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How to take an ExTRA trace of Exchange setup


This blog post is mainly for us Exchange support engineers but I like to surface things externally because it's easier to search and link to. This blog post is heavily inspired by http://blogs.technet.com/b/mikelag/archive/2008/08/22/how-to-enable-store-pfd-tracing-upon-reboot.aspx.

With Exchange 2007 and onwards, debug code tracing is logged to the ETW provider GUID 79BB49E6-2A2C-46E4-9167-FA122525D540. When you install Exchange, this ETW provider is registered formally and the GUI ExTRA application works. However, we can still manually do capture an ExTRA trace even if Exchange is not installed; the most common use would be setup issues.

  1. Launch an administrative command prompt.
  2. Create the c:\tracing folder.
  3. Create the trace:
    1. logman create trace ExchangeDebugTraces -p {79bb49e6-2a2c-46e4-9167-fa122525d540} -nb 128 256 -bs 128 -o c:\tracing\ExchangeDebugTraces
  4. Create the trace configuration file at C:\EnabledTraces.Config and put in what you need. Its content will look something like this:
    1. TraceLevels:Debug,Warning,Error,Fatal,Info,Performance,Function,Pfd
  5. Start the trace:
    1. logman start ExchangeDebugTraces
  6. Reproduce the issue.
  7. Stop the trace:
    1. logman stop ExchangeDebugTraces
  8. Parse the trace ETLs with extrace.exe. Remember to use the proper version of Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.dll for proper parsing.



Dudas Sobre el Fichero de Paginación (Parte 1)


Hola, en este blog voy a hacer una serie de notas sobre el fichero de paginación, una pregunta muy típica entre los administradores de sistemas es ¿en qué tamaño tengo que fijar el fichero de paginación?, ¿realmente necesito fichero de paginación? Cuando se habla del fichero de paginación surgen mil dudas y mil normas que siempre hemos creído como ciertas, pero que cuando investigas un poco más, te das cuentas que no son exactamente como se cuentan o como creímos que eran.


Para poder entender mejor el funcionamiento del fichero de paginación tenemos que entender el concepto de paginación. Este concepto aparece conjuntamente con el de memoria virtual, la paginación es uno de los esquemas de manejo de la memoria donde un proceso puede almacenar la información en memoria principal o en memoria secundaria según sea necesario. En esta técnica la memoria se divide en pequeñas partes llamadas marcos de página, a su vez, los procesos dividen la información que manejan en partes del mismo tamaño llamadas páginas.


De lo que se trata es que estén en memoria principal solo aquellas páginas que el proceso esté utilizando y las que no, estén almacenadas en memoria secundaria, en disco para ser exactos. Si el proceso necesita utilizar una página concreta que no está en memoria principal, genera una excepción al sistema operativo llamada fallo de página para que esta página sea copiada a memoria principal. Existen diferentes algoritmos en los cuales se determina que paginas son pasadas a memoria secundaria y cuáles no, de esta manera conseguimos que, en un espacio de memoria limitado puedan convivir más procesos de forma simultánea y estos solamente tendrán cargado en memoria principal aquellas páginas que realmente sean necesarias.

Sabiendo todo esto ya nos podemos hacer una idea de para que se utiliza el fichero de paginación, durante años he escuchado muchos comentarios sobre la paginación de Windows, muchos de ellos no muy buenos y la verdad es que nunca escuché un motivo técnico claro acerca del porque va mal, simplemente, va mal y ya.  La cuestión es que Windows es capaz de manejar de forma automática el fichero de paginación, y es que si tú no sabes calcular cuánto necesitas de fichero de paginación, puedes hacer que Windows lo haga por ti mediante un algoritmo muy sencillo ya establecido. ¿Ese algoritmo es mejorable?, seguramente sí, pero entiendo que este algoritmo siempre será mucho mejor que si tú no sabes calcular cuánto necesitas de fichero de paginación y lo haces mal. Si estableces que sea el sistema quien gestione automáticamente este fichero, el sistema hará lo siguiente:

  • En XP y Windows Server 2003 (ambos ya están fuera de soporte), el sistema establecerá un tamaño inicial de 1,5 veces la RAM de la máquina y como máximo 3 veces la RAM de tu máquina.

En Windows Vista o 2008 Server y posteriores el algoritmo varía un poco y es más dinámico:

  • En Windows Vista y posteriores, cuando establecemos que el fichero de paginación sea gestionado por el sistema, si se tiene 1GB de memoria RAM instalada, el tamaño máximo del archivo de paginación es la RAM + 300 MB. Si tuvieras 4 GB de memoria RAM instalada, sin embargo, el tamaño máximo del archivo de paginación es 3 x RAM. Sobre la base de los recursos que el sistema tiene (RAM/espacio en disco), el sistema puede ajustar el tamaño de archivo de la paginación después de un reinicio si se añade más memoria o espacio de disco adicional.

Esto tiene ventajas e inconvenientes, como ventaja tenemos que, si no sabes gestionar el tamaño del fichero, tendrás un tamaño lo suficientemente grande como para que no tengas problemas ni en la paginación, ni en un crash de la máquina ya que como veremos más adelante el fichero de paginación es importante a la hora de crear un volcado. El inconveniente es que imagina que tenemos una máquina de 32GB de RAM, ¿realmente necesitarías un fichero de cómo mínimo 48GB o como máximo 96GB? La pregunta real es, una máquina con 32GB de RAM o 64GB, ¿realmente necesita paginar?

