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SharePoint 2016 RTM 強勢登場!


   今天是發佈 RTM SharePoint Server 2016 的日子! 對於使用者、專業技術人員及後台管理人員來說,SharePoint 多功能新世代的來臨,絕對是個重大的里程碑。而這代表雲混合搜尋功能將開放給大眾,也就是使用 SharePoint 2013 版本以上的使用者,將能夠在一次搜尋結果中得到本地部署的伺服器以及Office 365雲端空間上的資訊。

    我們很感謝所有透過 UserVoice、我們的論壇、以及許多管道提供我們意見回饋的使用者及專業技術人員。您的投入加上我們在實測 Office 365 SharePoint 的改進,創造出前所未見更可靠、更有規模、更安全及高效能的 SharePoint Server 2016 

透過 SharePoint Server 2016 使用指南或是下載 RTM 試用版了解更多,SharePoint Server 2016 將全面在五月初於微軟大量授權服務中心上市。

SharePoint 的下一步

    十年來,數十億萬筆資料被儲存在 SharePoint 網站中,將其發展成一個資訊管理及協同合作的中心,不僅能夠幫助學生協同合作,也協助改變整個公司內部網路。我們不斷發展 SharePoint,使其時時刻刻符合現今數位工作需求。

    隨著工作團隊的運作變得更加活躍、數位資料的持續增長,SharePoint 將在「資料協同合作」這樣的新型態工作方式上發揮越來越重要的作用。

而作為微軟強大重整生產力的工具,SharePoint 團隊背負著要將 SharePoint 變得更簡單、好攜帶、智慧又安全的使命,幫助客戶看見使用完整 Office 365 的價值。今年,我們將因著使用者經驗、協同合作、行動辦公的趨勢及平台的改善推出及重大的創新,重新定義現代的資料共享與協同合作。

SharePoint 的虛擬活動

    請加入我們於 2016 5 4 日慶祝 SharePoint 2016 的網路直播,一同參與我們對 SharePoint 2016 的藍圖規劃與未來願景。Jeff TeperOneDriveSharePointCVP,將介紹 SharePoint 及商務用 OneDrive 的核心理念及未來計劃,搭載 Office 365,完美使用於公司內部及雲端。未來將陸續釋出相關消息及細節,無論您是主管、專業技術人員、開發人員或是 SharePoint 使用者,我們樂於向您分享且希望您可以與我們共度這歷史性的一刻,從今日開始訂閱吧!

啟用 SharePoint Server 2016的相關資源

Microsoft Office 365 в образовании. Организация изучения и создания контента в Photosynth для обучения в Office 365 с помощью OneNote, Class Notebook и сайта SharePoint


Рассмотрим, как можно организовать изучение нового сервиса и создания в нем обучающего контента с помощью интегрированных сервисов OneNote, Outlook и сайтов SharePoint.

...(read more)

Back to Basics: Use PowerShell to Generate a List of Week Commencing Dates


The other day I need a year's worth of 'week commencing' dates to complete a work-related task. The thought of collecting them manually never entered my head!

Here's what I did:



Do {





Until ($i-eq52)


Simple enough:

  • Create a datetime object with the first week commencing date
  • Set a counter to 1
  • Use a Do Until loop to...
    • write the current iteration's week commencing date to a file
    • increment the datetime object by 7 days
    • increment the count by
  • Keep looping until 52 entries have been added to the file



Outlook アドインで添付ファイル参照する際、リストの順序が入れ替る場合がある


こんにちは。日本マイクロソフト Outlook サポート チームです。

Outlook 2010 のアドインで添付ファイルを参照する際、リストの順序が入れ替る問題が発生するというお問い合わせをいただいています。




以下のようなプログラムで、Attachment オブジェクトをリストから 1 件ずつ参照して SaveAsFile メソッドを実行する際、添付ファイルの追加方法によってはリストの順序が途中で入れ替わる現象が発生します。


private void OnItemSend(object objItem, ref bool cancel)


    Outlook.MailItem objMailItem = objItem as Outlook.MailItem;

    Outlook.Attachments objAttachments = objMailItem.Attachments;

    foreach (Outlook.Attachment objAttachment in objAttachments)


        objAttachment.SaveAsFile("C:\test\" + objAttachment.FileName);





1. 97-2003 形式で保存したファイル A を右クリックし [送る]-[メール受信者] の順にクリックします。

2. 別のファイル B をさらに添付し、送信ボタンをクリックします。

3. ItemSend イベント内で添付ファイルに対して 1 件ずつ SaveAsFile メソッドを実行します。

4. for 文の 1 回目と 2 回目で参照する添付ファイル オブジェクトがどちらもファイル A になります。



上記現象は Outlook 2010 の以下の動作によって発生します。


・ローカルの 97-2003 形式 のファイルを右クリックし、[送る]-[メール受信者] の順にメールを送るとき、Attachment.SaveAsFile を実行すると、MAPI とメモリ上のテーブルが同期され添付ファイルのソートが発生する

