter Geelen - MSFT, Benoit Jester - MTFC& Eddie Bowers - MSFT

A new arrival from Microsofty, Eddie Bowers. This essential know-how even comes with a video overview and a nicely formatted "Important" section below.



Ninja AwardNinja Edit Award  
A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person

Some awesome contributions this week.

Definitely a week of "quality over quantity" which is of course a good thing.

Thanks to everyone else who contributed this week, it's been very interesting reading these and so many other quality gifts of knowledge.

May good fortune and health follow you this week!   <3


Best regards,
Pete Laker


Windows 8.1 Logon Script Delay Group Policy Setting


If you are evaluating Windows 8.1 in an enterprise environment that also contains logon scripts there is a new Group Policy setting you should be aware of. Windows 8.1 by default delays logon scripts for 5 minutes. There are many poorly written or misbehaving logon scripts out there, the 5 minute delay will ensure that the user's desktop remains responsive during the logon process. However, this may come as a surprise for many organizations especially since the intent of most logon scripts is to perform some action prior to the user interacting with the desktop.

Group Policy preferences have pretty much eliminated most of what logon scripts used to do and I recommend verifying that what the logon script is meant to accomplish cannot be done using Group Policy prior to writing a logon script; however, in case your organization does still need logon scripts without the delay and plans on deploying Windows 8.1, you may want to change the following Group Policy setting to ensure that the logon script runs as expected:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Group Policy > Configure Logon Script Delay


Exchange 2013 SP1 Is Available


In case you missed it, Exchange 2013 SP1 was released on February 25, 2014. You can read more about the release dates and build numbers here. You can download Exchange 2013 SP1 here.  I recommend immediately applying the following hotfix to resolve a 3rd party transport agent issue as per KB2938053. Although Exchange 2013 SP1 provides several important enhancements over the previous version, the biggest news for me was that it is now compatible with Windows Server 2012 R2. Stay tuned as I show you how to integrate the Windows Server 2012 R2 ADFS role into Exchange 2013 SP1.

Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Con Windows Server 2012 R2 opcional


System Center 2012 R2 proporciona una administración unificada en todos los entornos locales, proveedores de servicios y en Windows Azure, en forma sencilla y rentable, enfocada en las aplicaciones y de categoría empresarial. System Center 2012 R2 ofrece asombrosas características nuevas y mejoras en el aprovisionamiento y la supervisión de la infraestructura, control del rendimiento de las aplicaciones, automatización, autoservicio y administración de los servicios de TI.

Descargue la evaluación aquí.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Con System Center 2012 R2 opcional


Windows Server 2012 R2 proporciona una gran variedad de características y funcionalidades nuevas y mejoradas que abarcan la virtualización de servidores, almacenamiento, redes definidas en software, administración y automatización del servidor, plataforma web y de aplicaciones, protección de acceso y de información, infraestructura de escritorio virtual y mucho más.

Descargue la evaluación aquí.

Skype is blogger’s favorite travel accessory



Travel blogger Monica Suma calls both New York City and Romania home. But really, she’s at home around the world, and says with the help of Skype video calling, she has shared priceless travel memories and “Skype Moments.”

Eight years ago, when she moved to New York City, she started using Skype as a way to stay in touch with family and friends in Romania. Skype, she says, became a “daily ritual” as a way to connect with people around the world, whether at home or on the road, including fellow travel writers.

Read Suma’s full post over on Skype’s Play Blog.

You might also be interested in:

· “Anchorman 2” and “SOS Island” give Microsoft 2 nominations for Festival of Media Global Awards
· Italy's Lombardia region uses open data on Windows Azure to build for the future
· Get ready for “Titanfall” with these three apps for Xbox One

Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

SMB Direct and RDMA performance demo from TechEd (includes summary, PowerShell scripts and links)




My last TechEd demo showed some interesting performance data for SMB3 over RDMA (SMB Direct), including the latest small IO improvements in Windows Server 2012 R2.

Since I keep getting questions about the setup I used, here are some of the details about the hardware, software, results and script used.




For that demo, I used a single storage server and a single compute server.

I used an EchoStreams FlacheSAN2working as File Server, with 2 Intel CPUs at 2.40 Ghz and 64GB of RAM. It includes 6 LSI SAS adapters and 48 Intel SSDs attached directly to the server. This is an impressively packed 2U unit.

The Hyper-V Server was a Dell PowerEdge R720 with 2 Intel CPUs at 2.70 GHz and 64GB of RAM.

Both the file server and the Hyper-V host had 3 RDMA-capable 54 Gbps NICs (Mellanox ConnectX-3 using FDR InfiniBand) were used simultaneously via SMB Multichannel.




Software and Configuration


For that demo, I ran Windows Server 2012 R2 on both the storage and the compute servers.

I used a standalone SMB3 file server backed by Storage Spaces, with 1 single share backed by a single mirrored space carved from a single storage pool with all 48 SSDs.

In previous demos I used multiple pools and spaces, but I switched to using a single pool and a single space, since it was simpler and provided me with similar performance.

From a networking perspective, the 3 NICs were configured each in a separate subnet. I also had a fourth NIC (1GbE) for DNS, AD and management traffic.

Speaking of that, this setup also communicated with a third Windows Server 2012 R2 server used solely as DNS Server and Active Directory domain controller.