Lo iremos desvelando en las siguientes entregas del fichero de paginación.


El video como aliado de la justicia

Cada vez más los sistemas de impartición de justicia recurren al video como herramienta para resolver conflictos legales, ya sea como pruebas o como medio para permitir a los testigos hacer sus declaraciones y tener más información. Con esta tendencia, se requiere de sistemas que ofrezcan video de alta calidad, almacenamiento del mismo, transmisión en alta definición y una eficaz administración para que abogados y jueces accedan al contenido. ...(read more)

La tecnología cambia la cultura municipal

Tratar la administración de una institución de gobierno que ofrece servicios a los ciudadanos como si fuera una empresa puede ofrecer muchos beneficios en torno a la rentabilidad de los recursos y, por supuesto, a la obtención de mayores ganancias, que en el caso de las entidades públicas se traducirían como mejores servicios a la población. Una estrategia que algunas municipalidades han utilizado para mejorar sus procesos es manejar sus ciudades como...(read more)

Office for multi-tenant Remote Desktop/VDI/DaaS has finally arrived!


In September 2014, Microsoft enabled Shared Computer Activation (SCA) mode in Microsoft Office 365 so that multiple Office 365 ProPlus users could share the same hardware in the following three scenarios:

  • Customer dedicated self-hosted (on-premises)
  • Dedicated third-party hosted
  • Windows Azure environment

In response to growing requests from service providers to deploy Office 365 ProPlus in third-party environments, Microsoft is excited to announce that multi-tenant third-party hosted scenarios are now permitted for SCA through partners who meet certain criteria.

Under the updated deployment scenario, hosting partners that are 1-Tier Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) are now able to deploy multi-tenant remote desktop workloads with Office 365 ProPlus and/or E3, E4, E5 SKUs on-premises, in addition to being able to deploy multi-tenant remote desktop hosted workloads with those same Office 365 SKUs in Azure. Previously, the terms of Office 365 Shared Computer Activation required that these workloads could only be run on-premises with dedicated hardware.

Partner Spotlight

One of the first Microsoft hosting and service provider partners in the U.S. to take advantage of this Office 365 SCA update is ExternalIT, based in New York City. ExternalIT is vertically focused, specifically addressing virtual desktops with their hosted solution for financial analysts, which includes Office 365 components in addition to vertical industry applications.

Prior to the introduction of the updated SCA scenario, it was difficult for ExternalIT to transact under CSP, and it would have been equally difficult for their solution to scale using dedicated hardware.

Now other partners who are offering or looking to offer vertical hosted desktop solutions will be able to take advantage of this deployment scenario.


We’d like all of our partners to be able to take advantage of the new, multi-tenant Office 365 ProPlus SCA deployment scenario like ExternalIT, but we do have some requirements:

  • To be eligible to participate in the SCA Program, a service provider must be a managed hosting partner, a valid and existing Direct (1-Tier) Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) and SPLA provider.
  • Partners can use Office 365 ProPlus and Office 365 E3, E4 and E5 SKUs only in multi-tenant deployment scenarios. These licenses can be obtained via CSP, or brought over from an existing customer.
  • There is a requirement to display a SCA landing page using supplied verbiage on your company’s website (see the example used by ExternalIT).
  • An amendment to your SPLA agreement is required in order to transact.

Click here for more information about Office365 ProPlus Shared Computer Activation. 

Behind the Scenes: Making the 2016 Iowa Caucus App

Capturing more than 90% of the caucus results within three hours in a secure, accurate and trusted manner is an amazing accomplishment. In today’s special TechNet Radio episode, join Tommy Patterson as he welcomes the team that brought to life the 2016 Iowa Caucus app . Built on Microsoft technology, the new platform featured a secure system, enabling precincts to report their results directly by party, ensuring that only authorized Iowans were reporting results. Tune in and learn how this...(read more)

Virtualisation with Hyper-V and Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Overview


One of the topics that gets raised regularly with the OEM Server team is around when you should discuss selling the Datacenter vs. Standard editions of Windows Server 2012 R2 to customers, and usually it's easy to extract a few details about the customer scenario that will help shape those conversations. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is the number of virtualised Windows Server instances the customer needs to run on each server, but you also need to take into the account the potential number of Windows Server virtual machines you may need to run when you hit particular types scenarios. This is a high level overview, it's not going to present

Even though this initial piece is mostly focused on licensing, when in doubt with licensing issues make sure you contact your distributor or Microsoft licensing specialist to verify that what you want to supply to your customers will cover them from a licensing perspective. The different Microsoft licensing agreements are the source of truth for these things, and nothing in this post overrides or hopefully contradicts those.

Let's move on now and discuss those particular types of scenarios where the basic recommendation about the number of Windows Server VMs per server may not be as simple as you think. For the purpose of this post, let's focus on server recovery or even host server patching scenarios which have a great deal in common, with the major exception being the planned versus unplanned. Let's start with a simple scenario - a customer needs two servers to support Hyper-V's shared nothing Live Migration capability or Hyper-V Replica.

With a license for Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard per server, Server1 and Server2 would each be licensed to run two Windows Server virtual machines. If only two VMs are running per server, the customer is in compliance with their licensing. A critical update becomes available that needs to be installed on the Hyper-V host, and this update requires a hardware reboot. If the customer doesn't need the two virtual machines running on that server to be available during the server hardware restart, then the conversation is effectively done.

