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Microsoft ♥ Linux


Du har kanskje sett bildet under som  har vært i omløp i et par år og som Microsofts CEO Satya Nadella viste i presentasjoner og briefings. Hvilken fantastisk endring for Microsoft! Pressen fanget opp dette med et antal artikler om vår nye approach til Linux og open source. Og de har helt rett!



Du spør kanskje "Hvorfor arbeider Microsoft med Linux og open source i det hele tatt?", "Hva er Microsofts plan fremover?" eller "Hva betyr ‘Microsoft ♥ Linux’ for meg som kunde?"

I bunn og grunn er "Microsoft ♥ Linux" drevet av hva vi hørte fra dere som kunder. Dere kjører workloads på Windows. Dere kjører workloads på Linux. Dere kjører disse workloadsene på deres on-premise datasenter, på hostede datasenter og i public clouds. Dere vil bare at alt skal fungere, og fungere sammen uansett operativsystem. Vi hører hva dere sier og forstår at deres verden er heterogen. Bottom line er det en forretningsmulighet for Microsoft å tilby heterogen støtte - for både Windows og Linux workloads - on-premises og i public cloud. Microsoft kan tilby dere reell verdi i en heterogen cloud.


Det kommer kanskje som en overraskelse, men Microsoft har jobbet med Linux i flere år. System Center Operations Manager har tilbudt Linux og UNIX overvåking siden 2009. Drivere for å kjøre Linux guests på Hyper-V ble tilgjengelige i 2010, og vi har også drivere for å kjøre FreeBSD guests på Hyper-V. Microsoft Azure hadde Linux VM's fra "day 1" av Azure IaaS generelle tilgjengelighet i 2013.


Vi har bygget en signifikant kundebase som bruker Linux sammen med Microsoftprodukter. Flere hundre tusen Linux og UNIX servere i produksjon idag håndteres med System Center, hvor de største kundene håndterer nesten 10 000 Linux servere. Kunder som Ancestry.com, Equifax, Storbritannias regerings sine FCO Services og Europcar har Microsoft clouds on-premise som kjører Hyper-V og System Center med mange VM's som kjører Linux. Mer enn 25% av VM'ene i Azure IaaS kjører Linux. Azure tilbyr HDInsight (Hadoop) tjenesten på Linux i tillegg til Windows. Og hvis du ser bredere tilbyr Microsoft nøkkeltjenester for produktivitet som Office365, Skype og RDP klienter på Linux- og BSD-baserte operativsystemer som iOS, Android og Mac OS X.


Hva betyr alt dette? Å arbeide med Linux er ikke nytt hos Microsoft. Faktisk er Linux allerede et betydelig engasjement for Microsoft som nå får en høyere public profile og mer oppmerksomhet. Å levere på dette engasjementet er en kritisk del av det vi tilbyr våre kunder.


Linux i ditt datasenter

Microsoft gjør store investeringer i de grunnleggende cloud teknologiene som vil bli beskrevet mer i detalj i kommende bloggposter i denne serien: Compute, Networking og Storage. Disse investeringene baseres på vår erfaring med den hyper-skalerte Azure public cloud. De er også uavhengige av gjeste-operativsystem så de fungerer for både Windows og Linux. Flotte funksjoner som storage quality-of-service, network virtualization og superrask live migrasjon mha RDMA virker for Linux akkurat på samme måte som for Windows. I produktutviklingsteamene, når man designer nye cloud foundation-funksjoner, spør vi "Hvordan fungerer dette for Windows?", og vi spør "Hvordan fungerer dette for Linux?". Resultatet er at Microsofts tilbud for on-premise datasenter er heterogent og kan kjøre Windows og Linux gjester på en enhetlig måte.

Selvfølgelig trenger en del funksjoner et tett samarbeid med gjeste-operativsystemet. For disse skriver Microsofts utviklere Linux device driver kode for Hyper-V og deltar i Linux communityet for å få koden inn i Linuxkjernen på kernel.org. Siden engasjerer vi distroleverandører som Red Hat, Canonical, Oracle og SUSE og får de til å støtte full Hyper-V support for disse distroene som du sannsynligvis allerede kjører. Som et resultat kjører Linux supert på Hyper-V!


Vi investerer også i managementlaget. Første versjonen av Powershell Desired State Configuration (DSC) for Linux er nå tilgjengelig. Med DSC for Linux kan du få konsistent konfigurasjonshåndtering på tvers av Windows og Linux. På Linux kan du installere pakker, konfigurere filer, skape brukere og grupper, og sette opp enheter. DSC for Linux er også et open source-prosjekt tilgjengeligt på GitHub.


