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Study: Consumers want to share information online – but they also want to be in control of it


As brands try to forge relationships with consumers through data, while still respecting their privacy, Microsoft Advertising’s research may come in handy, with findings like this: When consumers feel in control, they’re more likely to share their personal data.

As the Microsoft Advertising Blog reports, the soon-to-be-released “Consumer Decision Journey: Financial Services” study shows “control was the single biggest factor driving consumers to share information: 68 percent of U.S. consumers are more likely to share if they feel in control. Secondarily, they also want the power to stop sharing or delete information at any time.”

Microsoft Advertising’s 2014 Digital Trends research includes the Right to Anonymity trend, which shows that the desire for anonymity translates to more demands for privacy controls and for the right to delete digital footprints. Most importantly for brands, 84 percent of consumers say they are more likely to buy from a brand that allows them to update their privacy settings.

Microsoft Advertising’s Kelly Jones had a few recommendations for brands, including offering complete access to the information being collected by consumers, helping them understand the value of the data they share and placing time limits on user-generated content.

To read Jones’ entire post, head over to the Microsoft Advertising Blog.

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Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff

Azure and SharePoint Break Records in Sochi.


imageI knew that we were playing a major role in the digital delivery of the Sochi Winter Games with our Azure Media Services offering and powering the official site on Azure, but now that the games are over I learned more details.

The Sochi games had the largest-ever audience on an authenticated stream for any sporting event in history. More than 2.1 million people! We’re talking Youtube.com number here. As a matter of fact, Windows Weekly mentioned that previous Olympic events used YouTube as the streaming provider. I looked it up and it’s true. The London Olympics used YouTube. This is pretty huge in my eyes: we took streaming video business away from YouTube???!! Congratulations to our team that closed the deal and the team that delivered on the goods.

Some other highlights include

  • 6,000 hours of HD streaming from Azure Media Services
  • Streaming delivered to 5 broadcasters across 22 countries in 4 continents
  • 204 Live Streaming Channels
  • 100TB of storage allocated for effort
  • 500 billion storage transactions

For my people attending #SPC14, the SharePoint and Dynamics products were used for  infrastructure management, systems, information management and communications for the games. The system was nicknamed “Dynamics for Olympics” and managed

  • 800k units of equipment
  • 36k sq meters of warehouse space
  • 1,200,000 liters of diesel fuel
  • 18,500 truck deliveries over the last 3 months.

More details are available in the Microsoft Russia Olympics Press Release.

Los Angeles Unified School District chooses Office 365 for faculty and staff


The Los Angeles Unified School District, the second-largest school district in the U.S., has selected Office 365 as its faculty and staff email solution.

The district chose Office 365 for its reliability, flexibility and security features, as well as the opportunity to reduce the amount of time the district’s IT team spends on maintaining its infrastructure.

“With Office 365, we are supported by an integrated communication and collaboration platform that helps us work more efficiently and deliver better outcomes for teachers, administrators and students,” said Ron Chandler, the district’s chief information officer, in a press release. “It also aligns with our vision for the district to move away from relying solely on our datacenter; the cloud enables us to free up resources and devote them to other mission-critical activities.”

Read more about why the Los Angeles Unified School District chose Office 365 in this press release.

You might also be interested in:

· RCS MediaGroup uses Office 365 and other Microsoft technology to modernize its communications
· Customers win with continued Microsoft Dynamics collaboration
· Check it off your to-do list with help from 2Day for Windows PCs, tablets and phones

Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

Video ¿Cómo crear un indicador gráfico? - Buenas prácticas con Microsoft Project


Otro nuevo video de la serie "Buenas prácticas con Microsoft Project", aquí aprenderemos cómo crear un indicador gráfico.

(Please visit the site to view this video)

Vicente Rubio Peinado (AIC) | v-TSP Project y Visio | Microsoft Project MVP


Los Angeles Unified School District chooses Office 365 for faculty and staff


The Los Angeles Unified School District, the second-largest school district in the U.S., has selected Office 365 as its faculty and staff email solution.

The district chose Office 365 for its reliability, flexibility and security features, as well as the opportunity to reduce the amount of time the district’s IT team spends on maintaining its infrastructure.

“With Office 365, we are supported by an integrated communication and collaboration platform that helps us work more efficiently and deliver better outcomes for teachers, administrators and students,” said Ron Chandler, the district’s chief information officer, in a press release. “It also aligns with our vision for the district to move away from relying solely on our datacenter; the cloud enables us to free up resources and devote them to other mission-critical activities.”

Read more about why the Los Angeles Unified School District chose Office 365 in this press release.

You might also be interested in:

· RCS MediaGroup uses Office 365 and other Microsoft technology to modernize its communications
· Customers win with continued Microsoft Dynamics collaboration
· Check it off your to-do list with help from 2Day for Windows PCs, tablets and phones

Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

Integrációs lehetőségek – Virtual Machine Manager és Configuration Manager


A Configuration Manager 2012 R2-ben az egyik újdonság, hogy Task Sequence segítségével virtuális diszkeket hozhatunk létre, amelyeket feltölthetünk a Virtual Machine Manager library-be.


Amikor először hallottam erről a lehetőségről, akkor azt gondoltam, hogy egy olyan „zero touch” megoldást kapunk, amely során a Configuration Managerben összeállított operációs rendszer nagy tételben lesz teríthető a VMM segítségével. A rossz hír, hogy az igazság, sajnos, nem teljesen ez. A jó hír, hogy egy kis munkával ez a cél elérhető.


A folyamat a ConfigMgr konzol Software Library – Operating Systems – Task Sequences menüjénél kezdődik. A címsoron a Create Task Sequence gombra kattintva megnyílik a varázsló, és egyből látjuk, hogy egy új lehetőséggel gazdagodtunk – megjelent az Install an existing image package to a virtual hard disk opció.