However, if the customer decides that they would like to perform Live Migrations and have all four virtual machines running at once on the second server, this means that server needs to be licensed for four concurrent virtual machines. The VM rights for one server aren't temporarily transferable to the other server, instead you need to think about two different licensing alternatives. The first of these is stacking two Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard licenses on each server, which would give you four virtual machine usage rights.

You can see from this scenario that it doesn't take too many VMs to get to the point where Datacenter becomes more cost efficient than stacking additional copies of Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard, which you would need to be doing on a per server basis to cover your customer. While your customers may be shifting some workloads to the cloud, there are some customers you still need to support their current on-premises software, and looking at deploying more on-premises solutions in the future, some of these in order to integrate with or accelerate certain cloud workloads.

As we go through more posts in this series, you will see some of benefits that Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter brings to customers who may be teetering on the edge of going down the multiple copies of Standard per server versus a single copy of Datacenter per server, but the big one is licensing simplicity and helping your customers remain compliant.


Adding Software Assurance To Your OEM Server Purchase


Following on from the last post where I discussed some of the reasons that Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter should be considered for customer deployments, today's post addresses some common questions around buying OEM Windows Server licenses versus purchasing via a Volume License program. The most important takeaway from the following information is that you can reap the benefits of both with your new server purchases, which will be explained below.

Here are the top line differences between OEM and Volume Licensing. This is not an in depth comparison of every difference, instead just calling out some of the differences for those who may not have purchased via a volume licensing program for their customers previously.

Windows Server 2012 R2 with different OEM license types

MNA preinstall or ROK is tied to hardware and can be pre-installed onto hardware, and OEMs can modify the OEM image to include additional software or customized images.
System Builder (COEM) license can be sold individually when sold with component hardware
System Builder and ROK include media
OEM product keys are provided on a COA that is attached to a server.
OEM licenses included support by the Server Manufacturer

Windows Server Volume Licensing

Licenses can be reassigned to different hardware every 90 days.
Licenses do not include Media, these need to be downloaded from the VLSC
Product keys are provided online through the VLSC.
There are many different possible licensing contracts that provide discounts for large purchases.

Common To Both

Windows Server 2012 R2 through OEM and Volume Licensing offers the same downgrade and virtualisation rights, which I introduced in the last post.

Adding Software Assurance To OEM Server Purchases

Microsoft Software Assurance can be purchased within 90 days of the OEM Software purchase. Software Assurance on Server Products offers business benefits which you can read about at the Software Assurance overview landing page. Some Software Assurance resources you may find useful also include Software Assurance at a glance (PDF) and Learn more about the specific benefits available for the products you license. One of the benefits that's probably worth thinking about now is the inclusion of new version rights during the term of your coverage, and with the launch of Windows Server 2016 planned for this year, it might help the conversation with those customers that might want to delay their purchase until Windows Server 2016 is shipping.

Why buy OEM server licenses and then add Software Assurance rather than just buying through VL? A couple of reasons - first of all you will usually find that OEM software is the lowest priced option, and then adding Software Assurance still keeps the overall cost lower than a VL+SA purchase. If you are buying ROK or preinstalled, it also saves time during server setup and configuration.

Database Compare - "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.Version =' " error


When using Microsoft Database Compare, you may receive the following error:


Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. They system cannot find the file specified."


The error may occur if Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 is not installed. It is a prerequisite for Database Compare.

To fix the error, install Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008, available here:



Bring the technology of Microsoft Azure to your own datacenter with Azure Stack!


Born from Azure, Azure Stack helps organizations deliver Azure services from their own datacenter.

With Azure Stack, Microsoft is bringing proven innovation – including IaaS and higher level PaaS services – from hyper-scale datacenters to on-premises, enterprise-scale environments to meet customers’ business requirements.

Wondering what Azure Stack will offer when it eventually goes GA?

Check out the list below: (Note: The list of services is subject to change without notice)

  • Compute - Virtual Machines (including extensions & availability sets)
  • Service Fabric* Data & Storage - Blobs, Tables, Queues*
  • Networking - Virtual Network, Load Balancer, VPN Gateway
  • Mgmt. & Security - Microsoft Azure Portal, Key Vault*
  • Web & Mobile - App Service (Web Apps, Logic Apps*, Mobile Apps*, API Apps*)

Want to know more? Check out the Azure Stack whitepaper now!

Sábado - Top Contribuintes - 1ª Semana de Fevereiro de 2016.

Olá amigos da comunidade Wiki Ninjas Brasil.

Bem-vindos à mais uma atualização dos Top Contribuintes.

Em vermelho os contribuintes da comunidade do Brasil que mais destacaram.

As contribuições desta semana são como a seguir:


373 usuários contribuíram com 2.626 páginas, 12.776 revisões e 7.743 comentários.


Ninja AwardPrêmio Maiores Revisores 
Quem fez mais revisões individuais


#1 Fernando Lugão Veltem com 11 revisões.


#2 Anderson_Amaro com 3 revisões.


#3 Ana Paula de Almeida com 2 revisões.



Ninja AwardPrêmio Artigos mais atualizados  
Quem atualizou mais artigos


#1 Anderson_Amaro com 1 artigos.


#2 Fernando Lugão Veltem com 1 artigo.


