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Новое поколение доступных и производительных Windows-планшетов - достаем из коробки TECLAST tPad X80 Plus на Intel Atom X5 Z8300


Итак, ко мне приехал первый из заказанных мною китайских Windows-планшетов нового поколения на новой же платформе Intel Atom X5/X7 Z8300/Z8500/Z8700. Это TECLAST tPAD X80 Plusс младшей версией процессора – Intel Atom X5 Z8300 и 2ГБ ОЗУ и 32ГБ eMMC хранилища. Подробную техническую спецификацию TECLAST tPAD X80 Plus можете посмотреть на сайте TinyDeal.com, где, собственно, он и покупался.

Подписаться на канал iWalker2000 ►►►

Также ожидаю еще одну модель Windows-планшета от китайцев – это «большой» планшет TECLAST X16 Power (куплен в том же интернет-магазине TinyDeal и там же можно посмотреть технические спецификации TECLAST X16 Power). TECLAST X16 Powerкак раз на базе самого топового процессора из серии Intel Atom Z8300/Z8500/Z8700 – Intel Atom X7 Z8700, который должен обеспечивать данному планшету конкуренцию с тем же Microsoft Surface 3 на таком же Intel Atom X7. Что же – приедет – сравним производительность младшего и старшего – насколько велика между ними разница при разлете в ценах в 2-3 раза…

Почему именно китайцы и почему именно серия планшетов на Intel Atom Z8xxx?

На мой взгляд – у Intel’а отлично получился новый процессор для устройств типа “легких” планшетов, а Windows 8.1 и, особенно, Windows 10 отлично себя чувствует на предлагаемой базовой платформе Intel Atom X5 Z8300 с теми самыми 2ГБ ОЗУ и 32ГБ eMMC хранилища, как уTECLAST X80 Plus.

Китайские же «полубренды» предлагают сейчас и отличное качество (мой старенький полуторагодичный CUBE iwork8 на Intel Atom Z3735, как ни странно, не развалился и не сдох при активном использовании), и очень и очень приятные цены в пределах 100долларов (опять же – в зависимости от площадки, лично я уже несколько лет пользуюсь для покупок всей китайской продукции интернет-магазином TinyDeal.com, вот раздел тех же Windows-планшетов), и очень широкий выбор продуктов – несколько «китайских брендов», не отставая друг от друга, клепают свои варианты устройств на одной платформе – потому, если вам не нравится по какой-то причине продукция TECLAST с ее TECLAST X80 Plus– можете обратить внимания на аналогичную по характеристикам модель на той же платформе Intel Atom X5 Z8300 – но уже от упомянутого мною CUBE – CUBE iwork8 Ultimate – все есть на TinyDealSmile

Плюс – китайцы сейчас работают не только для «своих брендов», но и для «локальных брендов» разных стран. Для той же Украины – это бренды BRAVISи MYTAB, про предложение которых я уже рассказывал у себя на канале – смотрите обзоры BRAVIS WXi89 BLACKи MYTAB Ontario 2новый MYTAB c экраном 8”будет как раз ребрендингом упомянутого выше CUBE iwork8 Ultimate ). Такой вариант позволяет жителям той или иной страны покупать планшеты в локальных магазинах, не переживая за свои карточки или процедуру доставки и растаможки. Хотя – у меня не было ни разу проблем с платежами по карточке или доставкой товара с TinyDeal (в Словакию).

Эмиграция для ИТ-профессионалов в Европу!Оформление ВНЖ в Словакии, возможность работы со всеми странами ЕС, открытие фирм, ЧПс соответствующими видами деятельности, оформление документов для членов семьи. Быстро, качественно, дешево и абсолютно легально ВНЖ в Словакии. www.slovakiago.com
Не упустите свой шанс жить и работать в Евросоюзе!

И если посмотреть на все эти факторы вместе, то выходит, что совместными стараниями Intel, китайцев и Microsoft (раньше был Wintel, теперь это Chintel Winking smile ) – дешевые и производительные Windows-планшетыполучили хороший шанс в своей нише планшетов от 75 до 150 долларов.

Вот потому мне и интересна эта новая платформа Intel Atom X5/X7 для Windows-планшетов– чтобы потестировать, опробовать, сравнить все возможности самому и, безусловно, сделать обширные обзоры таких китайцев – у которых сейчас большие шансы стать самой популярной и покупаемой платформой для планшетов в 2016 году – у себя на YouTube-канале iWalker2000. Надеюсь, все эти мои видеообзоры нового поколения доступных Windows-планшетовбудут полезны и позновательны для моих посетителей и помогут им определиться с выбором правильного планшета на правильном процессоре и с правильными характеристиками на том же TinyDeal. Winking smile

Подписывайтесь на мой Youtube канал iWalker2000– для подписки просто кликните сюда

Так что в течение месяца-двух (декабрь 2015 – январь/февраль 2016) ожидаются обширные тесты и сравнениене сколько даже планшетов TECLAST X80 Plusи TECLAST X16 Power, сколько самой платформы Intel Atom X5 и Intel Atom X7.