Az első lépésben nevet adunk a Task Sequence-nek, és kiválasztjuk a használni kívánt boot image-t.




A következő feladat a megfelelő image package, és azon belül a jó image file, megadása. Ugyanitt kell megadni a termékkulcsot, és eldönteni, hogy mi legyen a lokális rendszergazda jelszava.




Ezután azt kell eldönteni, hogy munkacsoporthoz vagy tartományhoz csatlakozik-e a gép. Ha a domain mellett döntünk, szükségünk lesz egy megfelelő jogosultságokkal rendelkező fiókra is.




Gyorsan definiáljuk, hogy melyik csomagból kívánjuk telepíteni a ConfigMgr klienst, illetve, hogy milyen alkalmazásokat szeretnénk még installálni.






A varázsló végén még áttekintjük a választásainkat, és már készen is vagyunk a Task Sequence-szel.






Ha megnézzük a Task Sequence tulajdonságait, láthatjuk, hogy az utolsó lépésben leállítjuk a számítógépet. Ennek a virtuális diszk készítésénél nagyon fontos szerepe van.




Ha kész a Task Sequence, akkor a ConfigMgr konzol Software Library – Operating Systems – Virtual Hard Disk nézetében kattintsunk a Create Virtual Hard Disk opcióra!


Az első lépés itt is a név megadása, amellyel a ConfigMgr azonosítani fogja a diszket. Ezt kiegészíthetjük verzióval és megjegyzéssel is. Az oldal alsó részén határozzuk meg, hogy milyen megosztásra, milyen névvel hozza létre a ConfigMgr a diszk fájlt.




A következő oldalon kell megadnunk, hogy melyik Task Sequence-t szeretnénk használni. Ha ez megtörtént, akkor kapunk egy gyors áttekintést arról, hogy milyen csomagok (pl. boot image, Windows image, alkalmazások) tartoznak a kiválasztott lépés sorozathoz.




Amennyiben több olyan Distribution Point is tartozik a rendszerhez, amelyen az összes érintett csomag megtalálható, kiválaszthatjuk azt, ahonnan a varázsló a fájlokat „begyűjti”.




A végén lehetőségünk van változók és prestart parancsok definiálására is, majd megint áttekintjük a fontosabb adatokat.






A fenti lépések nagyon hasonlóak ahhoz, amelyeken akkor megyünk végig, amikor egy stand alone mediát hozzunk létre. Ennek az az oka, hogy pontosan ezt tesszük! Amint végeztünk a varázslóval, a ConfigMgr konzol a következő lépéseket hajtja végre:


1. Létrehoz egy stand alone mediát a konzolt futtató felhasználó profiljának \AppData\Local\Temp könyvtárában.

2. Csinál egy új virtuális gépet, amelnyek egy csúnya, véletlenszerűen kitalált nevet ad.

3. Bemountolja a mediát a gépbe, és elkezdi lefutatni a Task Sequence-t.

4. Létrehozza a diszket a megadott helyen (amíg nincsen teljesen kész, addig ez a fájl is profil \AppData\Local\Temp könyvtárában található).






A folyamatról a ConfigMgr konzol log könyvtárában (alapból C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\AdminUILog) létrehozott CreateTsMedia.log és DeployToVhd.log állományok nyújtanak részletes információt.




A Task Sequence utolsó lépésénél láttuk, hogy arra szolgál, hogy leállítsa a virtuális gépet, amelyet létrehoztunk. A varázsló akkor tekinti sikeresnek a virtuális diszk elkészítését, ha a virtuális gép leáll. Ha ez nem történik meg, a varázsló nem fejeződik be, és a diszk nem készül el.


Ha egy olyan Task Sequence-t adunk meg, amelyik belépteti a tartományba a gépet, akkor azt fogjuk tapasztalni, hogy a virtuális gép nem áll le. Ennek magyarázatáért nézzük meg a virtuális gép tulajdonságait, és látni fogjuk, hogy nincsen hálózati adaptere neki.




Így amikor a Task Sequence a domain join lépéshez ér, hibára fut, és leáll. Ennek köszönhetően nem is fog elérni az utolsó, számítógépet leállítandó lépéshez. Az eredmény: egy futó, konfigurálatlan virtuális gép.



1. A Task Sequence készítésénél adjunk meg workgroupot domain helyett.

2. Maradunk a domain tagságnál, de kapcsoljuk be a “"Continue on error opciót az Apply Network Settings lépés Options fülén.






A Windows termék kulcs a másik lépés, ahol elcsúszhat a „zero touch”-os virtuális diszk létrehozás . Amennyiben a Task Sequence nem tartalmazza a kulcsot, a Windows vagy a kulcsra, vagy a lépés kihagyásának utasítására fog várni, és megmaradunk ebben az állapotban:




Ha a Task Sequence gond nélkül lefutott, a virtuális gép leállása után a ConfigMgr konzol kimásolja a diszket az általunk megadott könyvtárba, magát a gépet pedig törli.




A varázsló sikeres futása után a diszk megjelenik a konzol megfelelő nézetében.




A következő lépés, hogy a lemezt feltöltjük a VMM library-ba. Ezt az Upload to Virtual Machine Manager gombra kattintással tehetjük meg. Csupán a használni kívánt VMM szervert kell megadnunk, majd kiválaszthatjuk, hogy melyik library share-re szeretnénk a diszket másolni. Érdekesség, hogy csak magát a share-t választhatjuk ki, az alkönyvtárak közti böngészésre nincs lehetőség, így a diszk a feltöltés után a library share gyökerébe kerül.










A diszk feltöltésének folyamatát és eredményét a VMM munkák közt is ellenőrizhetjük, hiszen a háttérben a VMM egy erőforrás importot hajt végre.




Ha a diszket sikeresen feltöltöttük a library-be, a ConfigMgr része véget is ért a folyamatnak, és inntől a Virtual Machine Managerrel dolgozunk tovább.


