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Která Windows 8 aplikace s vám líbí nejvíce?


Která se vám líbí nejvíce? Hlasujte v komentářích o nejlepší z těchto osmi aplikací pro Windows 8.

 Nejoblíbenější aplikace pro Windows 8, díl 2.

Vybrali jsme pro vás dalších 8 zajímavých aplikací, které stojí za to vyzkoušet.

1) Wikipedia: Encyklopedie s 20 miliony hesel ve 280 jazycích. Zdarma.

2) OneNote: Synchronizované poznámky pro vaše nápady, do školy, do práce.

3) Shazam: Nevíte, co to právě hraje v rádiu za písničku? Shazamvám to zjistí.

4) Fresh Paint: Neuvěřitelně realistické malování.

5) Fotor: Nástroj pro úpravu fotek.

6) FitPlan.cz: Vše, co potřebujete vědět o zdravém životním stylu a hubnutí.

7) Windows Phone: Nástroj pro správu vašeho Windows Phone z vašeho počítače s Windows 8.

8) Skype: Telefonujte, pište si, bavte se.

28.05.2013 | Онлайн-тренинг по Project 2013 | Часть 1

Приглашаем принять участие в серии онлайн-тренингов, посвященных ключевым возможностям Microsoft Project 2013 . В рамках тренингов у Вас будет возможность не только услышать рассказ о продукте, но и посмотреть демонстрации по работе с ним, а также задать интересующие вас вопросы эксперту. Первая часть тренинга состоится 28 мая в 13:00 . Длительность - 1 час. Часть 1 : Обзор Project 2013. Основные сценарии использования. Пользовательский интерфейс. Тип планирования проекта и настройка...(read more)

Hyper-V Replica Capacity Planner


One of the capability that I prefer most with Windows Server 2012 is Hyper-V Replica. Hyper-V Replica enables the replication of a Virtual Machine continuously from one Hyper-V host to another Hyper-V host. The replication can happen across different datacenters, across different domains (they don’t even have to be trusted) as Windows Server 2012 leverage the host network connectivity to carry the data to the replica.

The issue was that every time I started to talk about hyper-v replica, I was asked: how much bandwidth do I need between my systems ? And the answer is obviously “It depends”. It depends on how active is the VMs that you want to replicate. However we have made some simulation, collected data from multiple real life production machines and the team has been able to come up with a model.

Last week the product team has released the “Hyper-V Replica Capacity Planner”. It’s a free tool that helps system engineers to right size the network when they want to implement Hyper-V replica.


You can freely download the tool from this location : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39057 

Once downloaded, read the documentation and please run the capacity planner for a reasonable amount of time during the production hours so the data collected are relevant to what you want to achieve.

Enjoy the replication of Virtual Machines !

[꼬알라 공부방 시험판] Windows Server 액티브 디렉터리 기초 @ 2013년 6월 19일

항상 많은 세미나에서 기초 과정에 대한 세미나가 있으면 좋겠다는 피드백을 많이 주셔서, 이에 대한 준비를 하고 있습니다. 그 첫번째 시간으로 Windows Server 액티브 디렉터리 기초를 준비해보았습니다. 해당 세미나는 공식 세미나가 아니기에, OnOffMix에서 등록을 받고 있습니다. 하기는 해당 세미나에 대한 소개입니다. 등록은 여기 에서 하실 수 있으며, 등록 비밀 번호는 0619AD 입니다. 마이크로소프트 기술을 통해 인프라를 관리하고자 할 경우, 필수적인 기술 및 지식, 액티브 디렉터리에 대해서 살펴봅니다. 기존 액티브 디렉터리에 대해서 잘 아시는 고수 분들을 위한 세미나가 아니라, 기초적인 개념, 그리고 설치 및 기본 운영에 대한 이야기를 편하게 나눠봅니다. 일시 : 2013년 6월 19일(수) 09:30~17:30 아젠다 (실습 포함) 1. 액티브 디렉터리 개념 (도메인, 포리스트, 사이트, 트리, 도메인 컨트롤러, 글로벌 카탈로그, FSMO 등등) 2. 액티브 디렉터리의...(read more)

Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit 8.5 Beta.


Arbejder du med udrulning af Microsoft servere og infrastruktur så er MAP noget for dig. Netop annonceret er det åbne beta program på næste version af Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit

Læs mere og deltag i MAP 8.5 beta her:

Accelerate your Windows Server 2012 migration with Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit 8.5. This latest version of MAP adds new scenarios to help plan your environment with agility while lowering the cost of delivering IT. Included in MAP 8.5 are hardware and infrastructure readiness assessments to assist you in planning the deployment of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, preparing your migration to Windows Azure Virtual Machines, readying your environment for Office 2013 and Office 365, and tracking your usage of Windows Server, Lync, SharePoint, and Exchange.

Use the UpdateServices Module to Manage WSUS


Summary: Use the Windows PowerShell and the UpdateServices module to manage WSUS.

Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today we have an awesome blog post written by Boe Prox about using the UpdateServices module to manage WSUS. Boe is the 2010 second-place winner of the Scripting Games, and he won a free pass to TechEd 2010 in New Orleans. He is also an Honorary Scripting Guy and a frequent contributor to the Hey, Scripting Guys! Blog. Here is a link to his previous writings. When I suggested that Boe update some of his previous WSUS blog posts, he jumped at the chance.

Here’s Boe…

Continuing from my post, Installing WSUS on Windows Server 2012, this blog post aims to look at the cmdlets that are available in the UpdateServices module. This means that I will not be going into using the WSUS API to manage the WSUS server. I may reference whether something can be done with the API, and for that information, I would recommend that you check out some of my other Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog posts about WSUS. With that, let’s dive into this module!

Also to note, the WSUS team posted recently Installing WSUS on Windows Server 2012 with PowerShell, and they are actively looking for feedback on the module. So if you feel that something is missing or could be enhanced, please do the right thing and leave them some feedback!

What cmdlets are available in the UpdateServices module, you ask? Let’s take a look and find out by using Get-Module:

Get-Command -Module UpdateServices

Image of command output

Now about each of the cmdlets…


The command Get-WSUSServer will give you information about your WSUS server. By default, it will only show you the WSUS server name and nothing else.