Vår enterprise management funksjonalitet i System Center Operations Manager, Configuration Manager, Virtual Machine Manager og Data Protection Manager håndterer Linux rett ved siden av Windows så du kun har én management infrastruktur for ditt heterogene datasenter. Vi har tatt System Center management videre fra kun Linux som operativsystem og inn i open source middleware som Tomcat, JBoss, Apache Web Server og MySQL. Vi har også utvidet våre hybride tjenester til å inkludere Linux - f eks Azure Site Recovery mellom on-premise/hostede datasenter og Azure.


Linux i Microsoft Azure

Akkurat som for on-premises datasenter gjører Microsoft enorme investeringer i Azure public cloud. Igjen, målet vårt er at alt i Azure fungerer for Linux VM's akkurat som det fungerer for Windows VM's. Funksjoner som "G" serien av VM størrelser, Premium Storage og Azure Backup for VM's er tilgjengelige for både Windows og Linux, sammen med en rekke extensions for custom scripting, gjenoppretting av access og OS patching. Noen funksjoner som integrasjon med Docker, Chef og andre open source prosjekter er tilgjengelige for deg på Linux før de kommer til Windows.

Azure tilbyr en rekke enterprise-klare Linux distribusjoner i Azure: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, openSUSE, Ubuntu Linux, Oracle Linux, Core OS i tillegg til community distros som CentOS. Du kan selvfølgelig også laste opp din egen custom Linux image, eller velge fra over 2000 andre på http://vmdepot.com.


Hvis du bruker Azuretjenester har du tilgang til disse fra Windows, Linux eller Mac OS X maskiner. Til å begynne med har du sikkert brukt Azure-portalen, som er en HTML5 web applikasjon og fungerer i browsers som kjører på Linux og Mac OS X, akkurat som browsers på Windows. Etter hvert vil du kanskje integrere Azure i dine operasjonelle prosesser. På Windows er Powershell det primære skripting- og automasjonsverktøyet. For Linux og Mac OS X (og Windows) tilbyr Azure et Node.js-basert pakke med kommandoer for å skripte og automatisere hele livssyklusen av Azure tjenester.


I Azure har vi nå Linux-baserte PaaS tjenester i tillegg til tjenestene baserte på Windows. HDInsight (Hadoop) tjenesten var den første som ble tilgjengelig på Linux, og forettningsmessig er det logisk at andre tjenester som bruker "born on Linux" open source prosjekter rett å slett bare kjører direkte på Linux i stedet for å portes til Windows. Interne verktøy for overvåking, diagnostisering, patching og for å møte compliance-krav har blitt utvidet for å inkludere disse Linux-baserte tjenestene.



Microsoft jobber mye med Linux - både for on-premise datasenter og leverandører samt for Azure public cloud. Vi vet at dere kjører workloads på både Windows og Linux og har gjort håndtering av Linux workloads til en grunnleggende del av vårt produkttilbud så at det er vel integrert og bare fungerer.

Gå til www.microsoft.com/open for å lære deg mer om investeringene vi gjør, og husk - “Microsoft ♥ Linux”!

USERDIVE – Empowering Companies to Continuously Optimize their Websites


USERDIVE couples state-of-the-art technology and Azure’s compatibility with Python and Cloudera Hadoop to improve web traffic.

Uncover Truth is a Japanese-based company that has developed USERDIVE, an open source-based web UX analysis tool. USERDIVE visualizes users' activities such as mouse movements, scrolling and clicking to enable powerful analysis. Users are then able to filter the data, allowing them deeper insight into how people are interacting with the user interface. For example, you can brush up your EC website by comparing the website activity of users who made purchases and those who did not. According to CEO Keizo Ishikawa, “It has become easy to find websites thanks to search engines and that means, more than ever, that consumers probably won’t return to an unattractive website. With USERDIVE, we get involved in the market by creating a solid basis for website improvement. Previously, the only option was for companies to process even more data in order to detect traffic trends and grow website-based sales.”

A Microsoft BizSpark member since its establishment in 2013, USERDIVE has been successfully implemented by over 200 companies, including many large-scale companies, such as Japan Airlines, SEGA, FUJIFILM, and Forbes Japan –with new implementations continuing to grow rapidly. For instance, the company is now receiving requests for price quotes from overseas as well, which is a sharp contrast to its first year of operations. 

While USERDIVE was not initially launched on Azure, the company needed to break away from a private cloud that was no longer able to keep pace with its fast-growing business. The increase in the number of large scale companies caused an exponential growth in traffic, slowing speed and disrupting stability says CTO Kunihiro Nakajima. “Right after we launched, our parent company allowed us to use their private cloud at a lower fee rate. The operational load was considerable and the system had delays when traffic spiked. Hosting on Azure, has provided the company a raft of compelling operational and business benefits, such as the ability to scale up within minutes rather than the 4 to 5 hours it previously took, and the ability to identify new business opportunities.