Ahhoz, hogy a virtuális diszket többször is felhasználhassuk virtuális gépek létrehozására, érdemes egy VM template-t létrehozni. A template fogja meghatározni a gép hardver paramétereit (pl. processzor, memória, hálózati kapcsolatok), és bizonyos operációs rendszer  beállításokat (pl. gépnév, tartomány tagság, lokális rendszergazda fiók jelszava). Ezeket a konfigurációkat a különböző profilokban tároljuk. A könnyebb konfigurálhatóság miatt előre el lehet készíteni a hardver, és operációs rendszer profilokat, és később „összelegózni” belőlük a VM template-t.


Így először készítsünk egy hardver-, és operációs rendszer profilt a VMM konzol Library – Profiles szekciójában!






Ha ezekkel készen vagyunk, kattintsunk a Create VM Template gombra a template létrehozásához!


Először ki kell választanunk a mintául használandó template-t vagy diszket. Válasszuk ki tehát a frissen importált, ConfigMgr által létrehozott lemezünket!




A következő lépés a template nevének és leírásnak megadása.




Most következik a “legózás”. A Configure Hardware és Configure Operating System lépéseknél a profilok közül válasszuk ki a korábban létrehozottakat, hogy azok a beállítások jussanak érvényre a gépen!






Mivel jelenleg egy Windows 7-et telepítünk, a következő két lépés (Application Configuration és SQL Server Configuration) nem lesz elérhető. Ezeket a beállításokat csak szerver operációs rendszert futtató virtuális gépek szervizként történő telepítése esetén tudjuk kihasználni (erről talán legközelebb).








Ha elkészült a template, akkor váltsunk át a VMs and Services nézetre, és kattintsunk a Create Virtual Machine gombra!


A template létrehozásához hasonlóan most is választanunk kell, hogy mi alapján készítjük el a virtuális gépet. Válasszuk ki a listából a template-ünket, majd kattintsunk a Next gombra!




A Specify Virtual Machine Identity oldalon megadhatjuk azt a nevet, amely alapján a VMM hivatkozni fog az új gépre (ez nem azonos a számítógépnévvel!). Ha üresen hagyjuk, a program automatikusan elnevezi a virtuális gépet a számítógépnév alapján, amelyet a Guest OS profil Identity Information részéből vesz.




A következő lépések során ellenőrizhetjük, és ha szeretnénk, megváltoztatjuk a hardver-, és operációs rendszer beállításokat, amelyeket a template-n keresztül örököl meg a gép.






Ezután ki kell választanunk, hogy hol szeretnénk a virtuális gépet létrehozni. Lehetőségünk van a gépet privát felhőbe, vagy fizikai gépek csoportjára (Host Group) telepíteni.




A VMM ellenőrzi, hogy a cél host grouphoz tartozó gépek beállításai rendben vannak-e, és ad egy becslést a különböző hostok értékeléséről is (ez úgy működik, mint anno a Panzer Generalban: minél több a csillag, annál jobb). Válasszuk ki a hostot, amelyen a gépet létre szeretnénk hozni!




Az utolsó lépések során ellenőrizhetjük a beállításokat, és megmondhatjuk, hogy a VMM mit csináljon a géppel a host indításakor és leállásakor.








A lépések végén a VMM nekiáll az új gép elkészítésének -  és hibára fut!




A hibaüzenet szerint nem sikerült a sysprep futtatása, mert a megadott diszk nem lett általánosítva (generalize). Szükségünk van tehát egy sysprepelt diszkre. Ahhoz, hogy a ConfigMgr ilyet állítson elő, módosítani kell a Task Sequence-t.


A sysprep csak workgroupba tartozó gépen tud futni, mivel azonban a  gépet hálózati csatlakozás hiánya miatt nem tudtuk domainba léptetni, ez nem fog gondot jelenteni.


A ConfigMgr kliens imageléséhez el kell távolítani számos beállítást és fájlt a számítógépről. Ezt a legegyszerűbben a Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture lépéssel tehetjük meg.




A számítógép leállítását végző utolsó lépést úgy módosítjuk, hogy a shutdown parancs helyett egy felparaméterezett sysprep-et futtatunk.




Ha a virtuális diszket az így módosított Task Sequence-t használva állítjuk elő, akkor a VMM már nem fog hibát dobni a sysprep miatt. Cserébe viszont a virtuális gép létrehozásánál feldobja a végfelhasználói EULA-t. Ezt persze kézzel is elfogadhatjuk, és válaszolhatunk a további felmerülő kérdésekre is, de ezzel ugrott a „zero-touch” telepítés.




Ezt úgy tudjuk elkerülni, hogy a beállításokat egy answer file segítségével adjuk meg a rendszernek. A screenshoton látható answer file amellett, hogy elfogadja az EULA-t és átléptet az első lépéseken (pl. Windows Update beállítás) gondoskodik a gép tartományba léptetéséről is.




Az answer file-t vagy a Guest OS profilban, vagy a VM template megfelelő részén tudjuk a rendszerhez illeszteni.




Ha megint lefutatjuk a virtuális gép készítő lépés sorozatot, akkor a VMM sikeresen, minden felhasználói beavatkozás nélkül telepíteni fogja a gépet a kijelölt hostra, és a konfigurálást is el fogja végezni.




Íme, az eredmény:





Announcement: Windows Azure RMS Documentation Library Update for February 2014


Hi everybody

As per Carol’s introduction post, she's letting you know what's new and hot in the docs for this month.

Reminders: Follow us on twitter (@TheRMSGuy) and join in our our new RMS peer community at www.yammer.com/AskIPTeam.


   Dan (on behalf of the RMS team)

The Documentation Library for Windows Azure Rights Management has been updated on the web and the latest content has Updated: February 1, 2014 at the top of the topic.

Summary of the documentation available:

In addition, there are the Rights Management sharing application guides (also applicable to AD RMS):

Because there was a new release of the sharing application this month, changes for these are also listed in this post. 

