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フェールオーバー クラスターの異なるネットワーク セグメント間通信について


こんにちは。Windows プラットフォーム サポートの古谷です。


本日は、フェールオーバー クラスターが行うクラスター ノード間の異なるネットワーク セグメント間通信についてご紹介します。

フェールオーバー クラスターでは、規定でクラスター ノード間で別ネットワーク セグメントが存在する場合、別ネットワーク セグメントに対して定期的に通信 (UDP 3343) を行っております。

・UDP 通信

これは、マルチサイト クラスター構成のための重要な通信であり、異なるネットワーク セグメントに対してハートビート通信ができるかルート検出を行う動作となります。

例えば、本動作によりクラスター ノード間で以下の通信が発生します。

フェールオーバー クラスター  2 ノード(WSFC1、WSFC2)環境において、クラスター ノード間に 2 つのネットワークが存在している。

① Public 用ネットワーク(クライアント アクセスポイントが割り当てられたパブリック ネットワーク)
② HeartBeat用ネットワーク (クラスター ノード間を結ぶ Closed なプライベート ネットワーク)

本環境で、WSFC1 の Publicnet から WSFC 2 の HeartBeatnetに対して、また、WSFC2 の Publicnet からWSFC1 の HeartBeatnet に対して UDP 3343 のパケットが送信されます。

パブリック ネットワークにファイアウォール装置が存在する場合は、本通信は検出されます。

ローカルサイト クラスターで本通信の検出を抑止したい場合は、

クラスター ノード間で発生する異なるネットワーク セグメント間通信の抑止方法

異なるネットワークセグメントに対しての UDP 3343 を抑止したい場合は、
クラスターのプロパティ PlumbAllCrossSubnetRoutes により制御可能です。



このプロパティの値は 0 - 2 がございます。

0 ローカルルートが発見された場合はクロス サブネットルートを検索しない。(規定)

1 必ずサブネットを横断するルートを検索します。

2 ノードが正常に参加した後、クロス サブネットルートを検出する動作を無効にします。

既定は 0 であるため、サービスの起動時にはクロス サブネットのルートは検索されませんが、
ノードが参加した後に、クロス サブネットルートを検出する動きが定期的に発生します。

抑止したい場合は値を 2 に変更していただくことで、クロス サブネットルートを検出する
動作 (UDP 3343) を完全に無効にする必要があります。

UDP 3343 の対処方法

変更方法は以下の PowerShell コマンドを実施します。

任意のクラスター ノード 1台

1. 管理者権限の PowerShell を起動します。

2. 以下のコマンドで、"PlumbAllCrossSubnetRoutes" の値を確認します。

> Get-Cluster | fl *

3. 以下のコマンドで、"PlumbAllCrossSubnetRoutes" の値を変更します。

> (Get-Cluster). PlumbAllCrossSubnetRoutes = 2

全クラスター ノード

4. クラスター サービスを再起動します。

ローカルサイト クラスターの場合、本設定変更により影響などはございません。

本設定変更は、クラスター ノード間で発生する異なるセグメントに対する送信パケット
(ファイアウォールにてブロックされる通信) を無効にしているためです。




掌握重大傳染病疫情再快一步,串接電子病歷創新通報 全球首創

    最近台灣氣候溫差大,已進入流感好發期的冬季,即便疫情的發生通常具有週期性,民眾稍不留意疫情即可能擴散。為第一時間掌握各種傳染疾病的疫情,衛生福利部疾病管制署 (以下簡稱疾管署)帶頭出擊,採用微軟的「公有雲」解決方案,以 Microsoft Office 365 與 Azure SQL Database 資料庫服務,打造全新的「防疫雲」平台。藉由 資料共享與加值機制,縮短各區衛生單位傳染疾病通報時間,並進一步化被動為主動,即時掌握疫情趨勢,並藉由 讓地方衛生單位加入防疫協同作戰部隊,擴大參與及應用效應,實現「疫情即時揭露、全民共同防疫」的目標。

速度決定勝負  爭取最大防疫緩衝時間

    位處熱帶與亞熱帶的台灣,其實一年四季均有不同 類型、對健康威脅程度嚴重不一的傳染病例可能發生,包括熟為人知的登革熱、腸病毒、季節性流感、 鼠疫、狂犬病、嚴重急性呼吸道症候群、中東呼吸症候群冠狀病毒...等。疾管署執掌全國傳染病防治業務,傳染病的資料蒐集、分析與通報速度是疫情防治決勝的關鍵。

    疾管署的監測系統(Surveillance System),蒐 集來自全國與傳染病相關的龐大資料,包括傳染病 通報、急診室及門診住院等就醫資訊,以掌握疫情發展。而為了維護資訊環境的效能與穩定性,也為了讓 開放資料(Open Data)的分享更有效率、運用更為多元,疾管署在民國 103 年展開為期三年的「防疫雲」計畫。

    「防疫對國家攸關重大,速度很重要,而疾管署就是作戰單位。」疾管署疫情中心張啟明副主任表示: 「若能將資料即時且妥善地運用於防疫,將可望大幅 提升對民眾健康的保障。而雲端不僅是擴散資料的最 佳管道,更是將來自各界的防疫力量串連在一起的平台。」

    除了透過原有的 Microsoft Excel 和 Power BI 的 應用基礎來分析疫情外,近期疾管署採用微軟的「公有雲」解決方案,為疫情通報系統加裝監測「千里眼」,在疫情可能發生時,爭取最大防疫緩衝時間。

不再單打獨鬥  雲端平台串連防疫作戰 陣線成形

     「防疫雲」的概念是蒐集排除個資的疫情資料,進 行統計分析與預測,為地方政府提供滾動的更新資料集。但面對海量的資料,高昂的平台建置維運成本及專業資訊人力不足成為疾管署最大的挑戰。

    「微軟提出『公有雲』解決方案,以 Microsoft Office 365 雲端平台和 Azure SQL Database 資料庫處理平台的技術課題,讓疾管署可以無後顧之憂專注在『資料』,把心力用在業務層面和防疫作戰。 這樣具有操作門檻低的普及性、技術無縫接軌的共通 性、且便於維運的工具,才能讓應用效益倍增。」疾 管署疫情中心張啟明副主任進一步說明:「有了這樣的資訊條件,才能讓地方衛生單位加入防疫協同作戰部隊,將源頭資訊匯集整合再分流運用,透過資料流的運作,實現疫情即時揭露的協同作戰理念。」