COO Yoichi Obata adds, “We reviewed three points when we were looking to change cloud providers: first, excellent speed and stability to solve the initial problems we had; second, to set up headquarters overseas (this was a prerequisite as we were aiming to create a global offering developed in Japan from the outset); and third, we considered openness. Microsoft Azure far outpaced the competition on all three criteria.”

Azure’s ability to integrate with a host of open source technologies was a major component of Uncover Truth’s decision to use the software for USERDIVE Mr. Nakajima explains, “We run a Linux virtual server on Microsoft Azure and do not use Windows products at all. USERDIVE is structured based on open source software such as Python, Django, MySQL and Cloudera Hadoop. However, it runs on Microsoft Azure without any problems. Most cloud services have a particular behavioral pattern, but not Microsoft Azure. That is one of the platform’s most distinctive features. It is so easy to use for us open source engineers and it facilitates simple system migration.”

While USERDIVE continues to gain momentum in the market, Mr. Obata credits the company’s BizSpark membership with some of USERDIVE’s recent success. “Microsoft not only provides infrastructure, but it also offers support as our team member. They provide opportunities to meet with other start-ups that are using Azure. We are now collaborating with other start-ups to generate a brand new business. I do not know of any other infrastructure vendor who provides this level of service.”

Mr. Ishikawa concludes, “Of the 12 companies whose products we looked at, Microsoft Azure was the only service with a support structure and a concept for start-up businesses like ours going through a period of business expansion.”


Microsoft is helping these startups succeed through its BizSpark program. To join or see other startup stories, visit us at our website here. To listen to our startups, check out these podcasts on devradio here

About BizSpark:  Microsoft BizSpark is a global program that helps startups succeed by giving free access to Microsoft Azure cloud services, software and support. BizSpark members receive up to $750 per month of free Microsoft Azure cloud services for 3 years: that’s $150 per month each for up to 5 developers. Azure works with Linux and open-source technologies such as Ruby, Python, Java and PHP. BizSpark is available to startups that are privately held, less than 5-years-old and earn less than $1M in annual revenue.

Exchange Services Not Starting on Windows Server 2012 Due to Network Location Profile


Some of my lab servers run in Microsoft Azure with no redundancy.  This is because they are only a lab, and I want to minimise the monthly billing costs for these environments.  When the servers are restarted due to patching or maintenance activities, there can be a little fallout. 

In the case below, some Exchange services were not running on the Exchange 2010 CAS server in the lab, and Autodiscover was not working at all.  Simply pinging the Autodiscover endpoint from a test client failed.  Note that DNS resolution is working, as the name has been correctly mapped to the underlying IP, which is in this case. 

Autodiscover #Fail 101 - Server Totally Unreachable

For reference these IPs are static and were set using Azure PowerShell many moons ago, 

Why can we not even ping the Autodiscover endpoint?  Experience tells me that something is blocking the IMCP traffic, and this is most likely the Windows Firewall due to the current network profile that is applied.  This is something that was an issue with Windows 2008 R2 and required a hotfix to correct.  The details are in this previous Windows Server 2008 R2 post, and the hotfix is also listed in my recommend Exchange 2010 tweaks post

If we look at the network status on the Exchange 2010 CAS server, sure enough the network profile says public.  Windows firewall will block the incoming HTTP and ICMP requests. 

Checking Network Profile On Windows 2012 - Note Public Is Selected

One way to troubleshoot is to restart the server.  That’s not how we like to roll.  Can we fix this without rebooting the server?  Challenge accepted…


Changing Windows Network Location

To re-assess the network connections, we can restart the Network Location Awareness  service (NlaSvc), and its dependant service – the Network List service. 

However restarting the services did not change the profile location, it remained on Private. 

Manually setting the network to Private, using the steps listed in the appendix at the end of this post, made no difference.  

Network Profile On Exchange - Domain Not Detected.  Neither Public or Private Allow the Required Traffic

What exactly are we missing here?  We cannot set the profile to domain authenticated manually, Windows needs to detect that it is a member of the domain and is currently connected to the domain.  This is discussed in KB 980873 - A computer cannot identify the network when the computer is running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2, and is a member of a child domain

That KB provides a clue – the reference to the PDC emulator.  Can we get to the PDC emulator from the Exchange server in question?  Let’s look at the network profile selected on the PDC emulator.

Well that’s just great, the PDC also detected the network as Private which explains why the other servers were not able to query it properly.  Windows firewall on the PDC emulator is also blocking inbound traffic. 

Checking Network Profile On PDC - Note Public Is Selected.  Oh Crap.