We value customer feedback and try to incorporate it when possible.  Although we can't promise to make the docs perfect for everybody, we are committed to continual improvement.  If you have any feedback about the docs for Windows Azure RMS, email AskIPTeam@Microsoft.com.


What's New for the RMS Sharing Application Documentation, Februrary 2014

Rights Management sharing application administration guide

- Updated the enterprise installation instructions:

  • The deployment scenarios are clarified and updated to reflect the changes in the new release.
  • The procedures and verifications are updated for the simpler install instructions and users no longer have to have local administrative permissions.

Rights Management sharing application user guide

- Updated the Dialog box options topic for a new section, What's the difference between generic and (built-in) native protection?

FAQ for Microsoft Rights Management Sharing Application for Windows

- New section added for Common Issues: Limitations for Office 2010 and Windows Azure RMS


What's New in the Documentation Library for Windows Azure Rights Management, February 2014

The following information lists the topics that contain significant changes since the last update (January 2014).

RMS for Individuals and Windows Azure Rights Management

- New topic that explains how the free subscription to Windows Azure RMS works, and how the administrator can take control of the directory and accounts that are created in Windows Azure Active Directory.  This supplements the blog post that Tejas previously published: Introducing Microsoft Rights Management for individuals.

Comparing Windows Azure Rights Management and AD RMS

- Added a new section, Cryptographic controls for signing and encryption. This addition makes it easy for people who are looking for security-specific information to confirm that Windows Azure RMS always uses SHA 256 (2048 bits) for signing, and AES 128 for encryption.

Information and Support for Windows Azure Rights Management

- New topic that lists additional links and resources for Windows Azure RMS, such as how to provide feedback about the documentation and how to search just the Windows Azure RMS documentation by using a scoped search query - very useful!  You'll also find RMS-specific links to Yammer, forums, and the new Curah! site where you'll find curated content (including Dan's top 10 links).  If you create your own curations on this site for Windows Azure Rights Management, add the "Azure RMS" tag and others will see them when they click the link in this topic.

Terminology for Windows Azure Rights Management

- New topic that lists terms and abbreviations that are either specific to Windows Azure Rights Management, or have a specific meaning when used in the context of Windows Azure Rights Management.  With all the new features we've been adding and the new terms (and abbreviations) that often accompany new functionality, we thought a list like this would be helpful.  Let us know if you find this useful and if you think there are entries missing that could help other customers.

Planning and Implementing Your Windows Azure Rights Management Tenant Key

- Updated to move the information about the ongoing operations to a new topic, Operations for Your Rights Management Tenant Key, where the lifecycle operations are now in two separate sections for Microsoft-managed, and customer-managed. This reorganization of the (same) information makes it easier to find the information that’s relevant for your chosen tenant key topology, without having to read or scroll through information about the other topology.

In addition, the pictures in this topic were updated and a new picture added that shows the tenant key operations for a customer-managed topology, so that it’s easier to compare and contrast with the Microsoft-managed (BYOK) topology.

One technical change was made to the Choose your tenant key topology section: The addition of a note that as an additional protective measure, Windows Azure RMS uses separate security worlds for its data centers in North America, EMEA, and Asia.

Deploying the Windows Azure Rights Management Connector

- Updates for this topic include the following:

  • Newly supported scenario of file servers that use File Classification Infrastructure (FCI) to classify and apply policies to documents in a folder. For more information, see the Configuring a file server for File Classification Infrastructure to use the connector section.
  • The addition of an architecture overview diagram, to show the various components involved when you deploy the connector.
  • Changes to the file names that now match the current file names on the Download Center.

Known Issues for Windows Azure Rights Management

- Removed from the Windows Azure Rights Management documentation library and will be permanently deleted in a future publication.  This topic contained entries for Windows PowerShell that are now either resolved, or moved to another topic where it is relevant to another procedure.  For example, the procedure to discover Object IDs is moved to Adding, Listing, or Removing Role-based Administrators for Windows Azure Rights Management because you might need this information for when you add or remove a role-based administrator.


Select Students’ Summer Plans: Big Apple, Big Data


Posted by Rob Knies

Organizers of the Microsoft Research Data Science Summer School

Today’s burgeoning interest in big data offers tremendous potential for driving services that promise to transform our future. That promise, though, doesn’t come without significant effort.
Harnessing the power of big data requires an unprecedented understanding of complex systems. Scalable computational tools are a necessity, as is the ability to comprehend and devise the sorts of scientific questions to extract meaning from masses of data.
But that’s not all, says Sharad Goel, senior researcher at Microsoft Research New York City.

...(read more)

Doc Updates for Windows Azure RMS - February 2014

Now on the Microsoft Rights Management (RMS) Team blog - Announcement: Windows Azure RMS Documentation Library Update for February 2014...(read more)

Tipy našeho fanouška Lukáše: Nové uživatelské rozhraní


Náš fanoušek Lukáš Kobylík vyhrál na facebookovém profilu Windows CZ možnost podělit se na tomto blogu s tím, jak každý den využívá Windows 8.1. Přečtěte si čtvrtý z jeho skvělých tipů, který se zabývá novým uživatelským rozhraním. (Na těchto odkazech najdete první, druhý a třetí tip.) 

Když vyšel Windows 8, říkal jsem si, že budu Windows Store aplikace využívat spíš na tabletu.
Nakonec je opak pravdou. Kvůli jednoduchosti a jejich rychlosti si i na počítači častokrát vyberu spíš aplikaci Pošta, než načítat stránky s e-mailem.
Před Windows 8.1 jsem moc Facebook nepoužíval. Neměl jsem ani moc času vše pročítat.
Dnes už si můžu stejně jako na Windows Phone připnout na úvodní obrazovku to, co mě zajímá. Mám na telefonu, na tabletu i na počítači skupinu dlaždic s přáteli a FB stránkami, jejichž novinky mě nejvíc zajímají. Když napíšou něco nového, hned se to zobrazí na dlaždici ve Startu.