Уже на следующей неделе – смотрите тестирование производительности TECLAST X80 Plusв синтетических тестах и сравнение его результатов с предыдущим поколением Windows-планшетов на Intel Atom Z3735 и Intel Atom Z3740D – CUBE iwork8, HP Stream 7и Dell Venue 8 Pro. Битва будет горячей, процессоры этих планшетов уже раскалены донельзя тестами типа PCmark… Winking smile

А раз уже TECLAST X80 Plusпервым таки приехал ко мне с TinyDeal, то начнем с традиционного видео его распаковки и первичного обзора Winking smile Смотрите распаковку TECLAST tPAD X80 Plus:

Новое поколение Windows-планшетов - достаем из коробки TECLAST tPad X80 Plus на Intel Atom X5-Z8300

И скажу честно – за 3 дня работы TECLAST X80 Plusменя только радует– работает шустро, интерфейс отзывчивый, субъективное время работы – хорошее (детальные тесты покажут, что там на самом деле), легкий и удобный. В общем – цена/производительность у TECLAST X80 Plusна должном уровне, качество – тоже хорошее, как и положено “брендовому китайцу”, но про это – в отдельном обзоре после всех тестов и игрушек – с выводами по результатам эксплуатации за 2-3 недели/месяц Winking smile

Купить TECLAST X80 Plus на TinyDeal.com

А для тех, кто планирует подарок (отличный такой подарок себе, любимому) на грядущие праздники - планшеты нового поколения на Intel Atom X5 от других производителей на TinyDeal.com смотрите/покупайте здесь (поторопитесь, некоторые из них сейчас с ограниченной по времени или количеству скидкой Winking smile ) , да и времени на доставку осталось маловато):

Продолжение обзоров TECLAST X80 Plus следует - протестируем и время работы, и производительность в играх и приложениях (например, как я это делал в тестах Dell Venue 8 Pro - смотрите весь плейлист ). Так что не забывайте в комментах писать пожелания по тестам в играх и приложениях ;) И, конечно же, смотрите следующие выпуски обзоров TECLAST X80 Plus, а с ним, можно считать - и всех аналогичных Windows-планшетов на платформе Intel Atom X5 Z8300 (список выше Smile ).

Подписывайтесь на мой Youtube канал iWalker2000– для подписки просто кликните сюда

Смотрите обзоры новых возможностей Windows 10:


Эмиграция для ИТ-профессионалов в Европу!Оформление ВНЖ в Словакии, возможность работы со всеми странами ЕС, открытие фирм, ЧПс соответствующими видами деятельности, оформление документов для членов семьи. Быстро, качественно, дешево и абсолютно легально ВНЖ в Словакии. www.slovakiago.com
Не упустите свой шанс жить и работать в Евросоюзе!

Find large files across multiple SharePoint content databases



This blog post contains a tool that will query all content databases on a SQL server looking for files of a given extension and size, it will output a report file that can be loaded into Excel for analysis.

PowerPivot can lead to some large workbooks being stored on your SharePoint farms, the tool in this blog post can be used to scan multiple content databases looking for files based on size and file extension.



Use this tool at your own risk, there is no support, guarantees or warranties for this sample program.  This sample program will query all databases on you SQL server looking for content databases and when found doing a read only query against them.


How to use:

Your Windows credentials must have read access to the master database on the SQL server and read access to all content databases on the server.

You must have a c:\Temp directory on the computer (for the output file)

A complied exe can be found in the SPFileSizeQry\SPFileSizeQry\bin\Debug folder

The output text file has these columns [DBName] [DirName] [LeafName] [Size] [TimeLastModified]


SPFileSizeQry.exe <SQLServer> <Extension to query> <min size in bytes to report>
example: SPFileSizeQry MySqlServerAddr xlsx 50000000
output at C:\temp\SPFileSizeReport.txt 

The source and compiled program are in the zip file attached to this blog post.



Azure AD Mailbag: PowerShell tips and tricks

Howdy folks, It's Friday, so it's time for another Azure AD Mailbag. This time Mark and the team have pulled together some great tips and tricks for using Azure AD with PowerShell. I hope this is helpful. If you have questions make sure to send them to AskAzureADBlog@microsoft.com Best Regards, Alex Simons (Twitter: @Alex_A_Simons) Director of PM Microsoft Identity Products and Services --------------------------------------- Hey y'all, Mark Morowczynski back again with...(read more)

Revoking a Users Sessions from SharePoint Online


A new PowerShell Cmdlet was released with the latest version of the SharePoint Online Management Shell named Revoke-SPOUserSession, this is really cool as it allows you to revoke all sessions that a user has open to SharePoint Online, which could be great if a users device is lost or stolen OR you fancy playing a practical joke on a co-worker who is giving an important demo of SharePoint Online :)

The Cmdlet is super-simple to use and below is an example of it in action, after connecting to the tenant as a Global Admin you simply execute the Revoke-SPOUserSession command, passing it details of the user whose sessions you wish to revoke.

Once you have done this, any future requests to SharePoint Online will require re-authentication:

Brendan Griffin - @brendankarl

Recordatorio con respecto a los hitos del fin de vida de Internet Explorer


¿Cuál es el propósito de este aviso de seguridad?

Este aviso de seguridad es un recordatorio sobre los plazos de soporte importantes para Internet Explorer (IE) que entrarán en vigor el 12 de enero de 2015. Puede leer el anuncio original sobre el plazo de soporte de Internet Explorer en el blog de Microsoft: Stay up-to-date with Internet Explorer (Manténgase actualizado con Internet Explorer).  


Después del 12 de enero de 2016, sólo la versión más reciente de Internet Explorer disponible para un sistema operativo soportado recibirá soporte técnico y actualizaciones de seguridad. Por ejemplo, los clientes que utilizan Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 9 o Internet Explorer 10 en Windows 7 SP1 deben migrar a Internet Explorer 11 para seguir recibiendo actualizaciones de seguridad y soporte técnico.