Get-WsusServer -Name Boe-PC -PortNumber 8530

Image of command output

Also of note is that if you are on the server and you run Get-WSUSServer, you do not need to specify a Name or PortNumber parameters.

To get more information from the output, I can pipe the output into Select-Object * and see everything.

Image of command output

Every command other than this command has a parameter called –WsusServer, which takes an object called Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.IUpdateServer. Trying to just use a string name for the server will fail. Instead, first get the object by calling Get-WSUSServer with the required parameters and save this to a variable such as $wsusServer. With this, you can then work with the remote WSUS server using the other commands. Otherwise, if you are on the server locally or through remoting, just continue to use the cmdlets without the –WsusServer parameter.

Get-Product and Set-Product

These cmdlets are used in conjunction to set the products that will be synchronized (enabled) or will not be synchronized (disabled).

Get-WSUSProduct has a parameter for filtering some of the titles, but sometimes that won’t cut it, and piping the output into Where-Object is more efficient. The big thing to remember is that the Title property is a little misleading, meaning that if you just filter by using $_.title, nothing will happen. It is actually underneath the Product property. So your command will look something like this:

Get-WsusProduct | where-Object {

    $_.Product.Title -in (



    'SQL Server 2008 R2',

    'SQL Server 2005',

    'SQL Server 2008',

    'Exchange Server 2010',

    'Windows Server 2003',

    'Windows Server 2008',

    'Windows Server 2008 R2')

} | Set-WsusProduct –Verbose

Image of command output

As you can see, you can pipe the results of Get-WSUSProduct directly into Set-WSUSProduct and enable the products to be available during the next synchronization. Disabling an item from being synchronized is just as easy by using the Disable parameter:

Get-WsusProduct -TitleIncludes "office" | Where {

$_.product.title -match "^office(\s\d+(?:/XP)?)?$"

} | Set-WSUSProduct -Disable –WhatIf

Image of command output

In this case, I didn’t want to actually disable the Office updates, but I wanted to show what would happen if I did use this action.

Get-WsusClassification and Set-WsusClassification

Similar to Get/Set-WSUSProduct, these cmdlets work with each other to get and set which classifications will be available during the synchronization of the WSUS server.  We can follow a similar approach to configure which classifications will be enabled for synchronization:

Get-WsusClassification | Where-Object {

    $_.Classification.Title -in (

    'Update Rollups',

    'Security Updates',

    'Critical Updates',

    'Service Packs',


} | Set-WsusClassification –Verbose

Image of command output

You might notice that we had to filter by using $_.Classification.Title instead of just Title—much like we did using Get-Product.  The same approach for disabling a classification is possible by using the Disable parameter on Set-WSUSClassification. Usually this is a set it and forget it configuration, so in the odd chance you have to come back and make a change, there should be no problem using these cmdlets.


Setting the synchronization source is pretty important if you want to be able to pull update metadata and files from the upstream server. To accomplish this, you can use Set-WSUSServerSynchronization. Note that this does not set the synchronization schedule, just the update source. If all you want to do is pull from the Microsoft Updates server, the command is very simple:

Set-WsusServerSynchronization –SyncFromMU

Image of command output

Specifying an upstream server requires a little more knowledge of the configuration, such as the server name and the port of the remote system:

Set-WsusServerSynchronization -UssServerName UpstreamWSUS -PortNumber 80

Image of command output

And that is all to configuring a source to synchronize from.


Let’s face it. Sometimes WSUS will get bloated from stale computers, updates that have no purpose being on the server and files from those old updates taking up space without any rhyme or reason. The solution to this is to use Invoke-WSUSServerCleanup to prune your WSUS server of all of these to help storage and performance.

Get-WsusServer | Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -CleanupObsoleteComputers –CleanupObsoleteUpdates

Image of command output

Depending on the amount of data, this could take a while to run. Be patient. It will eventually finish and your server will be that much better!

Get-WsusComputer and Add-WsusComputer

Managing computers in WSUS is very common, and Get-WSUSComputer and Add-WSUSComputer will help save you some time. First off, let’s take a look at using Get-WsusComputer to see what systems are currently being managed by my WSUS server:


Image of command output

Sure, this isn’t exactly a huge inventory, but you get the idea. By itself, the command will list every system that is being managed for updates. However, this isn’t all there is to this cmdlet. There are a number of parameters that you can use to filter for specific criteria on the server.

“How many parameters?” you ask?

Simple. Check out the Help for the cmdlet, and you will see what I mean.

This provides a great way to report on anything, ranging from inactive computers to those in specific WSUS Target groups, or simply finding computers that might have updates that failed to install correctly.

Get-WsusUpdate, Approve-WsusUpdate, and Deny-WsusUpdate

Last on the list are the three cmdlets that represent the update management. Get/Approve/Deny-WsusUpdate allows you to find updates and approve or decline the updates on the WSUS server. By using Get-WsusUpdate, you can filter for what types of updates you want to look at for approval or to decline. To see a list of all updates that haven’t been approved and are needed by your systems, you can run the following command:

Get-WsusUpdate -Approval Unapproved -Status Needed

Image of command output

Yes, quite a few updates are needed for my systems. Definitely time to make some approvals to get caught up on patching.

As with the Get-WsusComputer cmdlet, you can also filter for updates that have failed to install on the computers by specifying Failed and using the Status parameter on the cmdlet. Filtering by classification is also allowed by using the Classification parameter to narrow the scope of the search even more.

Moving on from this, I should really approve these updates so I can have a fully patched system. Fortunately, Approve-WsusUpdate can accomplish this with no effort at all. All I need to know is the target groups of my systems for the approvals. Note that there is not yet a cmdlet that can list all of the target groups, so you will need to hop on to the WSUS Administrator Console to get this information first.

With the information in hand, I can now proceed to approve all of those updates for installation.

Get-WsusUpdate -Approval Unapproved -Status Needed |

Approve-WsusUpdate -Action Install -TargetGroupName "All Computers" –Verbose

Image of command output

Whoops! I didn’t mean to approve the all of those language packs. Guess it is time to look at the Deny-WsusUpdate and decline these updates.