#3 Peter Geelen - MSFT com 1 artigos.



Ninja AwardPrêmio maioria dos artigos atualizados 
A maior quantidade de conteúdo atualizado em um único artigo


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi Migrando um Windows Server 2008 do VMware para o Hyper-V, escrito por Luiz Henrique Lima Campos [MVP]

O revisor desta semana foi Richard Mueller,


O artigo a ter a maioria das mudanças esta semana foi SCOM 2012 - Instalando Agentes System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2, escrito por Kleber Viotto Correia

O revisor desta semana foi Richard Mueller,



Ninja AwardPrêmio Artigo com mais longa atualização 
O artigo mais atualizado desta semana


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi SCOM 2012 - Instalando Agentes System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2, escrito por Kleber Viotto Correia

O revisor desta semana foi Richard Mueller,


O artigo que obteve maior atenção esta semana foi Migrando um Windows Server 2008 do VMware para o Hyper-V, escrito por Luiz Henrique Lima Campos [MVP]

O revisor desta semana foi Richard Mueller,



Ninja AwardPrêmio maioria dos artigos revisados 
Artigo com mais revisões em uma semana


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Configurando Skype Meeting Broadcast, escrito por Fernando Lugão Veltem. Ele foi revisto 10 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Fernando Lugão Veltem,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Atualização para Windows 10, escrito por Ana Mercedes Gauna. Ele foi revisto 6 vezes na semana passada.

Os revisores desta semana foram Peter Geelen - MSFT& Ana Mercedes Gauna


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Windows 8/8.1 e 10 - Resolvendo problemas de slow performance, escrito por Anderson_Amaro. Ele foi revisto 2 vezes na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Anderson_Amaro,


Esta semana, a maioria que brincava com artigo é Preparação para o exame 74-678, escrito por Ana Paula de Almeida. Ele foi revisto 1 vez na semana passada.

O revisor desta semana foi Ana Paula de Almeida,



Ninja AwardPrêmio do artigo mais popular 
Colaboração é o nome do jogo!


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Atualização para Windows 10, escrito por Ana Mercedes Gauna

Os revisores desta semana foram Peter Geelen - MSFT& Ana Mercedes Gauna


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Preparação para o exame 74-678, escrito por Ana Paula de Almeida

O revisor desta semana foi Ana Paula de Almeida,


O artigo a ser atualizado pela maioria das pessoas desta semana é Windows 8/8.1 e 10 - Resolvendo problemas de slow performance, escrito por Anderson_Amaro

O revisor desta semana foi Anderson_Amaro,


Agradecemos todos os contribuintes por mais uma ótima semana de colaboração.

Estamos felizes por esse grupo colocar a comunidade do Brasil em destaque.

Voltaremos na semana que vem com mais destaques.


Wiki Ninja Hezequias Vasconcelos @++

Visual Studio Code’da PowerShell desteği olduğunu biliyor muydunuz ?



Visual Studio Code PowerShell özelliğini sizler ile paylaşmak istiyorum . Aslında hepimiz böyle bir özellik bekliyorduk, çünkü Visual Studio Code bir çoğumuz için kod editöründen daha çok bir metin düzneleyicisi, bir ISE Editor , bir JS editör olmaya başladı.

Visual Studio Code başlangıç olarak temel kod bloklarında PowerShell için intelli sense özelliği vermekte idi şimdilerde ise extention ve pluginler ile daha da geliştirilmeye devam eviliyor.

Biraz özelliklere bakacak olursa bunlardan ilki parametreler için IntelliSense özelliği.

Yazdığımız fonksiyonlara fokus olma diğer bildiğimiz adı ile “Go to Defination F12”.


Tüm referanslar arasında arama “Find all References”


Komut dosyaları üzerinde veya proje içerisinde sembollerin listesini görüntülemek

Bu Özellik PowerShell MVP’si Keith Hill tarafından katkıda bulunarak geliştirilmiştir.


PowerShell Komut Analyzer kullanarak gerçek zamanlı komut analizi


Komutlarda Hata Ayıklama



Interaktif Komut Konsolu


Evet başlangıç özellikleri olarak hepize yetecek kadat özelliği barındırmakta üzerinde J Bunların yanı sıra geliştirmesi devam eden özellikler ve planlanan özellikler aşağıdaki gibidir.

  • Remote Debugging
  • Gelişmiş İnteraktif Konsol
  • Ortak sözdizimi için hızlı düzeltmeler
  • PowerShell Modülleri için ( arama ve yükleme) galeri entegrasyonu
  • PowerShell v3 ve v4 için destek

Top Contributors Awards! SQL trials, ASP.NET User Management, SharePoint Search, Gurus, and.. A NEW AZURE DEVELOPERS BLOG!!!!


Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TechNet Wiki over the last week.

First up, the weekly leader board snapshot...


As always, here are the results of another weekly crawl over the updated articles feed.


Ninja AwardMost Revisions Award  
Who has made the most individual revisions


#1 Richard Mueller with 95 revisions.


#2 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 74 revisions.


#3 Ken Cenerelli with 55 revisions.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Ed Price - MSFT with 38 revisions.


#5 Jeff Ingalls with 30 revisions.


#6 Steef-Jan Wiggers with 17 revisions.


#7 Fernando Lugão Veltem with 11 revisions.


#8 SYEDSHANU with 8 revisions.


#9 Denis Dyagilev with 8 revisions.