・ソートの際、[送る]-[メール受信者] を行ったファイルはリストの最後に追加される




- Outlook 2010 の動作

Outlook では、添付ファイルの情報として、MAPI とメモリ上でそれぞれ添付ファイル情報のテーブルを保持しています。

ローカルの 97-2003 形式 のファイルを右クリックし、[送る]-[メール受信者] の順にメールを送るとき、Attachment. SaveAsFile を実行すると、このタイミングで MAPI とメモリ上のテーブルが同期され添付ファイルのソートが発生します。


- アドインの動作



foreach (Outlook.Attachment objAttachment in objAttachments) --> <A>


    objAttachment.SaveAsFile("C:\test\" + objAttachment.FileName); --> <B>




Book1.xls (デスクトップ の [送る]-[メール受信者] で追加)

Book2.xlsx (Outlook メール画面の [挿入]-[ファイルの添付] で追加)

Book3.xlsx (Outlook メール画面の [挿入]-[ファイルの添付] で追加)


<A> Attachments オブジェクトは、この段階ではソートされていません。

ループの 1 回目の処理では以下のようなリストであり、ソート前の追加した順で Attachment が取得され、objAttachment Book1.xls を差します。






しかし、<B> SaveAsFile が実行されるとソートが行われ、リスト内容は以下のように変わります。






[送る]-[メール受信者] を行ったファイルはリストの最後に追加されます。

そのためこの例において、ループの 2 回目の処理では objAttachment Book3.xls3 回目の処理では objAttachment Book1.xls となります。



Attachments のリストから直接 Attachment 取得するのではなく、Attachment 型の配列を別に作成し、Attachments のリストをすべて配列に移し替え、配列から添付ファイルを取り出すことで、上述の順番が入れ替わる問題を発生させないようにすることができます。


Number of views (and forms) limit when creating a list from template

A gotcha I stumbled upon a couple of days ago: I created a list with 100 views and saved it as template. When trying to create a new list based on this template, I noticed that only 91 views were created. Scouting the ULS logs I found this entry: General tkgi High The number of views have reached the maximum supported ( 90 ). View processing will 0stop for list ..., dir .. leaf ... web ... Lesson learned. If you do need a list that needs to have more than 90 views ( for whatever reason...(read more)

10 ways to improve productivity in your small business


With 84% of organisations now having a remote workforce according to Gartner, being productive is no longer confined to the desk or office. It requires the ability to work and collaborate from anywhere. 

It’s for this reason that we’ve focused on enhancing your productivity with Office 2016, and especially Office 365. We’ve selected 10 tools that will help your small business be more productive this year.

1. Edit in real time
See what your colleagues are typing in real time, and collaborate on one Word document or PowerPoint presentation at the same time – wherever you are. That means no more different versions of the same piece of work crossing each other in cyberspace, and enhances collaboration as you work together regardless of location to produce the best final product.

2. Share your resources
Office 2016 allows you to share OneNote notebooks with as many people as you want, so that your whole team can be on board with your latest project. OneNote works with text, images, worksheets, emails and other documents, making it a great central resource.

3. Share documents with a click
It has never been easier to share documents with your colleagues. Office 2016 has added a Share button to the upper right corner of your Office apps, which allows you to share your document with anyone in your contacts list with just one click.

4. Attach in a flash
Sending email attachments is part of everyday office life, and Office 2016 makes it that much simpler. Instead of having to navigate to the location where the document is stored, you can find documents you have recently worked on in a list of shareable documents in Outlook.

5. De-Clutter your inbox
As a business owner, you probably receive more emails than you can read – and wading through your inbox to prioritise each email takes precious time. With that in mind, Office 2016 has added a new category to your inbox called Clutter. You can designate certain emails as low priority and future similar emails will be moved automatically into a Clutter folder in Outlook.

6. No need to rewrite history
Collaboration and creativity can be a messy process, with shared documents changing drastically over time. Office 2016 compensates for potentially lost ideas by keeping past versions of documents and making them available directly from Office applications simply by clicking on the History section of the File menu.

7. Visualise data in new ways
The ability to visualise data with an Excel chart has always been a powerful tool for businesses, but Office 2016 has added several new charts to help keep your ideas fresh. New charts on the templates list include Waterfall, which helps you to track the stock market, as well as Histogram, Treemap and Sunburst.

8. Understand your data better
Your business may be just starting out, but as it grows you will produce more data than you consume or gain insight from. Getting valuable insights from these huge sets of data can be challenging. When you enable your business to become more responsive and quickly seize opportunities, growth will follow. With Microsoft’s Power BI on Office 365, you gain familiar and easy-to-use tools that enable anyone to discover, visualise, and analyse data — anywhere, on any device.

9. Delve into your work
When your team has been hard at work, it can be tricky to find the document you’re looking for among. Delve helps you discover the information that's likely to be most interesting to you right now – across Office 365. You don't have to remember the title of a document or where it's stored as Delve shows you documents no matter where they're stored. It also lets you view your colleagues' profiles, or edit your own. Your profile is like an electronic business card you share inside your organisation.