Script to prepare the demo


Here’s the PowerShell script that I used to configure the environment for this specific demo:


# Create pool and mirrored space

$s = Get-StorageSubSystem -FriendlyName *Spaces*
$d = Get-PhysicalDisk –CanPool $true
New-StoragePool -FriendlyName Pool1 -StorageSubSystemFriendlyName $s.FriendlyName -PhysicalDisks $d

Set-ResiliencySetting -Name Mirror -NumberofColumnsDefault 24 -StoragePool  ( Get-StoragePool -FriendlyName Pool1 )
New-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName Space1 -StoragePoolFriendlyName Pool1 -ResiliencySettingName Mirror –UseMaximumSize

# Initialize disk, partition and volume

$c = Get-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName Space1 | Get-Disk
Set-Disk -Number $c.Number -IsReadOnly 0
Set-Disk -Number $c.Number -IsOffline 0
Initialize-Disk -Number $c.Number -PartitionStyle GPT
New-Partition -DiskNumber $c.Number -DriveLetter X -UseMaximumSize
Initialize-Volume -DriveLetter X -FileSystem NTFS -Confirm:$false

# Create data files for SQLIO

1..16 | % {
fsutil file createnew $f (128GB)
fsutil file setvaliddata $f (128GB)
fsutil file createnew $f (8MB)
fsutil file setvaliddata $f (8MB)

# Create the SMB Share

New-SmbShare -Name Share1 -Path X:\ -FullAccess Domain\Administrator, Domain\HV1$, Domain\HV2$
Set-SmbPathAcl –ShareName Share1




Here’s the summary of the results from the 3 phases of the demo:


Demo 1: Small IOs (8KB) from real storage


The first demo used 16 instances of SQLIO generating 8KB IOs against 16 distinct files on the SMB server.

As shown in the screenshot below, we hit over 600,000 IOs per second (IOPS). At that point, the data rate was about 5 gigabytes per seconds and the client was using a little over 60% of the CPU.

In this demo, every one of the 600,000 IOs are flowing through the entire Microsoft storage stack, from physical disks to storage spaces to NTFS to the SMB server over the network to the SMB client and finally to the SQLIO app.

There was a fair amount of queuing to keep all 48 SSDs and the entire stack busy (over 235 queue depth), but the overall latency was still below 1 millisecond (performance monitor shows 0).




Demo 2: Small IOs (8KB) from the SMB server cache


The second demo focus on the raw network performance of SMB Direct and SMB Multichannel by using cached IOs.

We’re still travelling from SQLIO to the SMB client over the network to the SMB server, but we’re satisfying the 8KB IOs from the RAM-based cache on the server side.

To accomplish this I basically used a similar workload as before, but employed smaller files and the SQLIO option to allow caching of the IOs.

As shown on the screenshot below, we have 1.1 million IOPS of 8KB each. At this rate, we are CPU bound at around 98% of the SMB client CPU.

Again you can see a deep queue (nearly 300 queued IOs), but the latency is still under 1 millisecond (performance monitor showing 0 again).

Note that, even with small IOs, we are hitting over 9 gigabytes per second in terms of bandwidth.


Demo 3: Larger IOs (32KB) from real storage


The last of the 3 demos used larger IOs (32KB) in order to reach higher bandwidth utilization.

Before the Windows Server 2012 R2 optimizations, reaching high bandwidth in this configuration would require larger IOs, like 128KB, 256KB or 512KB.

In fact, this was the first time I was able to nearly saturate this 3 * 54 Gbps network setup using 32KB IOs, which is not really a very large size.

You can see we’re hitting the incredible rate of 16.4 gigabytes per second, which is nearly saturating our 162 Gbps bandwidth.

To put it into perspective, that’s about 14 times the through of a regular 10GbE NIC (which typically delivers 1.1 gigabytes per second each way) or over 20 times the rate of a regular 8GB Fibre Channel HBA (which delivers about 800 megabytes per second each way).

Note also that we’re using about 64% of the CPU and the latency is under 2ms (performance monitor shows 1 millisecond).



Script to run the demo

Finally, as requested, here is the PowerShell script I used to generate the workload during the demo.

It effectively runs 16 instances of SQLIO to give me 16 independent processes, each running against one of the 16 cores in the machine.

Each instance uses a separate file on the share, which is mapped to the X: drive. I used either X:\Test<n>.dat (demos 1 and 3) or X:\Small<x>.dat (demo 2).

Note also somewhat unusual SQLIO options -BYRT to buffer IOs (demo 2) and -a to affinitize the instance to a specific set of CPU cores (used in all 3 demos).


During the demo, I focus on looking at Performance Monitor itself (not the output of SQLIO), so role of the script is really to drive the workload.

However, to make it look pretty, I used a few tricks. For instance, I clear the screen between demos and repaint the history of the results.

I also use the trick on Write-Host to stay on the same line and overwrite the contents. This is useful, for instance, when counting from job 1 to job 16.


