First, here were our previous blog posts for this contest:
- 11/30 - The 2013 TechNet Wiki Translation Challenge!!! BATTLE TIME!!! Who will win? Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Norwegian, Indonesian, Farsi, Chinese, or Vietnamese?
- 12/06 -2013 TechNet Wiki Translation Challenge Update! The early lead goes to Portuguese, German, and French!
- 12/13 -2013 TechNet Wiki Translation Challenge Update: Japanese and Russian join the battle!!!
- 12/21 - TechNet Wiki Translation Challenge Update!!! Hezequias contributes to two languages!!! French team up to close the gap with Portuguese!
This contest started on November 30, 2013.
Here's a funny story from the challenge - Hezequias (who writes in Portuguese, French, and English), started going full speed ahead in translating in French (with a few in Portuguese). Durval left this comment on the Wiki page, TechNet Wiki Translation Challenge: November 2013 to January 2014: "Hezequias !!! You have to translate to "Portuguese" =^s"
And then the next day Durval left this comment: "Thanks Benoit, your PS script helped find an article of Hezequias translated into Portuguese! ; ^ D"
Well, Hezequias and Benoit gave it a good shot for French, but Durval translated so many Portuguese articles!
And now it's time to crown our winners!
First, here's the contest for the most overall articles per language. Portuguese wins!!!
1. Portuguese - 95 articles!
2. French - 64 articles!
3. German - 34 articles!
4. Japanese - 5 articles
5. English - 3
- All 3 are from Durval Ramos! He's not from the USA, but we'll still use that flag! =^)
6. Italian - 2 articles
7. Russian - 1
7. Turkish - 1
Russian and Turkish are tied for 7th place!
And here is what the Portuguese community wins...
Top Translated Language - Your language wins a Friday post that focuses directly on your contributions and on who your team members are and what they contributed. Second, I'll make your team a Wiki Ninja stick figure image for your country! =^) -- Since we already have one with your country's flag, we can make one that represents your country in some way, like the Wiki Ninja stick figure playing a sport, at a landmark, or doing a favorite activity.
So Durval, Heqequias, and Marcelo, what would you like your Brazil stick figure to look like? =^)
And now it's time to crown the winners of the individual contest!!!
- Durval Ramos - 94 articles (Portuguese and English)
- Benoit Jester - 45 articles (French)
- Carsten Siemens - 34 articles (German)
- Hezequias Vasconcelos - 21 articles (French and Portuguese)
- Tomoaki Yoshizawa - 5 articles (Japanese)
- Marcelo S. Gonçalves - 1 article (Portuguese)
- Yagmoth555 - 1 article (French)
- Luigi Bruno - 1 article (Italian)
- Carmelo La Monica - 1 article (Italian)
- Dmitri Plotnikov! - 1 article (Russian)
- Baris Aydogmusoglu - 1 article (Turkish)
So thank you to all our contributors, even those who just contributed one article... every translation helps the community, and so we thank you for your help!
Let's see what Durval won!
Top Individual Translator - The person who individually translates the most articles will get a Monday interview blog post (Interview with a Wiki Ninja - Durval already did this, but I'll give him some new interview questions), a post that explains all your Wiki contributions (I think I'll just combine this with the Portuguese post), and I'll make Durval a customized Wiki Ninja stick figure image! =^)
So Durval, what would you like your Wiki Ninja Stick Figure to look like?
The grand total numbers:
- 205 articles!
- Translated into 8 languages!
- By 11 translators!
- In just 7 weeks!
And what did they translate? See this list of all 205 articles here:
TechNet Wiki Translation Challenge: November 2013 to January 2014
Thanks again to everyone who contributed, and thanks to all the Wiki Ninjas...
- Ninja Ed