10. Keep the conversation going
No matter where you and your colleagues are, the key to keeping your business going is good communication. Social tools like Yammer help to facilitate this. Yammer is your business's private social network that helps you and your teams stay on top of it all. Start conversations, collaborate on files, organise around projects and bring your team together to work smarter and faster.

As we head into 2016 now is the time to embrace these tools to give your small business the competitive edge and the opportunity to grow.

Er hybrid nettsky kun for de store bedriftene?


Nei, mener vi. I dag trenger du ikke være stor for å ha en nødløsning klar om man skulle trenge det. Med hybride skyløsninger er det lett for bedrifter av alle størrelser å flytte systemene sine fra serverne på bakrommet til skyen, litt etter litt.

Med andre ord: du trenger ikke gjøre alt på en gang. Du kan flytte til skyen i ditt eget tempo, og du kan flytte de løsningene du selv ønsker.

For veldig mange bedrifter er det ikke et konstant behov for datakraft. Det kan skje så sjelden som et par ganger i året at trafikken på det lokale datarommet når ekstreme høyder. Utover dette opererer det med kanskje 10-20 prosent kapasitet.

Dette er et klassisk eksempel på når en hybrid nettsky kan være beste løsning. Du kan ha noe av IT-systemene lokalt, noe hos en tjenesteleverandør og noe i skyen. Og du kan ta hver og en i bruk akkurat når du trenger det.

Hybride skyløsninger blir mer og mer populært. Både store og små selskaper ser nå fordelen av å kunne benytte de tjenestene man trenger, når man trenger dem – og kun da.

Som bedrift vil du oppnå både reduser nedetid, økt sikkerhet og bedre tilgjengelighet, uten at kostnadene går i været.

I tillegg gir det å migrere til skyløsninger via en hybrid nettsky en god mulighet til å gjøre om på eldre systemer, og oppgradere dem til mer moderne standarder.


Vil du vite mer om Microsoft Azure og Hybrid Cloud? Da kan du se her:

 Webinar: Azure for nybegynnere

Få en rask innføring i hva skyen kan gjøre for din bedrift.


 Artikkel: Hybrid sky og arktiektur

Finn ut hvilken arkitektur som passer best for ulike hybride scenario


 Webinar: 5 hybride scenarioer

Meld deg på gratis “5 hybride scenarioer”-webinar 4.april



 Prøv Azure helt gratis

Prøv en hybrid nettsky gratis i 30 dager, ingen forpliktelser

Stig Rakke forteller om det moderne hybride datasenteret i dette foredraget og sier: “Skyløsninger kommer enten du vil det eller ikke. Hvordan kan du forberede deg for å følge med i utviklingen? Hva betyr "hybride datasenter" i praksis, og hvilke type løsninger kan du ta i bruk?”

Did you miss the ISV Executive Summit?


Over the past month, we travelled across Canada connecting with ISVs through the ISV Executive Summits. Our hope is that for those that attended, you found the day valuable and are ready to build on the journey we have started!

Many of you asked for the presentations and hopefully you received the link to those via email last week, but in case you didn’t, you can find most sessions posted here: ISV Summit Presentations.

One bit of feedback that we heard consistently across the country was help centralizing the various sources of technical info and training about Azure, as well as where to find more resources to help with business transformation projects. I have captured a few key ones below, and will continue to add more through this blog in the coming months.

BUT FIRST!!! A quick plug for the special webcast series we have setup specifically for you to continue the conversation from our tour. We had the first webcast yesterday and the next one is NEXT Tuesday, March 22nd, with Greg Dashwood, Canadian Product Manager for Azure Internet of Things. He will be discussing the various opportunities for ISV to leverage Azure’s IoT Services. As Jason Brommet highlighted during his keynote, there will be more connected devices sold in the next few years than PC, phones and tablets. It is critical to understand how you can tap into this opportunity with innovative and ingenious services- such as the Connected Cow. Register Today!




  • Canadian ISV Partner Hub: Our beloved home for all things related to Canadian ISVs. Check out tools to transform your business, upcoming events, and a curated set of content from across the Microsoft Partner channels
  • ISV and App Builder Center: A portal designed to help partners through the journey of developing an application on Azure and/or for Windows & Office, then how to market and sell leveraging Microsoft support and resources
  • Smart Partner Marketing: Marketing training geared towards partners as well as marketing assets and templates to help you go to market
  • Partner Profitability: NEW whitepapers and videos have just been added to this ongoing series focused on how Partners build a profitable business leveraging Microsoft’s platforms and partnership programs

Be sure to check out Phil Sorgen’s latest blog on a 5-part series of eBooks produced by IDC.

Thanks again for checking out the ISV Exec Summit! I really enjoyed speaking with so many of you and I am working hard to follow up with all of the folks that I spoke 1:1 with!

David LeBlanc

Como fazer atualizações manuais de programas no Windows 10

Os aplicativos da loja do Windows 10 têm recebido constantes atualizações com novidades em computadores e tablets. Entretanto, a verificação automática do sistema da Microsoft pode estar desativada ou apresentar falhas, deixando o usuário com um programa mais antigo e menos funcionalidades. Se você desconfia que está passando por esse problema, é possível resolvê-lo facilmente ao procurar por novas versões de apps universais manualmente dentro da Windows Store.