    台灣微軟營運暨行銷事業群總經理康容表示:「繼與馬偕醫院合作打造三位一體的『醫療智慧雲」』醫務管理系統後,很榮幸台灣微軟能貢獻全球領先的醫療產業服務經驗與雲端科技,成為疾管署『防疫雲』 計畫協同作戰最堅實的後盾。由於 Office 操作學習 曲線低,是自助式分析的最佳工具,接下來台灣微軟將持續以微軟全球領先的醫療產業服務經驗與雲端科 技,運用科技與資源協助在地合作夥伴,進而提供民 眾更好的醫療服務。」

    據疾管署統計,目前全台已有超過 170 家的區域 級以上醫院加入協同作戰的行列,將疫情資料即時連線,回傳至「防疫雲」的資料庫。以急診室為例,民眾到急診室就醫後,十分鐘內相關疫情即透過系統自 動傳輸至疾管署資料庫中彙整,省略傳統透過醫護人 員上網登錄、層層通報的作業模式,不僅精實人力, 更重要的是大幅提升資訊的即時跟正確性,如同疫情通報系統加裝監測「千里眼」。

化被動為主動  Power BI 即時呈現動態視覺化分析  疫情發展趨勢瞭若指掌

     除了作到資料蒐集,疾管署已針對六個區管中心和全台各縣市衛生局,配發專屬的帳號,更建立專區, 每天自動排程導入縣市近 70 種法定傳染病最新流行 疫情資訊,運用 Power BI 呈現動態視覺化的分析結果,以人時地、病毒型別、縣市區等不同分佈條件, 呈現該縣市在傳染病的波動情況。各協防單位可透過 資料庫,檢視授權範圍內的疫情資料,有助於地方衛 生機關採取介入措施。精密控管的帳號權限落實資訊 分流,讓疫情資訊從中央到地方單位,皆能達到「透 明」、「即時」、「一致」且最小阻礙的資訊同步。

    近年來開放資料(Open Data)已不再是口號, 疾管署張啟明副主任表示:「雲端不僅是擴散資料的最佳管道,更是將來自各界的防疫力量串連在一起的 平台。」目前,疾管署已提供超過 170 多項開放資 料且持續增加。預定近期將與醫學中心合作,將傳染 病統計資料與地理資訊結合,連結內政部人口及社會 經濟資料庫指標;或是促進學界利用「防疫雲」來進 行交叉分析,例如:環保署的空污指數、氣象局的溫 溼度數據,從中挖掘出更多價值,以利在地化資訊的 加值應用,發揮防疫「綜效」。

    除了產、官、學、研積極密切的合作外,疾管署 也期待未來將全民納入防疫作戰的陣線,透過「防疫雲」的串連與運作,讓全民共同檢視共同監督,化被動為主動,擴大參與及應用效應,朝「疫情即時揭 露、全民共同防疫」終極目標邁進。


[ 詳細產品訊息請上 Office 365 官網: www.microsoft.com/taiwan/office365/ ]

333 tipů pro Microsoft Office 2016 (6-10)

6. Co která aplikace umí? Ačkoliv kancelářský balík Microsoft Office zná téměř každý uživatel počítače, některé sady obsahují produkty, s nimiž jste se možná ještě nesetkali, proto se vám bude zřejmě hodit následující rychlý přehled všech aplikací: Word – nejpoužívanější textový editor na světě, slouží k psaní...(read more)

Er du klar for PÅSKENØTT??


Vi er i gang igjen. Denne gangen med en aldri så liten påskenøtt til dere!

Gjennom 5 episoder vil du her få en utfordring hvor vi vil ha din mening om hva som går galt hos det selskapet og de ansatte vi viser frem. Alle som sender inn rett løsning på påskenøtten er med i trekningen av premiene:

- 1 Xbox One

- 1 Surface Pro 3

- 1 Dell Venue 8 Pro


De to første episode er allerede ute!

I denne episoden presenterer vi deg for selskapet vi skal følge i påskenøtten. Du får også møte noen av de ansatte og vi hører litt om deres arbeid og utfordringer. Er alt som det skal? Hvordan jobber de i dag?


Nå er det krise hos Contoso! Men jobber de på rett måte for å løse utfordringene de nå står midt i??


Løsningen sendes inn via denne linken: http://1drv.ms/1oCC5am

Konkurransereglene finner du her: http://1drv.ms/1Lf7jyA


Lykke til – og god påske!

333 tipů pro Windows 10 (26. - 30.)


26.     Jaké jsou jednotlivé funkce Centra akcí?

Jak již z názvu vyplývá, Centrum akcí v sobě sdružuje nejčastěji prováděné akce, které na svém zařízení děláte. Není tak potřeba otevírat položky v Nastavení nebo Ovládacích panelech, vše je možné udělat rovnou. Druhou, zásadní funkcí je zobrazení upozornění od různých aplikací napříč celým systémem. Pojďme se tedy na ně společně podívat.

Režim tabletu – pokud zařízení disponuje dotykovou obrazovkou, je možné pomocí této položky aktivovat režim tabletu, který uzpůsobí prvky systému tak, aby lépe odpovídaly ovládání pomocí dotyku. V případě, že se jedná o konvertibilní zařízení, u které ho je možné odpojit klávesnici, tak se tento režim po odpojení aktivuje automaticky.
Připojit – slouží k připojení bezdrátových zvukových a video přenosových adaptérů. Tato funkce se nejčastěji používá pro připojení k adaptérům s technologií Miracast, která slouží pro bezdrátový přenos obrazu a zvuku.
Poznámka – poměrně často je potřeba si na počítači dělat rychlé poznámky. Někteří z nás k tomu využívají Poznámkový blok či podobné aplikace. Ve Windows 10 je však tato funkce spojena s aplikací pro poznámky přímo určenou – s aplikací OneNote. Jakmile tedy kliknete na tento příkaz, spustí se aplikace OneNote a vy si tak rychle můžete udělat vlastní poznámku. Výhodou je, že OneNote veškeré poznámky synchronizuje online s úložištěm OneDrive a tak jsou tyto zápisky pro vás dostupné na jakémkoliv zařízení, kde je internetový prohlížeč nebo aplikace OneNote.
Všechna nastavení – zobrazí nové prostředí pro nastavení a konfiguraci systému. Oproti systému Windows 8 se ve Windows 10 zde nachází mnohem více položek a funkcí, nově např. Windows Update a další.
Spořič baterie – aktivuje úsporný režim na zařízení s baterií, která v případě potřeby umožňuje prodloužit její výdrž. Ve výchozím nastavení je tento režim aktivován automaticky, pokud kapacita baterie klesne pod 20 %.
Síť VPN – slouží pro snadné a rychle připojení k virtuální podnikové síti (VPN)
Období klidu –
Umístění – vypíná nebo zapíná možnost rozpoznání umístění zařízení. To se může hodit například v aplikacích pro práci s mapu, počasím nebo pro vyhledávací funkce.
Režim v letadle – umožňuje vypnout všechny bezdrátové adaptéry, takže použití tohoto zařízení bude i v letadle bezpečné.