Nota:Las actualizaciones de seguridad para las versiones de Internet Explorer por expirar todavía se ofrecerán por última vez durante la publicación de la actualización de seguridad "Martes de parches" el 12 de enero de 2016. La publicación de la actualización de seguridad "Martes de parches" el 12 de enero de 2016, será la última vez que se ofrecerán las actualizaciones de seguridad para las versiones por expirar de Internet Explorer como parte del soporte estándar.

Microsoft recomienda activar las actualizaciones automáticas para garantizar una experiencia informática actualizada - incluyendo la última versión de Internet Explorer - y la mayoría de los consumidores utilizan las actualizaciones automáticas hoy en día. Recomendamos a los clientes comerciales probar y aceptar las actualizaciones rápidamente, especialmente las actualizaciones de seguridad. Las actualizaciones regulares proporcionan beneficios significativos, tales como una disminución de los riesgos de seguridad y un aumento de la fiabilidad, además, Windows Update puede instalar automáticamente las actualizaciones para Internet Explorer y Windows.

Para los clientes que aún no ejecutan el navegador más reciente disponible para su sistema operativo, le recomendamos actualizar y estar al día para una experiencia de navegación más rápida y más segura. Después del 12 de enero de 2016, los siguientes sistemas operativos y combinaciones de versiones del navegador serán soportados:


Plataforma de Windows

Versión de Internet Explorer Soportada

Windows Vista SP2

Internet Explorer 9

Windows Server 2008 SP2

Internet Explorer 9

Windows 7 SP1

Internet Explorer 11

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Internet Explorer 11

Windows 8.1

Internet Explorer 11

Windows Server 2012

Internet Explorer 10

Windows Server 2012 R2

Internet Explorer 11


Para más detalles sobre los plazos de soporte en Windows y Windows Embedded, consulte el sitio Microsoft Support Lifecycle site.


Debido a que algunos clientes comerciales se han estandarizado en versiones anteriores de Internet Explorer, Microsoft está introduciendo nuevas características y recursos para ayudar a los clientes a actualizar y estar al día en la última versión del navegador. Los clientes deben planificar para actualizar a los modernos estándares con el fin de beneficiarse del rendimiento, la seguridad y la productividad adicionales de las modernas aplicaciones Web, pero en el corto plazo, la compatibilidad con versiones anteriores de las aplicaciones Web heredadas puede ser un camino económico, si es temporal. Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer 11, publicado en abril de 2014, ofrece una mayor compatibilidad con versiones anteriores y le permite ejecutar muchas aplicaciones Web heredadas durante su transición a los modernos estándares Web.


Recursos para la migración del navegador para Administradores y Desarrolladores empresariales


Microsoft ofrece numerosos recursos de soporte en línea para los clientes y socios que deseen migrar a la última versión de Internet Explorer.

  1. Modern.IE– Para los desarrolladores que actualizan los sitios a los estándares modernos, Modern.IE proporciona un conjunto de herramientas, mejores prácticas y una guía prescriptiva. Un escáner de intranet está disponible para su descarga para evaluar las aplicaciones Web dentro de las redes corporativas.

  2. Internet Explorer TechCenter–El sitio de Internet Explorer TechNet incluye recursos técnicos para implementar, mantener y soportar Internet Explorer. Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer 11 se trata en detalle, para ayudar a los clientes a ampliar las inversiones en aplicaciones Web al aprovechar esta nueva característica de compatibilidad con versiones anteriores.

  3. Internet Explorer Developer Center– El sitio de desarrolladores de MSDN incluye recursos relacionados con el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Internet Explorer.

  4. Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit– Esta es una herramienta de inventario y planificación sin agente que puede evaluar la base instalada de su navegador actual.


    Para los clientes y socios que desee una guía práctica, Microsoft tiene una serie de servicios de implementación y compatibilidad disponibles para ayudar con las migraciones. Estos servicios incluyen:


  1. Microsoft Services Support– Aproveche al máximo su infraestructura de TI al empatar su negocio con el Soporte Premier de Microsoft Services. Nuestros equipos de soporte dedicados proporcionan asistencia práctica continua y escalación inmediata para problemas urgentes, lo que acelera la resolución y le ayuda a mantener sus sistemas de misión crítica en funcionamiento.

  2. Microsoft Consulting Services– La implementación rápida y eficaz de las tecnologías de Microsoft reduce el tiempo que se necesita para ver el valor de sus inversiones; y cuando su personal utiliza estas tecnologías en toda su extensión, ayudan a ampliar sus habilidades y su negocio. Los consultores de Microsoft Services trabajan con su organización para implementar y adoptar las tecnologías de Microsoft de manera eficiente y económica, y le podemos ayudar a minimizar el riesgo en sus iniciativas más complejas. Nuestra experiencia en la plataforma de Microsoft y la colaboración con nuestra red global de socios y comunidades técnicas impulsa nuestra capacidad de ayudarle a considerar lo que es posible a través de la innovación y las tecnologías y soluciones de Microsoft.

  3. Encuentre a un socio de Microsoft en Pinpoint– Conéctese con un especialista en TI certificado en su área que sabe cómo ayudarle a actualizar a la versión más reciente de Internet Explorer [y .NET Framework], con una interrupción mínima para su negocio y aplicaciones.