"   ___  _  ______            _ _     _    "
"  ( _ )| |/ / __ )        __| (_)___| | __"
"  / _ \| ' /|  _ \ _____ / _' | / __| |/ /"
" | (_) | . \| |_) |_____| (_| | \__ \   < "
"  \___/|_|\_\____/       \__,_|_|___/_|\_\"
"Workload: 8KB random read IOs coming from remote disk"

1..16 | % {
    $file = $_
    $cpum = 1 -shl ($file - 1)
    Write-Host "`rStarting job ", $file -NoNewLine
    $ScriptBlock = {
        param($f, $m)
        $pa = "-a" + $m
        $pf = "X:\Test" + $f + ".dat"
        c:\sqlio\sqlio2.exe -s1000 -T100 -t1 -o16 -b8 $pa -BN -LS -frandom $pf

    $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $file, $cpum
Write-Host "`rAll jobs have been started"
" "
Read-Host "Press [ENTER] to continue"

# Stop All jobs

$item = 0
get-job | % {
   Write-Host "`rStopping job ", $item -NoNewLine
   Stop-Job $_
   Remove-Job $_

"   ___  _  ______            _ _     _    "
"  ( _ )| |/ / __ )        __| (_)___| | __"
"  / _ \| ' /|  _ \ _____ / _' | / __| |/ /"
" | (_) | . \| |_) |_____| (_| | \__ \   < "
"  \___/|_|\_\____/       \__,_|_|___/_|\_\"
"Workload: 8KB random read IOs coming from remote disk"
"Results: around 600,000 8KB IOPs"
" "
"   ___  _  ______                       _          " 
"  ( _ )| |/ / __ )        ___ __ _  ___| |__   ___ "
"  / _ \| ' /|  _ \ _____ / __/ _' |/ __| '_ \ / _ \"
" | (_) | . \| |_) |_____| (_| (_| | (__| | | |  __/"
"  \___/|_|\_\____/       \___\__,_|\___|_|_|_|\___|"
" "
"Workload: 8KB random read IOs coming remote cached (RAM)"
" "

1..16 | % {
    $file = $_
    $cpum = 1 -shl ($file - 1)
    Write-Host "`rStarting job ", $file -NoNewLine
    $ScriptBlock = {
        param($f, $m)
        $pa = "-a" + $m
        $pf = "X:\Small" + $f + ".dat"
        c:\sqlio\sqlio2.exe -s1000 -T100 -t1 -o32 -b8 $pa -BYRT -LS -frandom $pf
    $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $file, $cpum
Write-Host "`rAll jobs have been started"
" "
Read-Host "Press [ENTER] to continue"

# Stop All jobs

$item = 0
get-job | % {
   Write-Host "`rStopping job ", $item -NoNewLine
   Stop-Job $_
   Remove-Job $_
Write-Host "`rAll jobs have been stopped"

"   ___  _  ______            _ _     _    "
"  ( _ )| |/ / __ )        __| (_)___| | __"
"  / _ \| ' /|  _ \ _____ / _' | / __| |/ /"
" | (_) | . \| |_) |_____| (_| | \__ \   < "
"  \___/|_|\_\____/       \__,_|_|___/_|\_\"
"Workload: 8KB random read IOs coming from remote disk"
"Results: around 600,000 8KB IOPs"
" "
"   ___  _  ______                       _          " 
"  ( _ )| |/ / __ )        ___ __ _  ___| |__   ___ "
"  / _ \| ' /|  _ \ _____ / __/ _' |/ __| '_ \ / _ \"
" | (_) | . \| |_) |_____| (_| (_| | (__| | | |  __/"
"  \___/|_|\_\____/       \___\__,_|\___|_|_|_|\___|"
" "
"Workload: 8KB random read IOs coming remote cached (RAM)"
"Results: around 1,000,000 8KB IOPs"
" "
"  _____ ___  _  __ ___            _ _     _        "   
" |___ /___ \| |/ / __ )        __| (_)___| | __    "
"   |_ \ __) | ' /|  _ \ _____ / _' | / __| |/ /    "
"  ___) / __/| . \| |_) |_____| (_| | \__ \   <     "
" |____/_____|_|\_\____/       \__,_|_|___/_|\_\    "
" "
"Workload: 32KB random read IOs coming from remote disk"
" "
1..16 | % {
    $file = $_
    $cpum = 1 -shl ($file - 1)
    Write-Host "`rStarting job ", $file -NoNewLine
    $ScriptBlock = {
        param($f, $m)
        $pa = "-a" + $m
        $pf = "X:\Test" + $f + ".dat"
        c:\sqlio\sqlio2.exe -s1000 -T100 -t1 -o32 -b32 $pa -BN -LS -frandom $pf

    $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $file, $cpum
Write-Host "`rAll jobs have been started"
" "
Read-Host "Press [ENTER] to continue"

# Stop All jobs

$item = 0
get-job | % {
   Write-Host "`rStopping job ", $item -NoNewLine
   Stop-Job $_
   Remove-Job $_
Write-Host "`rAll jobs have been stopped"

"   ___  _  ______            _ _     _    "
"  ( _ )| |/ / __ )        __| (_)___| | __"
"  / _ \| ' /|  _ \ _____ / _' | / __| |/ /"
" | (_) | . \| |_) |_____| (_| | \__ \   < "
"  \___/|_|\_\____/       \__,_|_|___/_|\_\"
"Workload: 8KB random read IOs coming from remote disk"
"Results: around 600,000 8KB IOPs"
" "
"   ___  _  ______                       _          " 
"  ( _ )| |/ / __ )        ___ __ _  ___| |__   ___ "
"  / _ \| ' /|  _ \ _____ / __/ _' |/ __| '_ \ / _ \"
" | (_) | . \| |_) |_____| (_| (_| | (__| | | |  __/"
"  \___/|_|\_\____/       \___\__,_|\___|_|_|_|\___|"
" "
"Workload: 8KB random read IOs coming remote cached (RAM)"
"Results: around 1,000,000 8KB IOPs"
" "
"  _____ ___  _  __ ___            _ _     _        "   
" |___ /___ \| |/ / __ )        __| (_)___| | __    "
"   |_ \ __) | ' /|  _ \ _____ / _' | / __| |/ /    "
"  ___) / __/| . \| |_) |_____| (_| | \__ \   <     "
" |____/_____|_|\_\____/       \__,_|_|___/_|\_\    "
" "
"Workload: 32KB random read IOs coming from remote disk"
"Results: around 500,000 IOPs, around 16.5 GBytes/sec throughput"
" "
" "




Finally, if you want to review the demo or the full presentation, here are a few links:

Dell announces Precision M2800, an affordable mobile workstation PC



Dell has announced a new member of its mobile workstation lineup: the Dell Precision M2800.