Get-WsusUpdate -Status Needed -Approval Approved | Where {

    $_.update.title -match "Language"

} | Deny-WsusUpdate –Verbose

Image of command output

There we go, now those updates have been declined, and I can install these updates on my system.

And with that, we have looked at all of the available cmdlets in the UpdateServices module! Hopefully these examples, while not extensive, have been enough to encourage you to take the leap into managing your WSUS server on Windows Server 2012 with Windows PowerShell.

If you are wondering why there might appear to missing cmdlets here, there is nothing missing! But if you remember, I mentioned earlier that the WSUS team is seeking feedback on things to add and improve for this module. So please go to their site via Installing WSUS on Windows Server 2012 with PowerShell and give them feedback to make this module even better.


Thanks, Boe, for an awesome blog post.

Join me tomorrow for more cool Windows PowerShell stuff.

I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy 

Skilling youth and supporting Africa’s entrepreneurs will foster structural transformation


Posted by Dr. Agnes Soucat
Director for Human Development, African Development Bank

It’s an exciting time in Africa. The continent is emerging as an investment opportunity for the private sector. The IT revolution especially in mobile technology has transformed Africa. Internet usage in Africa is growing faster than any other continent in the world. New opportunities are emerging for African entrepreneurs and innovators to create jobs and accelerate economic development across the region.

I am in Morocco this week, where the African Development Bank (AfDB) is hosting its 48th Annual Meeting, on “Africa’s Structural Transformation.” The key to unlocking this transformation is the ability of African countries to capture the demographic dividend. To achieve this, African countries will need to empower youth, develop skills (especially in science and technology), increase competitiveness and spur innovation and entrepreneurship. For that to happen we will need human capital development, a robust private sector and innovative social entrepreneurship models.

[Read more...]

...(read more)

如何使用 Service Manager Base Webpart 编写自定义的 Webpart


本文由 System Center 工程团队的高级开发人员之一 Martha Amirzadeh 撰写。谢谢 Martha!


在我们开始介绍如何编写一个自定义的 Webpart 之前,让我们先来了解一下您创建此类 Webpart 的原因。以下列出了您利用 Service Manager Base Webpart 可获得的一些开箱即用功能:

  • Webpart 与被引用的 Silverlight 模块之间的消息传送组件
  • 包含 SharePoint 中编辑窗格的可自定义的 Webpart(可选)
  • 读取 SharePoint Web.Config 中应用程序设置的配置组件
  • 面向被引用的 Silverlight 模块和编辑窗格的本地化管道
  • 有关呈现 Webpart、被引用的 Silverlight 模块和编辑窗格的详细日志
  • 用于故障排除的包含不同级别的跟踪组件
  • 在被引用的 Silverlight 模块中启用 QueryString 分析

Service Manager 推出了 Base Webpart,并将其作以下程序集中的一部分:


为了访问此程序集及其相关组件,您需要安装 Service Manager SharePoint 站点。您之后将不再需要使用此 Service Manager SharePoint 站点,您只需使用该站点来访问之后步骤中所需的文件。

当您完成 Service Manager SharePoint 站点的安装后,请遵循以下步骤来使用 Service Manager Base Webpart 创建自定义的 Webpart:

1) 创建您的 Webpart 

a. 使用“空 SharePoint 项目”模板添加一个新的 SharePoint 项目 

b.在您的 SharePoint 项目中添加对“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseWebPart.dll”的引用。此程序集已采用 GAC 的方式部署于您的计算机中安装 Service Manager 门户的位置。

以下将介绍如何将此程序集从 GAC 复制到您的本地文件夹。使用以下命令为您的计算机上的 GAC 位置创建一个快捷方式:


然后导航到 G 驱动器,并搜索“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseWebPart.dll”,然后将文件复制到您的本地文件夹。

c. 添加一个新类,作为您名为“您的 Webpart.cs”的 Webpart 类

d.将这些 using 语句添加到您的 Webpart 类

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseWebPart;using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;

e.在 Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseWebPart.dll 中,从 Service Manager“BaseWebPart”类派生出您的 Webpart 类 

f.覆盖以下方法,以指定您希望引用的 Silverlight 模块的名称:

protectedoverride String GetXAPName()
{              return"YourSilverlightModule.xap";

g.如果您希望将参数传递给您的 Silverlight 模块,则覆盖以下方法:

protectedoverridevoid AddInitialParameters()
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
                        queryString.Append(BuildQueryString("PageTitleVisibility", this.PageTitleVisibility));this.SilverlightCotrol.InitParameters =  this.SilverlightCotrol.InitParameters +



2) 利用您 Webpart 中的布局自定义功能(可选) 

a.从 IWebEditable 中派生出您的 Webpart 类 

[ToolboxItemAttribute(false)]publicclass KnowledgeArticleWebPart : BaseWebPart.BaseWebPart, IWebEditable

b.实施 IWebEditable 成员

  EditorPartCollection IWebEditable.CreateEditorParts()
 {    // add you code here 
                                 }object IWebEditable.WebBrowsableObject
     get { returnthis; }

c.为您希望在 Webpart 的编辑窗格中显示的字段添加新的属性

[WebBrowsable(true), WebPartStorage(Storage.Shared), Localizable(true)]public String PageTitleVisibility

d.添加名为“您的 Webpart EditorPart.cs”的新类e. 在 Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseWebPart.dll 中,从 Service Manager“BaseWebpartEditorPart”类中派生出您的“WebpartEditorPart”类

publicclass KnowledgeArticleEditorPart : BaseWebPartEditorPart


protectedoverridevoid CreateAdditionalChildControls(ControlCollection controls)
        PageTitleEditorPart = new LabelEditorPart(LocalizationManager.GetLocalizedString(“PageTitle”));        

请注意您正在使用 LocalizationManager 类,该类将使用提供的键查询字符串资源(上述示例:“PageTitle”。)您可将您的字符串添加到 Sharepoint 站点的父级站点的 AppGlobalResources 文件夹中的 StringResources 文件中。

要查找您 SharePoint 站点的父级站点的 AppGlobalResources 文件夹位置,请在 IIS 中浏览父级站点,系统应将您定向到类似以下的路径:“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\(number)\App_GlobalResources”

