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MCP 70-346/70-347 対応受験対策セミナーの無料視聴ができます! 【 1/6 更新】


MCP 試験 70-346「Office 365 の ID と要件の管理」/70-347「Office 365 サービスの有効化」合格への近道は、受験対策セミナーを受講していただくことです。


この 2 試験の合格に必要な知識を得られる Microsoft 認定トレーニング コース動画を公開しました。

▼ MCP 70-346/70-347 対応受験対策セミナーの無料視聴はこちら

SharePoint 2010: cannot add user from a trusted domain to a site


Problem: customer could not locate any users from a specific trusted domain when using the people picker. there is 'No exact match was found'


I verified that this command was run successfully:

stsadm -o getproperty -pnpeoplepicker-searchadforests -url http://staging.contoso.net 


still the user could not be found

Asked the customer to create a folder on the desktop of the server and try to add one of these users. The user was was NOT able to be added. This meant that this problem was a networking issue because if the user can't be added to a folder on the server desktop it certainly won't be available in IIS


Ensure the proper ports are opened You must have ports opened between SharePoint and AD in order for both the UPA to function (389 or 636 or custom) and the People Picker to function.  



TCP/UDP 135, 137, 138, 139 (RPC)  

TCP/UDP 389 by default, customizable (LDAP)  

TCP 636 by default, customizable (LDAP SSL)  

TCP 3268 (LDAP GC)  

TCP 3269 (LDAP GC SSL)  

TCP/UDP 53 (DNS)  

TCP/UDP 88 (Kerberos)  

TCP/UDP 445 (Directory Services)  

TCP/UDP 749 (Kerberos-Adm) [Opt.]  

TCP port 750 (Kerberos-IV) [Opt.] 


Recommended reading


People Picker Port/Protocol Requirements 

SharePoint 2010-Multi domain and forest trust 

Plan Security Hardening 



ディレクトリ同期後、設定が EXO まで反映されていない場合の注意点


こんにちは。Exchange サポートの小林です。

今回は Exchange Online (EXO) におけるディレクトリ同期の注意点をご紹介します。

Office 365 の利用を開始されると同時に、ほとんどのお客様環境では、オンプレミス側の Active Directory (AD) のユーザー、グループ、連絡先オブジェクトの管理を一元化するためにディレクトリ同期を実施されていることと思います。

お客様のオンプレミス側の環境にあるディレクトリ同期ツールでは、オンプレミス側の AD と Azure AD 間の同期が一定間隔 (既定では 3 時間) で行われていることが確認できます。
しかしながら、この同期ツールでの同期のステータスは、あくまでオンプレミス側 AD および Azure AD 間の同期ステータスとなり、その後 Office 365 内で行われる Azure AD と EXO の同期のステータスについては、当該同期ツール上はご確認いただく事ができません。

そのため、オンプレミス側のオブジェクト (ldifde/ADSI Edit など)、Azure AD 上のオブジェクト (Get-MsolUser)、EXO 上のオブジェクト (Get-Mailbox/Get-MailUser など) の属性を地道に比較しながら一体どこまで同期が完了したのか確認する必要があります。
それぞれの構成情報を比較しながら確認した結果、オンプレミス側と Azure AD 間の属性値は一致しているにも関わらず、EXO 側のオブジェクトの属性になぜか設定が反映されていないという場合には、以下の 2 つの原因のうちいずれかに合致している可能性がございます。

1. 想定された動作として EXO への反映に時間が掛かっている
オンプレミス側の AD から Azure AD への同期が完了後、Office 365 側のサービス (EXO など) まで設定が最終的に反映されるまでは最大 24 時間ほど掛かる場合がございます。これは現時点での動作上の制限によるもので、残念ながら、この同期に関してはテナント管理者が手動で実行することができません。
したがって、お客様のディレクトリ同期ツールにて同期の完了をご確認いただいた後、24 時間以内の場合には、誠に恐れ入りますが、24 時間以上経過するまでお待ちくださいますようお願いいたします。
なお、万が一  24 時間以上経過後も事象が解消せず、テナント管理者にて確認可能な明示的なエラーの記録等もない場合には、弊社サポート窓口へお問い合わせいただければと存じます。

2. そもそも Azure AD - EXO での同期が行われない属性である
まずディレクトリ同期ツール (DirSync, AAD Sync, AAD Connect) 毎に、オンプレミス AD および Azure AD 間で同期される対象の AD 属性の一覧は以下にある通りです。ご留意いただきたいのは、この一覧にある AD 属性の全てが EXO まで反映される AD 属性ではないということです。つまり、この一覧にある AD 属性のうち、一部は EXO まで反映されない属性がございます。
具体的には、配布グループの説明 (Discription 属性)、メモ (Info 属性)、および、会社名 (Company 属性) などが該当し、これらの属性はオンプレミス側の AD から Azure AD へは同期されますが、EXO 側には反映されません。

これは現状の想定された動作となりますが、残念ながら現時点ではこの EXO まで反映されない属性の一覧がございません。今後動作が変わる可能性もございますが、お客様のお問い合わせをもとに、こちらのチーム ブログなどでも情報を公開する予定ですので、何卒ご理解くださいますようお願いいたします。

- Dirsync
Title: DirSync: List of attributes that are synced by the Azure Active Directory Sync Tool
URL: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/19901.dirsync-list-of-attributes-that-are-synced-by-the-azure-active-directory-sync-tool.aspx

- AAD Sync
Title: Attributes synchronized to Azure Active Directory
URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn764938.aspx

- AAD Connect
Title: Azure AD Connect sync: Attributes synchronized to Azure Active Directory
URL: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/active-directory-aadconnectsync-attributes-synchronized/

Title: Office 365: Directory synchronization and object attributes…
URL: http://blogs.technet.com/b/timmcmic/archive/2015/02/01/office-365-directory-synchronization-and-object-attributes.aspx
The attributes that are replicated from the Azure Active Directory to the Exchange Online directory are not necessarily the same as those replicated from the On-Premises Active Directory to the Azure Active Directory.  Currently there is no list of attributes that replicate between Azure Active Directory and Exchange Online.