The 15-inch mobile workstation shares many mobile workstation attributes and capabilities with more expensive offerings, but starts at just $1,199 -- a lower price-point compared with other 15-inch mobile workstation PCs.

“The M2800 has rugged reliability, powerful workstation graphics capabilities, and ISV certification for many of the popular creative and design apps that professionals rely on,” writes Gavin Gear on The Extreme Windows Blog.

The M2800 will be available this spring.

To learn more, head over to the Extreme Windows Blog.

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· Anchorman 2” and “SOS Island” give Microsoft 2 nominations for Festival of Media Global Awards
· Italy's Lombardia region uses open data on Windows Azure to build for the future
· Get ready for “Titanfall” with these three apps for Xbox One

Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

‘Rayman Fiesta Run’ gives endless runner new adventures on Windows Phone devices



Rayman is off on a new fleet-footed adventure in “Rayman Fiesta Run.” It’s a party full of Rayman’s characteristic running, jumping and flying, with a few new powers such as swimming, sliding and the Super Punch.

Join him in more than 75 new levels set in four new festive worlds, with three new epic bosses to beat to reach the Land of the Livid Dead Island. But be wary of new traps, fierce enemies and other challenges that may get in your way.

Install “Rayman Fiesta Run” from the Windows Phone Store.

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Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff

Interview with a Turkish Wiki Ninja: Ugur Demir @Ed Price Special guest and demand!


Uğur Demir Profile

Who are you, where are you and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies?

Hi, I’m Ugur Demir. I have been working for 7 years as a professional in the computing industry. Previously, I worked in consulting firms. Now, I’m working on prominent technology company in Turkey, on System Engineer. Since before, consulting origin to have been worked on many projects and I have continued to take new projects,for
this scopes. My areas of interest and expertise, Unified Communication (Exchange Server, Lync Server, BES Server, Active Directory). Also on Cloud and System Center Family at my work continues. But, Microsoft Exchange System’re very special for me

Merhaba, ben Uğur Demir. Profesyonel anlamda 7 yıldır IT sektörü içerisindeyim. Danışmanlık kökenli biriyim. Şuan da Türkiye’nin önde gelen bir teknoloji firmasında System Engineer olarak görev almaktayım.Danışmanlık kökenli olduğum için birçok projede görev aldım ve görev almaya da devam etmekteyim. İlgi ve uzmanlık alanım ise Unified Communication ( Exchange Server, Lync Server, Bes Server, Active Directory ). Ayrıca Cloud ve System Center Ailesi üzerine de çalışmalarım devam etmekte. Ancak Exchange Server’ın benim için yeri çok ayrı. 


What are your big projects right now?

Actually, I’m a lot of installation and migration projects realized. But most important for me in my early projects, one of Turkey's leading company in the pharmaceutical industry Cloud Exchange and, likewise a big portfolio management companies, installation and setup comes Cloud Exchange. Following this, now that I
have worked with technology companies and, BES Server and Lync Server integration is to come.

Aslında birçok kurulum ve migration projesi gerçekleştirdim.Ancak benim için en önemli projelerimin başında, Türkiye’nin önde gelen ilaç sanayi firmalarından birine Cloud Exchange kurulumu ve yine büyük bir portföy yönetim şirketine Cloud Exchange kurulumu gelmektedir. Bunu takiben ise yine çalışmış olduğum şirkete Lync Server ve Bes Server entegrasyonu gelmektedir.


Besides your work on TechNet Wiki, where do you contribute?

As well as Technet Wiki, I’m writing and sharing my knowledge and experience, on my personal blog and the other web sites.


Technet Wiki’nin yanı sıra www.cozumpark.com, www.mcitp.gen.tr, http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/tr-TR/home ve www.ugurdemir.net kişisel blogumda bilgi birikimlerimi ve tecrübelerimi paylaşmaktayım.


What is TechNet Wiki for? Who is it for?

I think The Technet Wiki like a published library. And the days have passed, with the sharing of IT professionals continues to grow.

Technet Wiki açık bir kütüphane gibi, gün geçtikte biz IT uzmanlarının paylaşımı ile de daha da büyümektedir.


What is it about TechNet Wiki that interests you?

The Technet Wiki, primary information resource for all IT professionals. Because, in here, who shared and written, Microsoft personnel as the sharing of first-hand, as well as knowledge of the experts working on Microsoft technologies and share their experiences as the place where I see. As time progresses, The Technet Wiki for Turkey contents also think that more will come your way.