Ovládací tlačítka
Výhodou těchto aplikací taky je, že se z nich dá velice snadno sdílet nebo z nich hned tisknout. Všechny tyto věci se dělají stejně, v ovládacích tlačítkách v pravé části obrazovky, které si zobrazím najetím myší do pravého rohu obrazovky nebo posunutím prstu z pravého okraje obrazovky.
Skvělým příkladem je třeba to, když otevřu pdf. Zobrazím si panel ovládacích tlačítek a můžu vybrat zařízení, svou tiskárnu a hned tisknout. Takto bych si mohl vytisknout i například mail v aplikaci Pošta nebo třeba stránku v celoobrazovkové verzi Internet Exploreru. Velice rychlé a jednoduché.
Můžu odtud taky nastavit, jak se bude obraz zobrazovat na připojené obrazovce nebo např. přehrát film v Xboxu.

Nejvíc vytížená jsou u mě asi tlačítka Sdílet, Nastavení a Hledat.
Přes sdílení se může vytvořit sám snímek obrazovky a hned jej odeslat třeba mailem nebo na Facebook.
Když už jsem byl u toho pdf, tak i u něj často používám sdílení, protože jej takto můžu hned velice snadno odeslat.
Sdílet můžu taky třeba odkaz v celoobrazovkové verzi IE, počasí z aplikace Počasí, fotky z aplikace Fotky nebo třeba i odkaz na otevřenou aplikaci na Windows Store.
Tip: Sdílení zobrazíte i klávesovou zkratkou Win + h

Nastavení v tomto panelu se mění podle toho, co je zrovna otevřené.
Není potřeba složitě hledat, kde se co nastavuje. Mám to vždy v panelu ovládacích tlačítek.
Dolní část nastavení se nemění a zůstává stejná. Jas displeje, připojení, hlasitost, oznámení, vypnutí, klávesnice a přechod do Nastavení počítače.
Tip: Nastavení zobrazíte i klávesovou zkratkou Win + i

Výborné je nové hledání ve Windows 8.1.
Vyhledává napříč nastavením, soubory, ale i na internetu. To, kde bude vyhledávat si můžeme nastavit. Často toto vyhledávání používám na přehávání hudby. Napíšu jen název a vyberu si z vyhledaného seznamu. Taky na rychlý přístup k nastavení. Stačí napsat třeba myš a hned mám nastavení myši. A pro víc nastavení myši přepnu do vyhledávání nastavení.
Co jsem začal v poslední době používat, je vyhledávání na internetu rovnou z Windows 8.1. Je to rychlé a hned po ruce. Například když třeba potřebuju nějaký obrázek, stačí napsat to, co hledám do vyhledávacího políčka a vybrat webové obrázky. Pak jde vyhledávání ještě upřesnit.

Když něco vyhledám a stisknu Enter, tak se otevře aplikace s vyhledáváním. Zobrazí se vyhledané věci v počítači, které se dokonce seřadí podle toho, jestli jde o nastavení, soubory, videa atd. A vyhledá i výsledky na internetu.

Tip: Vyhledávání otevřete taky pomocí klávesové zkratky:
Win + q – všude
Win + w – nastavení
Win + f – soubory

Tip: Získávání návrhů z internetu jde vypnout v Nastavení počítače v záložce Hledání a aplikace. Tady oodškrtnete Získávat návrhy hledání a webové výsledky z Bingu.
Teď i když při vyhledávání stisknete Enter a otevře se aplikace se všemi výsledky vyhledávání, bude vyhledávat pouze v počítači.

Aplikace a hry
Často využívám toho, že si můžu spustit stejnou aplikaci i na Windows tabletu i na Windows počítači.
Hodně aplikací je docela zajímavých a třeba takovou aplikaci Microsoft Project Siena nebo hru Minion rush můžu spustit na obobu těchto zařízeních.
Ty aplikace a hry jsou většinou přizpůsoboné pro několik typů ovládání. Třeba i ten Minion rush dává na výběr mezi ovládáním dotykovým, gamepadem nebo klávesnicí.

Máme tak i na počítači na výběr nejen z aplikací klasické pracovní plochy, ale i z aplikací z Windows Store.

Tady vám napíšu moje oblíbené aplikace a hry, které používám i na tabletu i na počítači. K některým jsem napsal i nějaké popisky.


  • Pošta
  • Počasí
  • Hudba – používám jej i na počítači jako takový “jukebox“ na výběr hudby.
  • Kalendář
  • Mapy
  • Microsoft project Siena – doporučuji vyzkoušet. Tvorba aplikací pro Windows 8.1 bez nutnosti znalosti programování
  • Shazam – rozpoznávání hudby
  • ČT 24, ČT 4 – zprávy na dlaždici i v aplikaci, online vysílání
  • Play.cz – online rádia, dlaždice zobrazuje zprávy
  • Musictube – hudební videoklipy
  • Rss reader live – rss čtečka upozorní na nové články na dlaždici a notifikací


  • Drift mania
  • Aspahlt 8
  • Adera – hra i s českým dabingem
  • Hill climb racing
  • Cut the rope
  • Angry birds
  • Minion rush
  • Miny
  • Solitaire
  • Nesbox – emulátor starých videoher

Co k tomu říct závěrem? Windows 8.1 je pro mě skvělým nástrojem pro zábavu, ale i tvorbu. Ke konzumaci obsahu, jednoduché prohlížení stránek a posílání pošty, rychlé sdílení přes Windows Store aplikace, ale i k práci na běžné ploše s mými aplikacemi pro tvorbu.

S Windows 8.1 je díky novým možnostem můj softwarový svět přesně takový, jaký potřebuji.