今後も当ブログおよびサポート チームをよろしくお願いいたします。

捷報!微軟宣布 Windows 10 裝置突破兩億台


捷報!微軟宣布 Windows 10 裝置突破兩億台


  (2016年1月5日,台北)  Window 10 自去年 7 月 29 日全球上市後即創下有史以來最好的成績,引起消費者廣大的正面迴響,成為升級最快、第一個破億裝置升級的Windows;在今(2016)年之初,微軟於美國 CES 國際消費電子展前夕榮幸宣布,全球截至目前為止,創下超過兩億台裝置撘載 Windows 10 的佳績;去年上市時微軟執行長薩提亞﹒納德拉(Satya Nadella)提出三年內 Windows 10 裝置達十億台的目標,勢必很快達標。此外,Windows 市集也於 2015 年擁有優異成長表現,Xbox 更突破聖誕佳節銷售紀錄。

  在新的一年裡,微軟將為消費者帶來更多 Windows 創新、更多更貼近市場需求且多元的裝置、更多豐富有趣的 Windows App 和遊戲等,提升消費者使用各種 Windows 裝置的生產力與娛樂體驗。

Windows 10 受青睞  成長創新記錄

  隨者消費者採用 Windows 10 數量與日俱增, Windows 10 的成長速度之快遠超過以前所有 Windows 版本,與 Windows 7 相較快了140%,與 Windows 8 相較更快了近 400%。此外,企業與學校用戶對 Windows 10 的需求也更以前所未有的速度攀升,迄今逾 76% 的企業客戶積極試用 Windows 10,而企業與學校客戶相加共計超過 2,200萬台裝置執行 Windows 10。整體來看,用戶對 Windows 10 的滿意度遠比過去任一版本的 Windows 作業系統要高出許多。

Windows 使用率創新高去年十二月 Windows 10 使用時數逾 110 億小時

  近期研究發現,去年十二月,消費者使用 Windows 10 的時數即高達110億小時,遠比過去花在 Windows 上的時間來得更久,再次創下 Windows 新的里程碑。此外,消費者升級 Windows 10 是為了享受更高的安全性和更快的速度,擁有更順暢的玩樂體驗。不論是使用新的網頁瀏覽器 Microsoft Edge、玩遊戲、處理工作等,消費者使用 Windows 的時間有增長的趨勢;加上 Cortana 個人助理和 Bing 搜尋引擎變得更智慧、Edge 瀏覽器相容性測試範圍愈來愈廣,亦為開發商發掘更多市場潛能。

  關於「人們使用 Windows 來做什麼呢?」,請參考以下相關數據:

  • 去年12月 Windows 10 裝置使用微軟 Edge 瀏覽器的時間就超過445億分鐘。
  • Cortana 自推出後共回答了逾 25 億個問題。
  • 每台 Windows 10 裝置的 Bing 搜尋項目較之前 Windows 版本多三成左右。
  • 超過 820 億張的照片是由 Windows 10 Photo 應用程式執行觀看
  • Windows 10 遊戲使用率持續成長。2015年,Windows 10 個人電腦遊戲總時數超過 40 億小時,且玩家串流了超過 660 萬小時的 Xbox One 遊戲到 Windows 10 個人電腦。

 Windows 市集 2015 年大幅成長開發商創造更大商機

  Windows 10 使用單一應用程式及單一 Windows 市集,提供一個讓開發商橫跨個人電腦、平板電腦、電話等 Windows 10 裝置的平台。新 Windows 市集為消費者和組織設計了店舖,還有新的推廣介面,幫助使用者更容易且快速找到想要的內容。目前造訪新市集的次數已達 30 億次,顯示 Windows 市集已逐漸獲得市場青睞。此外,Window 10 的通用應用程式也增加更多,包括 Netflix、NPR、Pandora、Shazam、TuneIn Radio、Twitter、Uber、Wall Street Journal、1-800-Flowers 等。更多知名開發商亦在 Windows 市集釋出多款新遊戲,包括 Telltale Games 系列的《我的世界:劇情模式》、《戰車世界:閃擊戰》等,2016 年初將有更多如《古墓奇兵:崛起》等作品問世。

  更多有趣的 Windows 市集推出後之統計,請參考以下相關數據:

  • 此次聖誕假期個人電腦和平板電腦顧客的付費交易次數成長了兩倍。
  • 十二月光是付費客戶中就有六成為新客戶。
  • 十二月每台 Windows 10 裝置創造的營收較 Windows 8 提高了 4.5 倍以上。

Xbox 突破聖誕佳節銷售紀錄

  Xbox One、Surface Pro、Surface Book 需求暢旺,其中,2015 年是 Xbox 史上最成功的一年,全球使用率和營收都締造新猷,使用 Xbox Live 的粉絲人數在12月28日寫下歷史紀錄;New Xbox One Experience 推出後,延伸 Windows 10 使用經驗的 Xbox One 變得更快且互動性更佳。Windows 10 將 Xbox Live 延伸至不同螢幕,讓玩家能在各種裝置上享受一致且更便利趣味的遊戲體驗。

最近公開された技術情報およびブログ (2016/01/06)


日本マイクロソフト System Center Support Team の宮崎です。先週リリースされた、System Center/Azure/Intune に関連する公開技術情報をまとめました。役に立つ手順や修正プログラムの情報など、製品をお使いいただく上で参考になる情報があるかと思います。ご参照ください。なお、ブログはすべて英語となっています。ご了承ください。




Building Clouds

Introducing the updated JEA Helper Tool


Update to Company Portal brings benefits to corporate owned iOS devices

Operations Management Suite

Using Log Search in Microsoft OMS

Rights Management Services

Announcement: Azure RMS Documentation Library Update for December 2015



SCOM 2012 R2 にDPM 2012 R2 用の管理パックをインポートする手順


こんにちは、日本マイクロソフト System Center Support Team の久保です。
今回はSystem Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager (SCOM) での、System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager (DPM) の管理パックのインポート手順についてご紹介いたします。

SCOM にDPM 用の管理パックをインポートすることで、以下の監視を行うことができます。

・DPM サーバーのパフォーマンス状況
・バックアップ ジョブの状況
・DPM アラートについて

そのため、DPM の運用状況をリアルタイムで確認をすることができます。

現在ダウンロード可能な、最新のDPM 用の管理パックを使用するには、2012 R2 以上のSCOM である必要があります。
また、DPM 2012 R2 はUR5 以上の更新プログラムを適用することで、レポートに関する管理が可能となりますので、
ジョブの成否や、ディスクやテープの使用率などを視覚的に確認したい場合には、DPM 2012 R2 はUR5 以上の更新プログラムを適用することを推奨いたします