Recursos adicionales



Acerca de la consistencia de la información 

Nos esforzamos por ofrecerle información precisa en estático (este correo) y contenido dinámico (basado en el Web). El contenido de seguridad de Microsoft publicado en el Web se actualiza de vez en cuando para reflejar la información más reciente. Si esto da lugar a una inconsistencia entre la información en el presente y la información en el contenido de seguridad basado en el Web de Microsoft, la información en el contenido de seguridad basado en el Web de Microsoft es autoritaria.


Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de este aviso de seguridad, por favor póngase en contacto con su Gerente Técnico de Cuentas.


 Microsoft CSS Seguridad

JSON in SQL Server 2016: Part 4 of 4


Exporting Data as JSON - FOR JSON

In this final post of our four-part JSON series, we showcase the ability to format query results as JSON text using the FOR JSON clause. If you are familiar with the FOR XML clause, you will easily understand FOR JSON.

When you add the FOR JSON clause at the end of a SQL SELECT query, SQL Server will take the results, format them as JSON text, and return them to the client. Every row will be formatted as one JSON object, values in cells of the result set will be generated as values of JSON objects, and column names or aliases will be used as key names. We have two kinds of FOR JSON clauses:

  • FOR JSON PATH: Enables you to define the structure of an output JSON using the column names/aliases. If you put dot-separated names in the column aliases, JSON properties will follow the naming convention. This feature is similar to FOR XML PATH where you can use slash separated paths.
  • FOR JSON AUTO Automatically creates nested JSON sub arrays based on the table hierarchy used in the query. Again, this is similar to FOR XML AUTO.

JSON text that is generated with a FOR JSON clause can be transformed back to the relational form using OPENJSON.


JSON functions in SQL Server enable you to query and analyze JSON data as well as transform JSON to relational domains, and relational data to JSON. They allow you to integrate SQL Server with external systems that produce or consume JSON data without additional transformations in the application layer.

SQL Server also provides a hybrid storage model where you can combine relational data and JSON. This model enables you to make trade-offs between high performance data access and flexibility/rapid developments. You can use the same indexing techniques both on standard columns and values in JSON text.

The hybrid model retains all the benefits of the SQL Server engine with fully powerful query language and ACID transactions. It also boasts well-known management and security models, several features that work with JSON functions, and a wide ecosystem of tools compatible with SQL Server.

Check out the other posts in this four-part series in the links below, or learn more in the SQL Server 2016 blogging series.

JSON in SQL Server 2016: Part 1 of 4

JSON in SQL Server 2016: Part 2 of 4

JSON in SQL Server 2016: Part 3 of 4

Friday International Spotlight - BLOG UPDATES: Turkish is Back! Do we want an Italian Blog? Brazil continues strong!


International Blog Update!!

That basically means the non-English blogs, since this is the English one. =^)


Turkish is Back!

Turkish Wiki Ninjas

Thanks to Erdem, we have a great new post...

Erdem Avni SELÇUK's avatar 

Git ve TFVC aynı Takım Projesinde - Posted12 days ago   MCC, MVP

Do we want an Italian Blog?

We were discussing with the Italian community leaders about creating an Italian blog? Do we want one?

We slowed down on that effort, but we can/should pick it back up! Right? =^)

Also, what about a Spanish blog? Is there a community that wants to lead it?


Brazil Continues Strong!

Wiki Ninjas Brasil - Blog do "TechNet Wiki"

We have a steady stream of posts form many contributors!

Quarta-Feira - Wiki Life - Como usar o Editor do Technet Wiki - Posted2 days ago

Wiki Ninjas Brasil - Motivo de orgulho em nossa comunidade. - Posted3 days ago

 - Posted4 days ago

 - Posted9 days ago


Your ambassador of awesome International achievements,

   - Ninja Ed

Software Load Balancing (SLB) for Software Defined Networking (SDN)

Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview includes Software Load Balancing for Software Defined Networking, and there's a new topic, Software Load Balancing (SLB) for SDN , that will give you an overview of this new technology. SLB is great for Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and Enterprises that deploy SDN with Network Controller, RAS Gateway in multitenant mode, and other SDN technologies. SLB works by mapping public-facing virtual IP addresses (VIPs) to datacenter internal dynamic IP addresses...(read more)

World Animal Protection busca inspirar un cambio global para poner fin al sufrimiento animal

World Animal Protection (WAP) es una organización global sin fines de lucro que cuenta con agencias en todo el mundo. Microsoft Dynamics ofrece una solución de negocio para que la WAP pueda centrarse en los animales y no en la oficina. La relación entre los animales y la humanidad es vital. Confiamos en ellos y ellos dependen de nosotros. Por más de 30 años, la organización sin fines de lucro, World Animal Protection ha tenido una visión de hacer...(read more)

Bing predice quién ganará los Globos de Oro 2016

El inicio anual de la temporada de premios empieza el 10 de enero con los Globos de Oro , los cuales honran a las mejores películas y la televisión americana del 2015. Además de proveer un carrusel fácil de navegar para ver a los nominados y la posibilidad de ver trailers e imágenes de celebridades, Bing ha previsto quién se llevará a casa el Globo de Oro en cada categoría de películas. A lo largo de las selecciones: “Spotlight” ganará por mejor película de Drama y Guión Adaptado , y The Martian...(read more)

PowerTip: Automatically Enable PowerShell ISE Toolbar


Summary: Ensure that the Windows PowerShell ISE toolbar is always enabled.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question How can I use Windows PowerShell to turn on the ISE toolbar?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Turn on the toolbar with the following command:


To turn it off, change the value to $False.

OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client and Update on Storage Plans



Tim Tetrick

Hello Partners,

In case you missed it, there were some big announcements a couple weeks back concerning OneDrive for Business.  I wanted to highlight a couple of these around the Next Generation Sync Client and Storage Plans.

Next Generation Sync Client for Windows and Mac

I know many partners and their customers have experienced challenges with the previous OneDrive for Business sync client.  Challenges around performance, reliability, and lack of specific features and functionality.  And I know many of you have been testing the Preview of the Next Generation Sync Client over the last few months.  Well I’m happy to say that after a successful Preview program, the Next Generation Sync Client is now available.  Some highlights of the new release:

  • Improved reliability and performance
  • Selective sync
  • Support for large files up to 10GB
  • Removal of the 20,000 file sync limit

For Partners and IT Professionals, it also provides the ability to silently deploy and configure the client on behalf of your end users. The OneDrive for Business Next Generation Sync Client is available for Windows 7, 8 and 10 (8.1 support will be added in the first quarter of 2016) and Mac OS X 10.9 and above.

Go here to learn more and get started.

Storage Plans

Several months back it was announced that unlimited storage would be coming to OneDrive for Business.  As part of these recent announcements we now have details on what this will look like and the timing for the rollout.

Office 365 customers on premium Enterprise, Government and Education plans will receive OneDrive for Business unlimited storage. Specifically, this includes unlimited storage for individuals in organizations with more than five people subscribing to one of the following plans:

  • Office 365 Enterprise E3, E4 and E5
  • Office 365 Government E3, E4 and E5
  • Office 365 Education
  • OneDrive for Business Plan 2 and SharePoint Online Plan 2

Increased storage began rolling out last month, starting with an automatic increase from 1 TB to 5 TB per user. The rollout is expected to be complete by the end of March 2016. After this point, customers who want additional storage can request it as needed by contacting Microsoft support.

Customers on all other Office 365 Enterprise, Business and standalone plans that include OneDrive for Business will continue to receive 1 TB of storage per user. While customers on these plans will not receive the full unlimited benefit, it is expected it will serve the vast majority of users.

For more information on these announcements, as well as a couple additional updates, see the official Office Blog post here.

NEW! ModernBiz Tech Series webcasts


ModernBiz Tech Series content is now available via scheduled webcasts, led by instructors. The webcasts cover the same content as in-person ModernBiz Tech Series, but in shorter increments that allow students to learn remotely, without need to travel.

The primary delivery method is still in-person—which gives students the full day to learn material. However, these online webcasts and learning paths provide you with additional options to learn ModernBiz Tech Series content or revisit what was taught in a live, in-person class.

Register today at no cost! Visit https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3021861. Explore all the ways to participate in ModernBiz Tech Series: http://aka.ms/mbiztechseries.

Microsoft Touch Develop


Merhabalar, bir çok yerde Çocuklar için kodlama , coding for kids vb etkinlikler yapılmakta. Bir developer olarak, SharePointin yanısıra biraz da kodlama araçları hakkında da inceleme yaparak sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.

Touch Develop Microsoft tarafından hızlı kod yazmanız için tasarlanmış tarayıcı tabanlı bir editördür. Böylelikle tüm platformlarda çalışabilmektedir. https://www.touchdevelop.com/app/ adresine giderek hemen giriş yapabilir ve kodlamaya başlayabilirsiniz.

Touch Develep’u ilk açtığınızda karşınıza aşağıdaki gibi bir ekran gelecek ve sizi yönlendirmeye başlayacaktır.

Öğreticiler ekranında buraya dokunun kısmına dokunursanız size bir çok örnek verecek ve bu örnekler üzerinden Touch Developun çalışma mantığını ve neler yapabileceği konusunda fikir sahibi olmanızı sağlayacaktır.

İlk Kodumuz

Ana ekran üzerinde bulunan komut dosyası oluştur butonuna tıklayarak ilk uygulamamızı oluşturmaya başlayabiliriz.

Komut dosyası oluştur ekranına tıkladığınız anda size şablon seçebilmeniz için bir pencere açılacak ve penceredeki scroll yardımı ile içeride bulunan şablonlara göz atabilirsiniz.

Uygulamamızı oluşturduktan sonra kod yazma ekranına otomatik olarak yönlendiriliyoruz

Add new butonlarını kullanarak yeni fonksiyonlar oluşturabilirsiniz. Mouse tıklamaları ile hızlıca fonksiyonlarınızı oluşturabilirsiniz.

Bunların haricinde ana ekrana dönerek oluşturmuş olduğunuz kodlarınızı yayınlayabilir ve cihazlarda görünmesini de sağlayabilirsiniz.

Sizde çocuklarınıza veya kendiniz için kodlama bilgisi olmadan neler yapabileceğinizi merak ediyorsanız ve öğrenme isteğiniz hala içinizde ise Touch Develop ile eğlenceli vakitler geçirebilir fikirlerinizi uygulamak için prototipler yapabilir hatta bunları herkesle paylaşabilirsiniz.


PowerShell Spotlight: January 2016


Summary: PowerShell MVP and the Scripting Wife, Teresa Wilson, talks about upcoming events in the PowerShell community for January 2016.

Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today we have back guest blogger, Teresa Wilson. Teresa, as you probably know, is my real-life wife, and she is also known as the Scripting Wife. She once said that it was meant to be because her initials in real life are TSW, and if you shortened The Scripting Wife to initials it would be TSW. Take it away, TSW...