Lukáš Kobylík

‘Zoo Tycoon’ video diary shows game’s collaboration with real-life zookeepers


A new developer diary about the making of the “Zoo Tycoon” game includes interviews with animal care and zoo management from experts at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo. The Association of Zoos & Aquariums collaborated with Microsoft Studios and Frontier Developments to create the game, with the aim of making it not only fun, but also teaching players about the responsibilities of running a zoo.

The video above details everything that went into creating the true-to-life zoo experience, from animal and environment authenticity and being a zookeeper, to education through animal interactions.

“Zoo Tycoon” is now available at all global retailers. In the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand, it is $39.99 for Xbox One and $29.99 for Xbox 360.

To read more of what members of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums say about “Zoo Tycoon,” head over to Xbox Wire.

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Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

When Academia Meets The Real World, The Experience Can Be Life-altering: A First Person Perspective by Dan Sommers, Warwick Analytics


We asked Dan Sommers, founder of Warwick Analytics, to share some wisdom on starting a company with members of the Microsoft BizSpark program

I love challenges and to do better with each new business I’m involved in. When I felt the calling to launch Warwick Analytics, I knew we had to go for it because the idea just got better every day and every time I did more market research. It’s where academia meets the real world, a rare union, and so incredible, really, that I didn’t believe it at first.

I met Professor Darek Ceglarek of the University of Warwick and his team at a time when I was searching for a business opportunity that could really make a difference and attract viable markets. As Chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, he was involved in a lot of leading edge research work in manufacturing.

The search process for a strong commercial opportunity could be termed a ‘frog-kissing exercise’ – there are so many people with good ideas but it takes time to find ones that have commercial potential and a personal fit. However, one piece of technology that Darek had been involved with was different from anything else I had seen. He and his team had been working on ground-breaking technology that automatically locates the root causes of manufacturing faults and recommends the most beneficial actions without the need for hypotheses. It can work with incomplete and dirty data and even resolve no-fault found problems.   

In the most basic terms it allows engineers and manufacturing personnel to do their jobs faster, more efficiently and with enhanced product quality. As I spoke to potential customers, I quickly realized there was a significant commercial opportunity to explore. We could potentially save the manufacturing industry billions of dollars each year by reducing their Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ). For example, in speaking to the Head of Quality at a well-known automotive manufacturer I realized that his team was dealing with thousands of different issues at any one time and using guesswork and statistical tools to try to figure out the causes. I was hooked.

We’ve now patented the technology as RCASE, Root Cause Analysis Solver Engine and I’m proud to say its winning awards around the world because of the unique technology involved and the way it finds manufacturing defects.

Of course, more than academic excellence, we needed a strong commercial management team so we brought in Jason Noble as CTO to manage technical strategy and Mark Hardy as Chairman to help with strategy. We complement each other nicely with our individual strengths – it’s critical for a startup to have a management team that works well together.

We chose to work with Microsoft using a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)-based cloud solution that can be deployed to Azure. Our algorithms split into different stages and each stage can be parallelized. Plus, we also need to run a lot of scenarios where we tweak input data and parameters.  It’s critical that we have a scalable compute framework and platform; Microsoft’s tools and services give us exactly what we need.

Without Windows Azure, frankly, we would never have fully validated our business model. Building in the cloud should be a no brainer but there are still negative perceptions about security that need to be overcome. Windows Azure and our partnership with a worldwide technology leader like Microsoft through BizSpark go a long way toward dispelling those negative reactions because of the reputation Microsoft has. People trust Microsoft to get the job done.

We may be growing fast and deploying our technology on a global basis but like most startups, we can’t do all this on our own. Some of our large corporate partnerships – most notably Microsoft and SAP HANA – have been almost planned serendipity.

I think that if a startup can find a company that will take you under its wing and help you move forward, it’s something you should take advantage of. Even if you’re told ‘no’ don’t let it stop you, just keep making calls. If your idea is strong enough, you’ll get the endorsement you need.

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) encryption now in Office 365


In an ongoing commitment to protect customer information, Office is expanding encryption across all its services. Earlier this month, Office 365 Message Encryption was introduced as a new service that allows you to send encrypted mail to anyone. And now, Office has announced S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) capability to Office 365 and Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1.

As the Office 365 blog explains, S/MIME differs from Office 365 Message Encryption in that it is a standard for public key encryption and digital signing of MIME data. It requires a certificate and publishing infrastructure often used in business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) scenarios. It’s also a requirement for certain government business cases. S/MIME allows a user to encrypt and digitally sign an email. It provides cryptographic security services such as authentication and message integrity. It also helps enhance privacy and data security (using encryption) for electronic messaging.

With this release, customers will have S/MIME support across Outlook, Outlook Web App (OWA) and Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) clients. S/MIME for Outlook and EAS is already available on Exchange Online; on OWA its roll out is now underway and expected to be completed by early April.

Head over to the Office 365 blog to get all the details on S/MIME encryption in Office 365.

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Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff

More than 200 indie developers now creating games using ID@Xbox



Indie developers from around the world at ID@Xbox’s one-day development conference in Seattle last fall.

ID@Xbox was created to make it easy for independent game developers to bring their ideas to Xbox One, and the response to ID@Xbox continues to be amazing, with more than 200 developers so far using the developer kits, writes Chris Charla, director of ID@Xbox.

On Xbox Wire, he shares the names of many indie developers who are now underway creating games for Xbox One, and notes that the first ID@Xbox games are in certification now.

“Honestly when I look at this list, all I can say is ‘Wow,’” he writes. “It’s incredibly humbling to see so many fantastic studios there supporting Xbox One, from XBLIG and XBLA alumni like Ska Studios and Humble Hearts, to new studios like Glass Bottom Games and Heart Machine, and veterans including Robomodo, Zoë Mode and Playdead. We could not be more excited!”

To read Charla’s full post, head over to Xbox Wire.