Como desativar touch screen no Windows 10

Confira como verificar as atualizações de programas no Windows 10 de forma manual.

Atualização automática da loja do Windows 10 pode falhar e usuário precisa verificar manualmente
Passo 1. Abra a loja de aplicativos do Windows e, na tela inicial, toque na sua foto no topo da tela;

Windows 10 possui atalho para baixar atualizações na foto do usuário
Passo 2. No menu que aparece, toque na opção "Download e atualizações";

Windows 10 tem sistema de verificação manual de atualizações de aplicativos e jogos
Download grátis do app do TechTudo: receba dicas e notícias de tecnologia no Android ou iPhone

Passo 3. Na tela que aparece, toque no botão "procurar atualizações" no topo da tela;

Usuário pode checar atualizações de apps e jogos no Windows 10
Passo 4. Aguarde até que o Windows termine. Caso haja atualizações, elas aparecerão logo abaixo e serão baixadas automaticamente.

Windows 10 mostrará aplicativos com atualizações disponíveis
Agora você já sabe como fazer o download manual de atualizações para os seus programas e jogos do Windows 10.





Original: http://www.techtudo.com.br/dicas-e-tutoriais/noticia/2016/03/como-fazer-atualizacoes-manuais-de-programas-no-windows-10.html


The Office365Mon REST APIs Continue to Grow


At Office365Mon we love, love, love developers, so we continue to invest in growing the APIs we provide.  As we noted last month, we added support for webhooks to our notification pipeline.  That allows you to receive a JSON payload in your own web site and kick off your own workflow when outages occur or an Office 365 service changes status.  It’s this second scenario where we’ve done a little more work with our REST API this month.

To briefly recap what we mean by an Office 365 service changing status – at Office365Mon you can choose to monitor for service status changes.  That means a service – like Exchange Online – has several sub-services or features, such as “Sign-in”, “E-mail and calendar access”, “Voice mail”, etc.  Each of those sub-services has a service status.  The status can be one of these values:

  • Investigating
  • RestoringService
  • VerifyingService
  • ServiceRestored
  • PostIncidentReviewPublished
  • ServiceDegradation
  • ServiceInterruption
  • ExtendedRecovery
  • Scheduled
  • InProgress
  • Completed
  • Canceled
  • ServiceOperational

So being able to monitor a change in the service status means that you can get notified when a sub-service enters the “Investigating” state, or “ServiceInterruption” state, etc.  This has in fact been an extremely popular Office365Mon feature for our Enterprise Premium customers.  Until now though, you had to manage the statuses that we monitor in the browser.  What we’ve just released are some additions to our Subscription Management API to allow you to manage this programmatically as well.  Given the popularity of this feature, as well as the desire of most of our Partners to be able to script everything, this was a natural fit to add to our API.

Here’s a brief rundown on the new APIs we’ve added in support of this:

  • Get Service Status Values– Use this method to get a list of all of the possible service statuses that can be monitored.  You can use this to allow your users to select the service statuses they want to monitor, or as values to send to the Subscription Management API to set the statuses that are being monitored for a subscription.
  • Get the Monitored Service Statuses– Use this method to get the service statuses that are being monitored for a subscription.
  • Set the Monitored Service Statuses– Use this method to set the service statuses that are being monitored for a subscription.

All of these new APIs have been fully documented in our SDK, which you can download from here. We’ve also added code samples for each of these new APIs to our Subscription Management API sample code that you can download from here.  We hope you’ll find this APIs a nice addition to your developer tool belt at Office365Mon.

From Sunny Phoenix,


Updates to Support Policy for Skylake Devices Running Windows 7 and Windows 8.1


As we approached Intel’s Business Launch for Skylake in mid-January, we shared more details on our recommendations for enterprise customers on Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, including clarifications to our support policy for new silicon. A key part of this update was our commitment to continuing to lead with a customer-first approach. Since then we’ve received feedback from customers at various stages of planning and deployment of Windows 10. Led by their feedback, today we are sharing a few updates to our Skylake support policy*:

  1. To help provide greater flexibility for customers who have longer deployment timeframes to Windows 10, the support period for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 devices on Skylake systems will be extended by one year: from July 17, 2017 to July 17, 2018.
  2. Also, after July 2018, all critical Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 security updates will be addressed for Skylake systems until extended support ends for Windows 7, January 14, 2020 and Windows 8.1 on January 10, 2023.

This guidance is designed to help our customers purchase modern hardware with confidence, while continuing to manage their migrations to Windows 10. As our customers upgrade to Windows 10 on Skylake devices, they can benefit from the latest capabilities that come from modern hardware and software. Compared to Windows 7 PC’s, Skylake when combined with Windows 10, enables up to 30x better graphics and 3x the battery life – with the unmatched security of Credential Guard utilizing silicon supported virtualization.

Our commitment to all of our customers remains strong and we’re grateful for your ongoing support. Additional Q&A on the topic can be found here.