Hello everyone, my apologies for not writing the PowerShell Spotlight for the last two months. I’ve been a little preoccupied here because Ed had ear surgery. But it is a new year and Ed is back in business, so I have a lot to share. I am going to mention five upcoming events. Ed and I will be attending three of them and he will be speaking. The two others are also great events, but we simply cannot attend everything.

Two way cool Windows PowerShell user community events

First on the 2016 calendar is the Arizona PowerShell User Group meeting on March 1, 2016. Watch for details on Twitter and their Facebook page: Arizona PowerShell User Group. Ed will be speaking at this event in Phoenix. We are looking forward to attending this User Group meeting.

Next up is PowerShell Saturday #010 in Tampa, Florida on March 19, 2016. Each of the five previous PowerShell Saturdays that Ed and I have been involved with have sold out, it is an awesome day of learning and networking, if I do say so. We will have four tracks to choose from—20 sessions total. Ed will be presenting two sessions in addition to being the keynote speaker along with Mark Minasi. We have room for 200 attendees, so sign up as soon as you are able to do so before it sells out: PowerShell Saturday #010 : Tampa, Florida.

Three other awesome events

The third event is IT Pro Con NY (formerly called TechStravaganza) in New York City on March 25, 2016. They have a PowerShell track. Ed and I have attended in the past but we will not be able to attend this year.

Fourth is another renamed event. Formerly PowerShell Summit NA, it is now PowerShell and DevOps Global Summit. It will be April 4-6, 2016 in Bellevue, WA. Ed is one of the speakers and I will be floating around at registration and generally assisting where I am needed.

The last event I wanted to bring to your attention today is the PowerShell Conference EU 2016 to be held in Hannover, Germany April 20-22, 2016. Again Ed and I are not able to attend, but this is sure to be a great event. Registration is open now.

That is all I have for today. Happy scripting.


I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy 

【最終案内】2016年1月12日までに Internet Explorer を最新版にアップグレードしましょう【 1/9 更新】


再三にわたりお知らせしている通り、動作するオペレーティング システムのライフサイクルに準拠していた Internet Explorer のサポートポリシーが、2016 年 1 月 12 日より、各オペレーティング システムの最新版の Internet Explorer のみへと変更になります。それ以前の Internet Explorer へのテクニカル サポートとセキュリティ更新プログラムの提供は行われなくなりますのでご注意ください。

2016 年 1 月 12 日を過ぎて最新版ではない Internet Explorer を使い続ける場合は、セキュリティリスクに関する危険性を考慮する必要があります。セキュリティ更新プログラムは、マルウェアによって悪用されることがある脆弱性を修正し、ユーザーとデータの安全性を強化します。 定期的にセキュリティ更新プログラムを適用することで、悪意のある攻撃からコンピューターを保護できるため、ブラウザーをアップグレードして最新状態に維持することが重要です。


▼ Windows の公式告知ページを参照する

▼ IPA - 【注意喚起】 Internet Explorer のサポートポリシーが変更、バージョンアップが急務に


[Windows] Windows Bridge を使ってノンコーディングでユニバーサル アプリを作る


皆様、こんにちは。 Windows 担当の東條です。

前回のエントリーでユニバーサル アプリの開発環境を準備できました。さっそく今回はユニバーサル アプリを作ってみましょう。とはいえ、コードは一切書きませんので、プログラミング初心者の方も安心してください。

■ Windows Bridge

Microsoft では、様々なプラットフォームからユニバーサル アプリに移行するための仕組みを提供(一部開発中)しています。この仕組みを "Windows Bridge" と言います。Windows Bridge には次の 4 種類があります。

  • Windows Bridge for Web アプリ
  • Windows Bridge for Classic Windows アプリ
  • Windows Bridge for Android
  • Windows Bridge for iOS

各 Windows Bridge の詳細につきましては、Web ページの情報(Windows Bridge の紹介)をご参照ください。

■ Windows Bridge for Web アプリ

今回は 4 種類の Windows Bridge のうちの "Windows Bridge for Web アプリ" を使用します。Windows Bridge for Web アプリを使用すると、既存の Web サイトを非常に簡単にユニバーサル アプリ化できます。
試しに当ブログ(MS Japan Device & Mobility Tech Blog)を題材としてアプリを作っていきます。

はじめに Visual Studio を起動します。[ファイル] - [新規作成] - [プロジェクト] を選択し、[新しいプロジェクト] ダイアログを開きます。

左側のツリーから [インストール済み] - [テンプレート] - [JavaScript] とたどります。すると中央の [空白のアプリ (ユニバーサル Windows)] が選択状態になります。下の [名前] にアプリ名を入力して [OK] をクリックします。

すると、ユニバーサル アプリを JavaScript で開発するための雛形が作成されます。(真ん中にソース コードが表示されていますが、ここは触らないので安心してください。)

それでは、既存の Web サイトをアプリ化していきましょう。最初にすることは、今回のアプリで使用しないものをプロジェクトから削除することです。右側にある [ソリューション エクスプローラー] から次のファイルとフォルダーを削除します。

  • css フォルダー
  • js フォルダー
  • WinJS フォルダー
  • default.html

通常の JavaScript 形式のユニバーサル アプリ開発は、ローカルに Web サイト(のようなもの)を構築して、それをアプリのフレームの中で動作させるイメージになります。今回は既存の Web サイトをアプリとして流用しますので、ローカルにサイトを構築する部分については不要ですので、削除してしまいます。
images フォルダーにはアイコンやタイルに使用される画像ファイルが入っていますので、削除せずにそのまま残しておきます。