27.     Jak změnit zobrazená nastavení v Centru akcí?

Výše uvedené příkazy jsou tím základním, co vám systém Windows 10 po čisté instalaci nabídne. Je ale možné, že některá z nich budete používat méně často nebo dokonce vůbec. Pak je tu tedy možno vybrané rychlé přístupy k nastavení přeskupit tak, aby více odpovídaly vašim potřebám. Stačí, když v Centru akcí klepnete na položku Všechna nastavení a přejdete do položky Systém – Oznámení a akce. Zde si pak již můžete dle svých potřeb upravit, jaké čtyři základní příkazy budou v prvním řádku matic jednotlivých nastavení.

28.     Jak změnit upozornění, která se budou v Centru akcí zobrazovat

Ve stejném místě jako v předchozím případě je pak možné upřesnit, od jakých aplikací chcete nechat zobrazovat v Centru akcí upozornění. Pokud například často pracujete s poštou, pak si můžete například vypnout právě toto upozornění a nechat si tak prostor pro jiné aplikace.

29.     Jak rychle přistupovat k systémovým nástrojům?

V systému Windows 10 můžete velice rychle přistupovat k pokročilým systémovým nástrojům pro upřesnění konfigurace systému. Stačí, když klepnete pravým tlačítkem myši na tlačítko Start a zobrazí se tato nabídka. V případě potřeby je možné ji vyvolat i pomocí klávesové zkratky Win+X.

30.     Jak přesunout hlavní panel?

Hlavní panel se zástupci, ikonami otevřených aplikací a oznamovací oblastí nemusí být vždy umístěn na dolní hraně obrazovky. Pokud jej chcete přesunout nahoru, doprava nebo doleva, stačí jej chytit levým tlačítkem myši na volném místě panelu a přetáhnout na požadované místo. Pokud by vám tento postup nefungoval, ujistěte se pomocí stisku pravého tlačítka myši na volné části panelu, že nemáte aktivní funkci uzamknutí panelu.

Unlocking Business Value with SharePoint Server 2016 Hybrid


SharePoint Server 2016 is unlike any previous release of SharePoint and going forward, it will be a platform that continues to evolve to provide delightful experiences for users. The reason? Microsoft product teams used the learnings, metrics, and code already running in the cloud and applied it to the Server product. It’s that close relationship with the cloud that enables SharePoint Server 2016 to unlock business value and it happens through seamless hybrid experiences.

Let’s discuss some of these hybrid experiences in more detail.

Hybrid OneDrive and Profiles

Hybrid OneDrive refers to the ability to choose where each user has their work-related private files stored, in the cloud or on-premises. As you’ll see with other experiences, it isn’t an all or nothing choice. With SharePoint Server 2016, I can easily define audiences and put users in those audiences and specify where I want their OneDrive for Business to be created. For example, I may not want my factory workers to need an Office 365 license, they produce few documents, but I still want a secure place for them to put those files. I can specify that factory workers’ OneDrive for Business will be on-premises while everyone else gets one created in Office 365. While everyone else enjoys a 1 TB storage quota, I can specify something much lower for my factory workers and not have to spend extra money on storage.

Similarly, for profiles, using redirection in SharePoint Server 2016 enables some users to have a new enhanced profile experience in Office 365. The new profile experience features a selectable cover photo, 1-click message button (which opens a Skype for Business conversation), and as you’d expect, basic contact information and an interactive organization chart.

Hybrid Team Sites

Hybrid Team Sites refers to the ability to choose where to host collaborative sites and isn’t limited to just the “Team Site” template. It equally applies to other templates like Project Site, Developer Site, and Blogs. With the SharePoint Server 2016, the “Sites” page keeps track of all your sites, regardless of where they’re hosted or which template they use. You can choose to follow sites where you have an interest and quickly see recent sites and recommended sites.

For example, based on some regulatory requirements, some sites may need to be hosted on-premises. We can easily create a site provisioning form to ask the appropriate questions and determine if a site needs to be hosted on-premises.

There may be other cases where Office 365 is a better fit. For example, consider Access Services. While it is powerful because it allows information workers to create compelling apps, it is difficult to setup and maintain on-premises. If you wanted to avoid the headaches, you could simply host sites using Access Services in Office 365.

Hybrid Social

SharePoint Server 2013 was the “social” release with new features like communities, blogs, newsfeeds, hashtags, and more. SharePoint Server 2016 retains all of those features and makes it easy to leverage services from Office 365, like Yammer. As with SharePoint Server 2013, you can use Yammer embed to place a social feed on any site or page. You can do this easily and automatically using publicly available code for Provisioning Yammer feeds.

Perhaps Yammer isn’t suitable for all of your content. SharePoint Communities offer a different approach, based on patterns of traditional message boards. Hybrid Social means you can use the best of both worlds.

Hybrid Discovery

Hybrid Discovery is the term I’m using to refer to any feature that relates to finding information, on-premises or online. First, we have true hybrid search experiences. With SharePoint Server 2016, you can configure your search indexes to be hosted in the cloud, merged with your online indexes. This means that relevancy, analytics and results are inclusive.

Second, eDiscovery can now look at your entire corpus of content as one. A single search gives results from both on-premises and online. This is especially useful in scenarios where your eDiscovery search is focused on a user or set of users who may have content spread across locations.

Third, you can now bring the power of the Office Graph and specifically Delve to your on-premises content. Delve shows me popular documents, what my teammates are working on, related content and surfaces content that I might find interesting. I want, no I need, that information for content on-premises equally as much as the content that’s online.

There’s More

I only touched on a few of the scenarios where SharePoint Server 2016 unlocks business value through hybrid experiences. There’s more, and I’m sure you’ll see information coming soon or have a chance to explore yourself. Hybrid experiences are really compelling, that’s why the SharePoint 2016 Product Line Architecture (PLA) is a hybrid architecture. The PLA takes the best of Microsoft’s learnings from the cloud, projects with customers, Premier and broad support and repeated consulting engagements to come up with a reference architecture. Find out more by contacting your Microsoft representative and by visiting the PLA blog.