Note the network is Ethernet16, the Exchange server listed above was Ethernet 20.  

Let’s restart the Network Location Awareness service on the PDC.  

In the below screenshot the PDC has now detected that the domain profile is to be applied. 

Checking Network Profile On PDC - Domain Profile Is Now Applied

Now that we can contact the PDC, let’s restart the Network Location Awareness service on the Exchange server.   The change is highlighted below.  The domain network is now using the domain profile. 

Checking Network Profile On Exchange Server - Domain Profile Is Now Applied

We can now start the Exchange services, and clients can connect to the Autodiscover endpoint and other services successfully.  Yay!

To review the history of network transitions, the following Event log can be consulted:







Appendix – Manually Setting Server 2012 Network Profile

Since we are not able to manually set the Network Location using the GUI on a domain joined Windows Server 2012 machine, different approaches are needed.  While it is possible to configure a local policy, this is not the most efficient and will be overlooked when troubleshooting in the future.  Manually setting the network profile in PowerShell is likely to be a better option. 

To review the current network connection, we can use:


Checking Currnet Network Connection Profile Using PowerShell

If we want to change the profile, the Set-NetConnectionProfile   cmdlet is used. 

The NetworkCategory parameter will accept Public, Private and DomainAuthenticated, but DomainAuthenticated will result in an error:

Set-NetConnectionProfile  -InterfaceIndex 33 -NetworkCategory DomainAuthenticated

Attempting To Set DomainAuthenticated Network Category Using PowerShell

The server automatically sets the value of DomainAuthenticated when the network is authenticated to a domain controller.  The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • Public
  • Private

Trying this again, let’s set the NetworkCategory to Private:

Set-NetConnectionProfile  -InterfaceIndex 33 -NetworkCategory Private

Setting Private Network Category Using PowerShell

Note that the InterfaceIndex parameter is used to ensure that the changes are applied to the correct interface. 

And we can use Get-NetConnectionProfile to check the change was applied:

Checking Currnet Network Connection Profile Using PowerShell



Hola, buenas,

Ya podemos descargarnos la Actualización Pública para Project 2013 y Project Server 2013, correspondiente al mes de marzo de 2016. Recordemos que para poder instalarla es necesario haber instalado antes el SP1.

Paquete “rollup” o completo Project Server 2013: 


Paquete individual Project Server 2013:


Paquete cliente Project 2013:


La versión del cliente pasa a ser 15.0.4805.1000.

La versión de la base de datos (sí tenemos modificación en el esquema en esta versión) pasa a ser 15.0.4805.1000.

Hemos consultado los siguientes posts y artículo antes de escribir éste:




Por favor, probadlo en un entorno de pruebas antes de hacerlo en el de Producción.

Esperamos os resulte de interés, un saludo.

Jorge Puig

(Cloud) Tip of the Day: OneDrive for Business updates


Today’s Tip…

Today, I’d like to share updates on OneDrive for Business.

Check out the following official announcement here for more information…



  • Office 365 customers on premium Enterprise, Government and Education plans will receive increased storage from 1 TB to 5 TB per user.
    • Rollout will complete by the end of March 2016.
    • Customers on all other Office 365 Enterprise, Business and standalone plans that include OneDrive for Business will continue to receive 1 TB of storage per user.
    • Specifically, this includes unlimited storage for individuals in organizations with more than five people subscribing to one of the following plans:
      • Office 365 Enterprise E3, E4 and E5
      • Office 365 Government E3, E4 and E5
      • Office 365 Education
      • OneDrive for Business Plan 2 and SharePoint Online Plan 2
  • OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client is now available for deployment.
    • Improved reliability and performance
    • Selective sync
    • Support for large files up to 10 GB in size and removing the 20,000 file sync limit.
    • IT Professionals can now silently deploy and configure the client on behalf of end users.
    • The OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client is available for Windows 7, 8 and 10 (8.1 support will be added in the first quarter of 2016) and Mac OS X 10.9 and above.
    • Next Generation Sync Client supports OneDrive for Business only, but we will add support for SharePoint document libraries in future releases.
  • OneDrive app for Windows 10 Mobile was recently released. This app offers all the essential capabilities to view, edit, delete, share and upload files onto both your personal OneDrive and OneDrive for Business storage services.
  • OneDrive for iOS app will support offline storage. You can selectively flag files for local availability and open them when disconnected. The updated app will be available before the end of December 2015. We first released offline storage on Android in September 2015 and will take this same capability to Windows 10 Mobile in the second quarter of 2016.
  • Office Lens for iOS now supports uploading your content directly into OneDrive for Business. Support for OneDrive for Business will be added to Android and Windows 10 Mobile in the first quarter of 2016.