#10 Safa Arooj with 7 revisions.



Ninja AwardMost Articles Updated Award  
Who has updated the most articles


#1 Richard Mueller with 81 articles.


#2 Ken Cenerelli with 37 articles.


#3 Peter Geelen - MSFT with 36 articles.


Just behind the winners but also worth a mention are:


#4 Ed Price - MSFT with 10 articles.


#5 Steef-Jan Wiggers with 4 articles.


#6 DougL6722 with 3 articles.


#7 SYEDSHANU with 3 articles.


#8 Denis Dyagilev with 3 articles.


#9 RSC_phat with 2 articles.


#10 Vinita Agrawal with 2 articles.



Ninja AwardMost Updated Article Award  
Largest amount of updated content in a single article


The article to have the most change this week was SQL Server Plan Cache ve Memory Buffer Temizleme Islemi (TR-TR), by Abdullah Altintas

This week's revisers were Peter Geelen - MSFT& Abdullah Altintas

An excellent article here from Abdullah. Loving the energy coming from the TR community lately.



Ninja AwardLongest Article Award  
Biggest article updated this week


This week's largest document to get some attention is ASP.NET MVC User Role Base Menu Management Using WEB API And AngularJS, by SYEDSHANU

This week's reviser was SYEDSHANU

A monster article here from Syed. Thanks for your commitment to knowledge Syed, keep up the great work!



Ninja AwardMost Revised Article Award  
Article with the most revisions in a week


This week's most fiddled with article is SharePoint 2013: Configure Search using Powershell (Part 2 of 2), by Girish Goudar. It was revised 26 times last week.

This week's revisers were Peter Geelen - MSFT& Girish Goudar

Lots of love going into this one, well worth the award this week. Thanks Girish.



Ninja AwardMost Popular Article Award  
Collaboration is the name of the game!


The article to be updated by the most people this week is TechNet Guru Contributions - January 2016, by XAML guy

Always a winner, and a group win, as legends new and old step up to show us their knowledge.

This week's revisers were XAML guy, .paul. _, Richard Mueller, pituach, sergey vdovin (aka evolex), Jeff Ingalls, Carmelo La Monica, Natig Gurbanov, Steef-Jan Wiggers, Rahul A Shinde& Danish Islam


As Guru often wins, The tarticle to be updated by the SECOND most people this week is Azure Development Community Blog: Authoring Schedule, by Ed Price - MSFT

An awesome new blog for and by devs and luvvies of Microsoft Azure technologies

Please help us get this blog off to a good start with lots of comments and links!

This week's revisers were Ed Price - MSFT, Mike-EEE, Mang Alex, chilberto& Ken Cenerelli & me!



Ninja AwardNinja Edit Award  
A ninja needs lightning fast reactions!


Below is a list of this week's fastest ninja edits. That's an edit to an article after another person


Ninja AwardWinner Summary  
Let's celebrate our winners!


Below are a few statistics on this week's award winners.

Most Revisions Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Richard Mueller

Richard Mueller has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Richard Mueller has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Richard Mueller has won 140 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Richard Mueller has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Richard Mueller's profile page

Most Articles Award Winner
The reviser is the winner of this category.

Richard Mueller

Richard Mueller is mentioned above.

Most Updated Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the changes.

Abdullah Altintas

This is the first Top Contributors award for Abdullah Altintas on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations Abdullah Altintas!

Abdullah Altintas has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Abdullah Altintas's profile page

Longest Article Award Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that is so long!


SYEDSHANU has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

SYEDSHANU has won 3 previous Top Contributor Awards:

SYEDSHANU has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

SYEDSHANU has not yet had any featured articles (see below)

SYEDSHANU's profile page

Most Revised Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has ben changed the most

Girish Goudar

This is the first Top Contributors award for Girish Goudar on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations Girish Goudar!

Girish Goudar has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Girish Goudar's profile page

Most Popular Article Winner
The author is the winner, as it is their article that has had the most attention.

XAML guy

XAML guy has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

XAML guy has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

XAML guy has won 99 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

XAML guy has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

XAML guy's profile page

Ed Price - MSFT

Ed Price - MSFT has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Ed Price - MSFT has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Ed Price - MSFT has won 131 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Ed Price - MSFT has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Ed Price - MSFT's profile page

Ninja Edit Award Winner
The author is the reviser, for it is their hand that is quickest!

Denis Dyagilev

Denis Dyagilev has won 5 previous Top Contributor Awards:

Denis Dyagilev has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Denis Dyagilev's profile page

Jeff Ingalls

This is the first Top Contributors award for Jeff Ingalls on TechNet Wiki! Congratulations Jeff Ingalls!

Jeff Ingalls has not yet had any interviews, featured articles or TechNet Guru medals (see below)

Jeff Ingalls's profile page

Peter Geelen - MSFT

Peter Geelen - MSFT has been interviewed on TechNet Wiki!

Peter Geelen - MSFT has featured articles on TechNet Wiki!

Peter Geelen - MSFT has won 88 previous Top Contributor Awards. Most recent five shown below:

Peter Geelen - MSFT has TechNet Guru medals, for the following articles:

Peter Geelen - MSFT's profile page

Some really exciting stuff this week!

Please don't forget to read and support our newest blog!