> Operations Manager での DPM の監視


1. DPM の管理パックの削除
※ DPM のインストール メディア、または、旧バージョンのDPM 用の管理パックがインストールされている場合には、本操作が必要になります。

 1-1. 管理者権限を持つアカウントでSCOM サーバーにログインし、Operations Manager を起動します。

 1-2. [管理] ウィンドウを開きます。

 1-3. [管理] – [管理パック] を展開します。

 1-4. ツール バーより [検索] をクリックします。

 1-5. "検索対象" の欄に『Data protection Manager」と入力し、[検索開始] をクリックします。

 1-6. DPM 用の管理パック選択し、作業ウィンドウの [削除] をクリックし、DPM 用の管理パックを全て削除してください。
 # 依存関係があるので、削除の順番に注意してください。

> オペレーション マネージャーの管理パックを削除する方法 (機械翻訳版)

2. 以下のサイトより、DPM 2012 R2 用の管理パックをダウンロードします。

> System Center Management Packs for Data Protection Manager 2012 R2 Reporting, DedupReporter, Discovery and Monitoring - 日本語

3. SCOM サーバー上で、管理パックを展開します。

・SC Management Pack for DPM 2012 R2 (JPN).msi

 3-1. ファイルを実行すると、インストール ウィザードが立ち上がります。

 3-2. “License Agreement” のページで、[I accept] を選択し、[Next] をクリックします。

 3-3. “Select Installation Folder” のページで、管理パックを保存先と、SCOM サーバー上に管理パックをインポートするユーザーを選択し、[Next] をクリックします。
 # 管理パックの保存先は、既定では以下の通りです。

> C:\Program Files (x86)\System Center Management Packs

 3-4. “Confirm Installation” のページで、[Install] をクリックします。

 3-5. インストールが完了したら、[Close] をクリックします。

4. Operations Manager を起動します。

5. [管理] ウィンドウを開きます。

6. ナビゲーション ペインより、[管理] – [管理パック] を開きます。

7. 作業ウィンドウより[管理パックのインポート] をクリックし、”管理パックのインポート” ウィンドウを立ち上げます。

8. [追加] をクリックし、[ディスクから追加する] をクリックします。

9. DPM 用の管理パックを選択します。


# なお、以下の管理パックはFile Server 用の管理パックと依存関係を持ちます。


この管理パックをインポートしたい場合には、以下のサイトより、ファイル サーバー用の管理パックをダウンロードしてください。

> System Center 2012 Management Pack for Microsoft Windows Server File & iSCSI Services 2012 R2



10. [インストール] をクリックします。

11. 管理パックのインポートが完了したら、[閉じる] をクリックします。


依存関係は、インポート画面の状態に記載される[エラー] または、プロパティの画面より、確認することができます。



なお、管理パックのダウンロード リンクの一覧が記載されているサイトがございます。

> Microsoft Management Packs

また、DPM 中央コンソールの機能を使用することで、アラート ビューの統合や、ロールベース アクセス制御 (RBAC) 等の機能を利用することが可能になります。
DPM 中央コンソールのインストール手順は、以下のBlog を参考にしてください。

> SCOM サーバーによるDPM サーバーの集中管理の設定方法

Azure Virtual Machines の SQL Server の構成がさらに簡単に

このポストは、12 月 29 日に投稿された Introducing a simplified configuration experience for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines の翻訳です。 Azure Virtual Machines の SQL Server 構成方法が新しくなり、従来よりも簡単になりました。今後は SQL Server VM を作成するときに Azure ポータル で SQL Server の接続、パフォーマンス、セキュリティ、高可用性を構成することができます。また、既定の推奨設定をそのまま使用することも変更することも可能で、セットアップ後に手動で構成する手間が省けます。 この新しい構成方法は、SQL Server の構成をスピードアップすることを目的に開発された 自動修正 (英語) 、 自動バックアップ (英語) 、 Azure Key Vault 統合 (英語) などの機能を基盤に開発されています。SQL Server 独自の機能は [Create Virtual Machine] ポータルに新設された...(read more)

[Compute] Windows Server 2016 攻略 (一) - 新世代虛擬化平台 Hyper-V


        微軟新世代 Windows Server 2016 雲端作業系統,在 2014 年 10 月 1 日時正式發佈第一版的「技術預覽(Technical Preview,TP1)」版本,接著在 2015 年 5 月發佈 TP2 技術預覽版本、2015 年 8 月發佈 TP3 技術預覽版本。最新版本,則是在 2015 年 11 月時所發佈的 TP4 技術預覽版本。

        在此要和各位分享的是 Windows Server 2016 攻略系列文章,分 Compute / Storage / Network 三大主題,其中 Compute 主題將由以下三篇文章涵蓋介紹:

  • 新世代虛擬化平台 Hyper-V (即本文)
  • 為雲端而生的極簡平台 Nano Server (預計 1/7 發佈)
  • 整合雲端元素的容錯移轉叢集 (預計 1/12 發佈)

        本文,將說明及實作在微軟新世代 Windows Server 2016 雲端作業系統當中,Hyper-V 虛擬化平台擁有哪些新的特色功能,包括:

新式 VM 虛擬主機設定檔格式

       在 Windows Server 2012 R2(Hyper-V 3.0)以及先前的版本當中,VM 虛擬主機的設定檔皆為「.xml」格式,並且可以採用文字編輯器進行檔案開啟及編輯內容等作業。

       現在,新版的 Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V 虛擬化平台上的 VM 虛擬主機,新式的 VM 虛擬主機設定檔格式「.VMCX 及 .VMRS」,可以有效提升 VM 虛擬主機的資料「讀取(Read) / 寫入(Write)」效率,並且當儲存資源無預警發生故障損壞事件時,也能降低 VM 虛擬主機資料損壞的風險。下列為這兩個新式設定檔格式的功能說明:

  • .VMCX: VM 虛擬主機組態設定檔,取代舊有的 .xml 檔案。

  • .VMRS: VM 虛擬主機運作狀態檔,取代舊有的 .bin .vsv 檔案。

       值得注意的是,不同於舊版的 Hyper-V 組態設定檔可以使用文字編輯器開啟檢視及編輯內容,新式的 VM 虛擬主機設定檔 .VMCX 及 .VMRS 採用「二進位(Binary)」檔案格式,因此無法使用文字編輯器檢視內容及進行編輯。

圖 1、VM 虛擬主機採用新式組態設定檔格式


       在新版 Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V 虛擬化平台上,也針對 VM 虛擬主機的「檢查點(Checkpoint)」舊稱為「快照(Snapshot)」機制進行加強。

