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SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 3.3 のご紹介

このポストは、2 月 3 日に投稿された Introducing: SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 3.3 の翻訳です。 SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview (CTP) 3.3 が公開され、ダウンロードが可能になりました! 新しい迅速なリリース モデルの一環として提供される SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.3 では、複数の機能が強化されています。皆様の開発環境やテスト環境でぜひお試しください。 SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.3 は こちらのページ からダウンロードできます。また、 Azure VM (英語) でもすぐにご利用いただけます。主な強化点は以下のとおりです。 Stretch Database の機能強化 : Stretch Database では運用テーブルを安全な方法で Azure に拡張できるため、コスト効率よく履歴データを利用することができます。60 TB までサポートされる Azure の Stretch Database...(read more)

Windows PowerShell 4.0 – Basiskonstrukte und Hilfefunktionen (Teil 2/3)

Dieser Blogartikel ist Bestandteil einer dreiteiligen Serie zum Thema Windows PowerShell 4.0. Um Ihnen die Möglichkeit eines schnellen Einstiegs in nur einer Stunde zu geben, habe ich einen Online-Kurs entwickelt, der Ihnen die Grundlagen für die Arbeit mit der PowerShell vermittelt. Sollten Sie den ersten Teil noch einmal nachlesen wollen, können Sie über die folgende Navigation zum Artikel springen: (1) Windows PowerShell 4.0 – Ein Überblick (2) Windows PowerShell...(read more)

Cloud Solution Provider Program: „Wir beziehen unsere Partner ins wachsende Cloud-Geschäft mit ein“


Die Cloud sorgt für fundamentale Veränderungen von Geschäftsprozessen und Ertragsmodellen. Das gilt nicht nur für Unternehmen, sondern auch für IT-Dienstleister. Um seinen Partnern den Umstieg aufs Cloud-Business zu erleichtern, hat Microsoft das „Cloud Solution Provider Program“ ins Leben gerufen. Christoph Heiming, Direktor Partnergeschäft & Entwicklung bei Microsoft Deutschland, erklärt was es damit auf sich hat.

Wie verändert die Cloud bestehende Geschäftsmodelle bei Ihren Partnerunternehmen?

Über viele Jahre haben wir zusammen mit unseren Partnern unsere Erträge vor allem über den Vertrieb von transaktionalen Produkten und Einmallizenzen erzielt. Dieses Geschäft bleibt auch weiterhin Teil des Ertragsmodells, wird aber zunehmend durch Cloud-basierte Geschäftsmodelle ersetzt. Für unsere Partnerunternehmen ist diese Transformation Herausforderung und Chance zugleich: Sie müssen auch ihr eigenes Portfolio nach und nach um Cloud-basierte Angebote erweitern, können aber auch ganz neue Services und Dienste auf den Markt bringen und damit ihre Kundenbeziehungen über einen längeren Zeitraum festigen.

Wie unterstützen Sie Ihre Partner bei dieser Transformation?

Wir lassen unsere 31.500 Partner in Deutschland am stark wachsenden Cloud-Geschäft teilhaben und ermöglichen ihnen, mit uns ihr eigenes Cloud-Business aufzubauen. Dafür haben wir das Cloud Solution Provider Program (CSP) ins Leben gerufen. Damit wird ein IT-Dienstleister zum Cloud-Reseller und kann seinen Kunden Lizenzen von Azure, Office 365, CRM Online oder der Enterprise Mobility Suite anbieten. Er kann bei „CSP direct“ auch die Rechnungsstellung und den Support übernehmen und seinen Kunden damit Ende-zu-Ende-Services aus einer Hand anbieten. Und er kann sein Portfolio mit eigenen Services und kundenindividuellen Lösungen auf der Basis unserer Cloud-Produkte und Schnittstellen erweitern und sich damit selbst zum Cloud-Dienstleister machen. Bei „CSP indirect“ sind die Möglichkeiten identisch, allerdings übernimmt hier ein Cloud Distributor einzelne Aufgaben, zum Beispiel die Rechnungsstellung oder den Support.

Welche Vorteile bringt das Cloud Solution Provider Program den Microsoft-Partnern?

Wir sind überzeugt, dass der Cloud die Zukunft gehört: Mobiles Arbeiten und vernetzte Produktion („Industrie 4.0“) sind ohne die Cloud nicht denkbar. Sie bietet Unternehmen zudem eine einfache und kostengünstige Möglichkeit, Innovationen anzugehen, ohne dafür Unsummen in ihre IT-Infrastruktur investieren zu müssen. Analysten und die wachsende Nachfrage unserer Kunden nach Cloud-Services bestätigen uns. Als Microsoft pushen wir daher mit unserer „Mobile first, Cloud first“-Strategie die Transformation von Unternehmen oder Unternehmensteilen in die Cloud. Mit dem Cloud Solution Provider Program schaffen wir für unsere Partner einen Zugang zu diesem Business und lassen sie aktiv daran teilhaben. Das ist uns enorm wichtig, denn wir erzielen allein in Deutschland mehr als 90 Prozent unseres Umsatzes über Partnerunternehmen. Deshalb ist es für die Zukunft entscheidend, dass wir den Weg in die Cloud gemeinsam und für beide Seiten gewinnbringend gehen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Cloud Solution Provider-Programm in diesem Übersichtsvideo.