La ‘gamificación’ como herramienta de enseñanza #HackTheClassroom

La ‘gamificación’ permite que mientras un estudiante juega este adquiera conocimientos y habilidades. Hoy la tecnología en el aula permite esto de maneras que antes no era posible. Entre las habilidades que permite desarrollar el uso del juego en los procesos educativos están la comunicación, la colaboración, la creatividad, el pensamiento crítico y el pensamiento computacional. Pero dejemos que Francisco Tupy, profesor, diseñador...(read more)

Azure Connector for Azure Pack


Great news! Last week Microsoft Azure connector for Windows Azure Pack was released for the public. It is available on GitHub as an Open Source.

This connector allows every hoster to add Azure VM management functionality to its current Azure Pack portal. This is what service providers asked Microsoft for years - single management panel for hoster-based VMs and for Azure-based VMs. Now hosters can offer Azure VMs via CSP to their tenants as an addition to their current IaaS.

Feel free to install Azure connector, it should not take more that 1-2 hours.

Download it!

Official announcement

Jeff Grave's blog post

Text Justification problem


I've heard of the text justification problem along time ago. But, I've never taken the time to actually try to solve it, until recently when I decided to look it up again. In this post, I'll show how to solve the problem.

Let's first describe the problem: Given a series of words and a page width (line length), left justify the words to fit them in the lines based on the page width.  More formally: given S = { Wi } for i >= 0 and Pw >= 0 the page width we need to return: R = { {Wi} } i> 0 such that  Sum(|Wi|) + Sum(Wi)  <= Pw.

As usual, we'll turn to our inductive approach for solving the problem. Let's define Cost(i,j) - the cost of putting Wi ... Wj in a single line. The cost function is what we need to actually minimize. We'll define it more specifically later on, so for now, let's assume that we are given this cost function and that if Wi... Wj can't be put on the same line it will return infinity, otherwise, it will return a score such that 0 <= score < infinity.

Hypothesis: P(n < N) - We know how to get the minimum score for arranging words Wi ... Wn (inclusive) in multiple lines in a justified manner (e.g. with the minimal accumulative score).

Base case P(1)  = Score(1,1).

How do we reduce P(N) to P(n < N)? well, let's start by fitting some K words in the last line. The score for those words is Score(WN - k + 1, WN). Once we have determined the cost of these words we are left with N - K < N words to fit in the rest of the lines. based on our hypothesis we know how to score them!

So the algorithm works as follows:

Initialization: P(-1) = INFINITY

1. For each  0 <= i <= N:

    2. For each 0 <= j <= i:

        3. P(i) = min(P(i),P(j - 1) + Score(j,i))

You may have already noticed that the code is arranged in a dynamic programming fashion. In fact, TeX uses this exact approach to justify text .The only thing left to be shown is how the Score(i,j) function works. The truth is, that the score function is very straightforward. It takes the difference between the page width and the sum of word length i...j (including spaces) and raises it to some power. We'll use the third power in our scoring function. Furthermore, we would like to be able to keep track of the words we put in each line. After all, the point of this exercise is to justify the text, and not just hand out scores. To do so, we'll use an additional data structure Parent(i) that will save back pointers to the previous line. As we determine the minimum j (from above) we also update Parent(i) = j - 1. this way we can retrieve the words to be arranged in each line  (in reverse order). Now let's see some actual code:

Let's look on how the main function uses Justify to print a set of words in a justified manner:

As a final comment I will just note that you can take a slightly different (but equivalent) approach, and instead of filling the last line and calculate the score of the first lines, you first try to fill the first line and calculate the score for the rest of the line. I personally find dynamic programming to be easier to grasp when you look at it from end to beginning rather than the other way. 

La revolución de la docencia ha comenzado – Newsweek en Español desde el E² Global Educator Exchange #HackTheClassroom

“Los docentes que innovan tienen que ser muy valorados por sus comunidades”, esto comentó Mariana Maggio, Gerente de Programas Académicos de Microsoft para Latinoamérica a Newsweek en Español, desde Budapest, donde en estos días se realiza E² Global Educator Exchange de Microsoft, para celebrar y reconocer a los profesores innovadores de todo el mundo. Foto: Andrés Tapia / Newsweek en Español En esta nota, podrán...(read more)

Policía predictiva: el futuro de la aplicación de la ley

Por: Parul Bhandari, Líder de Soluciones de Industria de Gobierno, WWPS en Microsoft. La era de la analítica predictiva ha llegado. Y tiene el potencial para dotar a los departamentos de policía y a los ciudadanos de todo el mundo de la inteligencia necesaria para predecir la delincuencia, tanto en tiempo real como en el futuro. Gracias a todo, desde los lectores automáticos de matrículas hasta los sensores de armas, los datos en tiempo real a disposición de los organismos encargados de hacer cumplir...(read more)

2016 Global Azure Bootcamp à Québec


AFI Expertise en collaboration avec Microsoft est fier de présenter la 4e édition du Bootcamp Azure Global, Québec. Vous n’êtes pas familier avec l’événement? Il s’agit d’une journée où des collaborateurs partagent leur expertise pour former des communautés dédiées à la plateforme Azure et accélérer l'adoption et l'exploitation de l'infonuagique ("Cloud").