You might also be interested in:

· Indie game developer surpasses 3.5 million downloads on Windows devices in less than a year
· Indie game developers in ID@Xbox program to get Unity development tool free
· ID@Xbox holds first developers’ conference in Seattle

Suzanne Choney
Microsoft News Center Staff

New releases for devs includes Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 CTP2 and Team Foundation Server 2013 Update 2 RC



Team Foundation Server 2013 introduced lightweight charting, and in Update 2 you can now pin charts to the home page and customize colors.

On Thursday, Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 CTP2 became available, along with a go-live Team Foundation Server 2013 RC and TypeScript 1.0 RC. This update release preview includes several significant feature additions as well as fixes.

As Somasegar’s blog reports, Thursday’s preview makes available to early adopters a subset of features that will work across many parts of Microsoft’s tools. This includes support for TypeScript, updates to Web tooling, improvements in diagnostics tools and even easier Azure integration for Web projects.

The Team Foundation Server 2013 Update 2 RC includes improvements such as additional Git support and work item tagging from Visual Studio.

Read more about the update release preview on Somasegar’s blog and find the full details in release notes.

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Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff

UAG DA Teredo clients not able to connect to UAG DA during heavy load


Once again this one is from one of the cases that got escalated to me and it was a very interesting case. I m putting my probing questions that will explain how we narrow down the issue as issue was little misunderstood in the beginning and troubleshooting was going around name resolution not working with Teredo clients.

Probing discussion with UAG Admin to narrow down the problem he was facing.

Questions and respective answers
1. What's the issue with DA(direct Access).

Answer.  Client's DA connectivity does not work at the time of issue, when we are using teredo.

2.Does the problem happen when they use Iphttps on all the users

Answer : No

3. Does  problem happen only with teredo?
Ans: yes

 BUT only when under extreme or heavy loads and not during usual load.

After this discussion, it was clear even teredo works. But due to some reason it breaks under heavy load.

Benefit of putting these questions here in my post, just  to point out that effective probing can help you narrow down the issue as they were troubleshooting name resolution  and DNS proxy on UAG  before I was engaged and direction of troubleshooting was incorrect


So to dig deeper ,I took scenario tracing as below from client

Run following two commands in the command prompt

  •  Netsh trace start scenario=directaccess capture=yes report=yes tracefile=C:\client.etl
  •  Netsh wfp capture start



  • net stop iphlpsvc                           (to stop IP helper service)
  • net start iphlpsvc                          (to start IP helper service) 

 to initiate the DA connectivity again.


Then stopped the traces by running following two commands in the command prompt

  •  Netsh wfp capture stop
  •  Netsh trace stop


same steps(minus restarting of iphelper service) took on the server side to collect DA scenario tracing.

Then i checked server side captures and in the (\CabFolder\config\neighbors.txt)  for teredo(since as we knew that load happens during high load) checked the number of teredo neighbours.
Internet Address                              Physical Address   Type
--------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------
x x x x x x xx x Reachable
x x x x x x xx x Unreachable

x x x x x x xx x  Probe

found the number to be greater then 3000  and we know by default this is 256 as per  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee844188(v=WS.10).aspx

Note the number in the Neighbor Cache Limit field, which by default is 256.

so we checked this value on the server using command

netsh interface ipv6 show global (on all the nodes)

As  expected it was 256 i.e. default

then using following command

netsh interface ipv6 set global neighborcachelimit=Maximum

where maximum could be as per the requirement e.g. 6000, so after we increased this value to a higher value , issue never recurred.

Tip of the Day: Disable-DedupVolume doesn't


Today’s Tip…

Using the Windows PowerShell cmdlet, Disable-DedupVolume doesn’t actually disable deduplicaiton. Well…it sort of does….but it also doesn’t.

When you deduplicate a volume, the data attributes for the files are turned into ‘chunks’ and placed in the Chunk Store. Using the Disable-DedupVolume cmdlet doesn’t undo this process. It simply stops it from continuing. So deduplicated files will stay deduplicated but new files (or files that haven’t been dedupped yet) will remain in an unoptimized state.

To put the entire volume back in an unoptimized state, you would want to use the Start-DedupJob cmdlet and run a unoptimization job.

Automation–The New World of Tenant Provisioning with Windows Azure Pack (Part 1): Introduction and Table of Contents


Hello Readers and Viewers!

Wow, it has been a while since I posted, in fact it was back in December with the completion of my Windows Azure & PowerShell Blog Series.

The good news is - in that time, I have been hard at work, developing new and exciting PowerShell for some of the new and exciting technologies that you likely already have had the chance to dive into: Windows Azure Pack (WAP) with VM Role Gallery Resources.


So, what is this blog series all about?

  • Applying existing knowledge of tenant provisioning techniques in this “new world”
  • Transforming existing knowledge (Service Templates) of tenant workload deployments into “WAP friendly” workload deployments (VM Role Gallery Resources)
  • Providing new automation (PowerShell scripts) for the latest tenant provisioning technology (WAP)


Remember when I published these two blog posts?

  1. Automation–PowerShell Workflow Script Spotlight–Deploying Virtual Machine Manager Service Templates “OnBehalfOf” Tenant Administrator User Roles
  2. Automation–PowerShell Workflow Script Spotlight–Creation and Parameterization of Virtual Machine Manager Run As Accounts for “OnBehalfOf” Service Template Deployment

Well, those were directly related to the initial learning around Tenant Provisioning my team gathered during an internal Proof of Concept. Back then, it was all about the “VMM Service Template”, and while some of that existing knowledge will work in this new world of WAP, the focus now is on VM Role Gallery Resources as the delivery mechanism for application workloads.

What can we salvage?

At the very least, all the existing knowledge around automated deployment of the Tenant Network (Isolated SDN). As well as, some previously undisclosed techniques for automatically initiating the deployments - all of which still holds true, regardless of delivery mechanism.

What’s new?