Ein Beitrag von Christoph Heiming (@cheiming)
Direktor Partnergeschäft & Entwicklung bei Microsoft Deutschland

Azure - DirSync


How to waste an entire afternoon!

Finally got AAD Connect installed at a Canberra government department.


remove any inspection on





  fixed proxy: proxy must allow

   •         adminwebservice.microsoftonline.com

   •         login.microsoftonline.com

   •         provisioningapi.microsoftonline.com


then created a  globaladmin account  in AAD to use for the dirsynch, made him a subscription admin for good measure.


oh.. and on the on-premises box, the Local Policy on the box to grant run as a service.. check if Group Policy is blocking that...

Hmm..  Got failures on the setup of AAD Connect. Grrr…


THEN as per http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/31148.deploying-azure-active-directory-sync-behind-a-proxy.aspx 

Had to alter the machine.config etc. to have the proxy settings. Still no go. GRR...


AND the very last thing to get it all working

    netsh winhhtp import proxy ie


now run the AAD Connect installer and it (finally) completes. Yay!


One last gotcha - password Sync was not working. Hmmm..

Turns out the account did not have appropriate AD rights, so got them to fix that.

Yay! All now works as desired.


A colleague bitten too:

"Turns out the account we were using to install the AAD connect tool wasn’t Enterprise Admin even though the service account was."


Corinth Classroom


Střední škola informatiky a právních studií, o.p.s. v Českých Budějovicích (www.stredniskola.cz) se ve školním roce 2014/2015 zapojila do programu podporujícího využívání informačních technologií i ve výuce všeobecně vzdělávacích předmětů, jako jsou například biologie, geografie, fyzika a český jazyk, v čemž pokračuje i v letošním školním roce, tj. v roce 2015/2016. Poskytovatelem softwarového vybavení v podobě programu Corinth Classroom B[1] je firma Corinth s.r.o. úzce spolupracující se společností Microsoft, jejíž operační systém Windows 8.0 nebo vyšší je nezbytný pro fungování výše zmíněného programu.

Corinth Classroom obsahuje trojrozměrné náhledy modelů skutečných objektů dříve využívaných k demonstrativním účelům ve výuce daných předmětů či dílčích oborů v nich zahrnutých (např. biologie člověka), a tím je i částečně nahrazuje. Program se nejvíce uplatňuje především ve výuce biologie, kde se jeho využití v rámci právě zmiňované biologie člověka jeví jako nejpraktičtější. Žákům Corinth Classroom umožňuje lépe si představit složité trojrozměrné struktury, jakými jsou například živočišná buňka či lidské srdce. Žáci tedy nejsou omezeni nutností používání méně jasných zjednodušených dvourozměrných schémat v tištěné podobě[2], ale mají jasnou představu o skutečné stavbě daného objektu, neboť v programu je možné s daným modelem pohybovat a otáčet prostřednictvím intuitivního ovládání na dotykovém zařízení s ohledem na právě probírané téma či část struktury v náhledu. Každý náhled dále obsahuje názvy vyobrazených struktur, jež je možné ve výuce využít dvojím způsobem:

a)      výběrem názvu požadované struktury ze seznamu dochází k jejímu zvýraznění v náhledu, anebo

b)      výběrem neznámé struktury v náhledu se zvýrazní její název v seznamu.

Žáci proto nejsou odkázáni pouze na výklad vyučujícího, ale mohou pracovat s programem samostatně. V minulosti byly názvy uváděny v angličtině, což žákům umožňovalo i propojení těchto dvou předmětů a rozšíření slovní zásoby v cizím jazyce.

V běžných hodinách je pro prezentaci modelů v programu využíván počítač s operačním systémem Windows 8.0, dataprojektor a interaktivní tabule. Žáci si mohou vyzkoušet práci s programem zejména během opakování či zkoušení u interaktivní tabule. K tomu, aby se mohli všichni žáci věnovat práci s programem při výuce zároveň, by bylo třeba drahého vybavení v podobě dotykových zařízení, například tabletů, jejichž efektivní využití v hodinách biologie není možné vzhledem k hodinové dotaci výuky biologie plynoucí z RVP[3] pro poskytovaná zaměření školy, a proto o jejich nákupu škola prozatím neuvažuje. Tento problém částečně řeší celoškolní přechod na operační systém Windows 10, který fungování programu podporuje.

Corinth Classroom zefektivňuje výuku předmětů, kde doposud nebylo zvykem běžně využívat informační technologie, a pomáhá žákům ve schopnosti představit si složité struktury v jejich neschematizované podobě, a tím lépe pochopit jejich fungování, stejně tak jako pracovat a učit se samostatně prostřednictvím technologií, které znají a denně využívají v běžném životě.

Vladimír Čížek - MIE Expert


[1] Později Corinth Classroom Lite.

[2] Jakýkoli náhled, lze převést do podoby Powerpointové prezentace, nebo žákům vytisknout.

[3] Rámcový vzdělávací program

Azure - MS loves Linux!

Giving young Ghanaians the employability edge


By: Derek Appiah, Country Manager, Microsoft Ghana

In the 10 years that Microsoft has been operating in Ghana, there has been tremendous growth in broadband availability and internet penetration in the country. This has made it ripe breeding ground for digital literacy and the use of technology to lead economic and social transformation.

When I joined the company I said that youth in Ghana punch above their weight intellectually – and I believe that now more than ever.