Wiki tüm IT uzmanlarının öncelikli kaynağı. Çünkü burada paylaşılanlar ve yazılanlar gerek Microsoft personelllerinin paylaşımı olarak birinci ağızdan, gerekse Microsoft teknolojileri üzerine çalışan uzmanların bilgi birikim ve tecrübelerini paylaştığı yer olarak görmekteyim. Zaman ilerledikçe Technet Wiki Türkiye içeriğinin de daha fazla yol kat edeceğini düşünüyorum.


What are your favourite Wiki articles you’ve contributed?

My favorite article on Microsoft  Technet Wiki for Turkey,


I has been cause of a problem I had experienced was an event, so I have prepared than.

Bugüne kadar Wiki üzerinden yazdığım makalelerden favorim http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/21464.exchange-2010-transport-rule-ile-subject-bazl-mail-kopyalarnn-farkl-kullanclara-gonderilmesi-tr-tr.aspx Yaşadığım bir sorundan dolayı tecrübe ettiğim bir olaydı, bu nedenle hazırlamıştım.


What are your top 5 favourite Wiki articles?


Who has impressed you in the Wiki community, and why? 

Since the past, I was recognize as subscribers on the Internet. TechNet Wiki community to call me upon invitation I accepted this offer. Then I began to share in here and more will be coming soon. I’m following and loving to wiki blogs through my friends.

Geçmişten bu yana paylaşımcı biri olduğum için, Technet Wiki topluluğunun beni aralarına davet etmesi üzerine bu teklifi kabul ettim. Akabinde ise buradan paylaşımlara başladım ve devam da edeceğim. Wiki üzerinde arkadaşlarımın paylaştıkları sayesinde de onların tecrübelerini de okumuş incelemiş oluyorum.


What does success look like for TechNet Wiki?

I think, by the working IT professionals, demand to see so many of the Technet Wiki is a great success. And this it will be continue. I am honor and proud of being in this team.

IT sektöründe çalışan uzmanlar tarafından Technet Wiki’nin bu kadar çok rağbet görmesi bence büyük bir başarıdır ve böylede devam edecektir. Bu ekip içerisinde olmaktan ise onur ve gurur duymaktayım.


Best regards, Ugur Demir

Teşekkürler Uğur Demir


MVA’s Most Engaging Developers Get You Ready for //build


Join entertaining and inspiring technology experts Jeremy Foster, Christopher Harrison, Miranda Luna, Stacy Mulcahy and others for three lively days of deep dives to help you gear up for next month’s //build conference. Whether you’re a web, app, C#, .NET, or JavaScript developer, you’re sure to stretch your dev muscles before the //build workout.

We start the series on March 26 with “Initialize(),” which focuses on various paradigms comparing JavaScript and C# side by side on the Microsoft platform. We continue on March 27 with “Construct(),” where you learn how to create great layout and style with XAML and HTML5. And we wrap on March 28 with “Extend(),” a session on successful mobile app and smart device strategies.

Sign up for one, two, or all three sessions, and be sure to bring questions for the Q&A!

//building blocks:

Dates and times:

Initialize(), Wednesday, March 26, 9:00am‒5pm PDT

Construct(), Thursday, March 27, 9:00am‒5pm PDT

Extend(), Friday, March 28, 9:00am‒5pm PDT
Where: Live, online virtual classroom
Cost: Free!

Register now!

Somewhere over the rainbow are new Windows desktop themes for you



Beautiful anytime, but certainly welcome in time for St. Patrick’s Day, are some new Windows desktop themes from Ireland, and sound alerts based on traditional Celtic music. There’s also a new batch rainbows to choose from, shown shining over landscapes from Wales to Madagascar.

For those who want a single image, you can try dramatic new wallpaper in which a rainbow arcs over the lush green Irish landscape, from photographer Michael Poecki, shown above.

Fans of the stunning space-scape artwork in the popular GTGraphics and GTGraphics 2 themes will be happy to see the release of GTGraphics 3. In this new theme, German artists Tobias Roetsch and Jeff Michelmann extend their dramatic signature style even further into mysterious worlds of fantasy, including underwater realms, castles and haunted city streets.

Learn more about these and other new Windows desktop themes on the Windows Experience Blog.

You might also be interested in:

· “Rayman Fiesta Run” gives endless runner new adventures on Windows Phone devices
· Dell announces Precision M2800, an affordable mobile workstation PC
· Get ready for “Titanfall” with these three apps for Xbox One

Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

PowerTip: Find Help for PowerShell DSC


Summary:  Learn how to find Help for Windows PowerShell 4.0 DSC.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question How can I find Help that is related to Windows PowerShell 4.0 Desired State Configuration (DSC)?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Use the Get-Help cmdlet (after running Update-Help), and then look for an _about file:

get-help about_desired*

Licensing How To: When do I need a Client Access License (CAL)?


SUMMARY:  Knowing who, when, and what needs a Client Access License (CAL) is a great question and one our team answers often. Under most scenarios, CAL requirements are generally straight forward, however, there are several specific scenarios which we address below.   In this Licensing How To post, we cover the basics of Client Access Licensing, and recap a few common scenarios which may apply to you.

The Licensing How To series posts are provided by our Customer Service Presales and Licensing team members.  These scenario based licensing topics are written on trending topics and issues based on their interactions with customers, Partners, and field sellers.  For more posts from the Licensing How To series, search the “Licensing How To” tag on this blog.