Pozvánka: Konference SECPUBLICA 2016 – Kybernetická bezpečnost

Zveme vás na konferenci SECPUBLICA 2016, která se bude konat 31. 3. 2016 v prostorách Microsoftu. Kybernetická bezpečnost je tématem, o němž má řada lidí spíše představy než znalosti. Jde o doménu specialistů a běžní uživatelé, ale třeba i správci sítí a "standardní ajťáci" propadají pocitu, že se ani nemá cenu snažit, protože to stejně špatně dopadne...(read more)

TechNet Wiki News - MVP Open Days 2016


Olá Comunidade TechNet Wiki!

Meu nome é Alan Carlos e trago à vocês as últimas noticias do TechNet Wiki News!

Nos próximos dias 18 e 19 de Março de 2016 acontece na sede da Microsoft em São Paulo o MVP Open Days!É um evento que ocorre em todo o mundo, reunindo o time de MVP da Microsoft para palestras, bate-papo sobre as últimas novidades, e os caminhos que a Microsoft está tomando.

E o time do TechNet Wiki estará lá participando do evento e trazendo em breve à comunidade TechNet Wiki as últimas novidades!

Saiba mais sobre o como se tornar um membro do TechNet Wiki e conheça um pouco mais sobre o programaMVP Award!

Até breve!

Alan Carlos
TechNet Wiki Ninja

Twitter | Blog | Facebook | Perfil


Tip of the Day: The Conditional Access Framework and Device Compliance for VPN (Part 2)


Today’s Tip…

Yesterday’s tip discussed the Conditional Access Framework and how it can be used to ensure device compliance for Windows 10 remote devices.  In today’s tip, we take a look at some of the components and cloud services involved.

Conditional Access Framework Components

The following components work together to provide an end-to-end device compliance solution.

Conditional Access

Conditional Access is a powerful policy evaluation engine built into Azure AD.  It gives IT admins an easy way to create access policies that evaluate the context of a user's login to make real-time decisions about which applications they should be allowed to access, including access to VPN.

Azure AD Connect Health

Azure AD Connect Health is a cloud based service and plays a key role in helping customers monitor and secure their cloud and on-premises identity infrastructure.   In its first preview, Azure AD Connect Health provides customers who use ADFS with detailed monitoring, reporting and alerts for their ADFS servers.

Windows Health Attestation Service

The Health Attestation Service is a trusted cloud service operated by Microsoft that performs a series of health checks and reports to MDM what Windows 10 security features are enabled on the device.  The role of Windows Health Attestation Service is essentially to evaluate a set of health data (using TCG log and PCR values), make a series of detections (based on available health data) and generate encrypted health blob or produce report to MDM servers.

Windows 10 Health Attestation CSP

Windows 10 contains a configuration service provider (CSP) specialized for interacting with the health attestation feature.  A CSP is a component that plugs into the Windows MDM client and provides a published protocol for how MDM servers can configure settings and manage Windows-based devices. The management protocol is represented as a tree structure that can be specified as URIs with functions to perform on the URIs such as “get”, “set”, “delete”, and so on.

The following is a list of functions performed by the Windows 10 Health Attestation CSP:

  • Collects data that is used to verify a device’s health status
  • Forwards the data to the Health Attestation Service
  • Provisions the Health Attestation Certificate that it receives from the Health Attestation Service
  • Upon request, forwards the Health Attestation Certificate (received from the Health Attestation Service) and related runtime information to the MDM server for verification

During a health attestation session, the Health Attestation CSP forwards the TCG logs and PCRs values that are measured during the boot, by using a secure communication channel to the Health Attestation Service.

When an MDM server validates that a device has attested to the Health Attestation Service, it will be given a set of statements and claims about how that device booted, with the assurance that the device did not reboot between the time that it attested its health and the time that the MDM server validated it.

For more information on the HealthAttestation CSP, including examples for integrating Health Attestation into your environment, see the following link: Health Attestation CSP

Who decides device compliance?

The device management server decides if device is compliant based on its configured set of compliance rules.  Intune, 3rd party MDM servers or an SCCM hybrid can be used.  The individual behaviors can vary depending upon the platform used, but most are based on state queries from MDM to the HealthAttestation CSP on the Windows 10 device.

Intune Compliance Policies

The Conditional Access Framework leverages the existing compliance policies configurable in Intune.  Mobile Device Management systems such as Intune are capable of querying device state and define compliance rules for the following:

  • Firewall status
  • Antivirus status
  • Auto-update status & Update compliance
  • Password policy compliance
  • Encryption compliance
  • Device health attestation state (validated against attestation service after query)

At the time of this writing Intune only supports a subset of these, but more are to be added in the future.

Next Time

Stay tuned for tomorrows tip, when we will examine a sample connection flow illustrating how all these components and services work together.

"No enough quota" lors de l'éxécution d'un script dans une session powershell distante


Powershell permet l'éxécution de script sur des machines distantes via diverses commandes powershell : invoke-command, enter-possession,...

Pour éviter que ces scripts distants ne saturent et n'utilisent toutes les ressources de la machine, des quotas sont assignés à ces session distantes. Certains de ces quotas sont implémentés via des Jobs Windows.

Par exemple les quotas MaxProcessesPerShell et MaxMemoryPerShellMB qui limitent le nombre maximum de processus concurrents dans cette session et la taille mémoire maximum utilisable par l'ensemble des processus de la session.

L'atteinte d'une de ces limites peut donner lieu à des erreurs diverses et variées (et pas toujours très facilement interpretables !) .

Ces limites doivent être alors augmentées à 2 niveaux :

  • Limite globale impose à l’ensemble des shells (Plugin) (dans WSMAN:\localhost\shell )
  • Limite pour le shell concerné (par exemple pour le plugin Powerhell 64 bits,  WSMAN:\localhost\Plugin\microsoft.powershell\Quotas )

Pour que ces modifications soient effectives, il faut redémarrer le service winrm.

Par exemple, pour limiter:

  • la mémoire utilisée par la session Powershell à 2GB 
  • le nombre maximum de processus dans la session à 30,

le script powershell suivant peut-être utilisé sur le serveur cible:

Set-item WSMAN:\localhost\shell\MaxMemoryPerShellMB 2048
Set-item WSMAN:\localhost\Plugin\microsoft.powershell\Quotas\MaxMemoryPerShellMB 2048
Set-item WSMAN:\localhost\shell\MaxProcessesPerShell 30
Set-item WSMAN:\localhost\Plugin\microsoft.powershell\Quotas\MaxProcessesPerShell 30
Restart-service WINRM

L'exemple suivant illustre l'erreur remontée lorsque l'on atteint la limite sur le nombre de processus. Le script 1.vbs ayant pour but de lancer une instance de notepad.