       現在檢查點機制分為「生產檢查點(Production Checkpoints)」及「標準檢查點(Standard Checkpoints)」兩種類型,其中標準檢查點便是舊有的檢查點運作方式,也就是採用「儲存狀態(Saved State)」的機制,來為 VM 虛擬主機建立檢查點。

       新式的生產檢查點機制,將會針對運作 Windows 作業系統的 VM 虛擬主機,採用「磁碟區快照服務(Volume Snapshot Service,VSS)」的方式,來為 VM 虛擬主機建立檢查點。若是Linux 作業系統的 VM 虛擬主機,則會採用「更新檔案系統緩衝區(Flush File System Buffers)」的方式,為底層的檔案系統建立一致性的檢查點。

       預設情況下,新版的 VM 虛擬主機將會採用新式的生產檢查點機制,因為它更適合使用於線上營運環境的 VM 虛擬主機。

圖 2、選擇 VM 虛擬主機採用的檢查點機制


       在舊版 Windows Server 2012 R2 的 Hyper-V 虛擬化平台上,運作的 VM 虛擬主機在啟用「動態記憶體(Dynamic Memory)」機制之後,雖然可以在 VM 虛擬主機運作中線上調整虛擬記憶體的「下限(Minimum) / 上限(Maximum)」,但是並無法線上調整「啟動(Startup)」的記憶體空間。

       現在,在 Windows Server 2016 虛擬化平台上運作的 VM 虛擬主機,即使在沒有啟用動態記憶體機制的情況下,也可以在 VM 虛擬主機運作中線上調整啟動虛擬記憶體空間。

圖 3、新版的 VM 虛擬主機可線上調整記憶體空間


       過去,在 Windows Server 2012 R2 的 Hyper-V 虛擬化平台上,若 VM 虛擬主機需要「新增(Add) / 移除(Remove)」虛擬網路卡時,必須要將 VM 虛擬主機「關機(Shutdown)」才能進行新增移除作業。

       現在,當使用的是「第二世代」的 VM 虛擬主機格式時,不管 VM 虛擬主機採用的作業系統是 Windows 或 Linux,都隨時可以線上新增/移除虛擬網路卡,並且運作中的 Windows / Linux 作業系統也都可以線上感知新增或移除的虛擬網路卡。

圖 4、新版 VM 虛擬主機,可隨時線上新增或移除虛擬網路卡


       以往在 VM 虛擬主機的設定內容視窗中,當指定虛擬網路卡採用虛擬交換器後,會在虛擬網路卡下方顯示虛擬交換器以利識別。

       但是,當 VM 虛擬主機的虛擬網路卡數量一多時,雖然我們在 Guest OS 層級可以針對虛擬網路卡重新命名以利識別,不過在 VM 虛擬主機設定內容視窗中,每一片虛擬網路卡都只能顯示「網路介面卡」造成辨別上的困擾。

圖 5、可顯示虛擬交換器名稱,卻無法顯示虛擬網路卡名稱造成辨別上的困擾

       現在,新版的 Windows Server 2016 虛擬化平台,支援虛擬網路卡「裝置命名(Device Naming)」機制。你可以在 Hyper-V 主機端指定虛擬網路卡名稱,並在 VM 虛擬主機設定內容中,點選進階功能項目後勾選「啟用裝置命名」選項,那麼便可以將這個網路卡裝置名稱傳遞給 VM 虛擬主機當中 Guest OS 層級感知。

圖 6、管理人員可自行定義 VM 虛擬主機虛擬網路卡名稱

圖 7、Guest OS 層級也能正確感知虛擬網路卡名稱

以上是本期內容,敬請期待我們 Windows Server 系列的下一篇文章喔!

Výhodné akce na Microsoft certifikační zkoušky

Počítačová škola Gopas rozšířila kapacitu učeben pro testování v Praze i v Brně a pro IT profesionály připravila hned několik výhodných akcí pro získání Microsoft certifikační zkoušky zdarma . Akce jsou zaměřeny na jednotlivce i firmy. Těm, kteří se zajímají o nově uvolněnou certifikační zkoušku 070-697 Configuring Windows Devices, doporučujeme akci Buďte...(read more)

PowerPivot 2008 R2 and SharePoint 2010: We cannot locate a server to load the workbook Data Model


Problem: Customer was experiencing the error below when trying to view a PowerPivot workbook in their SharePoint site. This was only occurring in their production farm.

I also found this error in the logs:


  • verified they had the SQL Server analysis service instance enabled on the PowerPivot/SharePoint server (problem still occurred)
  • verified that their Excel Services account has the below permissions on the SQL Server Analysis Server (problem still occurred)


When running the following commands to see the build level of SSAS, we found the problem:
$server = "serverInstance\PowerPivot"
$aso = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
Write-Host "The SSAS server version is: "$aso.Version

We saw that the SSAS version is different in CERT and PROD and it is working in CERT not in PROD. The PowerPivot Add-in version is 11.1.3437 on the App servers in both CERT and PROD. Had to update SSAS on PROD to 11.0.3437

A Favorite PowerShell ISE Feature: Module Browser


Summary: Sean Kearney shows you how to access modules in the PowerShell Gallery.

Honorary Scripting Guy, Sean Kearney, is here today to introduce you to a feature you may not have heard of called the Module Browser for the PowerShell ISE.

  Note   This is Part 3 in a five-part series. Also see:

One of the newest things coming out of Microsoft is a central website called the PowerShell Gallery. This is a central repository of scripts that the community can use programmatically.

A perfect example of this in action is Desired State Configuration (DSC). The needed code for a particular resource may not be on a server. However, you can now pull these DSC resources directly from the PowerShell Gallery.

This allows administrators to simply define the resources they need, such as a DHCP resource, to be brought down as they need it. It also means if there have been improvements or bug fixes, these resources have the potential to receive them in a more automated fashion.

Administrators and power users who need modules for their day-to-day activities can use the Find-Module and Find-Package capabilities in Windows PowerShell 5.0 to consume these resources.

If you install the Module Browser for the PowerShell ISE, it will give you the ability to access and work with these modules directly in the PowerShell ISE. You can download this free add-on from the PowerShell Gallery: ISEModuleBrowserAddon 1.0.1.

Image of menu

After you download and install it, you’ll have a new module that you can import. With the PowerShell ISE in the Console view, run the following line:

Image of command

When it is complete, you will see that the Module Browser was added to the Add-on Tool menu. Initially, you may see a small message that says Initializing, with an Accept button. Click the Accept button to continue.