Pour l’édition 2016, vous pourrez assister à 5 sessions portées par 9 présentateurs dont notre invité spécial : Jean Cheng , Director Cloud Computing - Canada Public Sector.

Vous pouvez vous inscrire dès maintenant au : https://qbcazurebootcamp.eventday.com/

Pour consulter l'horaire de la journée :

Au plaisir de vous voir en grand nombre.

New Information Protection for Office 365 poster blazes the trail for increased security


Microsoft has done extensive work to ensure that your information stored in Office 365 can have the highest level of security and protection in the industry. To spotlight that work and provide you with a methodical way to increase your information protection to the level required for your organization, Brenda Carter has published Information Protection for Office 365, a new poster in the Office 365 Enterprise Solution Series.

The key value of this new poster is the Capability grid, which answers the key questions:

  • What are the key information protection capabilities?
  • What are the administrative tasks to protect my information?
  • How far can I go in protecting my information for each capability?

The poster defines the following capabilities:

  1. Simplify and protect access
  2. Allow collaboration and prevent leaks
  3. Stop external threats
  4. Stay compliant
  5. Secure admin access

The grid then defines the set of administrative tasks for each capability, in order of increasing control and protection.

Here is an example of an administrative task for the Simplify and protect access capability:

The task includes links for more information and which versions of Office 365 (and, in some cases, Windows 10) to which the capability applies.

If you are an Office 365 administrator, especially an enterprise administrator, download this poster today and get on the path to increasing the level of information protection for your organization.

Please let us know:

  • What do you think about this poster?
  • What additional posters would you like to see?

You can comment on this blog post, send us an email at itspdocs@microsoft.com, or join the conversation in the Cloud Adoption Advisory Board (CAAB) Yammer group.





こんにちは。日本マイクロソフト System Center Support Team の三輪です。

今回は、System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 及びSystem Center App Controller の連携時の動作ついてご紹介します。


SCVMM よりセルフサービスユーザーを用いたユーザーロール作成し、そのロールを用いてApp Controller から操作するといったシナリオにおいて、セルフサービスユーザーを用いたユーザーロールを介して App Controller から仮想マシンの操作が出来ない、という事象が発生いたします。




特に、ストレージに関連した、HostFibreChannelVirtualSAN といオブジェクトに対してのアクセスが権限不足により失敗する事例が多く報告されています。

この場合、セルフサービスユーザーを用いたユーザーロールで、App Controller から NPIV を用いたボリュームをマウントしている仮想マシンに対して操作する際にエラーが発生します。

この場合、通常の仮想ハードディスクに接続している仮想マシンは操作が可能であるが、N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) を用いたボリュームをマウントしている仮想マシンについては操作が出来ない状況となります。

SCVMM PowerShell を用いてアクセスを行う場合でもこの仕様により操作は失敗します。

NPIV を用いた仮想マシンの運用をお考えのお客様は上記をご確認の上、運用方法についてご検討下さい。



こんにちは。日本マイクロソフト System Center Support Team の三輪です。

今回は、System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 及びSystem Center App Controller の連携時の動作ついてご紹介します。


SCVMM よりセルフサービスユーザーを用いたユーザーロール作成し、そのロールを用いてApp Controller から操作するといったシナリオにおいて、セルフサービスユーザーを用いたユーザーロールを介して App Controller から仮想マシンの操作が出来ない、という事象が発生いたします。




特に、ストレージに関連した、HostFibreChannelVirtualSAN といオブジェクトに対してのアクセスが権限不足により失敗する事例が多く報告されています。

この場合、セルフサービスユーザーを用いたユーザーロールで、App Controller から NPIV を用いたボリュームをマウントしている仮想マシンに対して操作する際にエラーが発生します。

この場合、通常の仮想ハードディスクに接続している仮想マシンは操作が可能であるが、N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) を用いたボリュームをマウントしている仮想マシンについては操作が出来ない状況となります。

SCVMM PowerShell を用いてアクセスを行う場合でもこの仕様により操作は失敗します。

NPIV を用いた仮想マシンの運用をお考えのお客様は上記をご確認の上、運用方法についてご検討下さい。




Hey all

So I have been quite for a while… this is mainly due to high workloads but also I moved!