It’s a question we answer daily, “I have scenario X, Y, or Z. Do I need a CAL?”  Server software licensed via the Server / CAL licensing model always requires some sort of server license (which may be per instance or per processor depending on the Product) as well Client Access Licenses (CALs) for users and/or devices to access the server software.  However, the question of who or what needs a CAL, along with any noted exceptions, varies by product. 

The general requirement is, any User or Device that accesses the server software, either directly or indirectly, requires a CAL.  Depending on the product and functionality being accessed, additive CALs may be required as well. 

External users* (users who are not employees, onsite contractors, or onsite agents) can be licensed with CALs, External Connector licenses, and in some cases (SharePoint 2013, Lync 2013 or Exchange 2013) – external user access is granted with the Server License.

Access requirements vary by Product and you need to evaluate the requirements for each product you use. We encourage you to review the Product Use Rights, or Microsoft Software License Terms, that are applicable to you, and the products you use.

Here are a CAL questions that we answer frequently and we thought sharing them might help you when you think about your own CAL requirements. Please note that the below scenarios are based on licensing for the Server / CAL products currently available as of the date of publishing of this post.

Top CAL Questions

1 – Does my Multifunction Printer need a CAL?

Yes, if the multifunction printer is connected to a Windows Server network.  A multifunction printer accesses server software to; receive an IP address, to receive a job, to communicate that the job is finished, etc.  In short, it communicates with the server software.  If the multifunction printer is accessing any server software licensed via the Server / CAL licensing model it requires a CAL for that software. The one caveat is, if your users who use the printer have CALs then the printer is covered by their use via their CALs. If not then the printer itself requires a device CAL. The same CAL requirement applies to any other type of networked device – such as networked scanners, networked fax machines, etc.  Devices that do not connect to the network or the server software (generally referred to as peripherals) do not require CALs.

2 – Do my servers need a CAL?

Generally speaking – server to server communication does not require a CAL.  However, servers used to pool connections (sometimes referred to as multiplexing) does not reduce your CAL licensing requirements.  If, for example, you have an application server which uses SQL Server for its database – users of the application (or the devices they use) will need a SQL CAL even though they may not access the SQL Server directly.  If you use a Linux server to run a web server, but your users accessing the web server are being authenticated via Windows Server – users (or the devices they use) will need a Windows Server CAL.

3 – Do my external users need a CAL?

The general rule is all server software access requires a CAL.  However, external users* may have additional licensing options depending on the product.  For example, with Windows Server – external users can be licensed with CALs or External Connectors (whichever is more cost effective).  External user access to application servers such as SharePoint 2013, Lync 2013, and Exchange 2013 is included with the server software – CALs or External Connectors are not required for external users for these products.  Note: external users will need to be licensed appropriately for the underlying Windows Server operating system and related software such as SQL.

4 – Do I need an RDS CAL?

There are two basic scenarios which trigger the requirement for an RDS CAL.

    1. Your users or devices directly or indirectly access any of the RDS product functionality, and/or

    2. Your users of devices directly or indirectly interact with the graphical user interface of the server software using RDS functionality or other third party technology (e.g. Citrix, GraphOn, 2X to name a few)

If you meet either (or both) of the points described above – an RDS CAL is required.  It is also worth pointing out that point 2 above implies that RDS CALs are required when Windows Server is used to host any type of VDI solution (session based or otherwise).

5 – Do I need a CAL when my Windows Server is used to run a web server?

Windows Server 2012 R2 configured to run Web Workloads** do not require CALs or External Connectors.  Web workloads, also referred to as an internet web solution, are publically accessible (e.g. accessible outside of the firewall) and consist only of web pages, web sites, web applications, web services, and/or POP3 mail serving.  Access to content, information, and/or applications within the internet web solution must be publically accessible.  In other words, they cannot be restricted to you or your affiliate’s employees.  Also whether you are running a “web workload” or not – if users exchange personally identifiable information, or are otherwise individually identifiable (or the users are authenticated via a Microsoft or third party product) – CALs or External Connector licenses will be required to access the Windows Server(s) used to authenticate/identify users.

The end result?  If you have Windows Servers configured to run a “web workload” and your users are not being individually identified or authenticated in any way – these users will not require CALs or External Connectors.  However, let’s say you are using Windows Server to setup an online store where customers can buy widgets.  You have front end Windows Servers setup to support your website, and backend servers (e.g. commerce servers) setup so customers can check out and buy your widgets.  The front end servers used to host your website would generally be considered as running “web workloads” and CALs or External Connectors will not be required to access these servers.  Once the customer adds a widget to their shopping cart, creates an account and enters their credit card and shipping information to complete the sale – they are now authenticated via your commerce servers/application.  Since users are being authenticated (or individually identified) via the backend commerce servers – CALs or External Connectors will be required for the users of these servers.

6 – Can I use my CALs to access someone else’s server?

You may use CALs purchased by your company to access your servers, or servers owned by your Affiliates*** only.  You may not use your CALs to access servers owned by an un-affiliated third party.  Let’s say for example, that Company A and Company B are affiliates.  Company A wants to provide employees from Company B with access to their SharePoint Servers.  However, Company B already owns Windows Server and SharePoint Server CALs (that match the version of Windows and SharePoint Server that Company A uses).  Company A will not need to purchase additional Windows Server or SharePoint Server CALs since employees from their affiliate, Company B, are already covered with the appropriate CALs.  If we use the same scenario as above, but assume Company A and B are not affiliated - then CALs owned by B cannot be used to access Company A’s servers.  Company A would need to appropriately license their SharePoint farm for external users.