It’s one of the reasons I’m excited about our online employability platform, TizaaWorks, launched in May 2015. We see the platform as a one-stop shop for Ghana’s youth to access services to help them improve their employability and entrepreneurship skills. Through our partnership with IICD, we have been able to offer over 1400 Ghanaians career guidance, courses, entrepreneurship support, and access to events and job advertisements.

We are thrilled with these results, but we are now more eager than ever before to reach even more young Ghanaians and give them the tools they need to improve their employability. With this in mind, we are excited to welcome World Vision on board as our new implementing partner for TizaaWorks, as IICD ceases operations in The Hague.

World Vision has proved its worth, having already benefitted over four million children and their families in its capacity as a Christian humanitarian organisation. Now, our aim is to work together with them to equip 20 000 disadvantaged youth from rural communities with the skills they need to successfully enter the job market and compete with their counterparts in the cities.

We are eager to work with World Vision to extend our reach and identify new ways to connect young Ghanaians with opportunities for training, employment and entrepreneurship. This is a great way for us to continue working to fulfil our goal of playing an active role in the transformation of Ghana’s education and youth through the use of technology.

Premier Workshops mit neuen Themen...


... in den Workshops können Sie Microsoft Technologien live und hands-on kennenlernen, das in jeweils mehrtägigen, praxisorientierten Veranstaltungen und unter Anleitung unserer erfahrenen Experten.

Wir haben neue Themen im Programm - ob zu Office 2016 oder Office 365, Azure, Windows 10 oder Active Directory unsere Technologien werden wieder in großer Vielfalt angeboten!

>>> Schauen Sie auf unsere WEBSITE: http://www.microsoft.com/de-at/services/PremierWorkshops.aspx

Bei Fragen oder Anregungen eine Email an atpsc@microsoft.com schicken.

 Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

(Cloud) Tip of the Day: Announcing the GS-Series: Adding Premium Storage Support to the Largest VMs in the Public Cloud


Today’s Tip…

Earlier this year we announced the G-Series line of VMs, which provided the most memory, the highest processing power and the largest amount of local SSD of any Virtual Machine size currently available in the public cloud.

We have now added premium storage support to these virtual machines in the GS-series.  Combining the compute power of G-series with the performance of Premium Storage to create powerful VMs for your most storage and compute intensive applications. Powered by the Intel Xeon E5 v3 family processors, the GS-series can have up to 64TB of storage, provide 80,000 IOPs (storage I/Os per second) and deliver 2,000 MB/s of storage throughput. The GS-series offers the highest disk throughput, by more than double, of any VM offered by any other hyperscale public cloud provider. Furthermore, both the G-series and GS-series offer up to 20 Gbps of network bandwidth, more than double that of the closest VMs of any hyperscale public cloud provider.

GS-series sizes, listed below, are available in every region the G-series sizes are available, including West US, East US 2 and West Europe.

ModernBiz Technical Series - Training (Dec-Mar 2015)


 The ModernBiz Technical Series provides training, demonstrations, and hands-on instruction on how to use the latest Microsoft technologies to deliver solutions to small and midsize organizations. See the latest training in September through to December 2015.

...(read more)

Proactive: BlogMS Microsoft Team Blogs - New articles from 01-Feb-2016 to 07-Feb-2016


BlogMS Banner

212 Microsoft Team blogs searched, 33 blogs have new articles. 119 new articles found searching from 01-Feb-2016 to 07-Feb-2016

Categories:Dynamics, General, Industry Solutions, Internet, Microsoft Learning, Microsoft Online Services, Office Applications, Partner and Customer Resources, Product Support, Research and Labs, Software and Web Development, SQL and Business Intelligence, Systems Center Systems Management, Unified Communications, Windows Systems Management, Windows,


Dynamics CRM in the Field Website | RSS Feed
Dynamics CRM indexes (missing, redundant, and OOB) - 01-Feb-2016

Microsoft Dynamics AX Support Website | RSS Feed
Dynamics Online Payment Services – Common errors and troubleshooting steps - 02-Feb-2016

Dynamics AX in the field Website | RSS Feed
DynamicsPerf 2.0 QUERY ALERTS - 06-Feb-2016
Top 10 actions to troubleshoot performance of MRP - 05-Feb-2016


Accessibility Website | RSS Feed
Accessibility Update for Windows 10 Mail - 01-Feb-2016

The Microsoft Blog Website | RSS Feed
Underwater data, Computer Science for All and the NFL of the future — Weekend Reading: Feb. 5 edition - 05-Feb-2016
Microsoft acquires SwiftKey in support of re-inventing productivity ambition - 03-Feb-2016