I am now a resident in San Francisco! Smile

Will be trying to put more online in the coming weeks as I come across little bits…


台灣微軟 2016 年 3 月份資訊安全公告發行


台灣微軟公司今 (十) 日發佈 2016 年 3 月份的資訊安全公告,本次的資訊安全公告有 13 個新的資訊安全更新程式 MS16-023 ~ MS16-035,嚴重性等級為重大和重要,了解更多請前往:  http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-tw/security/bulletin/ms16-mar

本期 『資安小常識』主題為:『OMS 最新安全功能』。OMS 致力於加深對IT環境的洞察力。Security and Audit 解決方案用資料幫助驅動更全面的安全措施,更新後擁有更好的使用者介面和更多功能,成為 OMS 安全資訊的窗口。您可與客戶分享此實用資訊。

客戶應盡速查閱公告內的資訊,若適用的話,應該加以測試並立即在作業環境中部署更新程式。瀏覽 http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-tw/security/bulletin/ 以取得有關此通告訊息的最新資訊。

Zero Downtime Patching in SharePoint Server 2016


This post was written by Philip Gwynn, Senior Consultant, Microsoft Services.

One of the exciting new IT Pro features of SharePoint Server 2016 is the ability to patch your farm without causing any downtime.  While updating the SharePoint 2016 PLA Operations Guide, we tested this feature and found it works quite well as long as the Web Front End (WFE) servers are removed from the load balancer while patching.  But before we go into the details, here is a bit of an overview of patching SharePoint for those who aren’t familiar with it.

The process of updating a SharePoint Server 2016 environment is a two-phase process: binary patching and build-to-build upgrade.

Patch phase

The patch phase has two steps, the patch deployment step and the binaries deployment step. During the patch deployment step, new binary files are copied to the server running SharePoint Server 2016. Services that use files that the patch has to replace are temporarily stopped. Stopping services reduces the requirement to restart the server to replace files that are being used.

The second step in the patch phase is the binaries deployment step. In this step, the installer copies support dynamic link library (.dll) files to the appropriate directories on the server that is running SharePoint Server 2016. This step ensures that all the web applications are running the correct version of the binary files and will function correctly after the update is installed. The update phase is complete after the binaries deployment step.

Build-to-build upgrade phase

The next and final phase to deploy software updates is the build-to-build upgrade phase. This phase modifies database schemas, updates objects in the farm, and updates site collections. After you finish the patch phase, you must complete the update installation by starting the build-to-build upgrade phase. The build-to-build upgrade phase is task intensive and, therefore, takes the most time to finish. The first action is to upgrade all the SharePoint processes that are running. After you upgrade the processes, the databases are crawled and upgraded. After you complete a farm upgrade on one server, you have to complete the process on all other servers to maintain compatibility.

Patching steps

Here is a diagram which shows a sample sequence of steps required to install an update on a typical SharePoint farm topology.


Note: DO NOT RUN the SharePoint Products ConfigurationWizard until all servers have been patched (steps 1-12, below)

Remove half of the web servers (WFE#1) from rotation in the load balancer to stop incoming requests to the servers. Run the executable file to install the update on each web server that is out of the load-balancing rotation (WFE#1).

  1.     Remove half of the web servers (WFE#1) from rotation in the load balancer, or pause the load balancer to stop incoming requests to the servers.
  2.     Run the executable file to install the update on each web server that is out of the load-balancing rotation (WFE#1).
  3.     Add the updated web server (WFE#1) back into the load-balancing rotation.
  4.     Remove the remaining web server (WEB#2 from rotation in the load balancer.
  5.     Run the executable file to install the update on each web server that is still out of the load-balancing rotation (WFE#2).
  6.     Add the updated web server (WFE#2) back to the load-balancing rotation.
  7.     Run the executable file to install the update on the Central Administration server (APP#1).
  8.     Run the executable file to install the update on the second application server (APP#2).
  9.     Run the executable file to install the update on the first Search server (SRC#1).
  10.    Run the executable file to install the update on the second Search server (SRC#2).
  11.    Run the executable file to install the update on the first distributed cache server (DCH#1).
  12.    Run the executable file to install the update on the second distributed cache server (DCH#2).

At this point in the process, the databases and other components such as settings, features, and site-level data must still be upgraded because the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard was not run on any of the farm servers. However, the farm should be capable of running in backward compatibility mode for a limited time.

Upgrade Servers

The following illustration shows the steps that upgrade the farm servers to finish the patching process.