7 – Do I need CALs for my administrators?

Server software licensed using CALs permits up to 2 users or devices to access the server software for the purposes of administration without CALs.  However, if your administrators also use the software for anything other than administration (for example, they check their email), CALs will be required for them as well.

For additional information on CAL requirements, consult your Product Use Rights, License Terms, or contact your Reseller, Microsoft Partner, or Account Team.  Many products have licensing guides on the Volume License Website and/or their respective product sites.  Here are a few of our favorite resources on the subject.

Multiplexing - Client Access License (CAL) Requirements
Base and Additive Client Access Licenses: An Explanation
Licensing Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services
About Licensing – Client Access Licenses and Management Licenses


* External Users means users that are not either your or your affiliates’ employees, or your or your affiliates’ onsite contractors or onsite agents.

** Web Workloads (also referred to as “Internet Web Solutions”) are publicly accessible and consist solely of web pages, websites, web applications, web services, and/or POP3 mail serving. For clarity, access to content, information, and applications served by the software within an Internet Web Solution is not limited to your or your affiliates’ employees.

Software in Internet Web Solutions is used to run:

  • web server software (for example, Microsoft Internet Information Services), and management or security agents (for example, the System Center Operations Manager agent).

  • database engine software (for example, Microsoft SQL Server) solely to support Internet Web Solutions.

  • the Domain Name System (DNS) service to provide resolution of Internet names to IP addresses as long as that is not the sole function of that instance of the software.

***“Affiliate” means any legal entity that a party owns, that owns a party, or that is under common ownership with a party.  “Ownership” means, for purposes of this definition, control of more than a 50% interest in an entity.

This is one scenario and licensing situation. Each customer scenario can vary by deployment, usage, product version, and product use rights.  Always check your contract, and the current Products Use Rights document to confirm how your environment should be fully licensed.  The blogging team does not warrant that this scenario will be the right licensing solution for other similar cases.

Exchange 2003 migration toolkit


Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 entered the market on September 28, 2003 and continued the great messaging and collaboration experience that Microsoft Exchange Server had provided in previous releases. As we approach April 8, 2014, we want to inform users of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 of the opportunities you have as we near the end of support for that version of Exchange.

We have been told by a variety of customers that some of the top concerns of businesses today involve data security, compliance, eDiscovery, mobile devices use / bring-your-own-device, and IT management. While Exchange 2003 was a leader in messaging space, its decade old capabilities may not meet the needs of a modern business. Exchange Online or Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 provide an updated, modern solution that address these top concerns and provide additional capabilities to meet your business needs. In comparing versions of Exchange Server, you will quickly see all of the benefits of moving to the current version of the platform.

The process to move from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2013 on-premises is a two-step migration.  There is no native, direct migration path from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange 2013 on premises; it must be done in stages.  For an Exchange Online migration, you can use the Migration dashboard in the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) to migrate mailboxes and mail content from an on-premises messaging system (including Exchange 2003) to Exchange Online and your Office 365 organization. You can migrate mailboxes and mailbox data from Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010, Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2003, or migrate mailbox data from an IMAP messaging system.

The migration plan should address immediate needs but should also focus directly on the future of your messaging platform. Please use the information and resources below to help you make a decision that meets all of your needs.

The Exchange 2003 Migration Tool Kit

Exchange Server Deployment Assistant:

Exchange 2003 - Planning Roadmap for Upgrade and Coexistence

*Many other migration references linked from this topic*

Depending on your choices in the Exchange Server Deployment Assistant you may elect to migrate to Exchange 2013 on-premises via Exchange 2010, or you may elect to migrate directly to our Office 365 hosted Exchange environment. The references linked at the end of this post provide more information on specific migration scenarios and coexistence with both Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013.

Coexistence of Exchange 2013 and earlier versions of Exchange Server:

Exchange versionExchange 2013 organization coexistence
Exchange Server 2003 and earlier versionsNot supported

Exchange 2007

At this time, supported with the following versions of Exchange:

Minimum Update Rollup 13 for Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) on all Exchange 2007 servers in the organization, including Edge Transport servers.

The latest Cumulative Update or Service Pack for Exchange 2013 on all Exchange 2013 servers in the organization.

Exchange 2010

At this time, supported with the following versions of Exchange:

Exchange 2010 SP3 and latest Update Rollup on all Exchange 2010 servers in the organization, including Edge Transport servers.

The latest Cumulative Update or Service Pack for Exchange 2013 on all Exchange 2013 servers in the organization.

Mixed Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007 organization

At this time, supported with the following versions of Exchange:

Minimum Update Rollup 13 for Exchange 2007 SP3 on all Exchange 2007 servers in the organization, including Edge Transport servers..

Exchange 2010 SP3 and latest Update Rollup on all Exchange 2010 servers in the organization, including Edge Transport servers.

The latest Cumulative Update or Service Pack for Exchange 2013 on all Exchange 2013 servers in the organization.

On-premises Exchange organization

Hybrid deployments can be configured for on-premises Exchange 2007-based organizations or later. For Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 organizations, at least one Exchange 2013 Client Access and one Exchange 2013 Mailbox server must be installed in the on-premises organization to run the Hybrid Configuration wizard and support Exchange 2013-based hybrid deployment functionality. We recommend combining the Exchange 2013 Client Access and Mailbox server roles on a single server when configuring hybrid deployments with Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 environments. All on-premises Exchange 2013 servers must have installed the latest CU or Service Pack (whichever is newer) for Exchange 2013 to support hybrid functionality with Office 365.