Best regards,
Pete Laker (XAML guy)


Bitne informacije o podršci za nove procesore na Windows platformi


Microsoft je 15.1.2016. godine objavio blog članak pod nazivom "Windows 10 Embracing Silicon Innovation", gdje su navedeni određeni podaci koji se tiču adaptacije Windows 10 operativnog sistema među poslovnim korisnicima, poput činjenice da je Windows 10 već instaliran na preko 22 miliona poslovnih uređaja te da je u aktivnom pilotu kod čak 76% naših poslovnih korisnika, odnosno novostima koje Windows 10 pruža za takvo okruženje, ali i o planu Microsofta kada je u pitanju podrška za uređaje sa novim procesorima.

Naime, Windows 7 je sada u fazi produžene podrške te će nastaviti biti podržan sa nadogradnjama koje se tiče sigurnosti i pouzdanosti do 14.1.2020. godine na procesorima iz prethodnih generacija, dok će Windows 8.1 imati istu podršku do 10.1.2023. godine.

U budućnosti, novi procesori koji se pojave na tržištu će zahtijevati korištenje aktuelne verzije Windows platforme. Na primjer, Windows 10 će biti jedina podržana Windows platforma za nadolazeće procesore i platforme kao što su Intel "Kaby Lake", Qualcomm "8996", AMD "Bristol Ridge", itd.

U isto vrijeme, aktuelna Intel platforma, poznata pod nazivom "Skylake", odnosno šesta generacija Intel Core procesora, će na Windows 7 i Windows 8.1 operativnim sistemima biti podržana do 17.7.2017. godine, nakon čega će uređaji bazirani na spomenutoj platformi koji se zadrže na Windows 7 i Windows 8.1 operativnim sistemima dobivati samo najkritičnije sigurnosne nadogradnje koje će biti izdane samo u slučaju da ne narušavaju pouzdanost ili kompatibilnost Windows 7 / 8.1 platforme na drugim uređajima. U tom smislu, preporuka Microsofta je da se svi uređaji na ovoj platformi nadograde na Windows 10 prije spomenutog datuma.

Na ovoj stranici možete pronaći listu Skylake-baziranih modela koji su podržani uz Windows 7 i Windows 8.1 operativne sisteme.

Dodatni resursi za Windows 10:

- Planiranje Windows 10 deploymenta
- Održavanje i nadogradnje Windows 10 platforme
- Windows 10 IT Pro FAQ

Livre électronique gratuit : SQL 2016


Microsoft Press offre la version électronique du livre Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016: Mission-Critical Applications, Deeper Insights, Hyperscale Cloud, Preview 2. Il est disponible sur ce lien.

Livre électronique gratuit : Enterprise Cloud Strategy


Microsoft Press offre la version électronique du livre Introducing Enterprise Cloud Strategy. Il est disponible sur ce lien.

Office 365 向け Azure ExpressRoute


(この記事は Azure ExpressRoute for Office 365 の翻訳です。最新情報については、翻訳元の記事をご参照ください。)


Office 365 向け Azure ExpressRoute をご利用いただくと、専用の接続で Office 365 にアクセスできます。Office 365 への専用の接続では、パフォーマンスの信頼性と予測可能性が向上すると共に、パブリック インターネットから分離されているため、プライバシーが保護されます。

Office 365 向け Azure ExpressRoute

このたび、より高品質の Office 365 へのネットワーク接続をご契約いただけるようになりました。予測精度が高められるだけでなく、稼働率を保証する SLA も付属しています。

上の動画では、Office 365 向け ExpressRoute の概要と主なメリットについてご覧いただけます。簡単に言えば、Office 365 向け ExpressRoute を利用することは、Office 365 を既存のネットワークのワイド エリア ネットワーク (WAN) に配置することに似ています。認定された MPLS WAN プロバイダーをご利用中のお客様にとっては、それがまさにこのサービスの内容となります。認定プロバイダーを利用していないお客様や、現時点で WAN を使用しておらず今後の導入も予定していないお客様は、特定のプロバイダーを経由して接続することで ExpressRoute をご利用いただけます。利用開始に必要となるのは、有効な Azure サブスクリプション、NAT をサポートする ExpressRoute パートナーとの契約、IP アドレス、SNAT 機能、ルーティング用の AS 番号だけです。前提条件の詳細については、こちらのページを参照してください。

Premium アドオンで Office 365 向け ExpressRoute にサインアップすると、冗長性が確保された専用プライベート接続のペアを使用して Office 365 に直接接続できます。これにより、予測可能なパフォーマンス、データ プライバシーの保護、パブリック インターネットとは共有されない高品質のネットワーク接続を実現できます。また、マイクロソフトのネットワーク要素については 99.9% の稼働率を保証する SLA が提供されます。

この専用の接続を使用した場合でも、やはりネットワークのキャパシティ プランニングとトラフィック管理は必要です。既に Azure ExpressRoute を利用している場合は、同じ接続で Azure と Office 365 の両方のトラフィックを扱えるようにキャパシティを変更する必要があります。付属サービスによるほとんどのネットワーク トラフィックでこれらのプライベート接続が使用されますが、付属しないサービスや、付属サービスにおける DNS、コンテンツ配信ネットワーク、証明書失効リストなどへの要求には、パブリック インターネット接続が必要です。多国籍企業のお客様は、ユーザー数、ご利用中のサービス、各地域におけるネットワーク接続に応じて、Office 365 向け ExpressRoute の接続とパブリック インターネット接続を併用できます。