Le processus WsnProvhost.exe héberge la session remote Powershell. En examinant, les propriétés du processus avec Process Explorer (Sysinternals), on peut vérifier dans l'onglet "Job" les limites assignées au Job.





Find the best fit for your voice solution with the Skype for Business Voice Solutions poster


With Skype for Business, Microsoft gives you three compelling solutions for your voice needs:

  • Enterprise Voice (on-premises): Included in on-premises deployments of Skype for Business Server 2015, this is Microsoft's world-class software-powered Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution. It's a full PBX system that uses PSTN connectivity through your local operator.
  • Cloud PBX with PSTN Calling service (all in the cloud): Included with Skype for Business Online, Cloud PBX is Microsoft's new technology for enabling call control and PBX capabilities in the Office 365 cloud. Skype for Business Cloud PBX allows you to replace your existing PBX system with a set of features directly delivered from Office 365 and tightly integrated into your cloud productivity experience.
  • Cloud PBX with On-premises PSTN connectivity (a choice of hybrid solutions): You can choose Cloud PBX with an existing Skype for Business Server deployment or Skype for Business Cloud Connector Edition (currently in Preview). 

To help you make the right choice, download the new Skype for Business Voice Solutions poster in PDF or Visio format.

The main section of the poster is a flowchart, which you can use to determine the best solution depending on your organization's current status and future plans. Here is a section:

Each column represents a specific configuration, complete with a representative diagram, additional description and guidance, and links to the deeper technical content on TechNet.

If you are an enterprise architect or consultant working with Skype for Business 2015 or Skype for Business Online, take a close look at this new resource.

If you have questions or feedback on this new poster, you can leave comments on this blog post, join the conversation in the Office 365 Yammer network, or send an email to ITSPdocs@microsoft.com.



Interview with a Microsoft Partner, SharePoint expert, and Wiki Ninja - Jesper Arnecke!


It's time for another interview! This edition is an interview with...

Jesper Arnecke


Jesper Arnecke's avatar

A Microsoft Partner, Jasper has 13 articles and won a SharePoint Guru medal in December!

Example articles:


It's our pleasure to finally interview Jesper, so let's get to it!


Who are you, where are you, and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies?

My name is Jesper Arnecke and I currently reside in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Being 32 years old and with a vast interest of systems, not only IT.

I currently work at ProActive A/S, the first company to be awarded the Microsoft country partner of the year award two times in a row, three times in total in Denmark. My role, in Microsoft lingo “IT-Pro”, as I try to bridge the gap between developers, customers and laws of nature.

I’ve been working with the Microsoft portfolio for more than ten years now, getting me quite around the different products. With a strong focus on installation, configuration, administration and governance. My current focus area is SharePoint and all the connected components around, such as ADFS, AD, SQL, HyperV, IIS, Powershell.

Besides working with IT, I operate an eco-sustainable cocoa/vanilla plantation in Mexico, as well as brew and sell mead (Honey wine) in my home country. My passion lies in the concept of systems and their interactions. I love natural systems and the way they interact, supplement and create a balanced system, hence the plantation.

What are your big projects right now?

Everything is relative. I am currently focusing on launching my mead project as well as keeping my blog active as well as contributing to the community. The Mexican jungle doesn’t stop growing, so that is also priority. My biggest project however is seeing my family grow.


What is TechNet Wiki for and how does it fit into your job?

To me the Technet Wiki started out as being thought of as a repository of my own documentation. It was a way for me to always have updated documentation on how to do what in terms of installation or configuration of the IT systems I work with. I soon realized that it was not just to copy and paste, that contributing to the Technet Wiki came with a responsibility of removing my own handwriting and making it more widely understandable. To me the Technet Wiki could be the source repository for everyone working with Microsoft systems. As a contributor, a reviewer, editor or just user. The Technet Wiki is for everyone. Every little comment improves it; every big article builds it stronger.


What is it about TechNet Wiki that interests you?

Basically the concept of helping myself and also helping others in the process, or it might be the other way around though. The recognition system that builds something that is bound to me and not the company that I work for. Basically I feel that the Technet community as a hole gives me more independence.


What are your favorite articles you’ve contributed?

I prefer the articles based on either hard technical challenges or simply hard to understand and explain topics.

Technet Wiki:

SharePoint 2010: Scripting the User Interface

SharePoint 2013 - Workflow Manager – Scripted Installation

Personal Blog:

SharePoint Infrastructure Design Specification


What is your advice to the community?

Perspective! – For me the single most important thing in life is perspective. In any situation you are in, you can always use perspective to leverage even higher. And Technet Wiki will offer tons of that! :)

Don’t be a stranger and connect on LinkedIn– Always more perspective to be found.

Thanks to all of those around me that grant me perspective.



Wow! Wow. So you divide your time between Denmark and Mexico? I love it when I see technology professionals who have passions like this, where they aren't afraid to get their hands dirty!

It's a pleasure getting to know you!


Everyone, please join me in thanking Jesper for his contributions in giving back to the community!


Remember to Wiki While You Work!

   - Ninja Ed


One step closer to delivering cloud services from Canada


Following the announcement in June of our plans to deliver locally hosted Microsoft Cloud services – Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Dynamics CRM Online – from Canada, today marks the next major milestone: the start of the Azure Private Preview! This milestone marks the start of a significant expansion of Microsoft’s trusted cloud services into Canada.

Today, a group of customers and partners have started testing Azure as a locally hosted service in our Toronto and Quebec City datacenters.

The response to the Azure Preview has exceeded our expectations, reflecting both the demand and opportunity we have. Our cloud services empower Canadian businesses of all sizes and across all industries to move to the cloud. Customers like PCL Construction, one of the largest contracting organizations in North America, has chosen to preview Azure in the Canadian cloud regions.

“We’ve been a Microsoft Azure customer for several years and see it as a strategic offering fueling our cloud initiatives. The agility and flexibility it affords the PCL team has been extremely valuable and complimentary to our strategic objectives of reducing time to market and simplifying our cost structure,” said PCL chief information officer Mark Bryant.

And they empower you, our partners, to fuel your growth by delivering robust new services, applications and capabilities.