(注意:以上路径中的 (number) 是为 SharePoint 站点随机生成的数字。)


protectedoverridevoid SyncAdditionalChanges(WebPart webPartToEdit)
     KnowledgeArticleWebPart knowledgeWebPartToEdit = (KnowledgeArticleWebPart)webPartToEdit; if (knowledgeWebPartToEdit != null)       
          EditorPartHelper.SetVisibility(PageTitleEditorPart.Visibility, webPartToEdit.PageTitleVisibility); 


protectedoverridevoid ApplyAdditionalChanges(WebPart webPartToEdit)
    KnowledgeArticleWebPart knowledgeWebPartToEdit = (KnowledgeArticleWebPart)webPartToEdit; if (knowledgeWebPartToEdit != null)
         webPartToEdit.PageTitleVisibility = EditorPartHelper.GetVisibility(PageTitleEditorPart.Visibility);

3) 配置您的 Webpart

a. 将您的 Webpart 标识添加到您 SharePoint 站点的父级站点的 web.config 内的 SafeControl 列表中。

<SafeControlAssembly="your SharePoint assembly name, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=your SharePoint assembly public key token” Namespace="YourWebpartNamesspace" 
TypeName="yourWebpartclassname" Safe="True" SafeAgainstScript="True" />

注意:请确保您的 SharePoint 程序集版本和 PublicKeyToken 与您将在稍后步骤采用 GAC 的方式部署于计算机中的 SharePoint 程序集匹配。


创建一个名为“yourwebpart.webpart”的新文件 webpart 定义文件,并按照以下显示的方式进行编辑,以向您已编译的程序集添加引用:

<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?><Webparts><Webpartxmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/Webpart/v3"><metaData><typename="Your Webpart class name, YourWebpartAssemblyName, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken= your SharePoint assembly public key token"/><importErrorMessage>$Resources:core,ImportErrorMessage;</importErrorMessage></metaData><data><properties><propertyname="Title"type="string">Your Webpart</property><propertyname="Description"type="string">Your Description</property></properties></data></Webpart></Webparts>

注意:请确保您的 Sharepoint 程序集版本和 publicKeyToken 与您将在稍后步骤采用 GAC 方式部署于计算机中的 SharePoint 程序集匹配。

4) 部署您的 Webpart

a.在此处添加您编译的 SharePoint 程序集,以采用 GAC 的方式部署以下 MSDN 指令:http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ex0ss12c.aspx 

b. 将您的 Webpart 的字符串添加到 SharePoint 站点的父级站点的 GlobalResources 文件夹中的 StringResources 文件中。

要查找您 SharePoint 站点的父级站点的 GlobalResources 位置,请在 IIS 中浏览父级站点,系统应将您定向到类似以下的路径:“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\(number)\App_GlobalResources”

(注意:以上路径中的 (number) 是为 SharePoint 站点随机生成的数字。)

c.向 SharePoint 站点部署您的新 Webpart 

要部署您的 Webpart,请导航到您 SharePoint 站点的父级站点的 Webpart 库,首先选择父级站点的“站点操作”->“站点设置”,然后导航到“库/Webpart”。然后单击文档,系统应将您定向到此处:

然后单击“上载文档”以将您的 Webpart“yourWebpart.webpart”添加到 SharePoint Webpart 库中。当您部署了 Webpart 之后,您可将其添加到 SharePoint 站点或 SMPortal SharePoint 站点中的任何页面。

太棒了!您已经创建、配置并部署了一个自定义的 Webpart。然而,以下还将向您介绍一些有关如何在您的 Webpart 中创建、配置和部署供引用的新 Silverlight 模块的详细内容。

5) 创建、配置和部署一个新的 Silverlight 模块

a.使用“Silverlight 应用程序”模板在 Visual Studio 中创建一个新的 Silverlight 项目。 

b. 向您的项目中要求的程序集添加引用 

要查找必须的程序集,请导航到 Service Manager Web Content Server 的安装位置:“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SMPortal\ContentHost\ClientBin\”,然后将以下程序集复制到本地文件夹。

  • 将任何“.xap”文件(如“KnowledgeArticleSilverlightModule.xap”)重命名为“.zip”,然后打开该“.zip”文件,并复制以下文件:
    • “Microsoft.Practices.Prism.dll”,
    • “Microsoft.Practices.Prism.UnityExtensions.dll”,
    • “Microsoft.Practicses.ServiceLocation.dll”,
    • “Microsoft.Practicses.Unity.Silverlight.dll”,
    • “System.Reactive.dll”,
    • “System.ServiceModel.dll”,
    • “ServiceReferences.ClientConfig”
  • 打开“Core.zip”,并复制“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Core.dll”
  • 打开“DataAccess.zip”,并复制“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.DataAccess.dll”
  • 打开“Instrumentation.zip”,并复制“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Instrumentation.dll”
  • 打开“BaseSilverlightModule.zip”,并复制“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseSilverlightModule.dll”
  • 打开“BasicResources.zip”,并复制“Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BasicResources.dll”


要查找这些程序集,请导航到 Service Manager Web Content Server 的安装位置:“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SMPortal\ContentHost\ClientBin\”,然后将以下程序集复制到本地文件夹。


请注意,您只有在希望为您的新 Silverlight 模块编写 UI 自动化测试用例时才需要这一程序集。


要查找这些程序集,请导航到 Service Manager ContentHost 的安装位置:“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SMPortal\ContentHost\ClientBin\”,然后将以下程序集复制到本地文件夹。

  • Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.AdvancedResources.dll:打开“AdvancedResources.zip”,并从此处复制该文件。
  • Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.FormControls:打开“FormControls.zip”,并从此处复制该文件。
  • Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.CustomControls:打开“CustomControls.zip”,并从此处复制该文件。
  • Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.ToolkitResources:打开“ToolkitResources.zip”,并从此处复制该文件。
  • Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.WizardResources:打开“WizardResources.zip”,并从此处复制该文件。
  • System.Windows.Controls.Layout.Toolkit.dll:将任何“.xap”文件(如“KnowledgeArticleSilverlightModule.xap”)重命名为“.zip”,然后打开“.zip”文件,并从此处复制该文件。
  • System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit.Internals.dll:将任何“.xap”文件(如“KnowledgeArticleSilverlightModule.xap”)重命名为“.zip”,然后打开“.zip”文件,并从此处复制该文件。