Channel9 on MSDN Website | RSS Feed
TWC9: VSCode Insiders, Igniting Ignite, Future Edge, NFL Hololens and more... | This Week On Channel 9 - 05-Feb-2016
Episode 198: Azure Container Service with Ross Gardler | Microsoft Azure Cloud Cover Show - 05-Feb-2016
PowerApps 103 - Creating apps from existing data | Azure Friday - 05-Feb-2016
PowerApps 102 - Creating apps from templates | Azure Friday - 05-Feb-2016
The Maker Show: Episode 1 - Intro to Electronics | The Maker Show - 04-Feb-2016
Office Dev Show - Episode 22 - Add-ins on Word for Mac | Office Dev Show - 04-Feb-2016
Continuous Deployment and Release Management | DevOps Fundamentals - 04-Feb-2016
CodeChat 054 - The Cloud Behind Your IoT Project | CodeChat - 04-Feb-2016
Kinect v2 Finger Tracking - 04-Feb-2016
An early look at Azure Stack and what it means for IT, with Jeffrey Snover | Microsoft Mechanics - 03-Feb-2016
Let's Talk VR - Meet Realities.io | Just A/VR Show - 02-Feb-2016
Office Add-ins | Web Hack Wednesday - 02-Feb-2016
Tuesdays with Corey: Special Guest Jeffrey Snover talks about Azure Stack | Tuesdays With Corey - 02-Feb-2016
Advanced development features in Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition - 02-Feb-2016
Continuous Integration | DevOps Fundamentals - 02-Feb-2016
Building custom Office 365 apps to manage Lotus F1 Team race crew logistics. | Microsoft Mechanics - 02-Feb-2016
Interview with Abel Wang and Steven St. Jean - 01-Feb-2016
Endpoint Zone Episode 12: Market update, Windows 10, MAM without device enrollment | The Endpoint Zone with Brad Anderson - 01-Feb-2016
An Introduction to DocFX - 01-Feb-2016
Automate to Migrate | Automate to Migrate - 01-Feb-2016
Defrag Tools #152 - Media eXperience Analyzer part 4: Video Glitch Analysis | Defrag Tools - 01-Feb-2016
Tips on Creating Templates, a new UWP Template and a Prism Pack too! - 01-Feb-2016
Last Week on Channel 9: January 25rd - January 31st, 2016 - 01-Feb-2016

Industry Solutions

Education UK Higher Education Website | RSS Feed
Register for our HE webinar - Microsoft Certification and the Microsoft Imagine Academy - 05-Feb-2016
MOS UK Championships 2016 – first finalists announced as second qualification round opens - 03-Feb-2016

Education UK Schools Website | RSS Feed
BETT 2016 Guest Blog – HP: Creating meaningful connected learning experiences with Office 365 - 05-Feb-2016
Teachers, invite your students to OneNote Class Notebook and get them free Office 365 - 05-Feb-2016
PowerBI drives more informed decision making at The Whitehaven Academy and across Bright Tribe Trust - 04-Feb-2016
MOS UK Championships 2016 – first finalists announced as second qualification round opens - 03-Feb-2016
Au revoir to the Showcase Classroom… For now! - 02-Feb-2016
Microsoft Partner Village Reflections – by Gerald Haigh - 01-Feb-2016

Education UK Teachers K12 Website | RSS Feed
Kodu with ComputerXplorers - 02-Feb-2016

Microsoft in Education Website | RSS Feed
Microsoft Surface Reaches More Students, Offers Education Discount for Surface 3 - 04-Feb-2016


Internet Explorer Website | RSS Feed
Looking ahead: Microsoft Edge for developers in 2016 - 03-Feb-2016

Microsoft Learning

Microsoft Press Website | RSS Feed
TechNet Radio mini-series: Windows 10 System Center Configuration Manager vNext - 05-Feb-2016
Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step, 8th Edition: Suggested fix for using the projects - 04-Feb-2016
New book: Microsoft Outlook 2016 Step by Step - 04-Feb-2016
New book: Enterprise Mobility with App Management, Office 365, and Threat Mitigation: Beyond BYOD - 03-Feb-2016
“To the Cloud” series: All episodes now available on TechNet Radio - 03-Feb-2016
Adding sound and movement to PowerPoint slides - 02-Feb-2016
Free ebook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016: Mission-Critical Applications, Deeper Insights, Hyperscale Cloud, Preview 2 - 02-Feb-2016
ebook deal of the week: The Definitive Guide to DAX - 01-Feb-2016

Microsoft Online Services

Office 365 for business Website | RSS Feed
Stay secure with Advanced Threat Protection in Office 365 - 05-Feb-2016
Office 365 news roundup - 05-Feb-2016
Get ready for Yammer! - 02-Feb-2016
Join us for the “Driving Business Results with Intelligent Tools” webcast series - 02-Feb-2016

Office 365 technology Website | RSS Feed
How to assess security, compliance and privacy capabilities in Office 365 - 03-Feb-2016
Share your Excel insights with Power BI - 02-Feb-2016
Collaborate in Office—Office tools to collaborate in and out of the classroom - 01-Feb-2016
Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery now enables export to third-party review apps - 01-Feb-2016

Office Applications

Office Excel and Excel Services Website | RSS Feed
3 ways to drive business decisions using the new Excel 2016 charts - 04-Feb-2016

Partner and Customer Resources

Microsoft Valuable Professional MVP Award Program Website | RSS Feed
A Hitchhikers Guide to Search - 02-Feb-2016
With Deep SQL Knowledge, These MVPs Do Extensive Good - 01-Feb-2016

Product Support

SysInternals Website | RSS Feed
Update: Sigcheck v2.5, Process Explorer v16.11, Whois v1.13, RAMMap v1.5 - 02-Feb-2016

Ask Premier Field Engineering - PFE Platforms Website | RSS Feed
Pre-seeding Hyper-V Backups in DPM - 01-Feb-2016
Pre-seeding Hyper-V Backups in DPM - 01-Feb-2016