Office 365 向け ExpressRoute で接続できるサービスは、以下のとおりです。

  • Exchange Online および Exchange Online Protection
  • SharePoint Online、OneDrive for Business、Office 365 ビデオ、Delve
  • Skype for Business Online
  • Office Online
  • Project Online
  • Azure Active Directory および Azure Active Directory 同期

Office 365 ProPlus クライアント ダウンロード、オンプレミス ID プロバイダー サインイン、中国で提供される Office 365 サービス (21Vianet が運用) は、Office 365 向け ExpressRoute での接続に対応していません。

Office 365 向け ExpressRouteにサインアップする準備は整いましたか。

さらに詳しい情報が必要な方は、Office 365 向け Azure ExpressRoute でネットワーク トラフィックを管理する方法と、Office 365 向け Azure ExpressRoute を構成する方法をご確認ください。


※ 本情報の内容(添付文書、リンク先などを含む)は、作成日時点でのものであり、予告なく変更される場合があります。

Domingo Surpresa - Application Insights


Sejam muito bem-vindos a mais um Domingo Surpresa.

O monitoramento de aspectos como desempenho, disponibilidade e falhas é uma questão vital em qualquer tipo de aplicação. Apesar da sua inegável importância, este tipo de atividade costuma demandar um grande empenho do ponto de vista de desenvolvimento.

Em situações comuns este trabalho de monitoração implica em esforços de codificação ao longo de todo um projeto, com vistas a coletar dados que servirão de base para a geração das mais diversas análises. Cada análise, por sua vez, também poderá adicionar mais horas à fase de implementação (por estar normalmente atrelada à construção de alguma espécie de relatório).

Procurando simplificar este processo de monitoramento a Microsoft disponibilizou um serviço conhecido como Application Insights, o qual é parte do Microsoft Azure:

Contando com SDKs para inúmeras plataformas, o Application Insights tem por objetivo evitar ao máximo a codificação de instruções para a coleta de dados visando a monitoração posterior (muito embora customizações via código também sejam possíveis). Logo, esta alternativa não está restrita ao mundo .NET/Microsoft; Java, Node.js, Python, Ruby e JavaScript são outros exemplos de tecnologias suportadas. É importante destacar ainda que este serviço conta com inúmeros dashboards sofisticados, fornecendo visões em diferentes níveis analíticos.

Para saber mais sobre o Application Insights acesse o link:


O TechNet Wiki também conta com artigos abordando o uso do Application Insights:

ALM – Usando o Microsoft AppInsights – Análise de Performance

DevOps - Configurando o Application Insights no Portal Microsoft Azure

Monitoramento de aplicações com Application Insights: primeiros passos

E por hoje é isso... Até a próxima!


Wiki Ninja Renato Groffe (Wiki, Facebook, LinkedIn, MSDN)

[IT 管理者向け] 残っていませんか? SSL/TLS 証明書の SHA-1 廃止はもうすぐ



以前よりマイクロソフト セキュリティ アドバイザリ 2880823、そして、このブログでもご案内しているとおり、証明書に利用されているハッシュ アルゴリズム SHA-1 の安全性の低下に伴い、利用廃止が進められています。つい先日、2016 年 1 月には、SHA-1 アルゴリズムを使用しているコード署名証明書の Windows での利用制限を開始しました。

次は、SSL/TLS 用の証明書における SHA-1 利用の廃止日が近づいています。

SSL/TLS 用の証明書について、何をするべきなのか、いまいちど整理しましたので、ぜひお読みいただき、ご確認をお願いいたします。



2017 年 1 月 1 日以降 (注 1)、SHA-1 ハッシュアルゴリズムを使用している SSL/TLS 用の証明書 (注 2) は Windows 上で信頼されていない証明書とみなされ、SSL/TLS 接続が失敗します。(注 3) その結果、エラーが表示されるなど、正常にアプリケーションなどが動作しない可能性があります。SSL/TLS 接続は、ウェブ サイトでの安全なやり取りをするための HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) をはじめ、FTPS, SMTPS などもあります。


インターネットで公開しているウェブ サイトで HTTPS により安全な通信を提供しているサイトで、証明書に SHA-1 アルゴリズムを使用している場合、2017 年 1 月 1 日以降 (注: 1)、ユーザーがそのサイトにアクセスできなくなります。具体的には、以下のよう、ブラウザー (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge など) にてエラーが発生し、サイトを閲覧することができません。 




ウェブ サイト管理者、IT 管理者は何をするべきか

SHA-1 を利用した SSL/TLS 証明書の利用廃止に伴い、ウェブ サイトを管理している方、IT 管理をしている方は、2 つのことを行うことをお勧めします。


1. システムにて利用している証明書を確認し、SHA-1 の証明書があれば移行する

STEP 1: 確認の対象となるサーバーを見つける

HTTPS, SMTPS, FTPS などの SSL/TLS を利用しているサーバー (ウェブ サイトなら、IIS が入っているサーバー) が確認の対象です。また、それらのうち、インターネットに公開しているウェブ サイトなど、インターネットにて利用しているサービスを構築しているサーバーが主な対象になります。

STEP 2: 利用している証明書を見つける

・インターネットに公開しているウェブ サイトに利用している SSL/TLS 証明書の場合は、実際にクライアント端末からブラウザーでウェブ サイトを開き、証明書を表示することができます 