请注意,您只有在希望使用由 Service Manager UI 定义的特定自定义控件或样式时才需要使用这些程序集,替代方式为创建您自有的特定样式和自定义控件。

e.从 Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseSilverlightModule.dll 中的“BaseApp”类中派生出您 Silverlight 项目的“App”类 

f.编辑 App.xaml 以利用 BaseApp 类


g. 编辑您 Silverlight 项目中的启动事件,并在 Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseSilverlightModule.dll 中调用“Base.AppStartup”

protectedvoid Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
{base.AppStartup(sender, e);

h.覆盖您的 Silverlight 项目中的“CreateShell”,以提供“RootVisual” 

protectedoverridevoid CreateShell()
{           this.RootVisual = new Shell();

i.从 Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Portal.BaseSilverlightModule.dll 中的“BaseShell”类中派生出您的 Silverlight 项目的“Shell”类 

j. 编辑 Shell.xaml 类,以利用 BaseShell 类

xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Your Silverlight Module Namespace "       
x:Class=" Shell" 

k.使用以下显示的 StartupParameter 访问您的 Webpart 传递到 Silverlight 模块的参数:


请注意,您还可利用该类来访问从您的 Webpart 传递到 Silverlight 模块的布局自定义参数。要了解如何将参数从您的 Webpart 传递到您的 Silverlight 模块,请阅读第 1 部分的 g 章节。

l.将您由 Silverlight 编译的“.xap”文件复制到 Service Manager 门户中的 ClientBin 文件夹。

要查找 ClientBin 文件夹,请导航到 Service Manager Web Content Server 的安装位置:“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SMPortal\ContentHost\ClientBin\”

Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Replica in ambiente di dominio

Introduzione Come abbiamo già potuto constatare nel precedente articolo , la replica di Hyper-V in Windows server 2012 è senz’altro una delle funzionalità più interessanti del nuovo sistema operativo server di Microsoft. Vedremo in seguito come questa utilissima funzione consente appunto di replicare una o più macchine virtuali (VM) da un server (host) su cui è in esecuzione il ruolo di Hyper-V ad un altro. Si è volutamente specificato...(read more)

[Script of May 27] Change Windows Store apps default installation location in Windows 8 (PowerShell)


Script Download: ChangeDefaultInstallation.zip

The script shows how to change Windows Store apps default installation location in Windows 8.

As we all know, ​ Windows Store apps default installation location is in driver C. But sometimes the driver C may be full, if we still want to install some big app and that seems impossible. So I think we can change the default Installation Location to ignore this problem.


You can find more All-In-One Script Framework script samples at http://aka.ms/onescriptingallery

Blog Posts of the Week (19th - 25th May 2013)




Add heading and link to SharePoint Global Navigation through Powershell

By Sundararajan Narasiman published on 05-19-2013

I was wondering whether there is a way to add the heading and link to the Top Navigation of SharePoint site using PowerShell Script. It is feasible, here is the full workable script….(more)


Inject Controller Libraries Dynamically at Runtime in ASP.NET Web API using Custom Assembly Resolvers

By Suprotim Agarwal published on 05-20-2013

An introduction to Web API’s Custom Assembly Resolver feature that enables you to add Controller libraries dynamically at run time. To add some….(more) 


Basics of Caliburn Micro in WPF mvvm–Part II Binding

By Amit Choudhary published on 05-20-2013

Now in this part we’ll see how to start creating new pages in the application and how the binding and events are being defined….(more)


How to create custom XMLNS namespaces to keep your XAML clean?

By Kunal Chowdhury published on 05-20-2013

XAML namespace is an extension of XML namespace and conventionally written as “xmlns” in XAML pages. We use it on all XAML pages in….(more)


Replace line breaks in C#

By Jalpesh Vadgama published on 05-22-2013

In recent days I was working on a project want to replace \r\n to a new character but it was giving very strange behaviour. It was not replacing….(more)





Personal Identification Number (PIN) A phone number has not been configured for you. Please contact your support team with this information

By Balasaheb Ilag published on 05-20-2013

To setup PIN for Lync online Meeting, client must have Phone number updated on Active Director and in Lync account….(more)


Detail Map feature of Maplytics

By Roohi Shaikh published on 05-20-2013

This blog will demonstrate a very useful feature of our product Maplytics, called “Detail Map”. Through Detail Map you will be able to plot any entity records on the map….(more)


Enable F8 key & Safe Mode in Windows 8

By Anand Khanse published on 05-20-2013

Microsoft has reduced the time-periods for F2 and F8 keys to almost near-nil intervals – less than 200 milliseconds if you want to know – as a result of which the chances….(more)


Windows could not start the SharePoint 2010 administration service on local computer

By Amol Ghuge published on 05-21-2013

Tried starting the service by means of farm account in the services console with respect to the server where it was failing but got the error message….(more)


System returns an error message when you try to Select/Enter Role center ID in New Profile Card page NAV2013

By Mohana Krishna published on 05-21-2013

System returns an error message when you try to Select/Enter Role center ID in New Profile Card page. The problem happens because in localization databases….(more)


Error “Applying template "BICenterSite#0" to web at URL “when trying to create a Business Intelligence Center site

By Amardeep Singh published on 05-22-2013

According to the error in the ULS Logs message, it seems that issue was caused by some features not activated. So tried to activate….(more)


Exchange 2013 CAS Role Demystified

By Ratish Nair published on 05-22-2013

Even though the client access server roles where very much present in the exchange 2010 and exchange 2007, it has been transformed a lot in the latest exchange release. Exchange 2013 CAS role consists….(more)


Fixing Windows Media Player cannot rip one or more tracks from the CD error

By Soumitra Sengupta published on 05-23-2013

Any time that I try to rip any CD on my laptop I get a message that “Windows Media Player cannot rip one or more tracks….(more)



Office 2013


Create a Pivot Table from multiple individual ranges without using ancillary columns

By Ashish Mathur published on 05-21-2013

To use this PowerPivot solution, you need to be using the PowerPivot add-in for….(more)


Learn PowerPoint 2013 for Windows: Eyedropper Option

By Geetesh Bajaj published on 05-23-2013

Although PowerPoint lets you choose almost any color you want, it is often difficult to choose the same color as a picture on the….(more)

Siła Danych


To zupełnie niespodziewane i nieoczekiwane. A do tego zaskakujące – to, kto mówi o znaczeniu danych w dzisiejszym świecie:


I to fajne jest zarazem. Bono mówiący o bazach danych - po pierwsze: ciekawe (kontekst, w którym to mówi, dziedziny życia, w których gromadzenie i analizowanie danych okazuje się istotne). Po drugie – nie muszę już uciekać, gdy usłyszę pytanie
‘czym się zajmujesz?’ (zajmować się bazami danych – no trochę brakuje do perkusisty zespołu rockowego jeszcze, ale to już tylko półtora metra, a było 20 metrów co najmniej). (Tak sobie można wmówić przynajmniej; BTW: Data Scientist:
The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century - http://hbr.org/2012/10/data-scientist-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century/ar/1).