*applies to Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows Embedded 7, 8, 8.1

Jeremy Korst, General Manager Windows Marketing

Do you have, currently unsupported, .NET 4.6 on your Exchange Servers?


There are several posts on the steps to check if .NET 4.6 is installed on your Exchange Server, take action to remove it, and prevent .NET 4.6 from being installed again. When at customers, I said, "I wish there was one site that had all of the steps." So, here it is.


First of all, confirm that .NET 4.6 is unsupported on your version of Exchange: Exchange Supportability Matrix



Check if you have .NET 4.6 installed on your Exchange Server

Marc Nivens, at Microsoft, created an awesome script to check your Exchange Servers to see if they match Microsoft's recommendations. .NET version is one of the areas that it checks. The script is called:

Exchange Server Performance Health Checker Script


  1. Open Exchange Management Shell (EMS) on the newest version of Exchange in your environment
  2. You may need to adjust your Exchange Management Shell execution policy
    If it is not set to unrestricted, temporarily set it to unrestricted.
    Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
  3. Copy the above script into your Exchange scripts directory
    1. Easiest way to do this is to type this in your EMS and paste the file in the directory:
      explorer $exscripts
  4. Go to the script directory in EMS
    cd $exscripts
  5. Run the Exchange Server Performance Health Checker Script against your Exchange Servers
    1. For Exchange 2013 servers:
      Get-ExchangeServer | ?{$_.AdminDisplayVersion -Match "^Version 15"} | %{.\HealthChecker.ps1 -Server $_.Name}
    2. For Exchange 2016 servers:
      Get-ExchangeServer | ?{$_.AdminDisplayVersion -Match "^Version 15.1"} | %{.\HealthChecker.ps1 -Server $_.Name}
  6. Review the results to see if .NET version 4.6 is installed in your environment

If .NET is currently installed on your Exchange Server, go through these steps. Otherwise, skip to the next section to prevent it from being installed

  1. If the server has already automatically updated to 4.6.1 and has not rebooted yet, do so now to allow the installation to complete
  2. Stop all running services related to Exchange. 
    1. You can run the following cmdlet from Exchange Management Shell to accomplish this:  (Test-ServiceHealth).ServicesRunning | %{Stop-Service $_ -Force}
  3. Go to add/remove programs, select view installed updates, and find the entry for KB3102467. 
  4. Uninstall the update. 
  5. Reboot when prompted.
  6. Check the version of the .NET Framework and verify that it is showing 4.5.2.  If it shows a version prior to 4.5.2 go to windows update, check for updates, and install .NET 4.5.2 via the KB2934520 update.  Do NOT select 4.6.1/KB3102467.  Reboot when prompted.  If it shows 4.5.2 proceed to step 5.
    1. Open a command prompt and type:
      reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\full" /v version
  7. Stop services using the command from step 2. 
  8. Run a repair of .NET 4.5.2 by downloading the offline installer, running setup, and choosing the repair option. 
  9. Reboot when setup is complete.
  10. Apply the February security updates for .NET 4.5.2 by going to Windows update, checking for updates, and installing KB3122654 and KB3127226.  Do NOT select KB3102467. 
  11. Reboot after installation.
  12. After reboot verify that the .NET Framework version is 4.5.2 and that security updates KB3122654 and KB3127226 are installed.
  13. Follow the steps below to block future automatic installations of .NET 4.6.1.

Prevent .NET 4.6 from being installed on your Exchange Server

Important Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur.

Note For security, stability, reliability, and servicing reasons, we recommend that you do not maintain this block for an extended time.

  1. Back up the registry.
  2. Start Registry Editor. To do this, click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press Enter.
  3. Locate and click the following subkey:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP
  4. After you select this subkey, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click Key.
  5. Type WU, and then press Enter.
  6. Right-click WU, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
  7. Type BlockNetFramework461, and then press Enter.
  8. Right-click BlockNetFramework461, and then click Modify.
  9. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  10. On the File menu, click Exit to exit Registry Editor.

Note Organizations do not have to modify the registry in environments that are managed through an update management solution, such as Microsoft WSUS or System Center Configuration Manager. Organizations can use these products to fully manage the deployment of updates that are released through Windows Update or Microsoft Update. The procedure that's discussed in this article is necessary only for computers that directly connect to and receive updates from Windows Update.


Go through the Check if you have .NET 4.6 installed on your Exchange Server section again and confirm that all your Exchange Servers do not have .NET 4.6

Reverse out the execution policy changed:
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned



Additional Readings (and a portion of the information presented above):

On .NET Framework 4.6.1 and Exchange compatibility

Windows 10 Mobile disponible !


Windows 10 Mobile est maintenant disponible pour un grand nombre de Lumia.

Retrouvez la liste complète ici : https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/mobile/windows10/

Windows 10 Mobile pour les appareils existants est dans un 1er temps disponible aux Fans.

Après le retour de nos Fans sur cette version, il sera disponible à l’ensemble des utilisateurs.

Vous souhaitez avoir Windows 10 Mobile dès maintenant et vous avez un téléphone éligible ? Rien de plus simple il suffit de télécharger l’application suivante :  https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/store/apps/updateadvisor/9nblggh0f5g4 et de suivre les instructions !