Windows Azure Website | RSS Feed
The second era of cloud platforms will dwarf the first - 04-Feb-2016
An early look at Azure Stack and what it means for IT - 04-Feb-2016
Load feature is available for Azure CDN - 02-Feb-2016
Is your code ready for the leap year? - 02-Feb-2016
Register now to join the Azure team at Microsoft Ignite 2016 - 02-Feb-2016
Azure Government adds Azure Backup - 01-Feb-2016
Azure Search .NET SDK roadmap - 01-Feb-2016
Azure Site Recovery now available in Azure Government Cloud - 01-Feb-2016
Azure welcomes Parse developers - 01-Feb-2016
Announcing PowerShell v5 support in Azure Automation - 01-Feb-2016
Announcing general availability of Google Widevine license services - 01-Feb-2016
On-premises and cloud hybrid Hadoop data pipelines with Hortonworks and Cortana Analytics - 01-Feb-2016

ConfigMgrDogs Website | RSS Feed
Intune MAM Without Enrollment - 04-Feb-2016

Research and Labs

Microsoft Research News and Headlines Website | RSS Feed
Predicting ocean chemistry using Microsoft Azure - 02-Feb-2016
Microsoft research project puts cloud in ocean for the first time - 01-Feb-2016
Microsoft plumbs ocean’s depths to test underwater data center - 01-Feb-2016

Microsoft Research Machine Translation Website | RSS Feed
Microsoft Translator API and Hub Feedback and Support has Moved - 02-Feb-2016

Microsoft Research Publications Website | RSS Feed
A Dual Embedding Space Model for Document Ranking - 04-Feb-2016
TeleTourist: Immersive Telepresence Tourism for Mobility-Restricted Participants - 01-Feb-2016
Unfolding Temporal Dynamics: Predicting Social Media Popularity Using Multi-scale Temporal Decomposition - 01-Feb-2016
The Crowd is a Collaborative Network - 01-Feb-2016
Remixing as a Pathway to Computational Thinking - 01-Feb-2016
Exploring Multiple Feature Spaces for Novel Entity Discovery - 01-Feb-2016
Storia: Summarizing Social Media Content based on Narrative Theory using Crowdsourcing - 01-Feb-2016
Characterizing Dietary Choices, Nutrition, and Language in Food Deserts via Social Media - 01-Feb-2016
Botivist: Calling Volunteers to Action using Online Bots - 01-Feb-2016
Scaling Relational Inference Using Proofs and Refutations - 01-Feb-2016
Multi-view Machines - 01-Feb-2016
Collective Noise Contrastive Estimation for Policy Transfer Learning - 01-Feb-2016
Industrial Technology Advances: Deep learning --- from speech recognition to language and multimodal processing - 01-Feb-2016
Robust and Efficient Multiple Alignment of Unsynchronized Meeting Recordings - 01-Feb-2016
Uncovering Bugs in Distributed Storage Systems during Testing (not in Production!) - 01-Feb-2016
Parameter Estimation for Generalized Thurstone Choice Models - 01-Feb-2016

Software and Web Development

Windows App Store Website | RSS Feed
What is Windows Remote Arduino and What Can It Do? - 04-Feb-2016
Windows Store Trends – February 2016 - 04-Feb-2016
Help Increase Your Windows App Usage, Retention, and Monetization with Azure Mobile Engagement - 03-Feb-2016

Visual Studio Team Blog Website | RSS Feed
Visual Studio Tools for Unity 2.2 - 04-Feb-2016
Free Visual Studio Dev Essentials Program now includes $300 in Azure credits and Exclusive Xamarin University access - 03-Feb-2016

Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server Blog Website | RSS Feed
Scripts to import and export process templates from TFS - 03-Feb-2016
Join the Java Tools Challenge – Help make Java great with Visual Studio Team Services and win your share of >$80K in prizes - 03-Feb-2016

SQL and Business Intelligence

Gemini Website | RSS Feed
What’s new for SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services in CTP3.3 - 03-Feb-2016

Systems Center Systems Management

System Center Website | RSS Feed
Get even more from System Center - 02-Feb-2016

System Center Configuration Manager Support Website | RSS Feed
HOTFIX: "Browse Windows App Packages" dialog box is missing from System Center Configuration Manager version 1511 - 02-Feb-2016

Unified Communications

Microsoft Exchange Website | RSS Feed
Exchange Public Folder Mailbox Limit Increased from 100 to 1,000 - 01-Feb-2016

Windows Systems Management

Scripting Hey Scripting Guys Website | RSS Feed
PowerTip: Learn about PowerShell default parameter values - 02-Feb-2016
Convert a web page into objects for easy scraping with PowerShell - 02-Feb-2016
PowerTip: Get password from PowerShell credential object - 01-Feb-2016
February community PowerShell spotlight - 01-Feb-2016

PowerShell Team Blog Website | RSS Feed
Azure DSC Extension Data Collection - 02-Feb-2016


Extreme Windows Blog Website | RSS Feed
Windows Store Weekly: 5 new titles to check out this weekend - 05-Feb-2016
Minecraft update: Journey to the West skin pack available - 04-Feb-2016
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14257 - 03-Feb-2016
Salesforce Showcases Salesforce Lightning for Continuum on Windows 10 - 02-Feb-2016
Hand of Fate is here for Windows 10 - 01-Feb-2016
Announcing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10586.71 - 01-Feb-2016
Five Great Ways To Get Super Bowl Savvy This Week - 01-Feb-2016

BlogMS Microsoft Team Blogs – January 2016 Roll-up

How to setup Azure SQL Integrated Authentication


How to setup Azure SQL Integrated Authentication

Error: “Could not discover endpoint for Integrate Windows Authentication” when attempting Active Directory Integrated Authentication

Details of error message:

Failed to authenticate the user NT Authority\Anonymous Logon in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated).