ファイルとフォルダーを削除したら随分とすっきりしました。では、アプリ化のための設定をしていきましょう。[ソリューション エクスプローラー] の package.appmanifest ファイルをダブルクリックして開きます。

すると、アプリケーション マニフェスト ファイルが専用のデザイナー画面で開きます。この中の各項目を設定していきます。

[アプリケーション] タブの [スタート ページ] を変更します。今回はブログの URL "http://blogs.technet.com/b/mskk-deviceandmobility/" に変更しました。

次に [コンテンツ URI] タブをクリックし URI を入力します。この設定は、アプリのフレームの中で開いてもよい URI やその URI から Windows のインターフェイスにアクセスできるレベルの指定です。今回はブログのホスト名である"http://blogs.technet.com" を指定しました。[ルール] と [WinRT アクセス] はそのままにしておきます。この設定によって、ブログ内のハイパーリンクをクリックした際に、http://blogs.technet.comの配下であればそのままアプリ内で開き、http://www.microsoft.com等であれば別にブラウザー画面を開いて表示するようになります。

ここまででアプリの構築が完了しました。メニューの下にある [▷ローカル コンピューター] ボタンをクリックするか、F5 キーを押してみてください。デバッグ実行が開始されて、アプリ ウィンドウの中に Web サイトが表示されていれば成功です。

本当は Web サイト側にコードを仕込むことで、ライブタイルやトーストによる通知ができたり、Cortana と連携できたり等、Windows 10 の便利な機能にアクセスできるのが醍醐味だったりするのですが、今回は以上にしておきたいと思います。
ここまでコードを一切書くことなしにアプリが完成しました。所要時間は 5 分もかからないと思います。Windows Bridge を使用すれば、非常に簡単にユニバーサル アプリを作成できることがお分かりいただけたのではないでしょうか。

■ ブログ アプリの公開

今回作成したブログ アプリを Windows ストアに公開してみました。アプリ自体は数分で作れてしまいますが、ストアに申請するためにタイルやアイコンの画像を作成する必要があり、そこに時間がかかってしまいました。よろしければインストールしてみてください。(無料です!)

PowerTip: Check PowerShell Scripts Against Rules


Summary: Learn how to easily check your Windows PowerShell scripts against various rules.

Hey, Scripting Guy! Question How can I quickly check my Windows PowerShell scripts with preconfigured rules?

Hey, Scripting Guy! Answer Download the latest version of the Script Analyzer from the Microsoft PowerShell Gallery: PSScriptAnalyzer 1.2.0.
           It snaps into the Windows PowerShell ISE is a good free tool.

Wipe Content from an Exchange Online Mailbox


Periodically over the years, I've run into content problems trying to migrate data to Exchange Online using third-party migration tools--they somehow get stuck, don't like something existing in the destination mailbox (or didn't write it properly in the first place) and you need a clean mailbox to restart the process.  You may have other reasons that you want to wipe it, including recycling the ID for another task, terminated employee and want to purge data manually before deleting the mailbox, or you just might be a BOFH.

In any case, it's generally a tedious process, requiring you to either connect to OWA and manually delete folders and messages, remove the Exchange Online license and wait 30 days for the soft deleted mailbox to purge, or connecting an Outlook client, syncing the mailbox, and then deleting everything.

Until now.  Because if there's one thing I've learned to do effectively in my life, it's delete things.

To use this script, you'll need:

- Office 365 Tenant (obviously)
- Exchange Web Services API.  If you don't have it, the tool will attempt to download and install it automagically.  It prefers if it's installed in the default location, but will do a bit of searching if it's not.
- Run Enable-OrganizationCustomization (you'll get a handy error message telling you it hasn't been done)
- ID with the Mailbox Import Export and ApplicationImpersonation roles granted.  The script will check to see if your ID has it and grant it, but you'll need to close your Office 365 session and log back in.

If you're asking "Why do I need all of this?"  It's simple--Search-Mailbox requires Mailbox Import Export, and EWS requires impersonation.  I use both methods because EWS is much faster for getting rid of the folder objects, and then search mailbox is much faster for clearing out the remaining data.  If you have a large mailbox and attempt to erase it with only Search-Mailbox, you will be there forever.

After you connect to your Office 365 tenant, the syntax is pretty easy:

.\Wipe-EXOMailbox.ps1 -Identity <emailaddress>

If you haven't run "Enable-OrganizationCustomization" in your tenant, nothing will work.  The management roles aren't available until you do, so you should go ahead and run it.  I didn't configure it to run automatically, since your organization may require a change control to make edits to your tenant.

If you're clear to run commands in your tenant, you can run Enable-OrganizationCustomization.  If you've never run it, here's what it looks like:

Assuming you've passed the first hurdle of having Organization Customization enabled, then the script will check to see if you have the proper role assignments.  If you don't, it will try to grant them and prompt you to log back in to your session.  You may not have to do it, but I find it a general best practice for success that if you're changing management role group memberships, it's best to log off and log back in so your token can be updated--otherwise, it might not perform as expected.

Now that you've got the right roles assigned, we can continue.

Head on over to the TN gallery to pick up this latest gem.

Top Contributors Awards! First of 2016! Behold, the community awakens! Old friends, new contenders, love, glory, passion! Will YOU join us this year?


Welcome back for the first analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week, for 2016!