  1.        (Optional) Use the Windows PowerShell Upgrade-SPContentDatabase cmdlet to upgrade each content database. This is an optional step, but it will help ensure that all content databases are upgraded first. It has the advantage of enabling some parallelism to reduce upgrade time. If it is not performed, all remaining non-upgraded content databases will be upgraded serially when you run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard to upgrade the farm servers.
  2.       Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on the Central Administration server (APP#1).
  3.      The SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard also starts an immediate upgrade of the configuration database and all other databases that are not already upgraded. Because it is likely that the content databases are the only databases that have already been upgraded, as described in the previous step, all the service application databases are also upgraded in this step.
  4.       Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on the remaining application server (APP#2).
  5.       Remove the first web server (WFE#1) from rotation in the load balancer, or pause the load balancer to stop incoming requests to the servers.
  6.       Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on the web servers (WFE#1)
  7.       Add the upgraded web server (WFE#1) back into rotation in the load balancer
  8.       Remove the first web server (WFE#2) from rotation in the load balancer, or pause the load balancer to stop incoming requests to the servers.
  9.       Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on the web servers (WFE#2)
  10.       Add the upgraded web server (WFE#2) back into rotation in the load balancer
  11.       Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on all remaining servers, one at a time (DCH#1, DCH#2, SRC#1, SRC#2)

Wrapping it up…

Maintaining SharePoint Server (any version) involves keeping it healthy. The SharePoint 2016 Product Line Architecture (PLA) includes a manual (the Operations Guide) with daily, weekly, and monthly checklists as well as detailed information like what's described in this post. The SharePoint 2016 PLA takes the best of Microsoft’s learnings from the cloud, projects with customers, Premier and broad support, and repeated consulting engagements to come up with a reference architecture and recommendations. Find out more by contacting your Microsoft Enterprise Services representative and by visiting the PLA blog.

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Microsoft Office 365 в образовании. Организация персонализированного обучения в Office 365 с помощью Planner


Ранее я рассматривал общие принципы работы с сервисом Planner Office 365. Рассмотрим теперь, как использовать комплекс интегрированных сервисов Office 365 для создания условий для самостоятельного персонифицированного обучения с одновременным взаимным партнерством.

...(read more)

Tip o' the Week 317 – The Wunder Years


clip_image001As regular readers know, ToW is often peppered with funny/stupid/obscure links to web content (videos especially). As it happens, one of the most commented (and most obscure) was a link to a Tenpole Tudor video called Wunderbar, back in ToW #227, referring to a feature in Outlook of the same name.

Which serves nothing more than a neat segue to this week’s topic – the wonderful Wunderlist. After being acquired by Microsoft in mid-2015, the Wunderlist product is still looking refreshingly independent and has a engendered a particular love from its avid users. And it’s available on lots of platforms too. And it’s basically free.

clip_image002Wunderlist Pro costs $5 a month and includes a bunch of extra features, like micro-manager subdivision and infinite assignment of tasks, custom background creation, etc, and your profile pic will have this fetching head ornament as a memento.

Now, most of what you can do with Wunderlist could also be done with Outlook (either natively or through addins from other providers) but aficionados will wax on about how much slicker or easier Wunderlist is. As usual with these things, it’s all about putting the theories you already know into practice, and seeing how the tools suit your own way of working.

Things Wunderlist is great at:

  • Cross-platform support. It’s got native clients for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Chromebook, has support for numerous browsers etc.
  • You can create lists (that correspond to categories or projects, whatever works for you) and invite other people to join in that specific project – so a Home group full of lists to do with your personal life could have other friends or family sharing in the task-oriented fun, or you could have work colleagues sharing collective To-Dos and clip_image004Go-Dos with each other.
  • It’s quick. It’s also very slick. Especially on a mobile device, it’s a lot better than using Outlook Tasks for a lot of things.
  • Wunderlist on Windows 10 supports the Action Center so you can get notifications of overdue actions.
  • The Ding. No, not the ‘Ding of the Turtle and the Three Bs, but the ever-so-satisfying little bleat the Wunderlist app makes when you mark an action as complete. It’s almost worth creating new ones, just so you can tick them off.


And now, there’s even an Outlook addin for Wunderlist, most commonly available through Office365 or Outlook.com. The addin can be used either in Outlook online in a browser, or in the desktop client, and adds a Wunderlist menu to the home tab, so you can very quickly create list items from within email.

It’s really easy to set reminders too – possibly even quicker than flagging an item in Outlook and setting a time to remind you by; with the added benefit that Wunderlist reminders show up in Action Center and you’ll also get an email when the action is due, so if you’re a habitual inbox junkie who finds it hard to use a separate task list, then somewhat perversely, Wunderlist might actually help you take your eyes out of the in-tray and remember to look at other things along the way.

Check out the Office Store for your Wunderlist addin or see more detail on here.


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