Error code 0xCAA90022; state 10

Could not discover endpoint for Integrate Windows Authentication. Check your ADFS settings. It should support Integrate Widows Authentication for WS-Trust 1.3. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 0)



Caused:            Caused when attempting “Active Directory Integrated Authentication” from the SQL Management Studio using ADALSQL with default ADFS Settings.

Reason:            By default, ADFS does not enable Integrated Windows Authentication for WS-Trust 1.3, as shown below:



Solution:          Enable Integrated Windows Authentication for WS-Trust 1.3 for the Transport Security Mode and if desired, enable for Proxy access, as shown below:



Upon enabling the setting you can log into SQL Azure, using Active Directory Integrated Authentication, and verify that, if your account has permissions, you can access SQL Azure without an id or password.





Podcast 43 – Casos de la vida IoT y Office 365 para Pymes

En esta ocasión les platicaremos acerca del webcast que tuvimos con Mario Ochoa, encargado de mercadotecnia de Analítica Avanzada y IoT para Microsoft Latinoamérica, en el que nos habló de dos casos de empresas que ya utilizan Internet de las Cosas para solucionar problemas comunes y ser más eficientes que nuca. Además, les contaremos acerca Office 365, que ofrece soluciones para las pequeñas y medianas empresas para que puedan manejar sus datos de...(read more)

333 tipů pro Office 2016 (281. - 285.)

SharePoint 2013 Incoming Email - a discussion of some of the requirements


 - Cross posted from my post on the SharePoint Team blog, where you'll find blogs from a great bunch of knowledgeable SharePoint support engineers.



There have been some questions around E-Mail requirements for sending email to a SharePoint list or library, and specifically around the need for the x-sender and x-receiver header fields.

This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all requirements, but rather an overview of the way we use x-headers and other unique or notable requirements for sending mail to SharePoint lists and libraries.  More information about requirements not specifically cited here can be gleaned from the referenced RFC 821 and RFC 822 standards.

We process messages sent to SharePoint lists via email, in three phases.

1. First is the SharePoint Email Engine, which consists of the functionality associated with the SharePoint timer job which fetches the email messages from the Windows SMTP service via the drop folder, and then converts each message into a stream for delivery to the appropriate list in the appropriate SPWeb. This functionality exists in private classes, so there is not a great deal of available information on the internals of this step.

2. The second phase is handled in the SPEmailMessage class.  I have linked to the public MSDN information about this step. This phase consists of parsing of the message extracting the header, body and attachment components, and converting these to metadata and attachments to be added to the target list/library is done here.

3. A third phase handles the details of mapping the appropriate metadata and attachments to the library-type specific fields.

X-Headers are typically used in processing SMTP mail from the drop folder. While phase #2 and #3 do not require the X-Headers, phase #1 does require them, and uses them for routing the message.

Since the first phase is not publicly documented on MSDN I have attempted to sum up the requirements for this phase below, with additional, relevant information from phases 2 and 3.

1. Required fields include:


Sender Header = "x-sender: "

Receiver Header = "x-receiver: "

Mail file Pattern = "*.eml"

Message ID = "message-id"

If there are no Recipients listed in the “x-receiver:” header field, no sender listed in “x-sender:” , or the x-sender header field is not present, we will fail processing the message and return an error with this verbiage in the ULS logs:


A critical error occurred while processing the incoming e-mail file <email file name> The error was:

Bad senders or recipients


Additionally, if the message header contains "X-AlertServerType" with a value = "STS" or "X-mailer" with a value = "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010" the message is considered to be originated from SharePoint and will not be delivered to a SharePoint list.

The behavior seen in this first phase is similar to the Exchange replay folder behavior noted here:


The X-Header fields, including x-sender and x-receiver, used by SharePoint are described in more detail here:



Using the SMTP Message Envelope Fields

A summary of the use of x-sender and x-receiver from this article is included below:


The recipientlist field contains the e-mail address of each intended recipient. If the message was submitted over the network through the SMTP protocol, each recipient corresponds to a RCPT TO: protocol command. If the message was submitted through the local SMTP service pickup directory, each recipient corresponds to an x-receiver header at the top of the message file. You can alter this list when executing; for example, you can expand a custom distribution list by substituting the alias address with each member of the list.

The senderemailaddress field contains the address of the message's sender. If the message was submitted over the network using the SMTP, this address corresponds to the transmitted MAIL FROM SMTP command. If the message was submitted using the SMTP service pickup directory, this address corresponds to the x-senderheader at the top of the message file.


The recipientlist and senderemailaddress envelope fields and the various message header fields such as (urn:schemas:mailheader:) To, From, Cc, and Bcc are different attributes of the message. The SMTP does not use the mail header fields to route the message; it routes the message based upon the RCPT TO and MAIL FROM protocol commands if a message is submitted using the SMTP, or the x-receiver and x-sender headers if a message is submitted to the local SMTP pickup directory. The envelope fields are not transmitted or stored with the message and exist only for the message's lifetime in SMTP transport.