A fresh year, a fresh start and already some of our greats and beloveds have left the starting gates!

First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...

Legends, one and all! 

As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


Ninja AwardMost Revisions Award  
Who has made the most individual revisions


#1 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 77 revisions.


#2 Renato Groffe with 46 revisions.


#3 Nonki Takahashi with 19 revisions.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 SYEDSHANU with 13 revisions.


#5 .paul. _ with 11 revisions.


#6 Andrew Masse with 10 revisions.


#7 Ken Cenerelli with 10 revisions.


#8 João Eduardo Sousa with 8 revisions.


#9 Jeferson Ribeiro Gomes with 7 revisions.


#10 Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions) with 6 revisions.



Ninja AwardMost Articles Updated Award  
Who has updated the most articles


#1 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 46 articles.


#2 Ken Cenerelli with 8 articles.


#3 Nonki Takahashi with 4 articles.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 SYEDSHANU with 3 articles.


#5 João Eduardo Sousa with 3 articles.


#6 Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions) with 2 articles.


#7 Christopher Moncayo with 2 articles.


#8 Renato Groffe with 2 articles.


#9 Danish Islam with 2 articles.


#10 Fernando Lugão Veltem with 2 articles.



Ninja AwardMost Updated Article Award  
Largest amount of updated content in a single article


The article to have the most change this week was MIM 2016 Build Overview, by Peter Geelen - MSFT

This week's reviser was Peter Geelen - MSFT

One of the elite ninjas on our team, Peter forges forward into a new year, with some most epic work.

A complete article replaced and recharged for the year ahead!

So much goodness coming in from Peter, setting the bar high as always!



Ninja AwardLongest Article Award  
Biggest article updated this week


This week's largest document to get some attention is Small Basic Blog: Authoring Schedule, by Ed Price - MSFT

This week's reviser was Nonki Takahashi

A new year means a new schedule and the Small Basic Army marches onward to grow their territory of the coding landscape.

Small Basic, the ultimate gateway language, into the world of computing!



Ninja AwardMost Revised Article Award  
Article with the most revisions in a week


This week's most fiddled with article is Novidades do Entity Framework 7: armazenamento de dados em memória, by Renato Groffe. It was revised 24 times last week.

This week's reviser was Renato Groffe

Renato obsessing and perfecting this great contribution to the Portuguese community. Thanks Renato!



Ninja AwardMost Popular Article Award  
Collaboration is the name of the game!


The article to be updated by the most people this week is TechNet Guru Contributions - January 2016, by XAML guy

This is the big one! The first Guru of 2016, will it be you!

Certain titles can never be given again, like this one, so give it your best shot!

This week's revisers were Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions), Nonki Takahashi, SYEDSHANU, .paul. _, Peter Geelen - MSFT, Thomas.Marcussen, XAML guy, João Eduardo Sousa& Dan Christian


As Guru often wins, the second article to be updated by the most people this week is Wiki Ninjas Blog Authoring Schedule , by Ed Price - MSFT

That's us! We hope you keep supporting us for another year, as your comments and contributions are the life blood of this community.

This week's revisers were Alan Nascimento Carlos, Jaliya Udagedara, Andy ONeill, Peter Geelen - MSFT, Emiliano Musso& John Naguib


As both those often win, the article to be updated by the third most people this week is SharePoint Server 2016 Prerequisites, Installation and Deployment, by Deepesh Yevle

Thank you for giving Deepesh. Great to have your time and passion. A nice collection of data.

This week's revisers were Ken Cenerelli, Dan Christian& Deepesh Yevle



Ninja AwardNinja Edit Award  
A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person


Ninja AwardWinner Summary  
Let's celebrate our winners!


Below are a few statistics on this week's award winners.

Most Revisions Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Peter Geelen - MSFT

Peter Geelen - MSFT has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Peter Geelen - MSFT has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Peter Geelen - MSFT has won 81 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Peter Geelen - MSFT has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Peter Geelen - MSFT's profile page

Most Articles Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Peter Geelen - MSFT

Peter Geelen - MSFT is mentioned above.

Most Updated Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the changes.

Peter Geelen - MSFT

Peter Geelen - MSFT is mentioned above.

Longest Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that is so long!

Ed Price - MSFT

Ed Price - MSFT has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Ed Price - MSFT has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Ed Price - MSFT has won 128 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Ed Price - MSFT has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Ed Price - MSFT's profile page

Most Revised Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has ben changed the most

Renato Groffe

Renato Groffe has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Renato Groffe has won 2 previous Top Contributor Awards:

Renato Groffe has not yet had any featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Renato Groffe's profile page

Most Popular Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the most attention.

XAML guy

XAML guy has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

XAML guy has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

XAML guy has won 96 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

XAML guy has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

XAML guy's profile page

Ed Price - MSFT

Ed Price - MSFT is mentioned above.

Deepesh Yevle

This is the first Top Contributors award for Deepesh Yevle on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations Deepesh Yevle!

Deepesh Yevle has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Deepesh Yevle's profile page

Ninja Edit Award Winner
The author is the reviser, for it is their hand that is quickest!

Emiliano Musso

Emiliano Musso has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Emiliano Musso has won 14 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Emiliano Musso has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Emiliano Musso has not yet had any featured articles (see below)

Emiliano Musso's profile page

So there you have it. Some names we love and some names we now know.


I believe 2016 will be the best year ever for TechNet Wiki, and that is mostly thanks to YOU!


Best regards,
Pete Laker (XAML guy)


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