While working on a customer's issue with their Office Web Apps 2013 WAC farm, I was curious to find what patch level the Farm is on. After looking at all the WAC farm properties through PowerShell, I still couldn't figure out what the build number is!! Well here is a sample script that can help you find the build/version number of a WAC farm, this information can be helpful to check if a specific patch is installed besides going to the Control Panel and check installed packages :)
Function GetWacServerVersion
$version= ((Get-ChildItemhklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall| `
Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -Like "*WacServer"}) | `
if (($version -eq $null) -or ($version.Length -eq 0))
Write-Error "WacServer DisplayVersion does not exist"
return new-object System.Version($version)
GetWacServerVersion > $env:SystemDrive\wacver.txt
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