The new automation involved in the deployment of VM Role Gallery Resources, as both a Service Admin (via VMM “OnBehalfOf” PS Commands) and a Tenant Admin (via the Service Management WS API).

Blog Series Table of Contents

  1. Part 1: Intro & TOC
  2. Part 2: Automated Deployment of Tenant Network and Identity(Isolated SDN & Active Directory VM Role)
  3. Part 3: Automated Deployment of Tenant Workloads(Lync, SharePoint, and Exchange VM Roles)
  4. Parts 4 & 5: TBD(We hope to have something around: Value Added Services/Offerings and Ongoing Automated Maintenance/Operations)

Note     Automated Deployment of the VM Roles in these examples will include PowerShell scripts for both Service Admin and Tenant Admin personas.


I realize that this post is a bit more “teaser” than “valuable content”. Believe me, I want all this published and publically available as much as you do! But as some of this still lives on the “cutting edge”, I am learning new parts every day that improve the whole. I am committed to delivering the best end product, so I will be taking “a little” more time to get the first set of scripts published. And by “a little”, I mean things slipped by approximately a week. I hope to have both Parts 2 & 3 available next week (first week of March 2014)! Again, apologies for the delay. I hope to make up for it in quality.

Note     This section of the blog post will “self-destruct” once Parts 2 & 3 are released!

Oh, and by the way, Parts 4 & 5 are still in development, and we will know more next month.

Thanks for checking out my latest blog series! For more information, tips/tricks, and example solutions for Automation within System Center, Windows Azure Pack, Windows Azure, etc., be sure to check out the other blog posts from Building Clouds in the Automation Track!


Årets vinnare av Innovativa Skolledarpriset är Mikael Parknäs


Microsoft har instiftat det Innovativa Skolledarpriset i samarbete med Lärarförbundet i syfte att lyfta fram duktiga skolledare i Sverige. Priset premierar skolledare som säkerställer att eleverna får bästa möjligheterna genom hållbart skolutvecklingsarbete. Vinnaren utses av en jury bestående av representanter från Microsoft och Skolledarföreningens styrelse.

Årets vinnare av Innovativa Skolledarpriset är Mikael Parknäs, rektor på Smedingeskolan i Kungsbacka.

Motiveringen lyder:

”Skolutveckling är digitalt lärande, enligt Mikael. Han använder tekniken för att utveckla sin skola och är flitig på hemsida, blogg och sociala medier där han delar med sig av sina kunskaper och fyller på sina egna. Genom en medveten omvärldsbevakning fångar Mikael nytänkande, som han utvecklar och förädlar tillsammans med personalen. Kommunikation, samarbete och pedagogiskt synsätt lärarna emellan har utvecklats. Lusten att undervisa och lära har ökat hos både lärare och elever.”

Priset delades ut i samband med Skolledarkonventet den 27 februari 2014 i Stockholm.

Läs mer om Microsoft initiativ och möjligheterna med ny teknologi i undervisningen, här.

This is no game: the Seahawks and the Olympics prove how Windows Azure scales for both small and large solutions


 Pop quiz: what does the 2014 Seahawks-49ers playoff game have in common with the 2014 Sochi Olympics? Answer: both events featured websites powered by Windows Azure. For the Seahawks game, the Windows Azure team stepped in to help the small-scale Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) run their Fan-O-Meter, a website that measures the 12th Man’s “Beast Quakes.” In Sochi, Windows Azure literally runs every piece of NBC Sports’ coverage. Together, they show how Windows Azure scales and handles jobs from a small nonprofit organization’s fun project to one of the largest sporting events in the world.

Shaking the ground

Microsoft is proud of our home team, the Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks. One of the biggest moments of the season actually came before the big game. At the January 12 playoff game against the Saints, seismologists at the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network’s Fan-O-Meter attempted to measure the legendary 12th Man’s “Beast Quakes” after Marshawn Lynch scored. The Fan-O-Meter is accessible to anyone online, and it turned out to be far more popular than the PNSN anticipated. The team’s lone server couldn’t handle the traffic and crashed, and they almost threw in the towel—until the Windows Azure team stepped in to offer an open source solution.

Working long hours through the next week, the team got the measurement site back up and running in time for the January 19 game against the 49ers. 40,000 fans eventually tuned in—a relatively small number, but enormous for the PNSN’s normal traffic load. When the 12th Man made history by creating a seismic spike (a.k.a an earthquake), the Windows Azure server automatically scaled and handled the traffic with ease. The total cost for scaling the server for the extra traffic: $6.

If you’re looking for a way to prepare for an unexpected (or expected!) spike in traffic, Windows Azure has you covered.

Going for the gold

When it comes to enterprise-level scaling, it doesn’t get much bigger than NBC’s coverage of the 2014 Sochi Olympics. With more than 1,000 hours of 98 events broadcast to millions of customers worldwide, NBC decided that partnering with Microsoft and Windows Azure was the gold-medal solution.

Viewers can access live and on-demand content by using the free NBC Sports Live Extra app, available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8, and Windows RT devices—or access coverage live from the web at NBCOlympics.com. Windows Azure Media Services powers all of these streams, regardless of format and platform.

The Windows Azure cloud platform brings the true power of cloud services beyond just renting IT capacity. NBC’s coverage is proof positive that stability, security, and scalability are hallmarks of using Windows Azure as a media solution.

Your business probably won’t need to stream something as large as the Olympics—but Windows Azure can handle it if you do! If you’re looking for media streaming for a live event, your next commercial, or any other video service you can think of, Windows Azure media services can help.

Your cloud, your way

Whether you’re a small group of seismologists recording a single moment at a single sports event, or an enterprise-level media company handling one of the largest sporting events in history, Windows Azure scales to your needs and provides the infrastructure it takes to get it done. Regardless of your size and requirements, a cloud solution from Windows Azure is the way to move beyond renting storage space and into a full cloud-based infrastructure solution. The time to begin exploring cloud solutions is now.

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