Azure Pack Connector: Build Hybrid Clouds for your Customers Today


This week, Microsoft IT announced the initial release of Azure Pack Connector.

Azure Pack Connector was developed as an Open Source project under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) License by Microsoft’s internal Information Technology group, in order to better manage hybrid workloads for our various development teams running on private clouds hosted using our on-premises Cloud Platform and on Azure.

Although anyone running Azure Pack can take advantage of the software and MSIT developed it for our internal use, Microsoft Hosting identified that “Project Phoenix” was an ideal solution for our service provider partners, who ended up being our best beta testers. It’s a great example of how the Hosting and Service Provider business within Microsoft drives innovation across the company and to all of our customers.

For our service provider partners, when combined with Azure subscriptions provisioned within the partner portal of the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program the Azure Pack Connector allows you to create self-service Hybrid Cloud offerings that utilize the combination our Cloud Platform and Azure Pack as the “single pane of glass” for your end-customers and DevOps teams. Azure Connector and Azure Pack provides visibility and the automation needed to create and manage workloads running on-premises and on Microsoft’s public cloud, Azure.  

For more information about Azure Pack Connector, please listen to the below podcast featuring Microsoft Hosting’s Jeff Graves and Jason Perlow.

(Please visit the site to view this audio)

Related Links:

Tecnología incluyente para todos

Mucho se comenta acerca de la inclusión de personas con capacidades diferentes en labores o trabajos que pueden hacer las personas “normales”, que de manera física cuentan con todas sus funciones motrices, sin embargo, poco se dice de personas con capacidades diferentes en labores extraordinarias. Este es el caso de Chris Schlechty, desarrollador de SharePoint en Microsoft, quien además de realizar su trabajo de programación y generación de código para mejorar la herramienta de productividad y colaboración...(read more)

Internet of Things part 3: Our First Application


Anteprima in Italano.


Riprendiamo con un altro articolo il nostro percorso su Internet of Things e Raspberry Pi2. Tutto e iniziato con il primo post che trovate a questo link, dove e stata fatta una breve introduzione,quali sono i campi di utilizzo, le possibilità infinite di idee, prototipi e sviluppo, e come e in che modo salvare e utilizzare i dati dal cloud per le nostre applicazioni, per terminare con gli strumenti di sviluppo necessari per creare una soluzione/prototipo IoT. Si e proseguito con un secondo articolo, che trovate al seguente link, dove si e discusso in merito all'installazione di Windows 10 IoT core su una scheda Raspberry Pi2, quali sono i passaggi necessari, partendo da tutta la parte hardware necessaria, per cui scheda Raspberry Pi2, cavo Hdmi, cavo Ethernet, una micro sd, e ovviamente alimentatore per la scheda Raspberry e un monitor provvisto del suo alimentatore. Abbiamo affrontato e visto passo per passo la procedura per l'installazione del sistema operativo su micro sd, A sistema operativo installato, lo step successivo affrontato, é stato configurare mediante Powershell il nome del PC che di base e miniwinpc, e la password di default inserendone una personalizzata, così da prepararci la scheda Raspberry Pi2 pronta per poter sviluppare il nostro primo progetto. Bene, e arrivato il momento di creare il nostro primo progetto, molto semplice, il classico led, che posso definire Hello Word quando ci ritroviamo a studiare C# o qualunque altro linguaggio di sviluppo. Per continuare la lettura, seguire questo link.


Buona lettura a tutti :)

Preview in English.


We take up with another article on our path on the Internet of Things and Raspberry Pi2. It all began with the first post found at this link, where and was made a brief introduction, what are the areas of application, the endless possibilities of ideas, prototypes and development, and how, and how to save and use the data from cloud for our applications, to finish with the development tools needed to create a solution / IoT prototype. And it is continued with a second article, found at the following link, where he discussed the installation of Windows 10 on a core IoT Raspberry Pi2 card, what are the necessary steps, starting with all the hardware needed, so Raspberry Pi2 board, HDMI cable, Ethernet cable, a micro sd, and of course power supply for the Raspberry card and a monitor provided with its own power supply. We have dealt with and seen step by step procedure for installing the operating system on micro sd, A operating system installed, the next step faced, was set up by Powershell the PC name that base and miniwinpc, and the default password by entering a custom, so as to prepare the board Raspberry Pi2 ready to develop our first project. Well, it's time to create our first project, very simple, the classic LED, which can be defined Hello Word when we are left to study C # or any other language development. To continue reading, please follow this link.


Happy code  to all :)

333 tipů pro Office 2016 (31. - 35.)


31.     Jak nastavit výchozí umístění pro ukládání/otevírání souborů

Výchozím úložištěm pro ukládání zpracovaných souborů je online úložiště OneDrive. Pokud se chcete vrátit k dřívějšímu výchozímu ukládání do lokálních složek na počítači, můžete tak učinit ve stejném okně jako v předchozích dvou tipech (tj. Soubor – Možnosti – Uložit), kde se nachází zaškrtávací políčko Ve výchozím nastavení ukládat do počítače.