For a complete listing of Exchange Server and Office 365 for enterprises tenant hybrid deployment compatibility, see the requirements listed in the following table for Exchange 2013-based and Exchange 2010-based hybrid deployments.

On-premises environment Exchange 2010-based hybrid with tenant version v14 Exchange 2010-based hybrid with tenant version v15 Exchange 2013-based hybrid with tenant version v15
Exchange 2013 latest CUNot supported*1Not applicableSupported
Exchange 2010 SP3SupportedSupportedSupported*5
Exchange 2010 SP2SupportedNot supported*2Not supported
Exchange 2010 SP1SupportedNot supported*2Not supported
Exchange 2007 SP3 RU13 or laterSupported*3Supported*4Supported*5
Exchange 2007 SP3Supported*3Not SupportedNot Supported
Exchange 2003 SP2Supported*3Supported*4Not Supported


1 - Blocked in Exchange 2013 setup
2 - Tenant upgrade notification provided in Exchange Management Console
3 - Requires at least one on-premises Exchange 2010 SP2 server
4 - Requires at least one on-premises Exchange 2010 SP3 server
5 - Requires at least one on-premises Exchange 2013 CU1 or greater (recommended) server

Office 365 for Enterprises  

An Office 365 for enterprises tenant and administrator account and user licenses must be available on the tenant service to configure a hybrid deployment. The Office 365 tenant version must be or greater to configure a hybrid deployment with Exchange 2013. Additionally, your Office 365 tenant status must not be transitioning between service versions. For a complete summary, see the preceding table. To verify your Office 365 tenant version and status, see Verify Office 365 tenant version and status here.

For Microsoft Premier customers who are interested in a more hands-on assisted approach, Microsoft has a workshop offering (EMRA – Exchange Migration Readiness Assessment).  We know that your company relies on Microsoft for reliable and secure business communication and collaboration. To ensure your users experience optimal levels of performance and availability during the migration period, Microsoft Services has created the Migrations Readiness Assessments.

Customized for your business, the Exchange Migration Readiness Assessment will provide an in-depth analysis of Active Directory and current Exchange environment for focus on readiness for a transition Exchange Server 2010 deployment.

A final report will be provided summarizing the key findings as well as key metrics collected from the environment, capturing the state of the current environment and its overall deployment readiness.

Focused on your IT needs, the Exchange Server 2010 Migration Readiness Assessments make up a 4 day on-site engagement that prepares both your data center and IT staff for a successful migration. We created the assessment to meet your specific needs focusing on the following areas:

  • Proactive analysis of your on-premises messaging environment.
  • Focused and tailored knowledge transfer to enable and prepare your IT staff.
  • A detailed report of your current on-premises deployment.
  • Key planning metrics to accelerate migration and deployment.
  • Documented roadmap to enable worry free migration.
  • Optional component to evaluate readiness to support Exchange Online features.
  • Accelerate Migration and Maximize Adoption

Microsoft Services delivers a comprehensive assessment of your current environment in preparation for a smooth migration. Exchange Server 2010 Migrations Readiness Assessment significantly reduces your exposure to costly mistakes and delays that can impact your end users’ experience with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.

For more information about consulting and support offerings from Microsoft, contact your Microsoft Services representative or visit www.microsoft.com/services.


Understanding Upgrade to Exchange 2010

Understanding Upgrade from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010

Understanding Upgrade from Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010

Checklist: Upgrading from Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007

Upgrading Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2007

Common Mistakes When Upgrading Exchange 2000/2003 To a Exchange 2007

Upgrading Exchange ActiveSync to Exchange 2010

MCS team blog:  Prepare client side environment to Upgrade from Exchange 2003/2007 to Exchange 2010

Upgrade from Exchange 2003 Mailbox

How to Remove the Last Legacy Exchange Server from an Organization

How to remove the first Exchange Server 2003 computer from the administrative group

For SBS customers:  Guided Walk-Through of How to Remove the Last Legacy Exchange Server from an Organization in a SBS 2003 to SBS 2011 Migration

How to Uninstall Exchange Server 2003

How to migrate mailbox data by using the Exchange Admin Center in Office 365

Outlook.com Help | How to perform an Exchange 2003 cutover migration to the Office 365 Cloud

Outlook.com Help | How to perform an Exchange 2003  staged migration to the Office 365 Cloud

Microsoft Product support lifecycle information by product family

For all of the YouTube fans, there are numerous Exchange MVP and community contributors who have published hundreds of videos with guided walk-through for Exchange 2003 migration scenarios which may be helpful to review:  http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=exchange+2003+migration+to+exchange+2010&sm=3

Chris Lineback, Ed Grant
Premier Field Engineers

New tools from Bing Ads help advertisers do more with their campaign data


Bing Ads has released a new set of tools to help make the partnership between advertisers and Bing Ads more seamless.

The tools include Search Term Reporting, an evolution of the Search Query Report. “As you may know, that’s something we’ve dedicated to delivering,” writes Stephen Sirich on the Bing Ads blog. “The Search Query Report helps advertisers better manage their search traffic by listing search queries that trigger clicks for their campaigns.”

Also new: the Bing Ads Reporting API is introducing the Ad Extension Detail Report, which advertisers can use to get more details on how their ad extensions are performing.

To learn more details about these improvements and others, and read Sirich’s full post on the Bing Ads blog.

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