Temat jest ważny, bo gromadzonych danych jest tyle, że jeszcze tyle nie gromadziliśmy. (A dodatkowo, za 2 lata, ktoś powie pewnie – to nieprawda, no bo przecież dopiero teraz gromadzimy tyle danych, że jeszcze tyle nie gromadziliśmy. Ale OK, to nas
utwierdzi w przekonaniu, że będzie się działo w tych danych, i ta nasza profesja ma przyszłość…) Więc jak nie zmarnować tych danych? Jak wydobyć z nich coś najbardziej wartościowego? Jak zwiększyć naszą efektywność czy produktywność? Zrobić ten dodatkowy krok, wejść na wyższy poziom?

Poniżej próba skompilowania, przeglądu wybranych zastosowań i trendów w dziedzinie systemów zarządzania bazami danych, oraz istotnych – w tym kontekście - nowych narzędzi (Microsoft). (Nie ma tutaj instrukcji obsługi, jest natomiast próba zainteresowania interesującym tematem.)



Dane zmieniają nasze życie – czasami w zupełnie nieprzewidywalny sposób, a te wszystkie możliwe zastosowanie pewnie trudno sobie wyobrazić jeszcze. To, o czym wspomniał Bono - więcej danych, większe upublicznienie danych, łatwiejszy
dostęp do danych - to większa przejrzystość instytucji, urzędów, organizacji (użyty przez niego termin ‘factivist’).

Miejsca na kreatywność w wykorzystywaniu, wyszukiwaniu, korelowaniu danych, szukaniu zastosowań – jest coraz więcej. Gromadzenie danych na obecną skalę niesie ze sobą wiele wyzwań (narzędzia, które muszą ciągle ewoluować, nasze
umiejętności), pewnych zagrożeń – ale też niesamowite możliwości, potencjał dotyczący poprawy wielu aspektów naszego życia. Przykłady:

- elektroenergetyka: także w Polsce instalowane są już ‘inteligentne’ liczniki pozwalające na monitorowanie i częste pomiary zużycia energii elektrycznej; na podstawie tych danych można lepiej prognozować i zwiększać efektywność zużycia energii (zwłaszcza w połączeniu z ‘inteligentnymi’ urządzeniami, które mogą dostosowywać zużycie do zmiennych cen i kosztów wytwarzania energii elektrycznej) (Smart Power - http://business.time.com/2013/03/28/smart-power/);

- medycyna: informacje o pacjentach, ich stylu życia, diecie, które gromadzone są w bazach danych – te dane powinny ułatwiać weryfikowanie skuteczności terapii, analizowanie korelacji między czynnikami środowiskowymi, stylem życia czy stosowanymi lekami a stanem zdrowia… (How big data will save your life – http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9238593/How_big_data_will_save_your_life?taxonomyId=221&pageNumber=1);

- telekomunikacja: wykorzystanie danych generowanych przez użytkowników telefonów komórkowych do celów takich, jak walka z malarią (Big Data from Cheap Phones - http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/513721/big-data-from-cheap-phones/);

- ….. (tu miejsce na nasze dane, na naszą historię, która się wyłoni z tych danych potencjalnie).



Skala, ilość gromadzonych danych, nowe zastosowania – wymuszają zmiany w podejściu do przetwarzania, analizowania danych. Poniżej wybrane zagadnienia oraz – w nawiasie – przykłady technologii i narzędzi rozwijanych obecnie przez

- Big Data (HDinsight);

- In-Memory Databases (Hekaton);

- Self-Service BI (Excel 2013 plus PowerPivot, PowerView, Data Explorer, GeoFlow);

- Chmura (Windows Azure).


Pojęcie ‘samoobsługi’ (Self-service) odnosi się do BI dzisiaj często; ale można pójść jeszcze dalej tutaj jak widać.


Dla zainteresowanych trendami i pomysłami realizowanymi przez grupę rozwijającą SQL Server - tona informacji na stronie: SQL Server Blog - http://blogs.technet.com/b/dataplatforminsider/.


Nowe Narzędzia i Technologie (Przykłady)

Ponieważ nie żyjemy w idealnie uporządkowanym świecie, nie istnieje idealnie uporządkowane podejście, jedno narzędzie do analizowania danych (ustrukturyzowanych, nieustrukturyzowanych). Jest wiele narzędzi. I jest postęp, ponieważ możliwości
wymiany danych między tymi narzędziami i technologiami są coraz większe. Poniżej bardzo krótkie przedstawienie (zasygnalizowanie) dwóch wybranych technologii/narzędzi:

- ułatwiającego samodzielną ‘eksplorację’, analizę danych Data Explorera (skala, zastosowanie: klient, Information Worker);

- ułatwiającego analizę dużych ilości danych HDInsight (skala, zastosowanie: serwer, a właściwie wiele serwerów, Big Data).


Data Explorer

Data Explorer jest narzędziem (dodatkiem do Excela) ułatwiającym analizowanie, korelowanie danych pochodzących z różnych źródeł, w tym między innymi danych relacyjnych, ustrukturyzowanych, nie w pełni ustrukturyzowanych, Hadoop (i HDinsight), Azure Marketplace, a nawet danych udostępnianych na stronach internetowych typu Wikipedia.


Data Explorer.