Image of menu

At this point, you are connected to the PowerShell Gallery. If you press ENTER in the search panel, it will do a generic wildcard search of the Gallery. The results will be in alphabetical order. In the following example, I used an asterisk ( * ) as a wildcard character, which produces the same result.

Image of menu

If you were to enter a word, such as Azure or DSC, it would search for all modules with those characters in the name.

When you click any module, you can choose Add to Favorites or Open to download and view it.

Image of menu

If you click Add to favorites, it will add this module to a built-in list of favorites for the Module Browser. This is not related to your Internet favorites list. If you click the Favorites tab, you will see the current list of favorites on your system:

Image of menu

If you’d like to obtain a module, click the name of the module, and then click Open.

Image of menu

Clicking Open provides details about the module, including the hyperlink to the module in the PowerShell Gallery, the name of the author, and a general description of its purpose.

Image of menu

Click Install to download and install the module for all users on the computer. It is stored in the common location for PowerShell modules (typically C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules).

After it is downloaded, you can access the module normally by using Import-Module. However, if you’d like to open this module for editing, you can click the Open button, which appears after the module is downloaded.

Image of menu

This provides a list of files that the module contains and allows you to directly open the folder. At this point, you can access, download, and consume or edit these modules within the PowerShell ISE.

Pop by for a visit tomorrow when I’ll take a look at another cool feature that IT pros will enjoy using in the PowerShell ISE: Snippets.

I invite you to follow the Scripting Guys on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to them at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, always remember that with great PowerShell comes great responsibility.

Sean Kearney, Honorary Scripting Guy, Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP

管理者によるプレビュー版 Office 365 Planner への対応準備


(この記事は 2015 年 12 月 14 日に Office Blogs に投稿された記事 Admins—get ready for Office 365 Planner preview!の翻訳です。最新情報については、翻訳元の記事をご参照ください。)


マイクロソフトは先日、Office 365 Planner を発表しました。Office 365 Planner は、シンプルかつ視覚的な方法でチームの作業を整理できる Office 365 の新機能です。Planner を使用すると、計画の作成、作業の整理と割り当て、ファイルの共有、進行中の作業に関するチャット、進捗状況の確認などをチームで簡単に行うことができます。

このたび、Office 365 先行リリースに参加されているお客様を対象として、プレビュー版 Planner のロールアウトを開始しました。お客様のテナントでプレビュー版をご利用いただけるようになった時点で、Office 365 管理者の皆様にプレビュー版のセットアップ手順が記載されたメールが送信されます。管理者の皆様が必要な操作を完了すると、ユーザーは Office 365 アプリ起動ツールから Planner を起動して利用を開始できるようになります。

プレビューに参加される場合は、今後の Planner の開発にご協力いただければ幸いです。ぜひご意見やご感想を UserVoice (英語)までお寄せください。引き続き Planner の機能強化に役立ててまいります。

—Office 365 Planner チーム



Q. プレビュー版Planner を利用できる Office 365 プランを教えてください。

A.プレビュー版 Planner は、Office 365 Enterprise E1、Office 365 Enterprise E3、Office 365 Enterprise E4、Office 365 Enterprise E5、Office 365 Education、Office 365 Education E3、Office 365 Education E4、Office 365 Business Essentials、Office 365 Business Premium の各プランをご利用の先行リリースに参加されているお客様に提供されます。

Q. 現在のOffice 365 テナントではいつからPlannerを利用できるようになりますか。

A. 現在、Office 365 先行リリースに参加されているお客様を対象として、プレビュー版 Planner のロールアウトが開始されています。該当するテナントでは、IT 管理者の皆様がプレビュー版をセットアップするための簡単な手順を実行する必要があります。全世界の先行リリースに参加されているお客様へのプレビュー版のロールアウトは、数週間以内に完了する見込みです。また、2016 年には、対象となる企業向けおよび教育機関向けの Office 365 をご利用のお客様への Planner の一般提供開始を予定しています。

Q. Planner Office 365 グループと統合されますか。

A. Office 365 グループは、ユーザーが公開グループまたは非公開グループを簡単に作成できる基本的なサービスです。Planner で計画を新規作成するたびに、新しい Office 365 グループが自動的に作成されます。また、既存のすべての Office 365 グループには計画が関連付けられます。

Q. プレビュー版 Planner は、先行リリースプログラムの [Entire organization] オプションと [Select people] オプションのどちらを選択した場合でも利用できますか。

A.現時点では、プレビュー版 Planner は先行リリース プログラムの [Entire organization] オプションを選択した場合にのみご利用いただけます。先行リリース プログラムの [Select people] オプションを選択されたお客様へのサポートについては現在検討中です。


※ 本情報の内容(添付文書、リンク先などを含む)は、作成日時点でのものであり、予告なく変更される場合があります。

Cloud trends in 2016


Vadym Fedorov is a Solutions Architect at SoftServe, a leading global software application development and consulting company, and a regular blogger on theSoftServe United blog.Vadym has 12 years experience in enterprise application development, as well as 2 years’ experience in Cloud and operations optimization.

Playing a role of innovations accelerator, cloud computing will remain in trend opening doors to new technologies and startups in 2016. At the same time, cloud computing will hold the fort as a proven tool which helps long-established businesses optimise costs for their IT infrastructure.

Flashback to cloud of 2015

Looking back at the 2015 cloud predictions, DevOps, application containerisation, and real-time processing of Big Data streams were singled out as the major cloud hype of today. Now it's time to run over the passing year again and check how topical these predictions were:


Yes, DevOps is still newsworthy. If in the beginning DevOps was a blurry buzzword making companies feel lost while adopting it as the best practice, now there is a considerable growth of investment into the DevOps initiatives within enterprises. Not to be bear-worded, let the numbers speak for themselves: estimated 35% of the UK companies allocate DevOps budget of £1 million – and far greater expectations are ahead.

Real-Time Processing of Big Data Streams

Now, real-time processing of Big Data streams is a commonly used technology that facilitates a range of other technologies, from the Internet of Things and machine learning, to smart advisors and connected cars. However, what is losing its hype is Big Data: according to the recent Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2015 report, the term Big Data is fading away and swapping places with just data. Big things don’t last forever, you know.

Application Containerisation

This trend also remains in power. In particular, the Docker container is revolutionising the way applications are managed and infrastructure is designed. In 2015, most of the major cloud providers released services that enable container deployment and management, which serves as proof of their demand. A striking number of press releases informing us about new container services proves once again that migration to the container micro services architecture is a real thing, and it is worth considering containers as a part of your company’s strategy.