32.     Jak uložit soubor ve formátu PDF?

Soubor PDF od společnosti Adobe se stává stále populárnějším formátem pro výměnu dat a předávání informací. Mezi jeho největší výhody patří zajištění zobrazení vždy stejného obsahu na různých HW a SW konfiguracích počítačů nebo mobilních zařízení. Další výhodou je velmi omezená možnost editace takového souboru. Proto se mj. také často využívá v případě, kdy je nutné veřejně sdělit nějaké informace, ale nechcete je dát ostatním k dispozici s možností úprav. Ve formátu PDF tak naleznete například drtivou většinu návodů ke spotřební elektronice apod. Microsoft Office již od verze 2007 podporuje vytváření PDF souborů a od verze 2016 i jejich editaci (viz další tip). Stačí, když klepnete na položku Soubor – Exportovat – Vytvořit dokument PDF/XPS a zde na tlačítko Vytvořit soubor PDF/XPS.Formát XPS měl být konkurencí od Microsoftu pro PDF formát, nicméně se příliš neujal.

33.     Jak upravit PDF dokument?

Jak již bylo zmíněno, jednou z novinek ve Wordu od verze 2013 je možnost editace i PDF dokumentů. Pro vykonání této operace postupujte naprosto stejně jako s jakýmkoliv jiným souborem, prostě jej vyberte k otevření. Budete informováni o možných nepřesnostech při převodu (100% převod vám ostatně nezajistí žádná aplikace) a následně bude soubor otevřen s možností editace. Následně je jen na vás, zda jej následně uložíte opět do PDF nebo do formátu aplikace Word.

34.     Jak nastavit počet zobrazených naposledy použitých souborů?

V nabídce Soubor – Otevřít – Poslední dokumenty se zobrazují naposledy použité a otevřené soubory. Počet zobrazených naposledy otevřených souborů lze změnit v této cestě: Soubor - Možnosti – Upřesnit. Zde nalezněte položku Zobrazovat tento počet naposledy použitých dokumentů a nastavte si požadovanou hodnotu. Maximální hodnota je 50 dokumentů.

35.     Jak skrýt na pásu obsah karet?

Pro minimalizaci pásů karet stačí dvakrát kliknout na název jakékoliv karty. Návrat zpět do normálního zobrazení provedete opět dvojím kliknutím. Kliknutí provedené jedenkrát pouze kartu dočasně skryje.

Microsoft DreamSpark


DreamSpark je program vytvořený společností Microsoft, který poskytuje zdarma studentům

a vyučujícím programy od společnosti Microsoft. Program DreamSpark představil Bill Gates

11. února 2008 ve své řeči na Stanfordově univerzitě. Je předpokládané, že v současnosti

používá program DreamSpark více než 35 milionů studentů.

V současné době nabízí DreamSpark 161 programů, v nichž jsou zařazeny například: SQL

Server, Visual Studio, Windows Server 2016, Windows 7, 8.1 a 10. V programu nejsou

zařazeny služby Office stejně jako další produkty od Microsoft jako například hry. K použití

jednotlivých programů je potřeba podepsat souhlas s licenčním ujednáním MSDN AA

v rámci kterého se zavazujete, že tento software budete používat pro nekomerční výzkum,

vývoj a nekomerční využití.

Licence se podepisuje elektronicky při objednávání požadovaného produktu. U produktů,

které se musí aktivovat (př. OS Windows, Windows Server atd.) získá student unikátní

licenční číslo. Toto číslo je zasláno e-mailem. Zároveň je možné číslo získat zpětně z webu

DreamSpark. Toto číslo se pak chová jako klasické licenční číslo, to znamená, že produkt je

možno aktivovat a používat. Toto číslo je unikátní a každý student má své a je dohledatelné.

Zároveň toto číslo není možné používat mnohonásobně a na několik hardwarových instalací

současně. Jak už bylo řečeno, vše probíhá elektronickou formu a studenti mají možnost si

stahovat konkrétní image produktů a popřípadě si žádat o licenční čísla. Pokud nedojde

k porušení licenčních údajů, tak se při stahovaní jednotlivých produktů společnosti Microsoft

nepředávají osobní údaje. Předávají se pouze číselné údaje a to kolik studentů si stáhlo daný

produkt. Licence DreamSpark je pro studenta nebo zaměstnance opravdu zdarma i když se

elektronická verze velice podobá elektronickému obchodu.

Další obrovská výhoda pro studenty je, že i po ukončení studia zůstávají aktivované licence

dále platné. Platí to však jen v případě stálého dodržování licenčního ujednání (nekomerční

použití atd.). Není však možnost získávání dalšího softwaru (tedy upgrady, nové verze apod.)

ani software znovu instalovat (např. při poškození operačního systému).