In addition to x-sender and x-receiver, we make use of and populate the messagestatus and arrivaltime x-header fields when picking up the message from the drop folder and delivering it to the appropriate list.  These fields help to manage delivery failures, aborts, retries, etc.


2. In the second phase we follow RFC 821 for attributes like “MAIL FROM” (EnvelopeSender), or if not present, we fall back to RFC 822 “FROM” header if MAIL FROM is blank or not present.

The same behavior applies to the RFC 821 “RCPT TO” and RFC 822 “TO” header fields, among others.

In this phase - SPEmailMessage - we use RFC 821 when parsing other message header, body, and attachment components.

The MIME parser used is a specific - and modified to suit SharePoint coding design - version of the Exchange EDGE server role MIME parser.

Of note, a 4K header size limit is imposed by our implementation of the MIME parser.


3. Third phase (SP Email Handler) and additional information:


Attachments - Invalid filename characters = "\\/:*?\"<>|#{}%~&"

SharePoint List types supported for email

NOTE: SharePoint has coded email handlers for the following SPListTemplateType types.

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Terça-Feira - Artigo Spotlight - Monitoramento de aplicações com Application Insights: primeiros passos


Olá Comunidade TechNet Wiki!

Hoje é terça-feira, dia de Artigo Spotlight!

E o destaque de hoje vai para o Artigo Monitoramento de aplicações com Application Insights: primeiros passos

Criado pelo Colaborador 


O Otimo artigo escrito pelo  mostra o Monitoramento de Aplicações em Microsoft Azure.

Em palavras do  que mostra em mais detalhes.

É consenso geral que o monitoramento de uma aplicação em produção é uma tarefa de extrema importância, embora muitas vezes este tipo de atividade seja relegado a um segundo plano. A análise de como um software vem se comportando permite não apenas detectar falhas ou identificar funcionalidades utilizadas de forma mais intensiva, como também fornece insumos para ações que visem melhorar a performance do sistema considerado.

A obtenção de informações como tempos de resposta, erros e outros aspectos relativos ao funcionamento de uma aplicação leva, quase que invariavelmente, à implementação de algum mecanismo de log para a coleta de tais dados. Do ponto de vista prático, isto se traduz em trabalho extra por parte de desenvolvedores com o intuito de criar toda uma estrutura de monitoração.

A utilização do Application Insights implica na inclusão de um SDK à aplicação que será monitorada, além de necessitar de uma conta para uso do Microsoft Azure. A partir disto acontecerá o envio de dados de telemetria para o serviço na nuvem. No caso específico de aplicações .NET, o SDK pode ser adicionado durante a criação do projeto; isto habilitará então a coleta e transmissão imediata de métricas consideradas como default ao Application Insights.

O fato do Application Insights ser uma solução da Microsoft sugere, num primeiro momento, que o uso desta tecnologia estaria restrito a aplicações construídas com o .NET Framework. Entretanto, este não é o caso. Outras plataformas de desenvolvimento como Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, Android e até mesmo JavaScript também são suportadas (a Microsoft disponibiliza inclusive SDKs específicos para cada cenário previsto). Importante destacar ainda que o monitoramento pode ser ativado tanto a nível server-side (como no caso de um projeto em ASP.NET), quanto em modo cliente-side (um aplicativo construído em Xamarin, por exemplo).

Obrigado  pelas suas contribuições.

Venha nos ajudar contribuindo com a comunidade Technet Wiki BR.

Até a próxima!


Até a próxima!

Wiki Ninja Jefferson Castilho ( BlogTwitterWikiPerfil Facebook)

Terça-Feira - Artigo Spotlight - Monitoramento de aplicações com Application Insights


Olá Comunidade TechNet Wiki!

Hoje é terça-feira, dia de Artigo Spotlight!

E o destaque de hoje vai para o Artigo Monitoramento de aplicações com Application Insights: primeiros passos

Criado pelo Colaborador 


O Otimo artigo escrito pelo  mostra o Monitoramento de Aplicações em Microsoft Azure.

Em palavras do  que mostra em mais detalhes.

É consenso geral que o monitoramento de uma aplicação em produção é uma tarefa de extrema importância, embora muitas vezes este tipo de atividade seja relegado a um segundo plano. A análise de como um software vem se comportando permite não apenas detectar falhas ou identificar funcionalidades utilizadas de forma mais intensiva, como também fornece insumos para ações que visem melhorar a performance do sistema considerado.

A obtenção de informações como tempos de resposta, erros e outros aspectos relativos ao funcionamento de uma aplicação leva, quase que invariavelmente, à implementação de algum mecanismo de log para a coleta de tais dados. Do ponto de vista prático, isto se traduz em trabalho extra por parte de desenvolvedores com o intuito de criar toda uma estrutura de monitoração.

A utilização do Application Insights implica na inclusão de um SDK à aplicação que será monitorada, além de necessitar de uma conta para uso do Microsoft Azure. A partir disto acontecerá o envio de dados de telemetria para o serviço na nuvem. No caso específico de aplicações .NET, o SDK pode ser adicionado durante a criação do projeto; isto habilitará então a coleta e transmissão imediata de métricas consideradas como default ao Application Insights.