Upcoming cloud trends in 2016

Ubiquity of the micro services architecture, and the growing popularity of containers, actually set cloud’s direction in 2016 and marks off the following three major trends:

Hybrid Cloud

Following the already mentioned Gartner report, hybrid cloud will prove to be a perfect mix of private and public clouds, and will be finally replaced by a more generic “cloud”. With a vast range of new technological trends appearing on the market, it is crucial that you are ready to cope with the hybrid cloud strategy. It is a challenging, but manageable task opening new opportunities for any business to stay successful.

Cloud Optimised Application Design

With big power comes big responsibility, so the expected cloud trends pose a new challenge when it comes to developing applications: now software development processes need to be adapted to the cloud infrastructure. A cloud infrastructure in general resembles the on-premises one; however it requires changes in the applications in order to make them reliable and workable in conditions with varying latency and elastic environment.

Cloud Security and Security in the Cloud

Cloud deployment and integrations between multiple service providers always raise questions regarding security. According to the LinkedIn Report on 2015 Cloud Security Survey, 90% of the surveyed companies experience security concerns with hybrid cloud being one of the main drivers initiating this trend. With the existing security threats (in particular, unauthorized access, hijacking, and malicious insiders) and numerous breaches, cloud security and awareness about it will be a very hot trend.


To draw a line, 2016 could be named a year of the hybrid cloud where DevOps, containers, cloud optimised design, and security should become harmonized components of a single strategy.

日本 Java ユーザーグループ会長 鈴木 雄介氏に聞く! IT アーキテクトの視点から見たシステム設計の考え方

皆様、新年あけましておめでとうございます。 本年も IT 技術者の皆様に価値ある情報を提供してまいりますので、変わらぬご愛顧のほど、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。 さて早速ですが、新年、まずはこのような動画はいかがでしょうか。 日本 Java ユーザーグループ会長を務め、IT アーキテクトとして著名な鈴木 雄介氏をお招きし、IT アーキテクトの視点から見たシステム設計の考え方から、マイクロサービスや DevOps に対する取り組み方の本質、さらにはエンジニアとして重要に考えるべきこと、若いエンジニアに取り組んで欲しいことなど、 さまざまな事を聞いてみました。IT 業界の "今" が見えてきます。 詳細はこちら...(read more)

Join us January 30th for Hack the Classroom, a digital event


On January 30th, Microsoft is bringing together inspiring “education hackers” to help put a spark in your classroom. Microsoft’s Hack the Classroom is a free, digital event for educators and school leaders designed to provide insights into the latest trends in education so you can make your teaching more creative and compelling.

...(read more)

Por qué los gobiernos han comenzado a adoptar Windows 10

Las reseñas han llegado. El año pasado, desde el lanzamiento de Windows 10, miembros de los medios han publicado sus textos y el veredicto es que el nuevo sistema operativo de Microsoft tiene mucho que ofrecer a las agencias de gobierno. Seguridad y movilidad mejoradas. Aumento en la productividad. Mejor facilidad de uso. Son sólo algunos de los beneficios que Windows 10 ofrece, de acuerdo con las reseñas de los medios. Y con muchos trabajadores de gobierno que todavía...(read more)

Navigating the Windows 10 Servicing Options



One of the biggest changes you are likely already seeing with Windows 10 is something we call the Windows 10 Servicing Options. These are the good kinds of rings (e.g. onion, Saturn, wedding), not the kind forged in the bowels of some evil mountain. I’m talking about the Windows Servicing Options.

Looking ahead, at any given time there are going to be multiple branches of the Windows code in the market, and you’ll even have multiple branches deployed within your organization. This will become normal (and not at all as complex as it may at first sound), but understanding what each branch does is very important. The authoritative source for definitions and details of the various Windows 10 servicing options can be found here. I recommend that you become super familiar with this blog and refer to it as you make decisions on which Windows branch to use in each scenario within your organization.

In this post, I’ll touch on the definitions of the servicing options and share some insight on how the individuals and devices in your organization can participate in all of the rings – as well as how you can manage all the servicing options via SCCM and EMS.

As we’ve worked on Windows 10 to define the overall strategy for how Windows will be delivered as a service, servicing the multiple servicing options is something we have spent a lot of time discussing. We understand that the majority of Enterprise organizations are going to use ConfigMgr and EMS to manage Windows 10 devices, and we have significantly enhanced the capabilities of ConfigMgr to help you manage and report across the servicing options.

What are the Servicing Options and Why?

Let me start with the why.

I regularly get asked for advice on how to best keep Windows devices secure, reliable, and compatible. At Microsoft we have a pretty strong point-of-view on this: Your devices will be more secure, more reliable, and more compatible if you are keeping up with the updates we regularly release.

Most people I talk with generally agree with that point-of-view, but they still have concerns about whether or not their devices can handle all the updates without first rigorously verifying that the updates won’t break something. That process can, obviously, consume a ton of time. Some examples of devices in this type of scenario are PC’s that operate in truly mission-critical roles (e.g. operating and assembly line or in an operating room). These mission-critical use cases are very different from the typical Information Worker scenarios where the devices get used for a lot of different activities and can therefore be more flexible.

In our mobile-first, cloud-first world, Information Workers expect (and, you could argue, insist) on having new value and new capabilities constantly flowing to them. Most of these workers have smart phones and regularly accept the updates to their apps from the various app stores. The iOS and Android ecosystems also release updates to the OS on a regular cadence.

With this in mind, making updates isn’t abnormal, and we are committed to continuously rolling out new capabilities to users around the globe – but we also understand that there are use cases where this simply doesn’t make sense. Windows is unique in that it is used in an incredibly broad set of scenarios – from a simple phone to some of the most complex and mission critical use scenarios in factories and hospitals. One size (and one servicing model) does not fit all of these scenarios.

To strike a balance between the needed updates for such a wide range of device types, there are four servicing options you will want to deeply understand.

  • Windows Insider Program
  • Current Branch (CB)
  • Current Branch for Business (CBB)
  • Long-Term Servicing Branch (LTSB)

Windows Insider Program

The Windows Insider program is where individuals who want to see the new innovations coming out as early as possible can sign up and receive regular updates – essentially directly from the Windows engineering team. Having millions of devices participating in this program and getting regular updates has been a wonderful part of building Windows 10. As soon as we think the new capabilities/features are ready to put in the hands of customer, we release it to the Insiders.