Opportunity knocks

More than ever, now is the time to ensure you’re equipped to capitalize on the incredible opportunity cloud services will continue to create. The question is: have you developed your plan and the skills you need? Whether you’re new to delivering cloud services or a veteran in search of added inspiration, we have resources to help you:

  1. How to build a profitable cloud business and how to accelerate your sales

  2. Build your Azure-based skills and capabilities

  3. And if you’re looking to build intellectual property in the Microsoft Cloud, our ISV and Application Builder Center is a great place to start

Partners, like Dyrand Systems, who are participants in the preview, are already benefitting from the early opportunity:

“Through the Azure preview, Microsoft Canada provides Dyrand Systems with tangible benefits that strengthen not only our performance but our bottom line,” said Marie Pin, Director of Business Solutions, Dyrand Systems. “The versatility, security and reliability of the platform, anchored by two regions in Canada, allows us to lower costs, increase efficiency, develop new verticals and eliminate the burden of dealing with and paying for multiple hosting providers. In turn, we are able to provide to our clients a superior suite of services that are Canadian-based, regulatory-compliant, redundancy-proofed.”

As is Orckestra, who has built their Commerce Cloud offering on Azure:

“Microsoft Azure has become the foundation of our Orckestra Commerce Cloud offering and is a key component of our competitive differentiation. It allows us to deliver speed to market, experiential and innovative features that our retail industry customers value enormously. The addition of the Canadian datacentres enhances the flexibility and appeal of the cloud to our customers. As a partner, Microsoft Azure has listened, engaged and responded to our needs.”

Today’s exciting news brings us one step closer to delivering Microsoft Cloud services to Canadians, from Canada.

Azure customers in Canada will benefit from enterprise-grade reliability and performance combined with in-country data residency, including data replication in multiple locations within Canada for business continuity, and a financially-backed service level agreements (SLA) with 99.9% availability. The new locally delivered services in Canada feature the same industry-leading levels of security, privacy, control, compliance, and transparency that define the Microsoft trusted cloud globally.

Microsoft is adding new datacentres in Canada that will both deliver Microsoft cloud services and provide commitments for core data stored at rest within Canada for Azure, Office 365 and Dynamics CRM Online.  Microsoft will become the first cloud provider in Canada to offer an enterprise-grade, hyper-scale, true hybrid platform certified to meet customers legal and compliance requirements.

We remain on track to deliver all of our cloud services, hosted in Canada, with general availability for Azure currently scheduled for Q2 2016, followed closely by our flagship productivity solutions: Office 365 and Dynamics CRM.

We will continue to share details with you over the coming months as we progress towards General Availability. In the interim, please visit the Canadian Partner Newsboard or visit us at accelerate.microsoft.ca.

On behalf of everyone at Microsoft Canada, thank you for your continued partnership. If we can help you and your team better prepare for the Cloud opportunity, please do not hesitate to connect with us.


Jason (Jay) Brommet

Director, Partner Strategy & Channel Chief
Microsoft Canada





Ya está disponible la versión de SharePoint 2016 RTM disponible, donde se encuentran los bits para poder hacer uso de Project Server 2016. Debemos tener en cuenta que Project Server 2016 es todavía un producto diferenciado de SharePoint Server 2016, y necesitará ser licenciado antes de poder usarlo. Las implicaciones son que Project Server será capaz de ser incluido en una granja de SharePoint, de tal manera que todas las actualizaciones públicas para SharePoint Server 2016 incluirán “parches” para Project Server 2016, así que nos podemos olvidar de “parches” individuales de Project Server en esta versión de Project Server 2016.

Hemos consultado los siguientes posts antes de escribir éste:



Algunos recursos para empezar a familiarizarnos con esta nueva versión (en inglés):

Esperamos os resulte de interés, un saludo.


Jorge Puig

Publikování z Excelu do Power BI


Po únorové aktualizaci Excelu 2016 můžete sešity publikovat do Power BI a pak vytvářet sestavy a řídicí panely založené na datech sešitu, které následně můžete sdílet s ostatními uživateli, či je vyvěsit na libovolný web.

Pokud chcete excelový sešit publikovat do Power BI, vyberte Soubor    Publikovat.

Excel se přihlašuje k Power BI přes váš aktuální účet.

Excel zobrazuje průběh publikování do Power BI, jak ukazuje následující obrázek.

Až skončí, zobrazí okno se zprávou, které vám umožní zvolit zobrazení publikovaných dat a sestav ze sešitu v Power BI.

Když odkaz vyberete, Power BI se načte do vašeho internetového prohlížeče.

Na excelovém sešitu můžete dál pracovat a v Power BI budou automaticky probíhat aktualizace v souladu s výchozími zásadami nastavení aktualizací v Power BI.

V Power BI můžete vybrat Sestavy, potom soubor, který se nahraje  a uvidíte vizualizaci excelové sestavy v Power BI.

Informace : Publikování vyžaduje, aby byl sešit uložený na OneDrivu pro firmy

Nemůžete publikovat prázdný sešit nebo sešit, který nemá obsah podporovaný službou Power BI.


Karel Rejthar - MIE Expert


Podcast 48 – Tecnología para transformar la educación #HackTheClassroom

Desde Budapest, Hungría en el E² Global Educator Exchange tuvimos la oportunidad de charlar con tres educadoras latinoamericanas que han mostrado cómo la tecnología hace que el aprendizaje sea más eficiente, novedoso, creativo y atractivo. Escuchen a Sylvia Fojo, de Uruguay; Marta Salazar, de Chile; y Marcela Casas, de Colombia....(read more)

Automatic Bitlocker on Windows 10 during Azure AD Join


There are a lot of myths on how to automatically trigger Bitlocker on an Azure AD Joined Windows 10 device, let’s hope this post will get you some answers.

Windows 10 will automatically encrypt the local drive when joining an InstantGo capable device to Azure Active Directory. This can either done during the “Out Of Box Experience” (OOBE) or when Window is installed by going to the “About” screen, here you have the option to Azure AD Join the device.

As an admin you can configure Azure AD in such a way that the device is automatically registered in your Mobile Device Management solution.

Important note: You cannot use Microsoft Intune (or any other MDM) to specify a policy and force Bitlocker on a Windows 10 PC. This is done automatically during an Azure AD Join.


What does “InstantGo capable device” mean?

InstantGo (formerly known as Connected Standby) is a very low power state that some devices support. It’s very like your mobile phone, it’s almost switched off but still can receive text messages, e-mails and switch to a different power state when receiving phone calls.

A growing list of devices support InstantGo, you can manually check if your device supports this as follows:

  • Open a command prompt
  • Type “powercfg /a”

Devices that have InstantGo support will return “Network Connected”:


If your device does not support InstantGo (and therefore: no automatic Bitlocker during Azure AD Join) you will get something similar to this:


Keep in mind that this also applies to Virtual Machines. Automatic Bitlocker during Azure AD Join requires physical InstantGo Capable devices.


Where do I find the recovery key?