・IIS を利用している場合は、ウェブサイトの SSL/TLS 接続に利用している証明書を表示してください。(参考: サーバー証明書を表示する)

・その他の場合は、SSL/TLS を利用しているサーバー端末上で、mmc.exe を開き、コンピューター アカウントの証明書ストア、個人フォルダに入っている証明書を確認してください。利用目的がサーバー認証になっているものを確認します。(参考: 証明書スナップインを MMC に追加する)

STEP 3: 証明書の発行元を確認する

証明書を開き、証明のパスのタブを開きます。一番上に表示されているのが、ルート証明機関です。(ダブルクリックでルート証明機関の証明書を開くことができます) そのルート証明機関が、マイクロソフトのルート証明機関に所属しているかを Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate Program Updates (http://aka.ms/rootupdates)にある最新のリスト (" most-current list of Program participants and enrolled roots" と書いてある最新のリスト)  のリストから確認します。

リストに含まれていない場合は、今回の廃止措置の対象外の証明書です。(SSL/TLS 証明書は、マイクロソフト ルート証明書プログラムに参加している証明機関から発行されている SSL/TLS 証明書のみが廃止対象です。それ以外の証明機関から発行されている証明書は廃止対象ではありません。たとえば、企業内・組織内システムなどで、Windows Server の証明書サービスを利用して発行している証明書や、自己署名証明書は廃止の対象外です。)

STEP 4: 証明書のハッシュアルゴリズムが SHA-1 であるかを確認する

証明書を開き、詳細タブを開きます。「署名ハッシュ アルゴリズム」が SHA1 と記載されているかを確認します。SHA1 と記載されている場合は、措置の対象です。証明書の移行が必要になります。




STEP 5: 証明書の発行元証明機関に相談し、証明書を更新する。

SHA-1 の証明書がある場合は、SHA-2 といったより新しいアルゴリズムを採用した証明書に移行する必要があります。発行元の証明機関に相談し、証明書を更新してください。



2. テスト用クライアント端末を用意し、影響を確認する

テスト用にクライアント端末を用意し、廃止措置が行われた状態を想定して SSL/TLS 接続に問題がないかを確認することができます。


STEP 1: クライアント端末に SHA-1 を利用した SSL/TLS 証明書の利用を制限する設定を行う


certutil -setreg chain\Default\WeakSha1ThirdPartyFlags 0x80100000


この設定を行うことで、SHA-1 を利用した SSL/TLS 証明書は信頼されないものとして扱われます。これにより、廃止措置が行われた状態を想定することができます。(参考: 脆弱な暗号アルゴリズムに対する保護)


certutil -delreg chain\Default\WeakSha1ThirdPartyFlags

注意: 本変更はレジストリ変更を含みます。予期せぬ障害に備え、設定を行う前に、端末のバックアップを取得してください。


STEP 2: SSL/TLS を利用しているウェブ サイトやアプリケーション、システムなどを利用し、問題が発生しないか、確認する






 FAQ: SHA-1 廃止/SHA-2 移行に関するマイクロソフトのポリシー






SHA-1 ハッシュ アルゴリズムは安全性の低下が言われ、そして、今まさに現実に被害をもたらす脅威となっています。特に、インターネットで飛び交う重要な情報を安全にやり取りするための SSL/TLS 証明書は、攻撃者の標的になりやすい状況です。

マイクロソフトでも、脅威を常に監視しながら、状況によっては、SSL/TLS 証明書における SHA-1 ハッシュ アルゴリズムの利用廃止日を、2017 年 1 月 1 日から前倒しすることも視野にいれています。

また、2016 年 6 月ごろに警告を表示するなどの措置も検討しています。

※現時点では、日程の前倒しや警告表示の実施可否、警告内容の具体的な方法は検討中です。最新情報は http://aka.ms/sha1 (英語情報) に掲載されますのでご確認ください。



また、SHA-1 を利用した SSL/TLS 証明書の利用廃止は、マイクロソフトだけではなく、他のブラウザーでも 2017 年 1 月 1 日を目途に予定されています。Windows 利用環境だけではなく、業界全体として廃止が進められていますので、ぜひ、廃止期限の直前を待たず、この機会に見直しをしてください。




最新情報は http://aka.ms/sha1 (英語情報) をご確認ください。




注 1: 利用廃止日は変更になる可能性があります。最新情報は http://aka.ms/sha1 (英語情報) をご確認ください。

注 2: SSL/TLS 証明書は、マイクロソフト ルート証明書プログラムに参加している証明機関から発行されている SSL/TLS 証明書のみが廃止対象です。それ以外の証明機関から発行されている証明書は廃止対象ではありません。たとえば、企業内・組織内システムなどで、Windows Server の証明書サービスを利用して発行している証明書や、自己署名証明書は廃止の対象外です。

注 3: SHA-1 を利用している SSL/TLS 証明書を信頼しないように措置をとる対象の OS は、Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 以降の OS です。



Microsoft Azure Backup Server – část 3

Microsoft Azure Backup Server – část 1 Microsoft Azure Backup Server – část 2 Obnova dat ze zálohy Ve chvíli kdy nám zálohování běží a podařilo se nám data odzálohovat na lokální disk určený k zálohám a případně do Windows Azure, může v případě potřeby přistoupit k obnově dat ze záloh. Tedy v tomto případě přejdeme na záložku „Recovery“...(read more)
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