I am sure many (if not all of you) have said sometime in your career that you wished you had an early/inside view of the capabilities that would be coming out in the next version of Windows so that you could start preparing for them – this is exactly what the Insider program does for you. Insiders can see, months in advance, the capabilities being developed.

At any given time, we expect there to >10M devices participating in Windows Insider Program. This gives us early feedback on functionality as well as any compatibility issues that may surface.

Current Branch (CB)

As scenarios mature, and as our confidence in the capabilities/compatibility meet a specific bar, we move code to the Current Branch. The Current Branch is what we will be distributing through Windows Update to the 100’s of millions of consumer devices around the globe.

On a regular basis, consumers around the globe will have new functionality as well as core fixes in stability, reliability, and compatibility distributed out through the Windows Update solution that we all know so well.

Today, Windows Update services/updates close to 1 billion PCs each month. It is one of the most amazing services I have ever worked on. You will definitely have users/devices on this branch – it will be the most common branch you will see on BYO devices.

Windows devices being serviced from the Current Branch will be referred to as “serviced from CBs.”

Current Branch for Business (CBB)

This is the branch where many/most of your Information Worker’s CYO devices will ultimately end up. There will be 100s of millions of devices running code in the CB before we classify the capabilities as ready for Current Branch for Business.

Consider this for a minute: 100’s of millions of devices will have been running the code that is in CBB for a few months and, through the telemetry coming in from CB, we will be able to see any issues and address them prior to the code moving into CBB. This is a huge benefit to every organization using this branch: All the telemetry coming in gives us a view of the reliability/stability of the new features, and this means IT can have confidence that what they’re deploying is stable and ready for use. Additionally, end-Users get a constant stream of new features – so it’s a win-win!

Windows devices being serviced from the Current Branch for Business will be referred to as “serviced from CBB’s.”

Long-Term Servicing Branch (LTSB)

For the mission-critical scenarios in which Windows devices will be used, we will release what we call Long-Term Servicing branches at the appropriate time intervals. Devices on these branches will receive the level of enterprise support expected for the mission critical systems and it will keep those systems more secure with the latest security and critical updates, while minimizing change by not delivering new features for the duration of mainstream or extended support.

Bringing it All Together

With this approach, you can enable innovations to roll out to your users and their devices at different speeds. It provides you with a tremendous amount of flexibility.

Now what you need is a way to see all of this in one view and get that all-up perspective. That is what ConfigMgr provides. In ConfigMgr we have delivered a dashboard (see below) and the ability to see an all-up status in one place. I know that many of you already use the ConfigMgr reports as a part of your security and compliance efforts – but now I believe it’s important for you to have that same kind of report across these servicing options. With ConfigMgr you can now aggregate all of this together.

Here is are some screen shots of what is coming:


In terms of suggestions/guidance, this is where I think many of you will want to go:

  • Windows Insiders Program
    Take a few of your organization’s technology enthusiasts and have their primary device participate in the Insiders Program. This could be your architects, or it could be individuals in IT who have been the most active participants over the years in the TAP and beta programs. You want to have some of your thought leaders getting that super early view of what is coming. This will also give you the opportunity to have some of your apps in very early compatibility testing as these users do their daily work.
  • Current Branch
    If you are enabling BYO, the majority of your users’ BYO devices are going to be on this branch. If you are not enabling BYO, you will want to identify a set of users who like being the first to use something new and then have them on this branch. You could take an approach where you have a handful of users from each of the major departments (engineering, sales, marketing, etc.) on the consumer branch to test its widespread applicability. If you do this, you are going to have a set of users/devices validating that the core apps work (a form of real-world compatibility testing) across all the departments.
  • Current Branch for Business
    This is where the majority of your Information Workers devices will reside. I expect that they will love the continuous flow of new capabilities. The fact that you have had individuals participating in the Insider Program and Consumer Branch will provide a level of confidence for compatibility and stability before you roll these updates out to any user.
  • Long Term Servicing Branch
    Identify the devices that are mission critical or have more strict regulations around change (a stock traders desktop, a PC being used in pharmaceutical trials, etc.) and group those devices here.

ConfigMgr is going to enable you to have the dashboard to approve and monitor what is happening across the servicing options. A big part of what is enabling this the additional business capabilities we are building into Windows Update, e.g. we announced Windows Update for Business in May 2015.

I have been leading the ConfigMgr team since 2003, and my philosophy (and the view of Microsoft) is that we want to deliver increasingly rich capabilities in our platforms and then provide more granular and detailed management capabilities through solutions like ConfigMgr and EMS. This is exactly the case with Windows Update for Business. The Windows Update for Business capabilities will be integrated into ConfigMgr just like WSUS has been integrated into ConfigMgr. As you read about Windows Update for Business capabilities, they will be exposed through ConfigMgr.

ConfigMgr will continue to be that single pane of glass for all your updates – both Microsoft updates and our partners’ updates.

Windows 10 brings an incredible amount of flexibility to how you want to flow innovation out to your users and devices. I believe we have tackled this in the right way. We are hoping you will enable the updates to flow to your devices as quickly as possible, and we believe that, as you do this, your devices will be performant, secure, reliable, and compatible.

This is how we see working together moving forward: We are updating the tools you use today to enable this flexibility with the skills and knowledge you already have.



The Profit Opportunity Behind 200 Million Windows 10 Devices


 Recently we just made an exciting and humbling announcement that there are over 200 million devices running Windows 10.  You can read the full article here:

Windows 10 Now Active on over 200 Million Devices 

Some highlights from the above article:

  • And Windows 10 adoption is accelerating, with more than 40% of new Windows 10 devices becoming active since Black Friday.
  • In fact, Windows 10 continues to be on the fastest growth trajectory of any version of Windows – ever – outpacing Windows 7 by nearly 140% and Windows 8 by nearly 400%.
  • We’re seeing increased preference for Windows 10 with consumers. Since Black Friday, US retail PC share* for Windows 10 grew 16 points to 62% compared to the prior four weeks.  Windows 10 mix of PCs rose to 87% from 58% prior to the holiday.
  • We are also seeing accelerating and unprecedented demand for Windows 10 among enterprise and education customers. As of today, more than 76% of our enterprise customers are in active pilots of Windows 10, and we now have over 22 million devices running Windows 10 across enterprise and education customers

You may be asking what is the opportunity behind free Windows 10.  There are plenty of opportunities for you and your customers:

  • Assess Customer Devices
  • Replace/Refresh Old Devices
  • Add Companion Devices
  • Attach Accessories and Peripherals to Enable New Features
  • Up-Sell/Cross-Sell
  • Office 365
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Add Services
  • Project Services (Assessment, Upgrade, Testing & Deployment)
  • We just changed the activation methods to make it easier to upgrade your customers, you can read about them here:  Activation in Windows 10
  • Managed Services
  • IP Services

As you can see there are lot of opportunities around Windows 10 that is being given a way for free, check out even more revenue opportunities we talked about previously here:  Windows 10: The Partner Opportunity


Matt Hester
Sr. Partner Technology Strategist

Partner Training and Readiness Spotlight


Happy New Year!  Let me begin by introducing myself.  I am on the Partner Business & Development team here at Microsoft Canada leading our partner training and enablement program.  My primary focus is to ensure you, our partners, receive the appropriate training resources to keep your skills current, enhance your organizational capability and ultimately, maximize and accelerate your success!  I am reminded of some words from Satya Nadella “Be passionate and bold.  Always keep learning. You stop doing useful things if you don’t learn.” 

With that in mind, on a monthly basis, I will use this forum to share the latest in training events, resources and field any questions you may have regarding your ongoing learning. 

As an example, I wanted to highlight a few key training events we have coming up in the next few weeks and months as well as share key announcements and offers:

ModernBiz Technical Series

The ModernBiz Technical Series is back!  We had fantastic momentum with our SMB partners last year with this series and have updated content to share across several scenarios.  This year we are offering sessions across 5 different scenarios including:

  • Grow Efficiently: Learn how to build your Azure infrastructure and build hybrid solutions. Topics include an Azure overview, virtual networking, Azure virtual machines, workloads and Azure identity management.
  • Safeguard Your Business: In this track, learn how to use the latest Microsoft technologies to deliver solutions that help SMBs protect company information and improve business continuity. Modules in this track include Azure Backup and ASR, Securing Windows 10, Data Loss Prevention in Office 365, eDiscovery and Archiving in Office 365, and Office 365 and Azure AD Premium RMS.
  • Connect with Customers: Training modules split over two days, cover Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online as well as Office 365 collaborative services.  Track 1 (Toronto only) is devoted to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, including Introduction to CRM Online, CRM Online Integration with Office 365, and CRM Online Integration with Power BI.  Track 2 teaches how to implement Office 365 collaborative services and business intelligence to solve business problems. Example modules include Modern Collaboration, SQL Server 2014 Data Platform, Azure Relational Database Services, Creating and Exploring a Power BI Dashboard, and Reporting from On-premises Analysis Services with Power BI.
  • Business Anywhere: Here, you’ll learn how to enable SMBs to work from anywhere on any device. Topics include Windows 10 Management (with IE 11 and Edge); Mobile Device and Identity Management with Intune, EMS, and Office 365; Remote Desktop Service and Azure Remote App; Deploying Office 365 ProPlus; Skype for Business Conferencing; and Securing Windows 10.

Pick and choose the days you want to attend based on the scenarios most relevant to you.  Register today as seats are limited!

E5 Drumbeat

The Office 365 Enterprise E5 Suite is here!  E5 is the most comprehensive set of productivity, collaboration, voice and meetings, analytics, security, and compliance capabilities of any Office 365 to date.  To help you grow your O365 practice, we have the Drumbeat Roadshow for O365 E5 coming to Toronto on Feb 4th.  Click here for more details and register today!

Partner University is Live!

Just recently, the Microsoft Partner Network recently launched Partner University, the new and improved training portal.  I am rather excited for the launch of Partner University, as it has replaced the old and rather tired Partner Learning Center (PLC).  It is important to understand that Partner University is a new Learning Management System, waiting for you to log in for the first time and create your profile. Once you’ve logged in successfully, your credentials will be recorded and the system will recognize you upon return visits.  Click here to begin your Partner University log-in, with step-by-step instructions to guide you available here.

Special Offer

I am pleased to announce that we have exam vouchers for those partners looking to write their cloud exams.  If you are a partner looking to write an exam that is aligned to any of the cloud competencies regardless if competency attainment is a goal, please contact partner@microsoft.com for your free exam voucher as quantities are limited!  Limit 2 per partner.

The exams associated to the following cloud competencies qualify for a free voucher.

Training News and Resources

In addition to this monthly blog, please leverage the Learning and Training page on the Canadian Partner News Board for the latest in person and online training events across Business, Sales and Technical.

Let’s Connect!

I am always happy to field questions or feedback.  Please feel free to contact us at partner@microsoft.com with your training related inquiries.


Lily Pirker

Creating Your Own SSO Application with Azure Active Directory


As I’m writing this, there are over 2,500 pre-federated application available in the Azure AD Gallery.  But, what if yours isn’t in there?  No sweat.

Log into your Azure subscription and navigate to Azure Active Directory.  From there add an application.  You’ll want to choose the middle option to create one from the gallery.


You have the ability to search through the gallery for applications or if you know it’s not in there – just choose the ‘custom’ option as highlighted and enter the name that you want to appear in the https://myapps.microsoft.com portal for your users.


Once added choose the “configure SSO” option.


In our case the application just requires a username and a password so we’ll choose the “password SSO” option.  In our example we are going to pre-populate the credential so that all users would use the same login to sign in.  You of course have the option to allow the users to self-service that credential as well.


The next step is to provide the URL to the sign-in page.


Now AAD will want to ‘capture’ the login fields for us.  Click the “click to sign-in” link and it will open the web page where you will then place your cursor into the username field and enter a credential.  Your credential is not store here – AAD is just using it to verify the appropriate fields.


Click on the username field and enter a credential.  Same for the password then login.


AAD will ask you to save the login details.


Now you’re back in the Azure portal where you will click the ‘sign-in succeeded’ check box and continue on.


On the next page you have the option to view the fields that were captured.


Now you’ll want to assign users access to the application in Azure AD.  Pretty straightforward here.  As I mentioned in my scenario I’m going to pre-populate a credential that all users will use when the access the application.


Now when my users accesses the MyApps portal (https://myapps.microsoft.com) they’ll see the custom application available to them.  When they click on it, they will be signed in using the credential the Azure administrator defined in the previous step.


Voila!  Success!


A few advanced options that are available…if you go into the ‘configure’ tab…


You can do things like:

  • Add a custom logo
  • Configure MFA on a per-application basis
  • Allow your users to self-service their own access to your custom application
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