Users can retrieve their recovery key by going to http://myapps.microsoft.com, select Devices and select the device for which they would like to get the recovery key:


As an Azure tenant admin you can find the recovery keys for your user by going to https://manage.windowsazure.com, browse to your Active Directory, go to the Users tab and select the user who enrolled a specific device. Browse to Devices and change the dropdown list to view Devices.


Find the device for which you would like to have the recovery key and hit Details.


“I have InstantGo capable devices but Bitlocker is not enabled automatically during an Azure AD Join”

If you are sure your device is InstantGo capable (e.g. Surface Pro 3 or Surface Pro 4) it could be that the image you are using has Automatic Bitlocker during AAD Join disabled – this is a registry key.

Recently we have seen this issue with the Surface Pro 4 Recovery Images. Until the Recovery images are updated you can work around this by either:

  • Use a vanilla Windows 10 (1511) ISO or media, install Windows 10, perform the AAD Join. Either inject the Surface Pro drivers into the image in advance or install the drivers manually afterwards.


  • During the Out Of Box Experience (OOBE) hit SHIFT-F10 on your keyboard, this will bring up a command prompt. Fire up REGEDIT and browse to


Make sure that “PreventDeviceEncryption” is set to “0”


If you liked this post - please consider leaving a reply.

What is Hidden User Information (Userinfo) List in SharePoint 2010/2013 and how to fix when it causes a site collection to show old User metadata properties in People Picker control or in a Person or Group column?


What is the User Information List in SharePoint? 
The User Information List (“/_catalogs/users/simple.aspx” or “_catalogs/users/detail.aspx”) is a hidden list in each site collection that is only visible and accessible to Site Collection Administrators.  The User Information List stores metadata information about a user. Some metadata examples are Display Name (name), Login Name (samAccountName), Department, Picture, Email, SID (determines authorization rights), etc.
The User Information List contains lots more user metadata properties other than Name, About Me, (Job) Title, and Department than you can see in the above Detail view display.  You can run the a PowerShell script similar to following example to dump items in the list and get an idea of the other user properties stored in this list.
$site = Get-SPSite "http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/abcsite"
$web = $site.OpenWeb()
$list = $web.lists["User Information List"]
$list.Items | fl | Out-File F:\DumpUserInfoList.txt
How does user metadata get added to the hidden User Information List? 
Whenever you grant a user rights to a Site Collection or when that user creates/updates/deletes any item within a Site Collection, a new item will be created in the User Information List storing some metadata information about that Active Directory (AD) User, if not already there.
How does user metadata get subsequently updated in the hidden User Information List? 
If you change user account properties in Active Directory and then perform a sync/import, it should import and update the changed property values in the corresponding user profile in SharePoint.  Also, the sync timer job should push user account updates into the userinfo table in the content database (DB) and into the hidden User Information List in the site collection.  I’ve tested this in my own lab by changing the Department and Title properties for a user account in AD and then forcing a Full sync in SharePoint, and it appeared to work as expected. The user property changes were replicated from AD into the user profile, the userinfo table, and into the hidden User Information List in the site collection.

Be aware that A SharePoint Farm Administrator can set policies on each user property in a user profile to help govern how the information in that property can be used, and one relevant policy property is Replicable.  By default when Replicable policy is True, the user profile property's value can be replicated to user information lists in other site collections when its value changes. For a property to be replicated, its default privacy setting must be set to Everyone and the User can override policy must not be selected.
However, things can go awry and sometimes certain users’ profile metadata in a User Information List for unknown/mysterious reasons just ceases to get replicated updates from a profile sync run.
Where can things go wrong?  SharePoint maintains a mapping between the Profile DB and content DB userinfo table, based on “[Profile DB].[dbo].[UserProfile_Full].SID“ column and “[WSS_Content].[dbo].[UserInfo].tp_systemID” column.  This mapping is leveraged when SharePoint synchronizes the Profile Database and the Content Databases.  Linkages can apparently get broken here sometimes and impact user metadata replication.  But I won’t delve into this less common topic, and instead will cover the most typical scenario.
How do I fix user metadata in the hidden User Information List when things go awry? 
Set-SPUser -SyncFromAD to fix Name (DisplayName) and E-Mail:
If you want to manually force update existing user metadata in a User Information List, You can use "Set-SPUser" cmdlet at the site collection scope with the SyncFromAD parameter.  The SyncFromAD parameter specifies that user information will be synchronized (immediately, in my observation) from the user directory store. Be aware that this cmdlet only updates the Name/DisplayName and E-Mail fields.  It doesn’t touch the Title or Department or other fields. Example PowerShell for a SharePoint 2013 claims-enabled web site…
$login= "i:0#.w|dev\TestUser1"
$site= "http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/abcsite"
Set-SPUser -Identity $login -web $site -SyncFromAD
Remove-SPUser and manually re-add to fix Title, Department, and other metadata:
If there are only few user accounts having inconsistent metadata in the site collection, the easiest fix might be to run the Remove-SPUser cmdlet to remove each user from the site collection (which removes them from User Information List). Then via the SharePoint UI, manually grant the user access again within the site collection (or use New-SPUser cmdlet) to force SharePoint to re-add the user into the User Information List.  From my observation, it appears that SharePoint will refresh the user metadata properties from the user profile after the next profile synchronization runs (you may have to wait for an hour for the sync job to run successfully).  Example PowerShell for a SharePoint 2013 claims-enabled web site...
$login= "i:0#.w|dev\TestUser1"
$site= "http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/abcsite"  
Remove-SPUser -Identity $login -web $site
Important:   If you plan to remove the user from the site collection, all the user's permissions to this Site Collection are removed. Before you remove the user's permissions and re-add them, make sure you note the user's permissions.  To do this from the SharePoint site collection, you can go to Site Actions> Site Settings > Users and Permissions > Site Permissions > Check Permissions.
Manually delete user from All People group and re-add to fix Title, Department, and other metadata:
Alternatively, you could delete a user from a site collection by deleting them from the All People group using the SharePoint UI.  If you remove the user from this group, this also removes the user from the userInfo table in the Microsoft SQL Server database. I believe this is some type of soft delete, where a Deleted property is turned on.  When you re-add the user, the user's information is updated in this table.  From my testing it appears that SharePoint will refresh the deleted/re-added user’s metadata properties in the site collection from the user profile after the next profile synchronization runs.
Important:   If you plan to delete the user from the All People group, all the user's permissions to this Site Collection are removed. Before you remove the user's permissions and re-add them, make sure you note the user's permissions.  To do this from the SharePoint site collection, you can go to Site Actions> Site Settings > Users and Permissions > Site Permissions > Check Permissions.
How do I access the All People group/page in a SharePoint 2013/2010 site collection? 
In Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007, you could remove the user from the All People group and re-add them. This option is no longer available in SharePoint 2010/2013. SharePoint 2010/2013 removed the page from navigation, but you can still access the All People page by appending the following to the root URL of the site collection.
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2010
What is the People Picker control in SharePoint? 
The People Picker control is used to search/find and select groups (as well as people and claims).  Where does the picker control pull its display data from?  SharePoint first checks if the user exists in the site collection (hidden User Information List), if it does not then it retrieves the user info from Active Directory and adds the user into the site collection.  People picker behavior is affected by the User Profile to SharePoint synchronization Job; however, it can be influenced by many other factors. 
How does the Person or Group column type work?
The Person or Group column type in a list/library allows you to select people based on User ID and Login Name using a picker control.  The People Picker control is used to search/find and select groups (as well as people and claims).  Where does the picker control pull its display data from?  The UserID relates to the ID of the user within the site collection. However chances are that not all users are currently members of the site collection. To address this, SharePoint first checks if the user exists in the site collection, if it does not then it retrieves the user info from Active Directory and adds the user into the site collection.  People picker behavior is affected by the User Profile to SharePoint synchronization Job; however, it can be influenced by many other factors.  The Show Field value for a Person or Group column type is obtained from the hidden User Information List in the site collection.