Big Data to powszechnie stosowany termin odnoszący się do zbiorów danych, których analizowanie i przetwarzanie za pomocą tradycyjnych metod (np. pojedynczych serwerów) staje się niewykonalne. To dane generowane przez Facebook, Twitter czy
systemy wykorzystywane przez firmy telekomunikacyjne. Opracowany został zestaw algorytmów, języków, technik, które pozwalają na efektywne przetwarzanie dużych ilości danych, za pomocą wielu serwerów działających w ramach klastrów, na przykład: Map Reduce, Hadoop czy - charakteryzujący się uroczą nazwą - język PIG.

Implementacja Hadoop opracowana i oferowana przez Microsoft to HDInsight. Przy czym istnieją 2 opcje korzystania z tej technologii:

- Azure HDInsight – pozwalający na wykorzystanie ogromnych zasobów centrów danych Microsoft i systemu Azure (oraz, dodatkowo – istniejących tam zbiorów danych udostępnianych poprzez Windows Azure Marketplace, na przykład danych meteorologicznych);

- HDInsight działający jako usługa w systemie Windows Server 2012 (a więc lokalnie).


Ponieważ wymienione technologie i podejścia są ze sobą coraz bardziej ‘kompatybilne’, możemy je stosować w połączeniu – na przykład eksplorować dane udostępniane w HDInsight za pomocą Data Explorera, analizować je za pomocą PowerPivot, czy ładować takie dane do SQL Servera oraz Analysis Services (‘Any Data, Any Size, Anywhere’).



Ilość gromadzonych danych oraz nowe technologie, udostępniane narzędzia do analizowania tych danych, otwierają przed nami niemożliwe wcześniej możliwości. Dane + kreatywność + wyobraźnia = innowacyjność. Równa się wartość dodana (choć wiem, że to kontrowersyjne podejście do równań matematycznych – ale matura już za mną na szczęście). No i skoro Bono mówi o tym nawet – to musi być duża sprawa. I dużo danych. Może warto to wykorzystać?


Więcej Danych:

Server & Tools Blogs - http://blogs.technet.com/b/serverandtools/

SQL Server Blog - http://blogs.technet.com/b/dataplatforminsider/

Windows Azure - www.windowsazure.com

Windows Azure HDInsight - https://www.hadooponazure.com/

Microsoft HDInsight (Big Data) Solution - http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/9396.microsoft-hdinsight-big-data-solution.aspx

Data Explorer - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dataexplorer/

Microsoft “Data Explorer” Preview for Excel Help - http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/start-page-HA104003813.aspx

Hekaton Breaks Through - http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/news/features/hekaton-122012.aspx

Analysis Services & PowerPivot Blog - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/analysisservices/

SQL Server Reporting Services Team Blog - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlrsteamblog/archive/2011/11/17/what-s-new-in-power-view.aspx

Dallas Utilities: Electricity seasonal use simulation using project codename “GeoFlow” Preview and Power View - http://blogs.office.com/b/microsoft-excel/archive/2013/04/11/dallas-utilities-electricity-seasonal-use-simulation-with-geoflow-preview-and-powerview.aspx

Microsoft Business Intelligence - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/bi/default.aspx

Microsoft Business Intelligence at a Glance Poster - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35586



Egy 3rd party eszközre hívnám fel a figyelmet, amellyel olyan hálózati eszközöket és paramétereket tudunk monitorozni, amelyekhez az Operations Manager alapértelmezetten nem biztosít megoldást. Az eszköz támogatja a SCOM 2007 R2-t és a SCOM 2012-t is.

A MIB2MP-vel bármilyen szabványos MIB-ből tudunk SCOM Management Pack-et csinálni egy egyszerű, de igen hatékony eszköz segítségével. Az oldalon található rövid áttekintés szerint is ezt mutatja:


Továbbá elérhető egy rövid bemutató video is, amelyen látható az eszköz használat közben.


Még nem néztem meg részleteiben, de amit eddig kipróbáltam az meggyőző volt.

- Marci

Шаблон Visio для Exchange 2013


С шаблоном Visio для Exchange 2013 вы сможете создать визуальные представления локальной, гибридной и облачной архитектуры.  Этот шаблон содержит множество специальных обозначений для Microsoft Exchange - серверы, серверные роли, службы и приложения - которые можно использовать для создания схем, диаграмм и постеров.


Очень ищем технического пресейла по АХ!


С удовольствием сообщаю об одной из открытых позиций в нашем подразделении Microsoft Business Solutions - Technical Sales Professional (AX). Подробное описание позиции ниже.

Про департамент MBS можно прочитать на нашем карьерном сайте - http://careers.microsoft.com/careers/ru/ru/businesssolutions.aspx 

В случае интереса, пожалуйста, пишите мне напрямую - на emki@microsoft.com.


Technology Solutions Professional (TSP) adds value to Microsoft by proving both the technical and business value of Microsoft Axapta solutions to customers (primarily in the enterprise segment).  

The TSP adds value to customers and partners by providing technology and business solutions credibility and expertise, and by continuously demonstrating the business value of investments in Microsoft Dynamics solutions. 

Main responsibilities:

  • Participate planning sales activities to provide input and feedback to the Sales Manager to determine the must win accounts and strategic partners in their territory.
  • Conduct Solution Briefings, where the TSP focusing on the technical aspects of the solution.
  • Drive demo discovery and demo preparation in order to ensure product demos are customized to a customer’s unique business requirements.
  • Take part in opportunity reviews with the Sales Managers and provide technical insight to the opportunity management process to move the deal forward in the sales cycle.
  • Conduct self-research, learning and readiness.
  • Educate Sales managers on Microsoft Dynamics solutions.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with the external community of users.
  • Attend competitive engagements and events. 

Main requirements:

  • Deep knowledge of Axapta 2012 (5) or Axapta 2009 (4).
  • Strong sales aptitude with the ability to lead in-depth technology discussions, articulating the business value of a technology solution.
  • Experience in an environment where customer contacts and knowledge are leveraged to listen proactively for up-sell/cross-sell opportunities.
  • Deep technical skills with the ability to translate the feature and function set into customer solutions and win against the competition. 
  • Ability to work proactively within assigned opportunities to drive opportunities to close, with an understanding of the implications of cost of sale.
  • Ability to develop strong, strategic partners engaged in immediate and long-term opportunities and committed to Microsoft Axapta solutions.
  • Is a resourceful problem-solver, leveraging internal and partner resources in assigned opportunities where and when needed to do what’s right for the customer.