Já osobně mám zkušenosti s bezproblémovým použitím OS Windows, MS Visual Studio,

Windows Server 2016 a SQL Server. Dále se chystám využít MS Access 2016 na správu

databází. Vše snadno získám pomocí školního účtu na dreamspark.stredniskola.cz 

Petr Michale

žák Střední školy informatiky a právních studií

SharePoint Online and Office 365 Business Productivity


Office 365 is Microsoft Brand Name for group of software service they provide over cloud. It was beta Test in 2010 and launched in June 2011.

Office 365 contains bundle of software as a service (SaaS), includes but not limited to: SharePoint, Mail, Skype for business, yammer, Delve, Sway, OneDrive, Videos.

To start using Office 365 you can try it for free.

To buy Office 365 you can check the Licenses categories available in here.

Through this post I will provide brief notes about some of the services available in Office 365.

 SharePoint Online provides mainly the collaboration platform needed for your business and among the nice stuff included in SharePoint Online but not limited to:

  •  Workflows: Workflows apply business process, there are available built in workflows per your license category and you can customize and create your workflows using free SharePoint Designer tool.
  •  Visio Service: Microsoft Visio is designed for creating process flows and diagrams, SharePoint Visio service offers a fast and simple way to work with Visio diagrams, using Visio, you can create org charts, manufacturing processes. With Visio service you can embed Visio documents directly in a SharePoint page. Check this video for a Visio Service case.
  • eDiscovery: as stated over Microsoft site "Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery reduces the volume of data by eliminating duplicate files, reconstructing email threads and identifying key themes and data relationships. Finally, it enables predictive coding, allowing users to train the system to intelligently explore and analyze large, unstructured data sets and quickly zero in on what is likely to be relevant."

For more details about SharePoint Online features check this link

 In Office 365 there are other productive services like the following:

  • Delve: is a new way to discover relevant information and connections from across your work life. Delve displays information that is most relevant for each person based on the work they are doing and the people with whom they are engaging. Delve is powered by Office Graph which uses machine learning techniques to map the relationships between people, content and activity that occurs across Office 365.
  • Yammer: is a leading enterprise social network for businesses to get work done smarter and faster.
  • OneDrive: OneDrive for business is a personal library intended for storing and organizing your work documents.

 How to Migrate to Office 365:

There are 3 ways to do the migration:

  1. Copy to Azure, then import in O365.
  2. Ship disk to MSFT Data Center, then import in O365 / Exchange Online.
  3. 3rd Party Tool.

 Hybrid Model:

When we host SharePoint on the local data center it is called On Premise, we can get the benefits of both the On Premise environment and SharePoint Online/Office 365 in a model called Hybrid. A hybrid environment that uses SharePoint Server On Premise and SharePoint Online enables solutions that integrate functionality between services and features such as Search, Microsoft Business Connectivity Services, and Duet Enterprise Online for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP in both environments. 

Important Considerations when Deciding Cloud vs. On Premise

More Details about Hybrid SharePoint.

 How to Extend SharePoint Online?

You can extend and create custom functionality using add-ins previously called apps. There are 2 types of add-ins: SharePoint Hosted and Provider Hosted.

Video about Office 365 and SharePoint Online:

You can check this video that I have provided in an event last year about SharePoint Online and Office 365 Business Productivity.


Office 365 Portal

Office 365 Roadmap

Office 365 resources from TechNet wiki.

Automating Office 365 with PowerShell  from TechNet Wiki.

Office 365 first release

Office 365 plan options

Office 365 free trainings


Written by: John Naguib

Solution Architect/Senior Consultant, Wiki Ninja Blogger, SharePoint Expert and Speaker.



Office 365 ve SharePoint 2016 Hybrid Çözümleri


Merhaba, uzun süredir Office 365 ve SharePoint üzerinde farklı sorular gelmekte. Bazı arkadaşlarımız Microsoft Identity Manager üzerinden kullanıcılarının Office 365 üzerine nasıl senkronize edileceği konusunda sorular sormaktalar. Bu Pazar blog yazımızda ise bu konu hakkında yazılmış ve microsoft tarafından da desteklenen bir aracı tanıtmak istiyorum.

Microsoft Hybrid çözümleri içerisinde bunun içinde açık kaynak kodlu ve GitHub üzerinden dağıtılan ufak bir aracı önermektedir.

Aracımızın adı “User Profile Sync Tookit for Microsoft Identity” . Bu aracı http://hybrid.office.com/downloads.html adresine giderek sağ alt kısımda aynı isim ile bulunan içerik bölümünden erişebilirsiniz.Aracımızı 2 senaryoyu desteklemektedir .

Bunlardan birincisi ;

1 – SharePoint 2016 On-Prem Farm üzerinde bulunan ve AD ile eşleştirilmiş kullanıcıların özelliklerini senkronize etme
2 – Microsoft Identity Manager tabanlı kullanıcılarınızı senkronize etmek için kullanabilirsiniz.

Aracımızın GitHub download adresi https://github.com/OfficeDev/PnP-Tools/tree/master/Solutions/UserProfile.MIMSync dir. Burada bulunan ve Craig Martin

tarafından yazılmış olan MIM-Sync Tools PowerShell scripti ile hızlı bir şekilde kullanıcı ve profil senkronizasyonlarını tamamlayabilirsiniz.



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