O fato do Application Insights ser uma solução da Microsoft sugere, num primeiro momento, que o uso desta tecnologia estaria restrito a aplicações construídas com o .NET Framework. Entretanto, este não é o caso. Outras plataformas de desenvolvimento como Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, Android e até mesmo JavaScript também são suportadas (a Microsoft disponibiliza inclusive SDKs específicos para cada cenário previsto). Importante destacar ainda que o monitoramento pode ser ativado tanto a nível server-side (como no caso de um projeto em ASP.NET), quanto em modo cliente-side (um aplicativo construído em Xamarin, por exemplo).

Obrigado  pelas suas contribuições.

Venha nos ajudar contribuindo com a comunidade Technet Wiki BR.

Até a próxima!


Até a próxima!

Wiki Ninja Jefferson Castilho ( BlogTwitterWikiPerfil Facebook)

Exchange 2010 管理パックで相関エンジンが大量にメモリと CPU リソースを消費する


こんにちは。Exchangeサポート チームの上地です。

今回は、System Center Operations Manager (以下 SCOM) 2007 で、Exchange 2010 管理パックをご利用いただいている環境にて、相関エンジンのプロセスが大量のメモリを消費してしまう事象をご紹介させていただきます。

Exchange 2010 管理パックの相関エンジン サービス (Microsoft Exchange Monitoring Correlation) は、Exchange サーバーから収集したヘルス状態を基に、最適なアラートを計算して生成します。これは、管理パックによって通知されるアラートの数を大幅に減らす目的で開発された機能になります。
Exchange 管理パックにおいては、Exchange のヘルス状態は、基本的に相関エンジンによって処理をされて、アラートを生成する構造になっています。

  * 参考
  Title: アラートの相互関係について
  Url: https://technet.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/ee758053%28v=exchg.140%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

相関エンジン サービスは、クラスター化することができます。クラスター化することで、相関エンジンを実行する 1 台の管理サーバーがダウンしても、もう一台に切り替わることで、Exchange のヘルス状態に関するアラートを生成することが可能になります。

ここで、監視 Exchange ノードが多数存在しており、各サーバーで監視項目を絞っていない場合、各エージェントからは大量のヘルス データが転送されてきて、相関エンジンが機能していない間、相関エンジンによる処理待ちの状態のまま蓄積されてゆきます。
その結果、管理サーバーのフェールオーバーが完了した直後には、相関エンジン サービスのプロセスが、蓄積された大量のヘルスデータを読み込んで処理をするため、メモリと CPU を占有することがあり、場合によってはその他の監視機能も含めて一切の監視が行えない状態が数時間も継続することがあります。
監視ノード数や有効なモニタ数と、事象の継続期間には明確な基準は無く、環境によって異なるものですが、弊社に寄せられた事例では、60 台の Exchange 監視ノードで、管理サーバーのフェールオーバー後 2 時間程度、この状態が継続したという報告がございました。


- 手順
a. すべての Exchange Server 上の System Center Management サービスを停止し、併せて 以下のフォルダ内のファイルを削除する。

     C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Health Service State

b. 相関エンジン サービス (Microsoft Exchange Monitoring Correlation) を停止する。
c. 管理サーバー上の System Center Management サービスを再起動する。この際、メモリーを大量に消費している MonitoringHost.exe プロセスも併せて停止することを確認する。
d. 管理サーバーの相関エンジンサービスと、各 Exchange Server の System Center Management サービスを開始する。


このような状況を未然に防ぐためにも、Exchange の監視ノードが多い場合で、クラスター化された相関エンジンを使用している場合は、適宜監視項目の絞り込みや管理グループの分割を計画していただきますようお願いします。

なお、Exchange 2013 管理パックでは、相関エンジンという仕組みが存在しないため、この事象は発生しません。

Architecture for Data Exploration using Microsoft Azure


I have decided to write this blog post as quite a few of my clients are asking me how best to enable a data culture inside their organizations. Satya Nadella says: “this is where I think we as leaders of our businesses get to do the most transformative thing, which is to first make sure that everyone inside of the organization has the tools, has the capability to be able to gain these insights and then we empower them to act on those insights. This data culture is very much the journey that Microsoft itself is on.”

To enable a data culture, everyone must be able to access the data they need when they need it. For this, we need a BI architecture built for data exploration.

The diagram above illustrates the different approaches taken by traditional, deductive, BI versus the new trend of exploratory BI which is inductive. The usual approach for data warehousing project is to start from company strategies and then understand business requirements, such as produced by the balanced scorecard methodology. These requirements are then broken down into technical requirements such as KPIs that are implemented using ETL, DW, and OLAP technologies. This top-down, deductive, method is very good for descriptive and diagnostic analyses.

In our face-pace world, where agility is key there is a new way to do BI through inductive, bottom-up methods. This enables us to move up the value chain to predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics thus maximizing the value of an organization’s informational assets. The inductive approach starts from the unprocessed sources of information, co-located or not in a data lake, to enable business users to observe and play with the data. With the right tools they can then detect patterns, think of hypotheses and then confirm them.

Far from being an either/or, deductive BI and inductive BI complement each other and form part of a modern data warehouse strategy. Both set of technologies enable scenarios that are valuable for organization and the top-down authoritative metrics for an organization is not threaten by the need of flexibility and agility that an inductive approach allow. At Microsoft we believe that most organization will benefit from both of those type of analytics.

Using Cortana Analytics Suite components, we can assemble a solution that will enable inductive data exploration using the Azure Data Catalog, Azure Data Lake Store and HDInsight. The resulting architecture is shown in the picture below.


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