20 years ago in a galaxy far away…


Did you know that today is 20 years since we declared RTM (Released to Manufacturing) of Exchange 4.0?

Okay, so maybe this did not happen in the galaxy far away, but it sure feels like it! Here is a great overview of Exchange's earlier years (up to Exchange 2007).

Exchange has been evolving for over 20 years now, and is still going strong! From our humble beginnings, adding SMTP protocol through an IMC connector as well as web access to email in Exchange 5.0 back in 1997 (that was some cutting edge stuff back then!), starting to play in service waters 10 years later in 2007 (ever heard of Exchange Labs?) all the way to where we are today with Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Online– we have gone through many a transformation.

One thing is certain, though – we would not have been here without you, our customers. You keep pushing us to get better and bring you more features. When we do something wrong (yeah, that happens), the incredible Exchange community is always quick to let us know. And for those of you wishing that this virtual birthday celebration could somehow take place in person, you’ll want to sign up to attend Microsoft Ignite in Atlanta.

Thank you for all the support and amazing ride! Anyone up for 20 more?

(Hat tip, Tony.)

The Exchange Team

Top Contributors for the win! More goodness INCOMING!!!


Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.

A couple of days late again, but still wanted to get the crawl results out for you...

First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...


As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


Ninja AwardMost Revisions Award  
Who has made the most individual revisions


#1 Richard Mueller with 51 revisions.


#2 lanax with 35 revisions.


#3 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 28 revisions.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Renato Groffe with 18 revisions.


#5 Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions) with 12 revisions.


#6 Alessio Iafrate with 8 revisions.


#7 Qasim Arshad with 7 revisions.


#8 SYEDSHANU with 7 revisions.


#9 Tasita Ebacher [MSFT] with 6 revisions.


#10 Jason Sauers with 5 revisions.



Ninja AwardMost Articles Updated Award  
Who has updated the most articles


#1 Richard Mueller with 51 articles.


#2 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 18 articles.


#3 Taiki Yoshida with 3 articles.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 SYEDSHANU with 3 articles.


#5 Jason Sauers with 2 articles.


#6 Nafe Jeries with 2 articles.


#7 Nonki Takahashi with 2 articles.


#8 Alessio Iafrate with 2 articles.


#9 Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions) with 2 articles.


#10 Tasita Ebacher [MSFT] with 2 articles.



Ninja AwardMost Updated Article Award  
Largest amount of updated content in a single article


The article to have the most change this week was Windows Forms não morreu, by Mauricio Junior - MCP, MCAD, MVP Microsoft

This week's reviser was Mauricio Junior - MCP, MCAD, MVP Microsoft

New and shiny, thanks Mauricio!



Ninja AwardLongest Article Award  
Biggest article updated this week


This week's largest document to get some attention is Wiki: Glossary of Technology Acronyms, by Richard Mueller

This week's reviser was Richard Mueller

Always worth a highlight is this most useful reference page from Wiki Legend Richard.



Ninja AwardMost Revised Article Award  
Article with the most revisions in a week


This week's most fiddled with article is BizTalk: Performance tips for high volume WCF calls, by lanax. It was revised 33 times last week.

This week's revisers were lanax& Rachit Sikroria

What busy fingers lanax has, lucky for us! Well worth a read!



Ninja AwardMost Popular Article Award  
Collaboration is the name of the game!


The article to be updated by the most people this week is TechNet Guru Contributions - March 2016, by XAML guy

And there they are, this week's worthy writers, all providing knowledge and support.

This week's revisers were Nafe Jeries, Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions), lanax, Santhakumar Munuswamy, Hussain Shahbaz Khawaja, XAML guy, chilberto& SYEDSHANU


As Guru often wins, the article to be updated by the SECOND most people this week is BizTalk: Performance tips for high volume WCF calls, by lanax

Well there you go! another win for lanax, good for you!

This week's revisers were lanax& Rachit Sikroria



Ninja AwardNinja Edit Award  
A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person


Ninja AwardWinner Summary  
Let's celebrate our winners!


Below are a few statistics on this week's award winners.

Most Revisions Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Richard Mueller

Richard Mueller has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Richard Mueller has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Richard Mueller has won 147 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Richard Mueller has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Richard Mueller's profile page

Most Articles Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Richard Mueller

Richard Mueller is mentioned above.

Most Updated Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the changes.

Mauricio Junior - MCP, MCAD, MVP Microsoft

This is the first Top Contributors award for Mauricio Junior - MCP, MCAD, MVP Microsoft on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations Mauricio Junior - MCP, MCAD, MVP Microsoft!

Mauricio Junior - MCP, MCAD, MVP Microsoft has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Mauricio Junior - MCP, MCAD, MVP Microsoft's profile page

Longest Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that is so long!

Richard Mueller

Richard Mueller is mentioned above.

Most Revised Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has ben changed the most


lanax has won 4 previous Top Contributor Awards:

lanax has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

lanax's profile page

Most Popular Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the most attention.

XAML guy

XAML guy has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

XAML guy has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

XAML guy has won 104 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

XAML guy has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

XAML guy's profile page


lanax is mentioned above.

Ninja Edit Award Winner
The author is the reviser, for it is their hand that is quickest!


lanax is mentioned above.

Most high-fives to lanax, for the triple, and to all this week's contributors!

See you again soon!


Best regards,
Pete Laker (XAML guy)


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