Affinity Systems and WPC


Suzanne Andracchio
Business Development Manager, Affinity Systems

Gold Data Platform
Silver Application Development

Affinity Systems has a lot to be proud of. After all with over 23 years in business, they have delivered custom application solutions to Fortune 1000 and government organizations all over the globe. In spite of a roster of brand name clients and a reputation for excellence, they knew they wanted to develop a tighter relationship with Microsoft Canada and the Microsoft partner channel.

“Being brand new to Affinity Systems, I did not know where to begin to leverage our Microsoft relationship,” said Suzanne Andracchio, Business Development Manager, Affinity Systems. “Plus I knew there were changes in the way that Microsoft was licensing and changes in the Microsoft Partner Network. With new competency roadmaps, we felt we needed to be better aligned with Microsoft to get business value and help our customers take advantage of the value as well,”

Suzanne signed up for Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC), joined the International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP), and has never looked back.

“WPC was an incredible experience for fast-tracking my relationship with Microsoft executives and product managers,” said Suzanne. “I was able to set up key meetings over the course of the 3 days that would have taken months to organize here. WPC is critical not only for networking but also for understanding the strategy that Microsoft has for the future. By understanding where Microsoft is focusing, we can align and work together to build new business opportunities.”

Affinity was also recognized as a WPC Award finalist. “The WPC finalist designation raised awareness about our organization. And by promoting it we received leads from new prospects and closed a large deal we would never have uncovered otherwise. We built connections with partners and have been accepted into some new programs at Microsoft that have helped us find more projects. We are currently executing on some joint-marketing events that would never have happened without the valuable connections we made at WPC.” (Suzanne Andracchio, Business Development Manager, Affinity Systems)

Gail Mercer-Mackay
President of Mercer-MacKay Solutions Member
IAMCP Canada / IAMCP International Board Member
Chairperson IAMCP Women in Technology

Freie Adobe Photoshop Express App für Windows 8


Ganz frisch gibt es die Adobe Photoshop Express App für Windows 8 kostenfrei im Windows Store! Damit können Fotos leicht bearbeitet werden, es stehen Funktionen wie Crop, Correct RedEye, Reduce Noise, Color, Brightness, Sharepness, und vieles mehr zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich bietet die App “Looks”, um ein Bild per Mausklick in einen bestimmten Aussehen zu versetzen.


Hier ein Beispiel-Screenshot im Edit-Modus. Sehr praktisch ist u.a. die Funktion “View Orginal”, um zu testen, wie sich das bearbeitete Bild zum Original verändert hat.



Für einfache Bildbearbeitung, Bilder ins Web-Format bringen, Drehen, Spiegeln, vordefinierte Bildformate, Farb-/Helligkeit und Schärfeanpassungen usw. ist die App wirklich gut geeignet. Sie funktioniert jedoch nur für Bilder im JPG-Format.

Coole Sache! Danke an @ChristianNagel für den Tipp via Twitter!

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Prüfungsvorbereitung: 70-336: Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013

CHF 1‘375



Installing, Configuring and Managing System Center 2012 Service Manager – Technischer Hands-on-Labs Workshop

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Unable to install SCOM 2012 Reporting Services


Problem description: you are trying to install SCOM 2012, and the SQL Server reporting service 2012 part failed.


Error message:

         --> Inside SCOM Setup installation, you got the error message below

eThe specified SQL Server instance is not valid.  The possible causes of this problem include the following:
* SSRS has not been configured correctly
* Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is configured for the SQL Server Report Server.
* A proxy server is configured for the SQL Server Report Server.e

        --> And if you open your report server http://myserver/reportserver, you got the error message below

"A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"


Troubleshooting step:

Step 1: Go on the SSRS log file to get more detail. By default is here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRSXX.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles

Step 2: Open the last ReportServerService...txt, and have a look to the last error at the end of the file.

In my case, I have got this error:

ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: Unable to load assembly Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Reporting.Security, Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: Le serveur de rapports a rencontré une erreur de configuration.  ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Reporting.Security' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Cause: This issue is due to SCOM that it changes the configuration files of the SQL Reporting Service.


Choice 1: Uninstall and reinstall SSRS

Choice 2 : When SCOM 2012 change the SQL Reporting Service 2012 configuration files, it takes the backup of the Reporting Service’s configuration files as: RSReportServer.config.0 and RSReportServer.config.1.

          - So, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRSXX.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer.

         - Then remove the file RSReportServer.config. And rename RSReportServer.config.0 to  RSReportServer.config




More detail here: How to Install the Operations Manager Reporting Server



Michel Degremont | Xbox Live Music - DBA Team - SQL Server & PDW |



SharePoint 2013 - Image Rendition


Image rendition is a new capability in SharePoint 2013 helps you to optimize images in your SharePoint site through having the same image but in different sizes. This will enhance the user experience through browsing the SharePoint site from different devices, like laptop or mobile.

How does it work?

Simply when you upload an image, SharePoint will give you the ability to resize the image.


1- Create a publishing site collection.

2- Click on site contents


3- Click on SETTINGS


4- Under Look and Feel Section, click on Image Rendition


5- You will notice an error on the top of the page. This is because the BLOB Cache is not configured


6- Enable BLOB Cache:

a. Go to web.config

b. Search for BlobCache Section

c. Change the value of the attribute enabled to “true”


d. Save and close web.config

7- Refresh Image Rendition.

8- By default, there will be 4 predefined rendition configured on your SharePoint site.

9- Create a new rendition, by adding new item link


10- Enter the Name, width and height, and then click Save.

11- Each rendition type has a unique ID. This ID will be used as a URL parameter to render the required image size.

12- Upload an image to Image Library

13- Hover the cursor on the uploaded image and then click on …, then on Edit Rendition


14- Click on “Click to Change” for the display template 100*100


15- Move the selected area for the needed space and click save


16- Create a new Article Page


17- Edit the page and add an image to on the left

18- Select the image on the left

19- On the top bar, click on Image, Click on Pick Rendition.

20- Choose the required setting to show the image.



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